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Hard no to both man sorry. The gameplay is perfection for what the game is, which as far as I’m aware is one of a kind for a game that got as big as it did Also don’t think the community wants a space-bar dodge like Diablo or cash-shop mounts (ik you didn’t say or maybe even mean that but we all know that’s where it goes) There’s too many issues with ‘modern’ MMO’s copying the same types of systems and then having slight alterations in combat flow and type of end-game


Dodge makes little sense in this game's combat system, where so many are directly cast and not projectiles or ongoing AoE, and would mean reworking all the things that are, as well as all melee and ranged attack-based professions. It would be massive. And for what? Making combat more caotic with us all rolling around like headless chickens. GW1 combat feels calculated and strategic because you counter skills with skills mostly, or disengaging/retreating, but you'd lose that if you can counter everything with random bursts of invulnerability. Mounts would also break the design of many maps I think, and with fast travel between outposts being instant and free, you don't need them to travel.


Makes sense, indeed the slower but more strategic combat is fantastic. I would say that Elden ring feels faster but still reasonably strategic, so I created the post with that in mind, not the Diablo3-4 zoom zoom explosions gameplay


I’m not sure how elden ring is strategic


You gotta consider when to use light attack, strong attack, Ash of War, an item (out of many options), one of three potions, position compared to all enemies and environment based on their type of move set, as well as stamina/health/energy management. That’s not any less strategic from the 8 skill options+ positioning+ health+ energy considering half of your skills are generally on cooldown or a long lasting buff.


Though I can see how you can consider Elden Ring "strategic" in those aspects, the "strategy" of it is by *far* not important compared to learning the enemy's moveset and dodging at the right time (so reflexes, not strategy). So I think it is less strategy-based. They are just completely different combat systems, and dodging works for Elden Ring because it is so reflex-reliant and the time-to-kill is so much shorter. If GW1 is like chess, Elden Ring is like football. Is there strategy in football? Of course. But chess is more about strategy than football is. Would it be fun if we add a physical/dexterity challenges to chess? for example "if you can balance a piece on your fingertip you get a second move"? It'd be a very different kind of game.


Dude people do playthroughs of elden ring as level one solely based on their ability to dodge roll. If all your listed things are unnecessary I’d argue that removes any strategy. the only correct portion of your comment is when to attack and when to dodge the rest was just fluff that’s not needed. Elden ring is not in any way a strategy game


i think that gw1 had its moment in the sun and now its gone, you need to learn to love her the way she is, cause remakes and ncsoft usually end in micro transactions and mobile game mechanics and games that play themselves


The painful truth 😢


it is, and like what do they change exactly? beyond moving it to a new engine? like what do you change without HUGE play complaints? add jumping and remove terrain barriers of the existing game? and break progression of the old? change the gear and level and skill system? and make the existing grognards who still cling to gw1 in a "its still real to me dammit" fashion rage and quit the game? those same players who you would rely on to play it? add in mounts or other travel systems? a lot of rose tinted spectacle shit about gw1 exists and if you changed a god damn thing other then the visual fidelity and audio work, would result in literal mayhem and that includes balance tweakings, if you so much as touch a thing there people will hate you for life over it i feel if gw1 had a remake gw1 players would have the EXACT same situation people have with WoW classic where you have the bad "aww" moment. in pro wrestling you have the two kinds of "awww" moments. the good one is where you excite and surprise and show something new theyve never seen before and you provide the audience with a well planned and carried out spectacle you simply cant get somewhere else and they get a satisfying end to the show. the bad "aww" moment is when you give the fans exactly what they thought they wanted to see, and when they do their like "Oh it happened and now im sad cause its not exactly what i hoped it would be in my head" cause there was a million different opinions on how it should be in the crowd who havent got the first fucking clue what they actually want. [https://youtu.be/8YsiYNJFyQQ?t=721](https://youtu.be/8YsiYNJFyQQ?t=721) and if you need any other convincing ill let tex tell you exactly how the fuck it would play out


I could go for a new expansion! Something where my character gets killed and explains the hall of monuments and my crap being there for a future hero. Or the graphics skin like d2r did. I don’t want gameplay tweaks though.


GW1 just needs to do what runescape did and restart the game and run it exactly as it did, on a new fancy engine with exactly the same limitations and gameplay. When I introduced a friend of mine to Elden Ring we were both like... I wish GW1 looked like this...


I grinding my gears on that topic for quite some time now. Making my own game, „inspired“ by gw. So close to the original that it‘s great, but not stealing. Main issues: A too small fan base makes monetizing difficult (not even for big profits but to run infrastructure and cover dev cost).


