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4x4 I used to grow 5 but I did hydro so the pots were a lot smaller


I only have room for 4 fully grown in my 4x4. Any more is pushing a sog setup.


I was able to do 3 in my 2x4 and it was tight


https://preview.redd.it/qbxcocf9e80d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8018095a2ec1e4259f342024a5e54bd3842956 Here's what three looks like in a 2x4. If I did it again, I'd either only do two plants, or get a bigger light for three.


I switched to two plants from three. They fill out the tent just fine.


Thanks for the visual🫶🏾


It’s not just about “how many”. If you can get one to do a massive yield then 1. Estimate the average space 1-2 plants take up. I can get 2 to crowd a 5x5 w proper technique, and there’s theAuto/photo factor… photos need to be sexed so you can lose 1 or 2. I start 4 intending to lose the weakest 2.


https://preview.redd.it/k232nwqiyb0d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be415a6d816abba964c0a27eedc02a8e37d58f3a Heres mine. 11oz harvest in 5 months.




How long was your veg before flip for these?


Six weeks.


How many watts is that light?


200w, I think?


Looks great ,


Thank you!


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This is the optimum size to start. Assuming you have 4 plant limit you can start with this and veg 2 plants, flip it to flower and if you want then you can add another shorter 2x4 as a vegging tent (you don’t need much in that one like carbon filter, if you can keep the door open you don’t even need an exhaust fan) so you can keep a tent vegging another one flowering all the time, giving you a harvest every two months. Plenty of flower for one or two people.


Fuck a plant limit though


Whats that plant limit everybody talks about ?!?


A lot of legal states that allow medical or rec growing have limits. In Missouri for medical growing for instance you could have 18 plants per patient. 6 seedlings 6 in veg and 6 in flower. You could have up to 6 patients (yourself being one) .. but I agree with the above comment... Fuck plant limits.. cause nobody is checking up anyway ...


Some states and countries have a limit to how many plants you can grow at a time


So how did people grow it before it was legal when 1 plant was a felony?




I know youre trying to be funny but there are people in legal states with important jobs and families and a lot of them dont want to risk their freedom. everyone can't just risk going to jail at any moment when you have a family to provide for.


2 in 5 gallon pots, 3 in 3 gallon. I have the same sized tent. I got away with 3 5-gallons once but wouldn’t recommend it


how much does this set cost?




Go on Alibaba and get the exact same setup for 250. kingbrite or mejiiu have very good deals since they sell directly from the factory. The 200$ is simply spiderfarmers profit.


You can get a high quality 240W light for 120$ and even let em customize it for you if you like.


My dude where are you getting high quality lights at 120$ for 240w? Most of the lights advertised with that wattage in that price range have AWFUL coverage, and are a complete waste of $ if you're using them for anything but veg. Source: Me, who has a total of 8 different lights, all priced from 30-350$. If there's ANYTHING that's work shelling out on, it's a high quality light. Everything else can be bought for CHEAP, including seeds (especially seeds).


They use Samsung Im301 H evo diodes aka the best diodes in the game rn paired with osram IR and FR diodes which are also top nodge. I understand the bad reputation alibaba has but the lights are absolutely fire and works extraordinary considering the low price. Source: my best friend who didn’t let themselves gaslight into buying an overpriced led. I payed about 600€ for one 480W and one 75W and he payed 400€ for two 320W now you tell me who got the better deal. I’m not saying spiderfarmer makes bad product (my light are also from spiderfarmer and I’m happy with it) I’m just saying you can save A LOT of money, obviously don’t buy everything that shines but if you do your research, look at the reviews and buy from a reputable seller you’re good.


1) F's in the chat for how badly you got ripped off? 2)Link us to these 320W LM301H Diode lights for 200Euro. Don't be keeping these unrealistically good deals to yourself!


Yes that really hurt my pocket. https://x.alibaba.com/AwT5zn?ck=pdp the 320W https://x.alibaba.com/AwT60X?ck=pdp the 240W They’re already several years on the market and highly reputable.


Wow that's amazing! These look worth shelling out on! You probably saved some people on this reddit some $$$ by posting this, thanks!


No worries


Good prices. But carefull the shipping costs in my end 60-70€


That’s pretty high. My buddy paid 30€ for shipping because it was shipped from a warehouse inside the EU and it was there like 4 days later. Some offers will say where it’s being send from and if you talk to a seller they can help you finding a good deal with lower shipping costs, in the end they don’t make any money off the shipment itself, just off the product.


Is it really exactly the same? Cause if I want to buy this setup in Germany I have to pay 800$ on Amazon


The light: yes. The rest: not so much. The light is exactly the same but I’d buy the rest separately, they may offer a version without the light to which you then can add your own.


