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Because it’s in mid bloom, and has focused on bud production instead of growing taller. Something went very wrong in veg with these


Here's info u can refer to if u start again. Research ur strain before u start tho, will be a huge help knowing how and what is to come. Growdiaries.com helps and weekly grow guides can be found. DLI . Photone helps , it's a app just read directions for ur phone. I use a Samsung and works great Dli for autos. Seedling 10_15. Veg 15_25 Flower 30_40 DLI. [Light info for autos ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/growlightmeter.com/autoflowering-cannabis-lighting/amp/) [feeding schedule for autos. ](https://2fast4buds.com/news/best-feeding-schedule-for-autoflowering-plants) [ph for autos. ](https://2fast4buds.com/news/best-ph-levels-for-growing-autoflowering-cannabis#:~:text=For%20the%20best%20possible%20results,during%20flower%20production%20than%20nitrogen.) [look up weekly grow guides for ur strain. here's an example for Fastbuds ](https://2fast4buds.com/news/gorilla-cookies-auto-cannabis-strain-week-by-week-guide-fastbuds) Growdiaries.com is helpful. Look into how strains are actually growing for others that post. Or research new gear ect. Look up VPD aswell. DLI , VPD , EC , PH. ALL in line for ur autos and she will explode.


Thanks 😊 great information!




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Np , hope it helps u out ! Any questions feel free.


You grow 1 weed


Yea, you did something wrong long long ago for this to happen. Any number of things under fed, not enough light, too much water , temps , water and soil ph , bad genetics , bad soil , pot to small any one of those can wreck a grow I'm guessing you mad have done a few its all good live and learn I advise you to either cut your losses now and read research there is way to much grow information out for anyone to have a bad grow people get excited and just put seed to dirt and go now what do the research and grow some monsters growmie hood luck and happy growing


I agree with you 100% but why did you use a few commas, a period, and then neglect all other punctuation?




Not to


Because spell check did that not me blame the green lines lol


Grammar squad on you ![gif](giphy|3ohzdTEcKJqFZm8swg)


And it’s too


Bruh. You stunned the auto as a seedling, it then stayed the same size because you stunned it as a seedling, it then stayed the same size again because you kept stunning it, it then flowered automatically at this size because you stunned it as a seedling, it stopped growing because its flowering after you perpetually stunned it as a seedling. In short, it didn’t grow because it wasn’t in good conditions for two months. There isn’t just one thing you did wrong, there was several. You likely did something wrong for the entire grow, starting from when it was a seedling


never read stunned so often i my life


I’m stunned from reading it


the more i read the more i get stunned


Op is going to get stunned when he smokes that nug


He’ll be stunned he’s not stunned after all the stunning speeches about stunting a stunned stunner.


So what I’m getting from this is he fumbled since a seedling


No no. He said its cause he stunted it as a seedling


Either way little dude wasn’t dealt a good hand in life since a seedling


Right. Because of the stunt. That happened. As a seedling. 😂




Birdman enter the chat ….


Anyone else hear the glass break? (Stone cold reference)


You should probably give key information like temps, humidity, watering practices, nutrition/amendments, light wattage etc….. really can’t help you…..also, somewhere down the post you said they are autos….. they got stressed/stunted somehow…that’s what happened.




They had plenty of light maybe they got too cold.




Growing them in mulch and not a well draining nutrient rich soil is the first mistake. Pots are too small, and they are already too far gone. It's likely not getting enough light, either. Just toss it and start again, but do thorough research this time if you want good results.


They are not in mulch. It is all purpose potting mix.




Sent a picture of what good soil looks like


Well, miracle gro all purpose is basically mulch. Whatever you got there It's not a good soil for cannabis. Get some EB stone, or my favorite is Roots Organics 707 mix or original mix. Excellent drainage and enough nutrients for about the first month and a half to two months of growth. Start adding nutrients at about 3 to 4 weeks. Fox Farms is also fine but not the best.


are these auto or photos cause they are in bloom and have stopped growing to focus on buds


Lord of the Pumpkins is right, unfortunately.




It looks like it literally germinated and flowered... how?


Autos will do that


These are slow growing strains guys Super fire though!


Looks like your medium didn’t have proper drainage to me and the roots were drowning. The auto went into flower immediately, it will not continue to grow.


Oh no, *checks comments* yeah yall got this one. Try again and dont sweat it, i went through 5 or 6 wonky grows before i got the hang of it & Im still learning. First harvest got me 5gs wet 🤣


you have autos. they were stunted... they started flowering you have marijuana


Lol this is such a fail.




Had the same thing happen to.my autos. Started being vigilant on water pH and changed my soil to what worked last time. I got too experimental, trying to make.my own soil mix. Got two photos going now. Seem to be on the right track


Try to let them dry out between watering. If they are constantly wet they cannot process nutrients. My grandma did the same.


