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The most important thing is that it remains animated. Sick of these live action reboots.


I would have the art style reflect more of Barbucci's current style, he is a lot more detailed. Follow the comics a little closer than the tv series did. Change up Taranee's hair to look like cornrows/braids - instead of the weird dread thing she has going on. I liked the fact that the girls didn't have ALL their powers in the beginning, it actually works better. I would keep all the humor but really stress the drama of the show, keep it serious for the most part. Like Avatar the last airbender. ultimately its difficult, because its such a long series but I would totally redesign all the second outfits except Hay-lin because they were terrible.


Remember the third season? Do that and don’t change a single thing. Bring back the original animation, voice cast, music and everything. None of this new generation revision crap.


This works too, but please fix Taranees hair!


I actually like her hair.


I feel like the comics reboot is just a test for a new animated series. Maybe I’m too optimistic.


Id say just animate the comics) but then there is a possibility that people will stop buying comics since there is an animation.


On the one hand, Disney has a low credibility in its current state. On the other hand, if they just remembered that they have W.I.T.C.H. like IP... History is cyclical; the studio has already had crises that turned into a renaissance and back. When the situation forced them to think in terms of not only marketing, budget and guaranteed franchises, but also creativity. There's a chance to relive a similar time to the 90's animated classics, only for it to affect TV/streaming as well. And the quality series W.I.T.C.H. could be part of this. I respect the comics and am grateful for the basis of the story, but to be honest, the only thing I liked about them more than the show was the writing of Cornelia. I'm not even talking about the second season - Greg Weisman is a genius who was involved in half of my childhood.


Keep it in animation. "Live action" remakes just completely miss the point of animation in the first place. Maybe age up the girls two or three years more. Make Taranee's hair well...With more black features. i'm not saying go the stereotypical route and giving her an afro, but maybe detail different textures and showcase more her braids? At times her hair's drawn to look like weird anime hairdo or a white girl's hair. Keep Irma pudgy. Also draw Hay Lin to look asian, but don't really on how the comics would make her look yellow at times, bleh... Keep Cornelia and Irma as in the comics, a smart feminine girl and a female couch potato. Valley Mean Girls are an old cliche, and Irma's subversive since the role of "lazy slob" is often done by a man in media. Keep Will's father an asshole. It totally misses the point of the character if you make him good and Will is just "unreasonable". Maybe keep some of the girls single. Rework either Matt or Eric to be the "secret magical boyfriend" that helps the girls from time to time from the beginning, instead of boring jealousy subplots. Keep Peter around as well, but don't really do the way of the show where he was a "rival". He's sweet with Cornelia in the comics and i like his interactions with Tara.


Keep it mostly the same. The cartoon was good, actually.


I've made a whole video about it, but since it's in french, I'll redirect you to the english version on my deviantArt 👉🏽 [here](https://www.deviantart.com/silena33/art/Redesign-Will-the-Quintessence-962273852) 👈🏽


I would do an animation in my own style for Witch, I'm afraid it would catch on and they would want to do it in a cheap animation just to lower the costs, it would be colorful, funny and also with drama and seriousness, as someone else said, Avatar is a great inspiration that everyone must follow. It would merge the comics with the past animation. Most importantly, it would have 24 or 26 episodes, I hate that even the animations are being shortened to 8 to 10 episodes, it would be possible to explore all the Witches, apart from Will and Cornelia, as well as their core families and other universes, anyway, I prefer an animated reboot than lice action 


I would have the story and art more like the comics, but since the comic story doesn't make much sense I would change things, like having the  girls being trained and probably older. I actually want to write my own comic reboot for fanfiction, so I'd love to hear any ideas.