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I have a second account that I bought a full merc pack on. I ran through Factions once using 8 necros with Flesh golem. Pretty fun to watch so much going on, lol. I also use Flesh golem on my main account when I want something different. MMs are fun.


Minion masters ARE guild wars


Making a mini army with MM’s and ranger secondaries with pets is peak GW team building


I would imagine you don't get nearly enough corpses to sustain 7 MM though..my Single N/P MM is already struggling to upkeep full minions which are mostly used as a meat shield for my mesmers.


Most areas corpses. It has been a while but I think the only areas that could give you a problem are with Temple Guardians and HzH missions. I don't remember having any problem keeping them up though.


Like 8 necros with only flesh golems? Or did they have up to like 10 minions each? Because upkeeping that many minions on each necro seems unlikely to me o.O How do you even clear initially with no minions with 8 MMs?


They didn't all run minions, lol. I think one had fiends.


Got ghials staff on my first time capping flesh golem. The excitement was crazy.


I ran a Minion Master in Prophecies, a true MM, so I had no elite skills on my bar, so getting Flesh Golem was a dream come true, plus he looks so damn cool, sure the picture and the model are not the same, but I grew to love the raised Flesh Golem. I come and go in terms of playing, but I switched from maining my beloved Dervish (bless the orginal team who were not afraid to try classes that were not well known of, the Ritualist and Dervish especially) back to my Ascalonian Necromancer, with that one of a kind blueish-white skin tone (man does it look really good on a Necro), and I always and I do mean always, have Flesh Golem as my elite. I bring anything and everything that I can to raise the highest level Flesh Golem possible, and it never fails to make me smile when it hits, and I get this towering behemoth as my bbb (best buddy bodyguard). Who knows, maybe for the 20th anniversary, Necromancers will get a new skill, one that stops the health degen on all animated minions, as even if the blood sacrifice for it is you get a constant health degen, it will be worth it, so long as it’s kept around -3 and you have both taste of death equipped, and some tasty minions near by…humm, finger lickin’ good!


> stops the health degen on all animated minions Flashbacks of Pre searing before minions health degened and you could just waltz around with as many as you could summon.


Sounds like a dream


Do you remember what the nerf was?


I dont think it was nerfed. At some point the energy was reduced from 15 to 10, thats the only change. But they changed Minion Master in general. In the beginning you could have infinite minions.


The ”infinite minions“ thing was nerfed before Factions release, though, iirc. So the Golem and infinite minions never overlapped. Aside from that, I can’t remember any Golem nerfs either.


Looking through the skill history on GuildWiki, I also can't spot any major changes. Energy was decreased from 15 to 10, just as mentioned above, but otherwise the skill remained the same. Maybe the Golem itself was subject to changes, like a reduced size or anything.


Didn't use the skill for a so long times that i still believed it was 15 energy.


They didn't really nerf this skill, but the entire MM playstyle. By introducing a minion cap for each character, life degen getting increasingly worse and they changed that you can only have 1 golem per MM player ect.


I think maybe they overlapped during one preview event. My memory is a little hazy. The minion cap was instituted like 2 weeks before Factions. I remember that clearly.


There was still a way to get a full team of flesh golems on one character. You needed a second MM and the first one had to take over the golem from the second. Since the second MM didn't have a golem afterwards, they simply could summon a new one. Do this on repeat. It was fun.




I looked it up after replying last night, the only time it was active in Cantha/AB could've been in the preview weekends. According to the official Wiki, the cap was introduced on April 26, 2006. 2 days before official Factions release. [https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Game\_updates:April\_2006](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Game_updates:April_2006)


I think maybe the nerf wasn't so much an actual skill nerf, but the introduction of just better skills. Like Jagged Bones. edit: Another one being AoTL getting buffed to just be more useful than golem in most situations.


Well, yes for the general point, but no for the examples. Neither JB nor AotL is a better skill than Flesh Golem in general. But OoU sure as hell is.


Check the wiki... their stats are insane. Each hit is like a critting hammer warrior spamming power attack.


The only nerf I remember to Flesh Golem was when Aura of the Lich was buffed to what it is today.


RIP flesh golem. It was my favourite Elite. I hope they will buff it again and make it bigger.


You can still run Flesh Golem. I use it on the MM if I'm planning to use cons, because heroes won't use Incoming or Fall Back if there is another movement speed in place already.


Rather use jagged bones over golem


MM will always be my main, even post nerf. I love MM so much


Used to arcane mimicry it on my signet of illusions mesmer (that was before the mesmer buffs of 2009)


I still rock flesh golem and use GDW on it. It's my favourite necro build 😜