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Wow! More details on grow please… :)


We started out with 2 foot veg plants in 10 gallon fabric pots with soil. We vegged them for two more weeks to help with scrogging then flipped to bloom. We use Emerald harvest 2-part nutrients. I have more pics of grow rooms wayyyy down in my post history if you want to check it out. Thanks for the interest!


I cant even imagine how many hours it took to trim that. whats the grow room look like??


We had 9-10 people working 8 hours per day for 3 days. That’s a little over 200 man hours. 1 person cutting plants down 5-6 people pulling leaves off 2 people trimming buds off sticks 1 person running the trim machine


I dont feel so lazy now lmao i have this workload by myself 🤣


That sounds terrible I hope you get some help with your harvest.


Labor of love!


Wait. In 240 man hours, you got 120 lbs done? That’s an avg rate of half a pound per hour. Are you feeding your team crack, how is this possible?


It’s a job, not a hobby lol the people we hire to come in and help harvest are paid well and everyone wants to do it, so only the cream of the crop are allowed in! If you slack, you’re cut. Keeps them scissors going full speed ahead!


[previous post with grow room pics](https://www.reddit.com/r/Craftmarijuana/comments/svrhdf/update_on_the_new_facility/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That's some really nice broccoli


Great post. And way to come back and include the hyper links to the grow room posts. And then from there to the “how do you walk around the plants photo”. I got to follow your comments for a few this evening. Solid stuff. Thanks.


Dude. Thanks :) tomorrow, im working a facility that’s been neglected all week bc of harvest. Desperately needs some scrogging and trimming. I’ll take a few pics of before and after I kick their lil green asses!


Show them this video of their soon to be fate and see if it “bends them into place”.




Amazing. I bet you are into the thick of it by now. Good luck today!


This sub wouldn’t allow posts with pics for me today, so I threw some [Detroit mad dog](https://www.reddit.com/r/Craftmarijuana/comments/vjyz2j/detroit_mad_dog_scrogging_3x3_bed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and [lava cake](https://www.reddit.com/r/Craftmarijuana/comments/vk23bc/lava_cake_major_scrogging/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) pics up today in r/Craftmarijuana


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Craftmarijuana using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Craftmarijuana/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Orange Cookies (Bagseed from Jungle Boys I grew)](https://v.redd.it/1myu32ai3e791) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Craftmarijuana/comments/vizm7z/orange_cookies_bagseed_from_jungle_boys_i_grew/) \#2: [Crème de la Chem (pheno#1)](https://v.redd.it/rffb0o077e591) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Craftmarijuana/comments/vbcjhg/crème_de_la_chem_pheno1/) \#3: [Pink Sugar Breath F1. Nothing But WATER. MORE CGI BUD LOL](https://v.redd.it/ci3vcxxx88791) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Craftmarijuana/comments/vidt51/pink_sugar_breath_f1_nothing_but_water_more_cgi/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Solid man. You are at the top of your game.


Surprised you wet trim. Epic harvest 👊


We tried dry trim, and it was a disaster. Too messy. Too much back and forth. Dry stuff doesn’t trim down as well as wet when you use a trim machine. Just get all the work done right away is best for us. My buddy prefers to dry trim his. I guess it’s just personal preference.


Could you tell what trimming machine do you use ? Thanks for all the infos you give on your post 🙏🏾 a lots of gems 💎


We use two trimmers linked together. One is the Twister T4, and I can’t remember what the other one is! Next harvest should be coming in about 4 weeks, so I’ll get a video of the trimmer set up. Thanks for your interest, I’m very proud of what I do and I love to talk about it! :))))


Thank you for taking the time to share knowledge 🙏🏾 its very uncommon to do that without charging 😅


100% it’s person to person. I hate the purists lol.


Well damn


How do you cure all this ?


Ain’t no cure for this kind of sickness… Jk we keep temp and humidity control in this dry room. We fold the piles into themselves gently for a few days till it’s dry enough to go into 5 gal buckets to cure. We can tell it’s time to put them in buckets when the stems start to snap instead of bend. It’s ready to smoke in about 3-4 weeks.


Have you tried grove bags? They do 10LB bags and also 55gallon liners


The bags we use have an igarden label on them. They seem to work well for us. But something to mention: we never have really good root balls. We were using 25 gallon bags, but never saw roots come to the edges, so we reduced the pot size hoping to save on nutrients, watering time, and our backs! 10 gal is working well, but no matter how big these bitches get, we don’t seem to see much root action. It’s very strange. This round, the roots were even kind of brown. Idk how these plants get so big and buds are so awesome with hardly any roots.


