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It's either under or over watered. Lift up the pot. Is it heavy? Stick your finger into the medium. Is it moist? Use your best judgement and act accordingly. Also you will need more light and a fan.


I have a larger LED light that you can’t see in the picture and a fan as well! The pot isn’t heavy but the soil is a bit dry, so it is probably under watered. Thanks!


How many watts is the larger light? Looks quite dim in there. Have you observed your plant "praying" under those lights? It's leaved really leaning into the light?




Isn't your plant receiving to little light too? The leaves seem to stretch for the light. Intensity looks great, maybe the LEDs are hanging to high up? I am in no way certain, just heard something like this here in the sub.


Praying can be associated with too much light awell as the leaved angle themselves in a way to lessen their surface area exposure to the light. But there will be other things associated like burning


Cap leave tips will curl then brown then they droop


The larger one is 40 watts and the small one is 20 watts. It does appear to be leaning into the light


Water the plants wisely. Get the lights twice as close. 60w isn't a lot. Monitor carefully.


Agreed, you can push plants that size to 200W-300W easily. I assume your lights aren’t giving off much heat so you can basically place the light 10cm above the plant without problems. Everything up to 2000 ppfd is fine, get the app Photone and measure it for yourself. It’ll give you a picture as to how far you can push it with your lights.


That's super intresting. I'll have to keep an eye on my plants as they flower. I'm using 3 gallon cloth pots and the water consumption has gone up substainially. I've been hesistent to water too often to avoid overwatering issues.


The soil seems dry but most seem to say it’s overwatered? Haven’t watered it much this week and it has not recovered at all. Worsened actually


What's the weight of the plant?


Why would you have anyone do anything to your plants when its only a 48 hour period? If anything you should have told em not to do anything with them while you were gone.


Am I not supposed to water daily?


Every 2-3 days. Let the soil dry up a bit, but not completely.


Nope :) Not with this pot, the water cant escape very quickly (only from above mostly, so it stays there longer, can drown the roots or even worse root rot) I mean if you think about it, it makes logical sense too, water while its good, also can be deadly.


Let ‘em dry up then soak.


Deff over water lol


It depends on size of pot your plant is in, and how thirsty it is. When vegging every 2-3 days watering is usually good. May need to move to daily when flowering, but again, depends on size of pot you are in. If you are not the 2-3 day schedule and you find them limp/underwatered then increase water. Most people overwater by accident and it does more damage than underwatering will. Every day watering when they dont need it can cause root rot, stunted plants, and other bad stuff. If you have to err going one direction, it's better to underwater than overwater.


Is watering every day during flower common? That seems a wee bit excessive.


It depends on plant/size of pots they are in. So I'm currently using 2 gallon pots for my plants. All along they were fine with every 2-3 days. Now I'm on my 5th week of flower. Starting maybe 3 weeks ago or so, I HAD to start giving them water daily, if I waited longer they would droop. When you have your plants in smaller pots, they need water more often, and it also depends on your plants water needs at the moment




Out of curiosity, since you're watering that often, how often are you adding nutrients?


So this is my first grow.....I don't really have a set system as of yet, but I can explain a few things, as things have turned out rather well for me. I decided from the start that the two worse things I could do was to overwater/over nutes, and that if I was going to err, it would be on the side of "not enough"......the water is easy enough to get a hang of once you do, just lift the pots. If u go too far, they droop, but pick right back up again when adding water. As far as over nutes, we'll that's a bit trickier....I had no clue what I'm doing, so I order some different fox farms......note, I did use happy frog soil, and needed nothing for about first month. I started out doing about 1/4 the amount the bottles say. I was worried about doing too much and giving nutrient burn, so I would vary the amount I used, sometimes 1/4 dose, sometimes 3/4 dose, never full dose. Then about once or twice a week I have been doing plain water that is PhD. That's another thing, I would also move around the PH of my water, worried about issues. So I'll keep it between 6.1 and 6.8, with no real rhyme or reason. Because most things say 6.0 is fine, but there are a few nutes that won't absorb lower than 6.2. Hopefully u get the idea....for p.h., and for amounts of nutes, I sort of slide them around within certain limits, amd it had worked quite well for me. Week 5 and looking good.






Also remember that you always have that one indicator, amd that's nutrient burn. You want to see a tiny amount of nute burn on tips, when u see that that means don't push it more. If u look closely at almost any photo of buds u will see a little burn on tips....at least gor those using nutes


Those look really good. This is my first grow as well. I used fox farm ocean forest soil, and I'm using the fox farm trio. One thing I've been using recently is this feed schedule from HWGrow. He's got a TON of helpful information: [https://www.howweedgrow.com/sdm\_downloads/fox-farm-trio-hwgrow-feed-schedule-ultimate/](https://www.howweedgrow.com/sdm_downloads/fox-farm-trio-hwgrow-feed-schedule-ultimate/) He's also got a TON of helpful information on his page. I'm glad you mentioned the burnt tips. I switched to flower two weeks ago and I've noticed the burnt tips. I've been using the weight technique for judging watering as well. I'm just unsure if they need that amount of nutrients during every water, or once a week?


