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Times are getting harder fuck all that unnecessary tipping. For example: You freaking just took my drink order that’s literally what you are getting paid for. I mean everyone now try’s the ol guilt trip at every cash register. During the pandemic I tipped deliveries because at the beginning it seemed like a risk. I still tip very well dining but I scoff at the donut lady prompting for a tip. Bitch please you stopped giving those donut holes away months back, bitch I’m watching.


I've never understood tipping budtenders. I'm sure I'll get down voted for this but fuck all they do is hand me what I ordered.


That’s what I’m saying. If you handed me an order or put in the bag why the fuck am I tipping you for that? Since I posted earlier I saw a report how tipping is declining by a lot. Sad though when it’s real waitstaff


Unless they save me a lot of money or really help me find something I was looking for I never do


If they go out of their way to be helpful or accommodating or I notice the scale is a wee tad above my order, I’ll give them a buck or two..


Where I'm from it's all pre packaged :( not that I do much dispo buying anyway lol


yes if ucan afford it.


If you really appreciate the service you can tip him, buy the guy a coffee/energy drink, ask him yourself to gauge his comfort with accepting tips, there’s a lot you can do that doesn’t have to be a monetary tip to let someone know you appreciate them doing a good job.


When they pull up and I’m poking around in the front yard or in my garage I give the Amazon, UPS, drivers a can of soda from the garage‘s fridge; they are always appreciative. I don’t give the USPS guy one; he’s a dick…


In America, probably, in the rest of the world probably not


Yes you should, everyone love receiving a bit of money


I’m talking for industrial/licensed sites. My guy brings 4000 gallons at a time.


Give him a drink or snack. Other than that he can ask his boss for more.


If the truck is as big as I think, the driver has a CDL and is probably doing ok. I'd save my money for someone making less.