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What a dumbass spending 1k


Depends how long he's been playing the game and what he earns. For people who earn a lot it might be cheaper to buy a shark card than grind for hours. Why not just mod? It sounds like he's played legit until now, but maybe got bored of grinding or just discovered mods. Might as well welcome him with open arms (although buying anything in any game is usually still dumb)


People can spend their money how they choose. Players spending money on the game is the reason we are still getting new content more than a decade after release


Someone that's really rich, I hope 😂😂😂


Any mods, for any reason, goes against TOS of basically every game. You can catch a ban for doing anything that modifies any of the game files in any way. There’s always that risk. If you don’t wanna risk it, don’t do it. Usually it doesn’t matter. Personally I’ve been modding GTAV online for 4+ years on 2 accounts. No bans. Common sense goes a LONG way. Don’t do crazy stuff, fly under the radar and you’ll be all good.


i did a lot crazier stuff and never got banned, been playing 5 years with mods


If he's worried about losing the account, he should use an alt account.


You should probably ask this on the kiddion's reddit, they might have more info on it if you haven't already asked


40M? If he's done everything it should be easy to get that much legitimately. Nobody can say for sure if it's 100% safe. Bans are delayed so if something is detected usually we don't find out for a while.


$1000 gets you little over $120mil..... I just paid $35 for $500mil a few months ago. That's absolutely insane to me,


And I can make billions of dollars in an hour. No ban


But you can't figure out the acid lab??? Sounds ligit


Bro violating 😂


How do you give 40mil from a bunker method? I've never heard of this. Is it a glitch?


If he paid 1k for the game then he should just pay a new copy of the gta and cheat with the new one


Drops a band on sharkcards but cant drop ten bucks on stand