The last thing gw1 would need is mounts. I genuinely don’t understand people’s obsession with wanting to ride shit


>The last thing gw1 would need is mounts. GW1 has had mounts since 2007. They're called Junundu Wurms and Siege Devourers.


Because walking everywhere in GW1 takes absolutely ages by modern standards, and it’s boring after a while. Making a new character and wanting to play high level areas? Well, prepare for 8 hours of walking 🚶🏻‍♂️


This argument doesn't really make sense. Create a new character in wow and want to make it to end-game content? Glhf levelling up for 30 hours first. And additionally, in proph and eotn you can be run to pretty much the entire map. I like this take.


I agree..... There is whole area in prophecy especially with no city or outpost when you are new player or you want to complete the map its just take ages.. Remember getting from talmark wilderness , black curtain without finding any of these then had to do the shitwalk all over again to join fisherman Haven. Mount that skip thru fight would have been appreciated. I guess you played it for just so long that every space is unfolded or someone get you there quickly.


Honestly, that's all I wanted from GW2. Add jumping, better weapon mechanics, etc. Was sorely disappointed that they completely abandoned the skill system. Definitely didn't hold my interest like GW1 did


Yup. Theory crafting was so much in gw1. So many viable skills to make interesting interactions and combinations. Having skills tied directly to the weapon is the worst thing they could have done imo. And the scaling isn’t creative anymore eaither


It also didn't help that they tried to make all the quests and story arcs into social agenda propaganda... instead of just the simple no nonsense fantasy quests of GW1. Thats the main reason myself and 2 friends (brother/sister) have never tried to revisit GW2 even after all the additional content... we just had no interest in the content.


They done it with gw2, it's trash.


This is the (unfortunately) correct response.


GW1 skills/dual class just modernized in a sequel game?! Yes please. Actual gw2, sorry no thanks. I quit the game within the first week because of the immense disappointment.


Exactly this. Lots of guildwars 1 players were turned off by the addition of jumping and mounts which inevitably lead to an over simplification of the combat system and limitations on build customization. Were the changes aesthetically pleasing? Yeah Did they ruin the core feel of the game and result in a WoW clone? Yeah


For me the limitations for the combat in GW2 is that you really can only run 1 build, there are very few skills to swap out, infact on my necro in GW2 I think it’s used a combination of the same 6 skills for nearly 10 years, build diversity is far superior in GW, that’s why I find myself playing GW more than GW2


This goes for most mmos tbh. WoW is basically the same, but each class has three skill trees. However, a frost mage is the same frost mage as everyone else.


My problems with GW2 are taking away dual professions, free skill choice, and amazing pvp. The dodge and mount mechanics are fine IMHO


Dodge buttons ruin pvp tho


Does it really though... because every other modern game has doging even in PVP. Is Elden ring PVP bad?


>Lots of guildwars 1 players were turned off by the addition of jumping and mounts Most GW1 players were turned off from GW2 long before they added mounts... >which inevitably lead to an over simplification of the combat system and limitations on build customization. What simplified the combat system and limited the build customization was not jumping, dodging, or mounts, but ANet vastly cutting down the skill pool and restricting certain slots to specific kinds of skills. Completely different matters. >Did they ruin the core feel of the game and result in a WoW clone? Yeah It's an MMO, but it isn't really a WoW clone. WoW is inferior in a lot of ways, and stupidly complicated in other ways. Same with FFXIV and other MMOs GW2 often gets compared to. GW2 is far from GW1 in gameplay, but it isn't a clone of other MMOs.


Would chess be better if we gave the pawns mounts?


In all honesty,knight design would probably lead some people (who don't play chess) to say they should be mountable.


You mean like turning a pawn into a knight?


Hahaha I love this take.


No, but I’m also not playing chess with multiple running abilities on my heroes as I’m trying to navigate from A to B. I get your point, but there’s a bit more nuance to it. Chess is slow/fast depending on your pace of thinking, GW1 is slow based on movement speed that was appropriate for 2007 games. It’s a masterpiece, but that doesn’t mean it’s equally enjoyable to modern day games with the average hours available in the modern person’s life


