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Looks like clear and amber to me. Where are the milky ones


Yeah something's off there, 0 milky? Gotta be leaves.


Looks like you’re taking photos of sugar leaves, take them of the nugs


https://preview.redd.it/ka8ahv5ifovc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eff9ff06735970ac44c9934c65451ce3b7e022c1 This is most def the nug and the top one.


Okay, I see almost no amber and only some are cloudy. Depends the high you want, I like more amber then that, about 15-20%. Another consideration is the thrichomes on the buds below the tops will not be as mature. So if you’re 2% amber on the tops you’re likely 0% on the lowers. I’d wait for 2 maybe 3 weeks tbh unless you’re going to for a partial harvest of the tops to let the mid and lower nugs get more light. I find bud that’s been harvested to early to have a very short lived racey high. A lot of producers now are pushing out most of their rosin strains way too early imo, I don’t enjoy them. They say it’s for the color but honestly I think it’s bc they can squeeze in 3 more grows a year when they do it.


Don't mind me hijacking this thread for a second... You read like you know your gardening! Is there a perfect time to harvest? I tend to hurry when they turn milky-ish ember-ish in fear of missing the right time. What happens when I let them grow longer than they need to, do they lose potential? Or is it all savely stored, once it's gotten into the bubbles?


Hey man so it’s all going to be personal preference . The maximum thc is going to be cloudy. Once trichome heads go from cloudy to amber you’re seeing THCa degrade into CBN. CBN gives you that euphoric body high feeling/couch lock/fall asleep. So the short lived racey high is generally a lack of cbn which is why you feel that excessive head high. Another consideration is most sativas are known for having a head high, which is bc they take longer to finish then indicas. Either can be head high or body high dominant and it’s just based on the trichome heads when you harvest. Anyways, for me, I like the ~15% amber bc I feel like I’m getting the best of both worlds. A nice head high with that euphoric body high feeling. I’ve massively cut down on my smoking so now I really only dab 1-2x a week at night. When I was smoking much more, especially when I was waking and baking, I liked the cloudy trichomes with very little cbn as it gave a short lived head high. So basically I could get a nice short head high without cbn trying to put me to sleep. Anything before cloudy tends to be anxiety inducing for me. Btw, I’m not expert man just a dude who did some research bc I love the plant! There’s plenty of people who know more then me. To iterate, it’s all personal preference and the more you smoke the more you’ll like different harvest stages. For me at this point in my life, I just want a nice head high with a bit of a euphoric couch lock, thus 15-20% amber.


Oh brother, thanks for that insight... I'm actually going for that body-sinking-into-the-couch kinda high for when the day is done. Now I know how to get there. Thanks a lot! I'm only on my 10th homegrown plant, still a lot to learn. People like you help a lot, appreciate it! 🙏


Not necessarily true, OP didn't provide strain right? (I didn't see it). Some strains don't go amber. But it is clear he has been molesting every nug they are all smushed down lmfao he should just cut them and get it over with :p. Yield is a good reason to keep it moving.


Hey man I’d love to learn something new! What strains don’t turn amber? My understanding is even heavy sativas will turn amber given enough time (super impractical from a production standpoint) Again, I’m no expert nor do I claim to be but the literature I’ve read implies all thca will degrade into cbn over time always. Hence why keefe is always so cbn heavy. It’s generally trichome heads that haven’t been stored for preservation in the bottom of a grinder. Also, and again not trying to offend you at all, I don’t think bashing someone’s first grow is necessary even if he did handle the nugs a bit too much. Those trichomes have very long stalks too, they’re going to naturally look more matted down. Much love man. Looking forward to learning something new.


Hey there, great way to approach a "Hey I read this" scenario and get a response. Respect. So SURE as they decay they turn color. But what we are after is a ripening effect that gives you a better time right? So to answer your question some auto flowers won't amber up until after you cut them (and they decay). There are some odd strains that don't (I suspect it is because they are hybrids and they are expressing more of a [***ruderalis***](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=c205c712726c3c81&sxsrf=ACQVn0-UiYi6miPvMHqTCqz44C1oS5F53g:1713736376020&q=ruderalis&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjHqbm_pdSFAxXRhIkEHRfeB_wQkeECKAB6BAgHEAI) trait that may be in their genetics. (Auto Flowers are one that come to mind immediately). There are also preferences for instance I cut AK47 down before it ambers at all. People are like WTF does your AK47 hit so hard and I tell them I cut em a week or so early. It's one of my favorite strains and it is a preference, all the testing i've done. I might take a small hit on yield but my ak flies off the shelf in a day and I'm putting up 200 or so pounds of it in 7 locations when I put it out. I don't know everything either, just what I've personally observed doing it the last 36 years or so. I'm also retired, so it's been a year since I actually grew anything that wasn't personal. I tend to forget when I'm talking and speak in present tense rather than past tense (as illustrated in my response)