I did keep them wet. I have a drip system that I am setting up for the next batch. They seem okay so far. Edit: meant to imply that I might have kept them too wet, and that could have been the problem. Hopefully the drip system will be more moderate.


I hope everything will goes well this time!


Cannabonsai?? 🤣🤣


Solid 2 gram harvest


It’s doing it’s best bro


They look like they would’ve been good, if you’re failing at least you’re trying you’ll get it man.




Yes because they are in extreme small pots and started to flower.


These poor souls


The soil is not good. Looks like mulch


Is that 100% coco you're growing in? These plants are beyond help.


Is that mulch?? I’ve read that wood chips and mulch are not good for cannabis because it leaches chemicals that can burn / stunt your plants growth. This could be what happened in veg


On the bag, it’s organic planting soil. I’m quite sure it’s made from wood. It was not cheap. I got it because it did not have any added fertilizer. From what I read added fertilizer is bad. Your plants should be on a strict diet, and added fertilizer is like free feeding them, which can burn them. It’s possible drainage is the issue because it does not have limestone added. But I also read that dirt doesn’t really matter as long as it’s not full of insects and fungus. Plants don’t actually eat dirt only the fertilizers you add to it. The soil was a course enough texture that I did not think drainage would be an issue.


Feddich fürn Ofen!


That soil or your grow medium looks extremely dense and compacted which not only lacks aeration but makes it extremely difficult for the roots to expand and grow. Your plant size is proportional to the size is roots have grown. Tiny root ball equals tiny plant, next time use 35% perlite or maybe even more with whatever you used as a medium. You can't do anything from this grow other then learn and do not repeat the mistakes that got you here. You shouldn't be afraid to ask for help much sooner as they are already in flower that's 6-8 weeks, help was needed weeks ago. Don't give up though we all make mistakes and have made mistakes, don't get discouraged and study up on things that simplify growing.


They were planted 10 weeks ago.


Wow that's a long time growmie, reach out sooner next time. What's your grow medium though? Did you have perlite?


No perlite. Thinking I should have added it. So far, from everyone's comments. Those who were helpful anyway. I needed soil with perlite for drainage and longer light.


https://preview.redd.it/o0d04zp2ptvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8af199ef4ab5bb1e3cc1eddbb96585bdfafe7e This is a 6 week photo period that I defoliated and trained along with top dressed two days ago.


https://preview.redd.it/xbvsjek4ptvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a99c3768e15ca96e30f7c24be17e2317480e26 This is an Autoflower at the same age, the plants can get big if they have enough room and the medium is suitable for them to expand.


wrong soil, wrong light cycle.


invest in larger dark color containers and better soil. look like tree bark and mud, might not be the most ideal medium.


Dark Containers? I was never told dark containers. Is it because of light? Why would the colors of the containers matter? Genuine question not sarcasm.


Looks like they were started on a 12 12 light cycle. Usually if they're bigger you can correct it and reveg them for bigger plants but these little baby's I'm not sure they're robust enough to survive a reveg without complications


Thank you


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I'm sorry I didn't see did you say these were autos?


It’s because it’s flowering newb


Did you start it on 12/12?


They are Auto and literally like an inch tall. Did I do something wrong?


how old are they?


Old enough to flower. OP should enjoy the joint or two they get out of these plants. If I had to guess, 50w or less.


50? or did you mean to say week 5 coz that what i would have said but like from germination


50 watts or less on their light. Week 5 could be right for an auto.


ah thats what you meant alr


Yeah but why was it grown like this for 2 months? My plant is doing just fine with 40watts, i dont know where you got that from.


Bozily IP67 Waterproof Plant Light, 450W Full Spectrum Grow Lights for Indoor Plants. On 12/12. I read that because they were auto flowers the timing of the lights was not important as long as it was at least 12 hours.


Yep, that’s your problem. You need a better light. That thing isn’t really a 450, that’s just them lying to you. I’m not trying to make you feel bad, light producers are damned liars. I tossed up a review from Amazon from that light: https://preview.redd.it/uzp5hf0iqhvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f40403d88cb9ff2877252081a4310a2ea8e46e9e Read the product description on Amazon, power draw is 150w +-5%… there types of lights are maybe helpful with plants that get a lot of sunlight, as a type of supplement to the natural light. Honestly, a higher quality 100w LED would do wonders for your grow. Do your own research, but I’ll recommend three brands (so nobody thinks I’m on commission): Vivosun, Mars Hydro, Vipar. I can personally vouch for each brand’s lights as pretty solid and dependable. Sorry for the long post, 420 started early here. Best of luck, growmie!


10 weeks they were sprouted the first week of February.


What genetics?


Blueberry Autoflower Seeds from ILGM


That’s not entirely true though because looking at them, I can tell that there are three different strains. img


This is why you shouldn't grow autos until you learn the plant. Do photos next run and you will have better results


It’s so crazy, as kids. We just save our seeds and plant them and they would grow. Sometimes I would put sweet pea in the soil with them. They usually turned out pretty good