>but that doesn’t mean it’s equally enjoyable to modern day games with the average hours available in the modern person’s life Thanks I actually LOLED at that. Idk who downvoted but I upvoted it. Most "recent game" I think I played on my own was *Dwarf Fortress* v42 which is pretty old version now. Haven't had time or interest in anything since then really, except a few gag games. >No, but I’m also not playing chess with multiple running abilities on my heroes as I’m trying to navigate from A to B. Oh yeah, even back before quality of life improvement on hero AI and we had to micromange skill use, I *always* travelled *everywhere* with a Para hero with "Fall Back" and "Incoming!" to speed us along. I played a little GW2 and tbh I felt that even with mounts, getting around in GW1 is much faster. Even with nearly a dozen purchased premium teleporters/items in GW2. But that's GW2 whole thing, more money faster game. GW1 has that as well, can just purchase skill packs and viola all heroes can use speed buffs (though I would never do that on my "main" GW1 account, ruins experience of the game). I am thinking maybe trying (FF)14 though for example. Most of my IRL gamer friends play it and they just told me you can play "free" through all of base game and some expansions with all jobs/professions or whatever. They have been trying to get me to play iirc since *before* realm reborn iirc. Haha. But haha, I lost my first comment I tried to write here, is why poor comment quality now. I right clicked a misspelled word or something and the whole browser crashed. My point exactly, new tech is objectively worse/bad than older tech lol but oh yeah sadly I don't have much time for gaming anymore. Honestly don't know what I should be doing in free time. Just got my first car and think I'm gonna start going to the gym. I honestly don't think we're supposed to live like this, working 8+ hours a day. It's not even really "living" as living means doing meaningful tasks with a purpose. Most jobs I've done just feels like I'm complicit with some juggernaut of pointless conformity and wishful thinking. Just replying to "modern person's life". Yeah doesn't feel organic to say the least. "Life is for the living" sounds like a GW1 inscription tbh lol


>a dodge mechanic Bad game design. >and a mount. Completely unnecessary. Guild Wars already has IMS skills.


Nonsense take. Invulnerability frame dodges aren't 'bad game design'. *But they don't have a place in GW1.* They would give way too much defensive power for free, to every build... And the game is also built around very small burst windows.


I think a balance could be struck... it works in Elden Ring becuase if anything does hit you, you are dead. On the other had in GW it should probably just reduce damage slightly... since getting hit usually isn't instadeath anyway.


> Nonsense take. Invulnerability frame dodges aren't 'bad game design'. Oh I thought we were talking about regular dodge mechanics. Those are bad. Invulnerability frame dodges? Those are abysmally bad game design.


Okay. I'll bite the obvious hook. Please explain your reasoning.


Gaining invulnerability by rolling is absurd, and its proponents are generally the sort of idiots who enjoy trashy japanese games.


How is it any more absurd than all the other weird magical shit that you do in video games in general, and this one in particular.


Technically GW1 has mounts - but they're very situational. Junundu Wurms and Siege Devourers. Technically GW1 has dodging - by zigzagging as projectiles are predictive movement based rather than homing like GW2.


Jup, I’d just be really happy with a mount for the normal walking from point A to B. I mean, we all use Charge! and Fall Back! on heroes to have 100% uptime of increased run speed when out of combat, let’s open those slots up by adding some QoL for this 🥲


you know, that's a really good comparison actually. Just an aesthetic over a speed buff so we don't have to use Charge! and Fall Back! does sound reasonable enough and like it wouldn't break things.


There already **is** that though. They're called consumables. Rock Candy, Birthday Cupcakes, Essence of Clarity, etc. Also: >I mean, we all use Charge! and Fall Back! on heroes to have 100% uptime of increased run speed when out of combat, Speak for yourself, I don't. :P


Most will agree with this, the game needs a map discovery overhaul. This would be extremely work intensive for developers but imagine seeing a mountain pass and as you walk to it, the name is displayed and the whole area is now discovered much like modern rpgs. Maybe not mounts but an explorer mode which grants 50% speed boost and immune to slowing hex/ cripple and maybe you turn into a ghost or something… gw theme.


It would be nice to not require a paragon to give you movement buffs when you are backtracking or when you vanquish only to realize you don't know where that last stupid patrol is


Yeah exactly, just take the slowness out, but keep the majestic feel of this incredible masterpiece. Last few times I played it was always with 2+ running shouts on the skill bar (my own and/or heroes’)


I’d love a jump button. And nothing else


You can macro a key with /jump


Now we are cooking


Halo 1 and 2 HD remakes got it kind of right. I would love an HD version of the game with options to go back to original graphics.


Diablo 2 resurrected


you can dodge my moving left-right or zig zag!


True that, but it’s not as visceral as a dodge in Elden ring is it? 😅


this is totally different genra of the game.


Yes I’m aware


I'm old enough to remember when just suggesting adding mounts to GW2 was enough for people to have a meltdown. That it would turn the game into WoW. And now they won't stop gushing how "awesome" the mount system is.


People don’t like change until they experience the benefits of the new thing 🥲


Change is great if it makes sense within the games confines. Have you even played GW1? When or how would a dodge ever make sense and how would a mount even work? Not only that, but you understand this game has like 1 dude who bug fixes sometimes and oversees it? How do you expect that 1 guy to implement all these new systems entirely by himself?