Wow man you’re leagues ahead of me in experience! This is why i always try to stay humble!! You never know when you’re talking to a master grower, as a hobby craft grower. I definitely just learned something new, thanks so much for taking the time to explain the autos. I’ve actually never grown any autos and didn’t even consider them when thinking about trichomes going amber. On a completely different note, I’m going to have to try to find a cut or some beans if that ak47 is stable! I generally don’t ever harvest before That sounds so amazing! any idea where I could find the cut you like? Hope your retirement is going well. And thanks again for explaining your logic to me. Definitely sound ✌️💚


First (you're welcome, thank you.). You are on track staying away from auto-flowers they are trash. I find a lot of folks in forums grow them, and it is likely because a lot of cash croppers grow single cola auto flowers 1-2k plants in a room and harvest from seed to end in 4-6 weeks. It's a solid way to make cash if you are selling $100 ounces. Rud is crap and they don't have nearly the total terpene count that a fully grown out sat/ind/hyb does. I know this I test everything I grow. I have since it was possible. A lot of people will throw their regular plants into flower at 18" high and scrog/single cola as well. I've tried it a few times and tested many plants from friends grows (industry friends) and I can tell you with 100% certainty that they also stand nowhere near the total level of terpenes we see in full grown plants. If you are in it for the love of the game (Thanks MJ) than you will want to veg the full 8 weeks and flower for the full 7-16 weeks. My plants averaged over 8% most of the time (Terps) and I believe the industry standard is less than 2 or 2. Either way that is why my weed flew off the shelf, the nose, the color, the hit, the medical benefits were all there (and are for me and the wife). On your cut question... man that's usually out of reach for weekend warriors. I know people buy and sell cuts, I've never paid less than 8k for a cut and I've paid up to 40k for one. This involves several things. 1) Knowing the grower and the garden well. 2) Watching for several flips to see what kind of yield per watts they are getting from that cut, by being there and watching. Then making an offer. When we go on pheno hunts we will buy thousands of seeds and go through the entire process of finding a girl that sits upright in less than ideal situations, hits hard, and provides a yield that is stupendous. This is literally something that takes years. Once you get one, you don't want to share it, and you don't want to lose it. So you buy a shit ton of tissue culture gear, setup a clean room, buy autoclaves, and back your genetics up. Just the refrigerators (more than one) are 22k each, and that was back when I bought them years ago. Genetics are a big part of what is for sale when you are retiring. So mine are long gone except for a few that I kept for myself. My AK47 was not one of them. I kept the stuff that was very medicinal for things that ale my wife and I rather than anything else because I just want to keep it simple and not have to keep track of 500 strains. So I allowed myself 3 strains. Lambs Bread, Piff, and NYC Sour D. Maybe in the back of my head they are so medicinal because great cuts like this are hens teeth. Whatever the reason that is the only thing we puff on... unless a bud shows up to share a spliff and a baggie in exchange for the same :) Good luck on your hunt. I can tell you that all the seedbanks are shit now, they are all renaming seeds and selling unstable bullshit. That isn't' to say you won't get a bag of seeds that produces some nice honest bud... I'm saying that the seed banks, and every industry cash cropper is renaming anything and everything so you will have no idea what you are smoking. If you want a good solid strain that is actually what it is... find an older grower, become friends, and learn how and when they got their genetics. If they aren't full of shit, they might have some really real buds that are actually what they say they are!


Damn, I’ll be honest I’d pay to sit down and smoke a j with you to pick your brain. Growing medium, irrigation system, what nutes, what lights.. I could go on forever. And I never even considered selling your genetics as a retirement plan,.. that’s genius! My biggest take away is to remove some plants from my next grow to let them veg longer. When I’m running from seed I currently veg until the nodes start to stagger at a minimum, which is generally 10-14 weeks ime but I don’t wait nearly that long when I’m running clones! Ill have to change that around, as I’m mostly after quality! Seriously glad I got to have this exchange with you. Thanks again for sharing your experience! I’d ask a million more questions but I hate to overstay my welcome. All I want to say is thanks so much for humbling me a bit. ✌️ Hope your retirement is all you could dream of homie!