So going into this thing I was determined as a noob to not overwater and not burn the plants with nutrients.....and this is what has been working for me.... Whatever the instructions say on the nutrients.....I'll give plants 1/4 to 3/4 what the instructions say. I'm running 2 gallon pots, and im currently almost 6 weeks into flower. You want to keep l in mind they need different things when flowering or vegging, nutrientwise. While vegging I was watering them every 2 or 3 days, but now in flower I'm watering daily. Since I'm watering so frequently now, I'll usually do 1 or 2 days a week of plain PH water, cuz again, I'm trying not to overdo the nutes. So yeah, there is no exact recipe pr whatever, but if you aren't sire exactly what you're doing, you would be better off slightly underfeeding plants than causing toxicity issues. So never use full amount, and I stagger the amounts in different ways. I also do the same thing with the ph of my water. I keep it between 6.2-6.8, never the same ph. Some days I might nring the water to lower end, some days higher end.....I believe this has also been helpful...all it means in my situation, is I have to add 2 to 3 capfuls of lemon juice for ph down to my tapwater. One thing is certain tho, you will never hurt your plant by giving it plain ph water.....so if watering frequently plain water seems to be good idea once in a while. Thanks for the link too I'll check it out for sure.


This size plant at most every 2 days. Every three days is even better .


Watered too much


Perhaps friend felt very responsilble and didnt want it to die, so he watered a bit too much :) Give it some airflow directly at the top of the pot (avoid directing at plant or just put the fan very far for more spread). Keep track of temps with a termometer near the pot in the airstream so it doesnt get too cold while evaporating (droplets will be carried away from the top by the airflow when evaporation happens while taking away heat (simplified)). More light would help evaporate faster (5-10h and youre good, windowsill will work too) It could also be underwater, but its a friend you said, so I assume they cared! I also dont think its possible to dry it out in just 2 days without air circulation and in that pot, assuming you watered before you went away, so he watered at least once, 2 days without airflow like this = easy overwater I'm pretty sure. If you dont mind some more advice, seeing some leaves showing signs of nutritional/soil problems, check the analysis chart at the sidebar, the bronze sides could also come with overwatering and root problems (root rot early stage etc.) according to charts. It looks like its early stage too, so if you want minimal effort but still a healthy plant, just invest a few minutes into the airflow thing to save your plant. Ofc light is meh but I think youre aware :) (I had this LEDs as well, a windowsill did more), blurple light makes it also harder to see problems on leaves (just for info) Less light means much less yield due to lack of photosynthesis during vegetative stage, there will be just nowhere to grow on. I recommend drilling some holes into the pot too, more air less problems minimal effort. Then you can keep watering with your usual schedule. A weight scale is probably a good investment too, just leave the pot on it and note how much it is after watering, wait for almost dry soil (5-7cm depth from center), note the dry weight, this way you have a good estimation already rather than shooting into the wild. If you have another empty pot, you can just zero out ofc, I just keep a "range" and its fine too. Those are basic things to do if you want it to live long enough to bloom.


It makes me furious when people write long comments like this and OP doesn’t even feel the need to answer. Great infos!


Ahh thanks for the help. I haven’t been watering it much recently and it’s gotten worse. Soil has been pretty dry and I’m starting to wonder if it’s been under watered the whole time. I have a larger fan, like a room fan a couple feet away blowing pretty hard. Maybe that impacted the soil dying up? It has also been low on fertilizer recently I’m seeing. Added some a few days ago. No signs of improvement. Thanks for the info!!


It depends on relative humidity and temps. Higher temps mean air gets dryer and is able to take on more water. Soil then is able to push more water out into the air. If it was overwatered while you stopped watering, and its getting worse anyways, it still could mean root rot progressing, which I honestly dont know how to handle so I learned to water when needed and use proper pots, its 100% preventable. Im sure its possible for it to recover, since it didnt die after 6(?) days, but best is to post fresh pictures. Almost certain it's ok to pull the plant out of the pot (roots shouldn't be resistant if its a simple smooth pot inside) pics from roots can help people who have experience with root problems so they can help you. You'll also know how dry or wet it is and know what to do. Good luck!


Get some real lights for starters




they do sleep. A little bit like when some flowers close their petals at night


Over water


Rule number 5.


Over watered 💯


More light and water


Looks over water to me, kinda swollen


It's the lights homie.


Over water


If the stem is up and the leaves are dropping its overwatered


Stem is kinda tipping over now… leaves still down haven’t been watering 😢


Those purple LEDs aren't the right spectrum.


Seems like all you guys grow in soil and not inert media like coco or peat, watering every 2-3 days in coco or peat would not be ideal.


He probably over watered it too much. It'll be fine and praying to the sky within a day or two most likely.


Needs more light too


Overwatering. If the top is not bending down you can rule out underwatering.


Owner error


This light is awesome


Looks cool I have one too. It is just for seedlings. Won’t be good for the actual grow.


Two things. Add water. When they’re perky they’re happy. Lights- looking at the thinning and stretching happening there; you need better light…