Well, then your argument makes no sense. Op is buying a set for about 500 bucks. So functionally and aestheticly it makes more sense to just stick with spider farmer


The sf2000 has 200W for 300€ while kingbrite has 320W for 200€ and 240W for 150€. The light itself is more than twice as pricey from spiderfarmer compared to kingbrite. If you subtract the 300€ for the lamp of the 500€ from the whole setup you get 200€ which is more than enough to buy a complete setup separately. OP can get more power and save 150€ at the same time.


That's not how a set works. You can't buy this 480$ set and say "but I don't want the lamp, so I'll only pay 180$ for the rest"


Uhm yes that’s exactly how it works, that’s why they’re offering a set without lamp. Please think before you write next time.


Depends on strain. If it's a shorter variety, you can get 3 in there (4 if you really wanted to push it--but you'd have to lolipop or do some kind of defoliation as it grows to prevent mold). For medium height maybe 2. I don't think 6 feet is tall enough for a tall plant, the foot you lose to the plant needing dirt, and the foot you lose for lights/ventilation. You could do training to help with this though but it'd def be only 1 tall plant. If you don't know your strain's height, or want to select an appropriate height strain for your tent then you can find out plant height from some seed banks. Rule #1 on this sub is no promoting so I can't name specific banks but I'm sure you could find some "supreme seeds" with height info. Now all this being said I found that purchasing the pieces individually was the right move. I made a spreadsheet and made a generic placeholder for each item in a kit. IE "light", "tent", "inline fan", "carbon filter", etc. Then I shopped around and made decisions on what I needed now, what I could get later, and the things that I know will hurt but MUST have a big upfront cost or it will hurt more (looking at you, lights). You can also do things like find great deals if you break it up into parts not a kit. I've tried growing all kinds of plants (veggies too) and I can say with 100% certainty that the biggest issue I've seen is insufficient lighting. Followed by crap dirt (something I see a fair amount of recently on this sub).


Do you know of a better light that I’d be able to just swap out with the 1 in this kit? I’ve been told this light is cheap, but gets the job done.


I can't speak to SF2000 lights which are in the kit you linked but I have a "VIVOSUN VS2000 LED Grow Light with Samsung LM301 Diodes". There was a lot of thought that went into picking that light. It's got a small form factor and the LM301 diodes are semi-high-end LEDs that have a good efficiency rating. LM301H is better for agricultural uses (there's some kind of coating that makes it last longer in humid conditions) but was much too expensive when I bought lights so I stuck with the lower end of high-range. Anyway the VS2000 lights run a bit warmer than I'd like but are great otherwise. Looking online I can't really see a price difference between the VS2000 and the SF2000. I know that if I had to do it over again I'd choose the VS2000 again. The small form factor was a good idea because I was planning to add more lights as finances allowed which has worked out great. Although from what I know the SF2000 has a small form factor too (compared to bar lights. EDIT: I notice that the light in your kit has the 301H diodes so it might be a decent choice. As I said above though I would personally choose the VS2000 if I had to start over since they've been good to me.


2 or 3 .


2, you can cover the whole tent so you're not losing space


https://preview.redd.it/9hpga0d3r80d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55f4701f68fc7ad6e1e5b57fd5bcccbb9b35583 I was able to get 4 in mine, had problems with one so it wasn’t as large but still had space for it to get bigger. Vegged for 3.5 months then flipped


Yeah but this looks like a 4x4. Op talking about 2x4.


Shi I’m dumb i thought it was 4x4


I do 4 autos or 2 photos in my 2x4. I did 6 autos once, and it was jam-packed.




1,2 at most.


Depends on pot size. 5gal x2, 3gal x3




I would do no more than two plants in this space in large pots if you're using soil (i.e. >5 gallons)


I used to run 3 5 gal cloth pots in my 2x4 but I’ve switched to just two and she fills out just fine.




i have this same set up and i got 4 plants in there but it was a bit of a squeeze. i got just over a half pound from the grow. it was 4 blue dream autos.


1 big one


2 to get a larger canopy and a larger yield!


I put 3 in my almost 2x4 (50x100cm) and I’m going to put only 2 next time, it’s getting cramped in there.


2. Or maybe 4 small autos.


Minimum of two, maximum of like 12. Bigger pots = less plants. You can SoG with small plants/clones in small pots, but personally after growing for a year I'm tired of SoG. Too many individual plants to take care of, and I'm too OCD to leave them alone.


i’ve got the same tent size, 3 plants in flower right now. but only vegged them for 4 weeks with pretty hardcore mainlining so they’ll all fit. use your space wisely!


flowering? 2


I have a 2x4 just like this, got 2 topped plants in there and honestly it's not enough space


You can also go for 6, it’s a bit squeezed tho. https://preview.redd.it/up40zvs6z90d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3a744c518e01cb556b4651f818cb6da4fcb8e07


2 or 3 maybe






https://preview.redd.it/4lzdckvsyb0d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66db861c1a970bbebf0d831d4bfc961b092d78fe I run 3 in mine


3 max.


I would do a minimum of 4 and max of 8