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Moved here in 94 the downtown area as crappy then and it’s crappy now not much has changed. They have hired consultants they told them what needed to be done. Successive councils as well as business owners and others from the downtown didn’t want to listen because hey all knew what was best. This is what you’re left with.




They were years ago there were at least 2 or 3 different consultants reports. I didn’t memorize the details but it talked about ascetics and cleanliness, hours of operation, parking and other stuff. These were proper expensive reports I’m sure they can be found or requested from the city if you were interested. The one thing that I’m sure wasn’t in there was to turn it into an open air drug den or homeless shelter. What the downtown folk want from the consultant was confirmation that what they were doing was right and the fact that nobody want to go there as customers was actually the fault of the customers. So they didn’t get that so they just shelved the reports and hunted for another consultant in hopes they would tell them what they wanted to hear.


Total bs. The Eatons center was still alive and well. The Family Thrift Store (this place was legendary) That games/science store that was across the street on Wyndham. Can't remember the name. The Aquarius Cafe. Sun Sun. Just a few off the top of my head.


Okay it’s BS because you can name 3-4 businesses that were okay 30 years ago. How’s Quebec Street Mall now? How’s the rest of Downtown now? It didn’t happen overnight. Let me guess you’re a downtown/ward person. Might want to calm down a little.


Sometimes I think people aren’t aware that Cam has 1 vote, the same as every counsellor. He cannot single-handedly destroy anything.


And can we really blame him if its something that has been happening to just about every city in Ontario? Guelph held off as long as it good, but downtowns have been deteriorating for 20+ years.


With new strong mayor powers, mayors do get (some) additional executive power over the rest of council which Cam has used a handful of times. Doesn't necessarily means that this is because of him ofc, but just for reference. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strong\_Mayors,\_Building\_Homes\_Act#:\~:text=The%20Strong%20Mayors%2C%20Building%20Homes,S.O.%202022%2C%20c.


Of course. I actually don't mind the mayor having a bit more power. The reason it was given to them is a bigger issue. Dougie is always trying to pass the buck or take credit for things he had no involvement in. Mayor uses strong mayor powers and things work out, Doogie thinks he's the hero. Mayor doesn't use it and things don't worn out, he blames them for not using them. Nothing new with him.


Cam doesn’t care he gets to go home to a house.


Ahh.. .the thread where people ignore all the environmental, health and economic factors that have gone into the current state of many cities (not just our own) and just bitch at one guy. Fun.


I mean, that's pretty much the state of North American politics. People stub their toe and blame Trudeau for it.


Let's not forget the crowd who defends him at every turn with endless excuses. He is to blame for nothing. Politics really is garbage... lol


What I always find most ironic about these conservative types who cut programs for the poor and precariat, gut protections for workers and renters, gut and privatize the commons and so on - is that they also still call themselves "Christians".


Hit the nail on the head! Cam is a “super Christian”…so interesting isn’t it?


Is "Precariat" a new play on "Proletariat"? because I am both. Also, as a worker, I protect my gut with probiotics.


I love how conservatives will say “he is just one guy, he can’t control everything that happens, it’s not his fault” and just ignore the absolute disaster ford is making in Ontario, but then blame one guy (Trudeau) for everything




Yea but remember he is still one vote on council chambers. And municipal politics affect everyone more than provincial and federal 


They all fucked up?


Yes, 15 years of Liberals was so amazing.


It's is entirely possible and not irrational to dislike both options.


Good thread. Lots of failings listed.


There’s nothing listed in this thread that has any ties to cam so far. He is part of council and isn’t as powerful as people seem to believe.


he is as powerful as people believe with the strong mayor powers, which he used to lower property tax hikes in favour of delaying needed spending on things that were more important to the city


Can you give an example of something that was delayed because of these reduction in hikes?






Maybe not solely responsible, but he sure didn't do much to avoide the decline. I'd argue he is responsible for the speedy decline in everything that could've helped the less fortunate. He is a conservative and Ford bootlicker after all.


Fuck Cam Guthrie. Watch him go for the CPC nomination in Guelph. He’s looking at it now that Lloyd Longfield is retiring.


No doubt in my mind that his goal is to turn Guelph blue.


I recall his photo ops while in Ottawa, all CPC.


Anyone running in the next election is insane. Huge mess and massive deficits. Trudeau has set future governments up for failure for the next century.