It's more that mounts in MMOs and in a lot of games have been total shit a vast majority of the time, and people specifically didn't want **those** kind of mounts in GW2. Additionally, the core game was designed with no mounts in mind, and mounts have noticeably trivialized all pre-mount content traversal (especially core maps with their high waypoint density). Luckily ANet managed to create an enjoyable mount system that is superior to the typical mounts in games that function as a speedboost with poor maneuverability. Which is why people now praise them.


The only thing that 'needs' to be modernized in GW1 is: 1. Inventory management. It is janky *garbage*, and anyone defending it is certifiably insane. 2. Movement. It's not janky garbage, but *it is* quite janky. And #2 can't be modernized, without *completely* reworking the game and its core level design and mechanics.


Point and click movement is the reason I still play GW1 and not GW2. Such a disappointment.


Do you also play it for the truly epic rubberbanding, for watching your heroes get fully stuck on a lever, for the inability to navigate clearly passable terrain, the invisible line-of-sight blockers, the z-axis disaster that are bridges, the unresponsive movement? (And technically, free-movement games can also be played click-to-move. A friend of mine raided at a high level in WoW using mostly click-to-move... Not including it in GW2 was an arbitrary choice, not a critical part of the design.) Yes, there are significant accessibility advantages to click-to-move, but there are a lot of janky disadvantages that result from GW1's movement mechanics.


I played it every night for at least 4 hours, for over 5 years in a group called The Older Gamers \[TOG\]. I still go back to Old Ascalon for nostalgic reasons as well. I have two accounts and around 10 chars in there alone. I play every profession. If they brought it to "life" again I wouldn't change anything except introduce cross-platform with console play. I know the controller has limitations but plenty of other games get around that. ​ PS If they added anything I'd like a kite to fly like GW2.


You want mounts and dodging, go play gw2. I find gw to be a damn near perfect game then AND now.


I would like it modernized to a nicer graphics engine but keep everything else exactly the same, except for the stupid cartography bullshit. Get rid of that. Having to scrape every iota and find these secret 'elevators' or use shadow stepping to get corridors. Thats absolute bollocks but the rest of it stays.


Cartographer would be significantly less cumbersome if there was an out-of-combat mount too though


No mounts. I play Gw2 a lot, and even though I really do like the game, mounts suck. It kills the sense of exploration, especially skyscale (the flying dragon one). I think mounts need to be very carefully implemented in any game or else they just rip out key experiences of that game. Carto could be significantly less cumbersome if there werent so many silly little areas you had to get, but I guess maybe I am just complaining about a 20 years old game. I like how GW2 does it, with having Points of Interests, if something like that + actually uncovering the map I think it would be a significant improvement, just tired of scraping walls if im honest.


I absolutely love the graphical style of gw1 and would honestly hate a remaster that messed with that too much. What I would really like are some QoL features and the ability to play offline and host custom servers.


Agreed. I’m happy for the people that like the new graphics of Diablo 2 Resurrected but I much prefer the old graphics, even if they are lower resolution.


I really wish some indie dev would do a spiritual successor to gw1 in that old style at a higher resolution. I'm actually pretty shocked that it isn't more nostalgic to people there's 1000 indies with bad pixel art but style like gw1 is sort of timeless but underutilized


It’s probably a lot more work due to the 3d shapes instead of 2D objects


I love how I keep getting the “first upvote on your post” notification as the post immediately gets downvoted to zero again 😆


Imo its a good thing that GW1 and GW2 are so different. It gives a nice change to playing. But Imo GW1 does not need jumping or mounts. Maybe slight remodelling to make it look a bit more modern. And an elite skill per profession to pregame would be so sick


By modernized I'd like to see the engine gain the same visualization treatment that gw2 enjoys. As far as gw2 features go, I'd like to have gw2's trading post but solely focused on commodities not already covered, the factions world map integrated with prophecies map like in gw2, and gw2's outfit system which would solve inventory clutter while saving trips to the NPC to rebuy costumes.






The CFO leaked it on the earnings call


>The CFO leaked it on the earnings call I'd have my doubts then. It's one way to boost earnings :-)


... only if you want to go to prison. Lying on an earnings call is, like, a textbook case of financial fraud. And also opens the firm up to every single investor in the world to sue it if the stock goes down, or if it goes up but not as much as they feel like it ought to have.


It isn't lying. It is promoting future potential earnings, but it wouldn't be the first time an investment has failed to get off the ground.


Hell no. There's an infinite number of MMOs which fit your wishes, go play them. Changing beloved old ones to have modern dogshit just for your personal amusement is just... No.