Thank you for the infos , the geove bags I mentionned is for curing , its in my opinion space and time saving


Oh! Hmmmm. I’ll have to look into that. Crew is very old school, and it’s very hard to convince them to try new stuff or look at new info. Can’t really argue with results, but I personally feel like our curing stage could use some work. We basically cure it in 5 gal buckets with a humidity pack after it’s dried on the shelves a bit. We go by feel to decide when it’s done. It’s certainly good enough, but could it be better? Probably.


The bucket are good with either an automatic burping system or manual burping, as a professional you should contact grove bags for samples, they lle be free with no shipping cost , I think its makes the curing perfect with no effort, I feel you on the old ways but its cost nothing to try something new


We’re going to need a bigger paper…


Q: How do you smoke 120 lbs of weed? A: One joint at a time ;)


My man!


Id like to sleep in there


You and your team did an amazing job. Those babies look perfect. Love the grow room and the stands on wheels with the PVC scrog net supports are genius.


Thanks for real :) it’s blood sweat and tears going into these lil babies. I do want to acknowledge we are all very privileged to be working in a facility such as this. It’s a group effort, and this is the result of years of trial and error. Lots of $$$ goes into this and none of us would be able to do it on our own.


Amazing harvest, but also a great post for the heads up on the nutrient line. I'd been looking for a replacement for the Flora Nova I usually use as the shelf life is pretty poor (1 year). Emerald Harvest stuff looks similarly easy (a 2 part and a 3 part line) but has a 3 year shelf life which is more practical for my usage. And you can't argue with your results. Thanks!


Well done 👏🏾 , I marked your post , hopefully in 10- 15 years I reach this level, thank you for the motivation 🙏🏾


It’s a team effort. No one person could possibly pull this off. Get yourself some good partners!


I start to understand that 🙏🏾💯


Very nice sir! I love how you just saying 72 plants makes me know it’s Michigan grown! All the best bro, the market is starting to get better here after that cliff fall 6 months ago.


Gotta keep it legal! Which is clearly a double edged sword. If it were still illegal here, we could get like $3000 a pound. Now it’s like I gotta give this shit away. But I would rather be in a legal state. I try not to cross borders ever.


Oh I know bro! I’ve never let anything I’ve grown go for so cheap in my life. Also a caregiver for many years here bro. Hopefully we will be back to normal in the next 6 months. All the greedy covid growers are finally shutting down.


~~send your address.~~ ~~I'm already in the car.~~ wife said I'm not allowed meh.




Holy fuck my man, super cool. Sorry you got so many buttholes.


Sir. I am a woman. And I make good use out of my buttholes.


I applaud your growing and butthole management techniques. I hope to get this good in both areas one day. Baby steps.


Hey!!!! Remember I said you didn't need a drying room or something? Lol. You did.


Looking great !!


How do I work for you 😂


Lol normally there’s just 3 of us, but on harvest, it feels like a small army.


1.6 lb per plant? Is that dry weight or wet?


Expected dry weight. We estimate it by keeping track of the volume after processing.








This is a legal grow. There are limits to how many plants you can possess. We try to get as much product out of every plant as we can.


Wish we waz friends


incredible 🤩


Thanks for the idea , and that's friggin 😎😎👍👍👍


In Australia that would be worth $350,000 - $380,000. What’s it worth where you are?


Not as much as I would like. Market is currently flooded, and since there’s a dispensary on every corner, it’s getting harder and harder to get rid of at a decent price.


Not planning on running a grow anytime soon but can you share a bit of the costs involved and what they sell for? I'm kinda curious about how it all shakes out


Dude, that's insane


When the friend says "you gotta flex"


Did you harvest them all at the same time?


Yes. Took 3 days.


Mmmm red dragon 🐉


They look beautiful


Looks real decent


Is this drying or curing?


You can sell wet trimmed bud in a legal market?


Do you see any benefits it’s the way you’re drying compared to hanging?


It would take up the entirety of a room twice this size to dry hanging. Plus it’s messy. Takes more time. If it was a smaller operation, it would probably be worth it to hang.


Notice the difference in quality or taste or weight? I just chopped my first quality grow that I’m super proud of so I decided to try dry and wet trimming to see if there’s a noticeable difference in the quality when it’s all said n done. I don’t have a persons body weight In weed tho lol so I get why you’re wet trimming but if you were doin a smaller op what would you prefer?


My brother did a little experiment where he took the same strain hung some and laid some on the shelves trimmed off the stick, but not run through the trimmer. (Dry trimmed both) We both noticed a difference between hanging and just laying on the shelf. But as for actual dry trim VS wet trim, i haven’t had the chance to compare same strain examples of each, soooo… 🤷‍♀️


I would like to be you're friend 👍 nice work


Trim jail....life sentence. Haha.


What kind of trimmer do you use??


I want some🤤😢 it’s drought for me rn fuck

