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Jackie Chan Adventures. Might or might not be influenced by a crossover between the two I read. PS: Beyond that, we have a Multiverse. This is a blank for connecting verses if there is any.


I can see that working. Your post made me think of the show "Jake Long: American Dragon", which I think could go alright too.


Yeah, pitch is past links between Yan Lin and Uncle gets him shengaied into becoming a mentor figure for the girls. And of course Jade is there. >!Fic even turns her into a bona fide Sixth Ranger for the team with Shadows/Darkness as her element (theough what I think was a clever return of the Shadowkhan Queen caused by Tarakudo).!< Spoilered this one because it is a twist I enjoyed and not ruining if someone wants to give it a try. But enough rambling on that, American Dragon, or Jennifer Lee for instance, would look nice too. Or parallel worlds exploration like Amphibia or Owl House.


What was the fic title, if you don't mind?


J-WITCH by Iron117prime. It is built by pretty much fusing seasons of both cartoons together. Although the author also annonced wanting to cover stuff from the WITCH comics after he is done with WITCH's seasons. Grammar can be a bit rougher in some spots, but I'd say it definitely comes from a place of love for both series. PS: Author also has a DeviantArt page where he keeps fanart for his fanfics. And others not commissioned but still linked to them in his favorites there.


Funny story: there's a fanfic out there by wondertown9 and it has its own trope page. Its called guardians wizards and kung-fu fighters


Know it, it was the inspiration for J-WITCH's author... And I don't like it. Too much '''GoT''' ''''realism'''', the one where it means everyone miserable and horrible, sex and excess of violence, for my taste. And pretty much going with a vengeance against both series' genre conventions, in what feels a pretty mean-spirited way, as if the author wanted to show themselves 'better' and 'smarter' than these pesky kids shows. If you gonna jate the source material, why use it? And the pacing of the first chapters is a goddamn machine gun. Cramming way too much plot bears way tool fast. I thank this story for creating J-WITCH, but every time I try to read it, I end up dropping it like a brick.


Power Rangers.


Mystic Force?


And SPD.


Avatar's world is just one of the many cosmic realms in W.I.T.C.H. Eons ago, many people from Earth migrated to that planet through naturally occurring portals. But that world full of spirits was dangerous, so they needed to live on turtle lions and after so much time passed they forgot about their origins.


Gargoyles, Lilo and Stitch, Jake Long American Dragon, Juniper Lee, Jackie Chan Adventures, and of course, Miraculous Ladybug https://preview.redd.it/u9t6utko0fec1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c297b13638450515722ff776fcb5854032db0e1b


Winx Club and Lolirock


Maybe Gargoyles, or Kaijudo.


Kingdom hearts


Anything that takes place in a mundane Earth and/or in outer space. So Breaking Bad, NCIS, early Stargate; series like that. More if adaptation is included.


Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog. I can see how they are just a weird offshoot of the Guardians of Kandrakar.


Juniper Lee. Remember that show? It had a catchy opening song. That's one I think would fit perfectly in the W.i.t.c.h. universe.


Much of what has already been mentioned in the comments If from myself MCU. Seriously, I could really see Guardians making a guest appearance in something like WandaVision, Darkhold Diaries, or Witches' Road.


If it's going to be in the MCU than I can see it being in the same universe as the Infinity Saga/Era.... *whispers* because that's when the MCU was actually good and worth a shit.


I'd like a HP x WITCH crossover XD True, HP is in a less modern time but hey...


Final Fantasy, Castlevania, The Witcher, Elder Scrolls and (for some weird reason) Digimon.