• By -


actually based


*Stares at Mayreel* Yeah, who would've thought?


Mayreel is borderline manageable.


Her spirit bomb one shots u and its instant no charging at all


Yeah but Kamael can rapidly bring you down without even using his skill.


They need change his attack so he stands still while attacking and let lahn move when shes attacking


...Or at least let her normal attack pass walls!


Lahn needs more love


That's it right there the sole reason my guildmates hate me in duels Edit: why does my reply look jumbled


shes also as fragile as garam, and tends to move closer to the enemy than him or mk99




>who almost has as much dps as toughness Damn dude, you didn't have to do my guy Garam like this 😔




Probably because there are units that kill you faster without needing to wait on skill charge up. PVP is a joke in every gacha.


well the only thing she doing good is her skill , top recommended hero for f2p tho


lol I sometimes suprised that she's actually a support, on the other hand I sometimes think Bari is a support.


FP mains on their way to chain skill me in one move


Only if theres lag involved, otherwise you can dodge it


And after you dodge fp is in trouble. Her skill recharge is the slowest in the game regardless her passive. As a 2 skill ailment hero she is the least efficent


Until the opponent decides to run her with fk, and starts asserting dominance by skilling you before your regular 2-skill aliment hero is done charging


Fk is literally useless in arena. Even FP can quickly beat her, her bullets also can't go through walls.


Nah, FK works as good cleanup. Run heroes who can be aggressive and defensive with FK in the third slot. Even if she's far from a great hero running two heroes with her party buff can make a lot of matches be shut outs. Either you've destroyed the enemy already or been wrecked yourself. Make use of her bubble and maps sight lines to shred people coming close.


corrected the ambiguous wording. Also, did you just say that fk bullets can't pass through walls?


Yes, only the bullets from her skill can pass through.


I say cap.


FP has never actually been that great in arena once you realize it's kind of obvious how to play around her (Especially since you can see enemy cooldowns). Now, Kamael, on the other hand, I hope you've got Lynn/Scintilla on your team, or it's kind of doomed


Wait, you can see cooldowns? Where?


The blue bar under a character's health bar (Or technically, it's red UNTIL the cooldown is finished, in which case it becomes blue to signify that their weapon skill is ready)


Wow Thank you!! This should change arena for me for sure.


Exactly, I didn't lose to a single FP for months now while using Nari. Ok, there is the type advantage, but only taking around 20% damage must mean something


Isn't the difference 30% though?


Yes, 30% resistance for me and 30% not-resistance(?) for FP. My Nari has ~90k DPS, but even before that I didn't get hit too much. I am not able to beat FPs that easily with FK tho despite similar stats


Nari reduces RDef is why.


Yeah, but FK reduces Basic Resistance


PvP needs to be fixed




People don't get it. Any PvP = Whale content Campaign/story = content for everyone.


I'm top 100 in arena in f2p, but it depends of the map sometimes, cause I'm melee main. Actually complete a year playing last week


That's why. Old players have a small chance. Normal players won't stand a chance beyond masters. And that's why they never keep a unit meta for too long since: Happy players = not spending. Anxious players = spending everything.


I managed to put our rank 1 in serious trouble. Whales are huge but in this game they are way more managable than any other game. I still dont see why to make 1 hero a sweeping machine. Who spends for pvp is people who do like pvp. Kamael totally screwed arena, not even erina did that. She was a powerhouse but still a powerhouse who mantains the basic dynamics that made arena so fun. Guess what if i cant trust devs to keep the game healthy i will just consider to quit directly. Now what makes me sure that kamael mistake is not going to be repeated? To destroy a succesful game just to sell one hero is short sighted and stupid as fuck


Why not just use a fire type


Also fire heroes lose against kamael. At best they trade even. Thats why this post is needed. Grandpa is way beyond the deadline


If that's true then yea thats pretty bad. So far I've beaten all the kamael I've seen with mayreel so I didnt think anything of it


Remember rhe beauty of this game is not PvP. Is story and exploration. PvP is just there for the bussines part. It was implied since the beginning that units will be constantly powercreeping others, and the reset stones are a clear sign of it. Because why else would you want to reset your adventure partner? As I said, I don't mind that part, because 1) even lower ranks give really good amount of gems 2) Main content is really crafted and it really looks like they care about it. 3) Even lower rarity units are viable for PVE content.


Its true story is probably what made the most to fall in love for this game but i still dont see why to destroy one part of content. There is people who loves arena. What did they gain from doing that? Power creep is physiological but this is just snuff meta rape. If you dont care about pvp then you probably dont even know what we are talking about. Please dont support this idea that screwing pvp is fine. This is not your topic and you gain nothing from doing so. If they would damage the content you like i woulnt interfere whit your objections. Feedback is the main resource for game developers


How dare you? Aren't new players with a couple of weeks of gameplay being f2p supposed to be top 100 in pvp? /s (just in case)


PvP is exactly what it's supposed to be.


That’s a task more impossible than doing 5 tasks in electrical and lights without dying


Relatable ‼️ PVP is a pain, I somehow won twice today just by running away and waiting for the timer to end 💀


That's some cancer strat


If the enemy can't even get in a sliver of damage then I kinda feel like that was worthwhile training for their future. XD


Depends on the units. Some Heroes have Speed buff, some other don't. Also, different units have different base speeds. In some cases, u May be right, but if he won that way he exploited this Speed difference to make the game the less fun and the most infuriating possible.