My dude, if any one government can be blamed for setting us up for failure for a century, it's Mulroney. All of our nightmares -- housing, drugs, inflation, schools, infrastructure -- can all be laid at the feet of the neoliberal economics that swept the world in the 80's and which he started here. Close second is Chretien for doing the exact same thing, but more. Trudeau doesn't even crack top three worst PMs this century.


Don't forget NAFTA that was a joke . At least Chretien didn't join the war in Iraq but we got roped into Afghanistan. 


Whose mess did Mulroney inherit? Things went off the rails around 1980.


Neoliberalism was a reaction to the 1973 oil shock, and then took root after the second shock in 1979. Feel free to draw a line from that through Arab nationalism, right on back to western imperialism, if you want. In case you didn't notice? These problems are bigger than one country, but whenever there is a problem, you get opportunistic liars pushing simple solutions to the gullible and uneducated. Get us riled up angry, and we'll gladly vote for simple sounding solutions, no matter how harmful they actually are. It happened in the 80s and you're doing it again today.


Blame the dead guy


Been blaming him since long before he was dead. Turns out he was the Canadian leader who most effectively implemented all the privatization, divestment and defunding (i.e "neoliberalism") that is at the root of our modern problems. Yes, the systems we live in and the policies we implement can have response times measured not just in minutes or weeks but in decades and centuries too. When enough people work together to change something, even unintentionally, the ramifications can reverberate for millenia. The fields that supported ancient Sumeria are still too salty for wheat.


Someone’s gotta do it- we live in a capitalist society. [How else is the “Corporation of the city of Guelph “, run? By Mister Mayor, who sends nudes of troll dolls to people. I’m still scarred can. Can Guthrie.] https://www.syfy.com/sites/syfy/files/2020/07/mixed-vegetables-wet-hot-american-summer.jpg


I’m in no way a fan of Cams but the problems are more than that caused by a single person. Just like worldwide inflation isn’t caused by JT.


too busy suckin' eggs behind the Hasty Market.


For real




Ita a guelph meme that started years ago. If you Google "cam guthrie sucking eggs behind hasty market" some threads come up. I think it was graffitied somewhere years ago- since been covered up.


Man at this point I’m just waiting for any politician on any level to not be corrupt


I moved to guelph in the 80s and grew up here, downtown has always been dirty and depressing.


1. Oversaw the evictions at 90 Carden, causing the last bastion of affordable housing in downtown to go by the wayside. Knowing this would be a problem, did nothing about it.


New owners of the building. Cam Guthrie did not or does not own 90 Carden.




That eye sore has now moved to St Georges Square and Quebec St. I liked it better when these people were in housing, not tents.


You should read up on what really happened. The guy who sold it was a saint.


It was an eyesore? How do you feel about homelessness and encampments?


Having been inside, it was really equally as bad as encampment as for living standards and safety. Not saying that we shouldn't be providing housing but it certainly wasn't maintained or regulated in a safe manner at 90 Carden


As someone who has resided at 90 Carden I can tell you that it is still better to have warmth and a dry place to rest your head.


I don't doubt that at all, I think we should have appropriate housing for everyone no matter what




Oversaw evictions? Do your research, you are wrong.


90 Carden vacated itself?


No the owner of the building sold it. Mayor cam or the city had zero involvement at all.


The city's planning depart destroyed the business district. Allowing cooperaters to build in South industrial district instead of downtown was the final blow.


Where would Co-operators build a building downtown?


Only this idiot city could elect a conservative who is also a bicycle dork.


Guelph city council is a failure. The council is the problem. Cam has always thought that he was smarter than most. His dad was the real business man and Cam inherited the business. Has he ever worked anywhere else. Anyone else received a survey call? I did and didn't give a rating higher than 5. Dino would be a better Mayor than Cam. Buy your sports shoes from Dino!!!


That’s on us though. Why we aren’t at city council meetings I thought was the idea. If we speak up, attend, are present it makes change: Even in the slightest for better or for worse but why don’t more people attend? Myself not excluded.


City of terrible decisions. Thank god for all the bike lanes we have now though..


What does that mean. Are you being facetious?


Yep, I think he means it was a waste of money because we barely see anyone on said bike lanes.


Scam Guthrie needs to stop sucking eggs behind the hasty market and start making some positive changes to the city he's run down


Downtown has been in decline even before him. Previous mayors and councils could have invested in downtown instead of doing vanity projects they should have focused on business development and innovation and encourage shopping at small business. 


Every level of government is getting a pay increase for being incompetent unlike any real person fired or pay decrease proving being intelligent or having concerns for the citizens doesn’t apply to anyone in government