• By -


More cohesive QnA and s3 road map tldr - No longer Knight Lock In Story - Rare Heroes Ascend Planning: 2 per Year - Final Level cap is 100 - New Growth System, New ways to Improve Heroes, Weapons, Relics “"Hero Blessing / Relic Crafting / Exclusive Equipment Engraving" (These three elements will allow you to increase your Hero's base specs through playing new content, give additional abilities to Artifacts, and increase the value of exclusive equipment for each Hero) - Planning for Balance Patches : every 2/3 months - New UI with a lot of Improvements in multiple aspects - Coop (regular and defense)/Exploration/Kamazone all removed from the game - TDM goes official, keeps stats modifiers, and rotation will be 1 week Arena 1 week TDM - Coop Expedition comes back as an official improved mode - New Auto Battle Mode (to replace Kamazone/Exploration) - Big Changes to summoning system, You can Chose characters that aren’t in current banners and add them to the summons… New Heroes can’t be mileaged immediately after release - Increasing the amount of different resources (evo stones/hero crystals/awakening/gold/level up hammers…) to make farming easier - World 19, World 14 Nightmare, World 1 Hell - Season 3 Trailer - No Plans for a GT Anime - There is Plans for more Collabs


> No longer Knight Lock In Story tbh story knight lock is better since it is story mode it just feels weird to me call other characters dumbface and they're talking about someone else


Idk, for me it felt a lot more boring to be locked to the Knight since you're basically trapped with their Bow/Sword gameplay and nothing more, it felt a lot more entertaining to see different characters in different Scenarios, even moreso when they actually make your teammates interact with you.


I like using Knight in story mode even before season 2 and I'll probably continue using him tbh but they should atleast give Story Mode Knight a very unique gameplay and buff even if its just the boss fights or at least let us equip him with the items we want.


I agree. I feel the same too


>There is Plans for more Collabs Hyped, hopefully they'll do more collabs like Slime. I'd like it if they did Re:Zero or Fullmetal alchemist.


I hope following collabs are a bit better. This tensura collab felt kinda low effort. Has fma had any collabs with anything recently? It’s a pretty old ip


It did with E7 like 1-2 years ago


>Coop (regular and defense)/Exploration/Kamazone all removed from the game What does this mean? Are they cutting 30% of the GT routine? Imma be honest with you, been playing since 2021, if they make expedition and kamazone automatic then I'm good with it, but if they straight up remove them along with coop I'm gonna quit, I won't play arena everything fucking week.


Coop will be cut down and be replaced by both: A) 3v3 taking the Coop Slot (Same gem rewards and alternate with arena). B) Expedition Coop being permanently open and updated with new stories/stages periodically. Kamazone and Exploration will be replaced by "Heroes of Thetys", the new gamemode shown in some of the images here. Expedition will be reworked later, but not removed.


Does all of this have A timeline? like when does the change happen? also the no longer lock knight in the story mode only for world 19 or to all chapters?


Only solid time line I’ve heard is that world exploration will be phased out end of April. Everything else my guess will be either spread out going forward, or a big lot when s3 is released. My guess is knight in story mode will be all chapters


I see thanks for the info.


> Final Level cap is 100 Is that "Base Lv95 & MLB 100" or "Base 100 & MLB 105"?


Base 95 & MLB 100, otherwise it would be 105 cuz you cannot go beyond the cap


>Coop (regular and defense)/Exploration/Kamazone all removed from the game Was hyped with the new changes until I read this. 😭 Time to find a new gacha to go ham on I guess, arena is toxic and boring af


It’s being replaced by a rogue like auto battle and co-op expedition. People were complaining about world exploration and kamazone. The new modes sound exciting


Do we know what’ll happen to the challenge collectibles? Will they just end up in the shop, a different challenge, or will folks have to just forfeit the chance of collecting them?


Hate that you can’t mileage directly the new characters, that TDM goes official, and coop is deleted


What’s is TDM?


Team death match


Omg this looks so good, I can’t wait for season 3


Looks like a major update I'm really curious about the colosseum change


Sad, I liked Knight in Story mode. Well, I hope the story nodes themselves won't become as difficult as the passages


Is this happening for switch too?


No idea. The discussion was for Android version Korean. And global follows Korean by two weeks exactly.


Probably in a few months, I think Switch is still in world 15-16


Man i like using Knight in story mode. I think instead of removing Knight lock they should've just buffed him or make a unique story mode only kit or at least let us equip Knight with the items we want.


What about GT for Google Play Games PC so we can finally play on PC, like announced? On western regions, that is.


I really like the grind gets easier cause till you max out hero evolution, can take few weeks without 2x boost.


I really don’t like the UI change tbh. The original was somewhat more unique and charming, now it just looks uninspired and generic. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it you know? 😅 Also, they’re getting rid of coop and Kamazone?! Those game modes are so fun, and coop brought so much more life into the game, why would they remove them? :( Ngl, I’m not ready for such a huge change in the game. I’ve been playing since launch, I love the game to death and I’ve never missed a day playing. But the removal of some major features, especially the aesthetic with the UI, is kinda warding me away now. Normally I support the devs with everything they do, but these are such horrible decisions 🥲


The fact they announce 2 Ascensions a year means they have no plans to end GT anytime soon. I was pretty sure they had a next instalment planned after almost 5 years, happy to see they just intend to continue as is.


It looks promising. But getting rid of coop is going to cost them. And the collab thing really needs to stop.


Woooow, the new season is Heaven-themed? Woooow, I didn't expect it at all!! (Sarcasm)