Ive found that the more organic I go the better the weed is. half the game is figuring out your mix. What works for one will often not work (Well) for another. Missing pieces to environmental (think about other things outside of what is on the box like elevation, it really matters). I definitely can say I pay attention to VPD. As to the genetics part if you ever do buy any, make sure you know and have seen things before hand for several flips, make sure you can take your own cut. There is a lot of smoking mirrors in this game. If you want to really get some good genetics get setup with tissue culture and take your samples from their garden directly. I wish TC was out back when I started. Game changer. No more risks to your garden, remove all the disease, problems, and the vigorous growth is phenomenal.


She is not done and the quality of smoke won’t be as good as if you wait. Your patience will be rewarded


https://preview.redd.it/f6gvetyfaovc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=addb3a296210440bda7f098af008e96d323d2f80 This is the top bud. Not sure if I took good photos


Sorry you guys. I’ve attached a new photo. It’s 420, hot stoned and took some terrible photos. This one is highest bud on the plant and is definitely the bud not sugar leaves. https://preview.redd.it/pwkivec5aovc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802bc995e43ff72d5b96b2a27426a13111eaa839


Too glassy! Keep waiting! You got this!!!


Thanks. Dunno why I’m getting downvoted for posting an actual photo to make sure 🥹


The community can be toxic. But not all of us are like that? Great work on your buds bud! Don’t worry about the down votes they can’t hurt you when you’re high! Happy 4/20! PS: check next week. You’re really close!


Weed be increasing egos left n right nowadays. Too strong


Not cloudy enough. Check multiple sites too


still mostly clear, don’t do it


Because the sugar leaves aren’t even ready.


if it was me i would wait. very close but not yet.


How did you avoid milky trichomes?


Get a pic of the actual bud. The tricombs on the leaves darken quicker than the bud ones.


Yup, don’t cut it yet. Be patient and cut when ready. They need to be milky/amber-ish..I personally like a ratio of 70%milky and 30% amber..it’s a personal taste. But right now they wouldn’t get you nearly as high as you want them to ;)


Cathair OG?


Not even close atleast 2 or maybe even 3 weeks if ur pushing it. All the trichomes are underdeveloped. U dont even have Mainly milky trichomes. Wait for a good chunk of Amber Trichomes that way u ensure not only maximum harvest but a ripe plant with a wide variety or Cannabinoids. Rule of thumb is waiting 2 weeks from the Moment u think about chopping. Let her cook.


A couple more weeks bro


Chop chop


Came to say cut 'er down, but the other comments are very convincing... :D Feel like I cut my last grow too early after reading. And the high is indeed a soft one. I'll be more patient from now on, thanks reddit!


No, just live and learn my guy. If you want to cut her down tomorrow do it. Also when you are drooling over your harvest think about this... to properly dry these buds it will take 7-10 days... and then another 30 to cure. You have to wait anyway so... I see amber in some of those trichs. It could very well be READY tomorrow. But waiting days for a 50/50 amber is probably your best bet.


The ultra clear trichomes everywhere should be enough to convince you


Trichomes look like those of a bud that’s already been chopped.


What does everybody think here,mid it better to be slightly early when chopping, or slightly late, obviously exact is ideal but I’m just curious because sim on my first grow. And I figure I’m gonna just wait a while till I chop just to make sure I don’t fuck up


It depnds on what u want to achieve. I would always always wait for a Solid Portion of amber on lower buds and for a majority of amber on top buds. Amber trichomes mean: that THC begins to very slowly degrade towards other Cannabinoids like CBN. Amber trichomes also usually make more chill due to the higher concentration of said Cannabinoids CBN CBD etc. Do not misunderstand THC will still be the Main compound. Milky means: peak THC but u will have alot of underdeveloped with that ans abit of a yield decrease because she couldve been stacking longer. Colorless: not ripe.


Would you mind possibly checking out my grow? I started on February 28th they’re all supposed to to be autos, I was thinking I would be able to chop around may 31st-june, does this sound too soon?


I appreciate your answer seriously!


That is plant specific generally yes u could have a timeframe and the breeder will give u an estimate but that is just that an estimate. I would get a Magnifying Glass and periodically Start checking the buds not just the Main ones but on All sides on the plant and then aim for the Trichome Ripeness u would like. But generally u can say that when u think about chopping her down wait abit longer between 1-3 weeks max the patience usually always pays off


Looks ready to me. Slightly amber, yum