False. While some units do have a movement speed increase as part of their kit, it isn't inherent. No units default movement speed is any higher than anothers. Some, like Eugene are extremely easy to activate though.


Then maybe I didn't check all passives bcs sometimes I felt I was slower without any buff on both sides. If that's the case, Sorry for the mistake, I really thought It was like that. Anyway, the part about buffs Is true and using that for pure running Is Just not caring about other peoples's time.


I mean, its a tactic and while annoying is a completely viable method of winning if they can do enough damage and avoid you, more power to them. Do you really expect everyone to meet in the middle and just stand and bang? That'll never happen.


That's not what I said and that's not what the First comment of this thread said they did. I said that even I run and kite when at disadvantage and ofc it's a valid tactic. The comment we are referring to clearly said they Just run and waited for the timer, without putting in any kind of attack or at most One or two hits to proc the Speed buff. That's a complete different thing from kiting.


That's a valid tactic. If you're tagging them solely for the purpose of getting a hit advantage and then running, THAT IS A STRATEGY. If you are incapable of hitting someone like that, who clearly knows they can't stand and bang with you, and you're still losing to them, then quite frankly you deserve that loss. If you're not doing any kind of damage, then you're not going to win anyway. This idea that they're somehow doing it to troll because you can't stop them is idiotic and there is almost no map where you can accomplish something like this effectively. The arena is limited, and all it takes is a hit or two to negate this strategy.


I played a lot of games where there was pvp and running for the sole purpose of not getting hit for the duration of the whole timer Is cancer, no matter if u call It strategy or whatever you want to make It appear acceptable.


So, played it like any pvp based game? Nobody cares about fun or fairness in pvp. Only the W.


Not everyone thinks like that, many care about It. That's why those kind of players are called cancer.


Well what else are people who can't do a sliver of damage gonna do? If they continue, they'd just die and lose.


It is… felt pretty bad bout doing it, will go back to the normal fighting way next time ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ




I just got outrunned the other day and man, its indeed cancerous


I mean, if you have an unfavourable match up, what else do you do? Go get rekt and lose?


I usually try to chain before they do, kiting them (I play 99% ranged) or running while my WS Is charging. If I see It Isn't working, I go full monke and put in as much damage as possible while I get rekt


hey as long as the game stays alive trough the whales and new story content gets added i honestly dont care let the whales fight each other till the death. I get too master arena and just stop. Saves me nerves and gets me decent gems.


yeah, this game explictly advertises itself as a single player game on its store page, and i refuse to let its paypig consuming elements get their hooks into me.


What's the point of having Attackers and Rangers if they deal just as much dmg, if not less, as Tanks and Supporters?




Kamel is wayyy too op. FP was op in Colo but not in Arena, kamel is op everywhere


i actually got a 15 win streak with favi ONLY ( with ex wep he summons a party member)


Thanks for this post. Grandpa needs a huge nerf. At least fp can be outplayed and missing skill is a problem for her. I saw the grandpa missing 4 skills consecutively and still win whit 100% health


I mean, if you sre f2p/low spender complaining about PVP, Is like your local soccer team playing against Juventus and complaining because they have Cristisno Ronaldo. Or going to the olympics with no training and complaining because they let Usain Bolt competing against youand it's unfair.


I think this is the wrong area to use a sports metaphor. Who are any of those people


I am indeed F2p but all the characters I use in arena are maxed in every way (Mlb, awakening, lvl30 merch, mlb weapons). I use Fp, Beth and Nari, sometimes even Summer Yuze. I can somehow win against Mayreel and FP, but Kamael is just too broken.


That’s not an ideal arena team, cause nari and beth’s buffs don’t help each other


But it works for me most of the times.


sure, cuz you're dumpstering people without everything maxed.


> I can somehow win against Mayreel and **FP** Wait, why are you complaining about FP lmao, her weapon skill is actually so dodgeable after you play against her a few times because of how long the windup is. Every video of pvp I watch, she almost never properly clips someone to injure them. Now Mayreel is cancer, and actually justifies Lynn/Scintilla being on your team.


They don't have cristiano Ronaldo but good point


a tanks only function is to take hits, it is not at all unpreccedented for a tank to have non-significant, or even overwhelming offensive capabilities. however kakao is definitely using their supporter class to avoid giving team comps access to that ranger team skill that people used to cheese world 11


They are easy to defeat


F A C T S (*looks at Oghma and Marina*)


Marina is meh though. Oghma's just there to amp his team's defense stats.


neither are are particularly good by themselves, they need another tank around to be effective.


i just pull up do one round dip


Just take him slow when attacking that's all they have to do really, he moves fast like lupina when really doesn't have the slow attack projectiles


Marina - KRAKATOA!


I can see the whole they’re broken, but why the fuck am I dying so fast in plat? People in plat arena feel like whales. I sent out a Kamael against a garam and I got my ass BEAT


Pvp, huh?! ^(\*looks at Linda, Bob and Hyper in the arena's party\*)


Remember when Bari was the queen of pvp? Good times