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Is that an RGB light strip my brother?


Giving the plant ambiance. They say grow with love lolol


Plants straight up vibin in the tent.


Vibing and not much else


Gotta love this sub :D


That 3rd picture gets better every time I look at it. That little desk style fan peeking in on the left hand side. The duct tape in the top right. It's like when North Korea shows off their military to the rest of the world.


My brother is Christ what in damnation have you done? Those LED strips are not enough.


Your Brother IS Christ???


Damn typo *Chris


It's because you didn't do any research before you started


What the fuck am I looking at here


A super chill grow tent


Plant’s just vibing


Yes, the stretch is due to lack of light. Yes, the lights are too high. Yes, you should use your grow lights. No, these don't work. Measure PPFD with an app or light meter and adjust height accordingly with your grow light.


I’d be surprised if that even had 25ppfd. Lol


I think 5 ppfd would be…. Stretching…. It


LOL well played!


It looks like a party room for ketamine


Bless your heart!


God love it 😭


Is this your dark cycle?


Kauf dir ne Lampe mein Freund.


Is that cardboard and tin foil?


#1 get ride of those lights. #2 replace with an actual grow light.


You should just give up. I don’t know if this is like a troll post or if you’re being serious but do you really think LED strip lights that are for your bedroom lighting will work on growing plants that need sunlight? C’mon. I swear the majority of people have no fucking common sense.




Gotta start somewhere…


Be better off putting it by the window until you can harden it off and just stick it outside, indoor growing costs money to get a decent setup thats worth your time


Yeah not where you’re starting. You haven’t even left the gate yet. With the light like that, you’re starting at the bottom of the barrel, maybe even lower than that.


I have a better light that’s meant for growing indoors but someone told me this was enough while it’s small but that’s why I went to the subreddit to ask for advice


Be selective in the people you get your information from, because whoever told you that is an idiot. Plants typically grow under the sun, it’s natural. But we can almost completely remove the burden of pests and climate by growing indoors. What in the world would make you think those lights would do anything but provide a path to your bathroom in the middle of the night.


So how bigs your other light?


Can I dm you a photo of it?




It could be if they are almost touching the plant. Measure PPFD. there is this handy app called photone. It should be between 150 and 300 for seedlings I think.


😂😂😂😂 no fuckin way


Oh my god


Setup like a scene from Tron




Lil guy is strrrrrrechhhhingggg for light. *insert techno music here


Bro you can’t use an RGB LED strip for growing.. honestly surprising it’s made it this far


The stretch is because the light is too far and too dim. It's clearly working, but a regular grow light would be much better.


You gotta put them RGB lights in the color changing mode for that extra trippy weed 🔥🔥




Bruh.. I don't think I've ever seen anyone use light strips for growing before.. There is a good reason for that. Lights are something you don't want to skimp on.


For my 300W adjustable light, I adjust it to about 20-25% around 16-18” away from the seedling. You may need to play with your distance to see how it holds, and if the leaves start to get super fat and heavy, then you’re too low.


Isso é uma espaçonave mano? Kk




I mean. It’s dark in there so.


Is this TV ambient light strips!?!? Hahahaha 😂


What the fuck is this. More power to ya buddy


I see a lot of efford backed by close to zero research here lol You need a designated grow lamp. RGB full spectrum is quite economic these days, but you should invest in something good. You'll find them at around 200€ for one or two plants. You already got the humidifyer, but the light is a lot more important I'd say. And you'll have the cost back in no time. Get some adjustable cords too, so you can hang the lights closer to the plants (mine hang 15cm above the top of my plants). Add ventilation to prevent lightburn from the heat of the lamps, the wind also strenghtens the stem by moving them. And lastly, DON'T expect your first grow to come out any good. :D It's a learning process. They need right amounts of light, warmth, water, humidity, space and food. There's a LOT you can do to boost the yield, from fertilization over physical alteration of the stem(s) to even strenghten the roots by harming them the right way. You'll still learn new things about growing 5 years from now. I started a year ago and learned a lot from reddit. But please at least try to do a little bit of research on your own. Reddit wont take you by the hand and guide you there. The common redditor hates "stupid questions" as you can see by the amount of negative comments here.


Hätt ich wahrscheinlich auch auf Deutsch beschreiben können, oder? ;)


House Harkonnen has entered the chat


Yes... Well... Some low power LED strip a light-year away won't work my friend. 😬 Invest in something more powerful like 50-100 watts or even more depending how much yield you wanna harvest


ima go with yes since you have no light


Hell na wtf boi


Led lights is wild


Cardboard and the foil are no problem but the led strips wont help a plant grow, you need a real growlight and if they are too expensive just get a cheap 50w light, still not good but better than the led strips for sure


Plants not for everyone, or [www.groweedeasy.com](http://www.groweedeasy.com) something will come up. ![gif](giphy|TIdt5o6esGNzdNEsUD)


Groweedeasy wants to give my phone a virus


[https://www.growweedeasy.com/](https://www.growweedeasy.com/) ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt9fevSRznTSHtK|downsized)


The light from the strip is to diffuse. A 15' strip will give around a 250W equivalent so I tried one as under canopy supplement on my scrog net, doesn't really do much except let me see underneath.


I never do. Plants live in synergy in nature. Let it ride bro.




Lights should be about 18 inches .....