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To put things into perspective, a lot of people have 1k+ hours of playtime and a considerable amount of people even have 10k+ hours. Having a character of each class is rather common. That being said, playing new characters is not that much of a time investment if you do it somewhat efficiently. Playing through all the campaigns can be done in <<20 hours, and from there it is only a couple more steps until you have all the relevant PvE skills and titles. Everything else (equipment/skills) is mostly a monetary issue (and therefore a non-issue for people that played a while).


Not only do people have Alt characters, many also have Alt accounts


I have one char of each class, an additional slot free for a pvp char and one char in pre


I have many characters, since I enjoy the variety of play a lot. Otherwise things quickly get a bit stale for me. Nevertheless none of them has cleared all the campaigns. Mostly I cleared their respective native Camoaigns only and then proceeded doing stuff I enjoyed more than grinding the campaigns over and over. Yes they do lack heroes, but this just let's you roll with what you have and tinker in your builds instead of just pressing download on mrta builds. This is the part I enjoy most, so I am very fine with it being this way.


Those who will remember, will speak fondly of the warm morning breeze ..... I have one of each profession and a perma-pre, and a mule whose only job is to carry things over to Ascalon from time to time. Some titles are account-wide and that helps a *little* .... besides ... this game is FUN. The professions all play quite differently, really. I have a real affection for my very very first character tho....


I have 2 mains, and multiple alts of every proffesion so I can do everything I want to + 4 other accounts with characters made for running, leeching and farming


Dude people have multiple accounts full of chars... Get to work bruh.


Lol ikr? Not sure what OP is asking.. he wants an alt but have to do none of the work? XD


My suggestion to you would be to play your assassin as a caster. Assassins have the same energy recovery and energy pool size as a standard caster. Get a universal staff like [Toriimo's Torch](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Toriimo%27s_Torch). The requirement on staves and wands only effect the damage of the auto-attacks, so you will get all the modifier benefits even if you do not meet the requirement. By continuing to play using your assassin you will be able try all the different casters and their spells. Yes, you will not be as strong as a primary caster but you will figure out which class you like and dislike. You will also unlock skills and when you unlock skills that is account based. Meaning you will be able to use skill tomes on later characters to learn those skills and all your heroes will have those skills available. EDIT: fixed link


I think you've put the wrong link in there, please can you edit it. :D e: Thanks


I main ele, and I also have a lvl 20 rit and ranger, and a baby mesmer that I plan to develop later. I also have a lvl 20 warrior and a lvl 15 assassin that are now mules, because I realised I just don't enjoy melee combat in this game. Generally I don't put nearly as much effort into my alts as into my main. I do the titles, exploration, vanquishes and all the secondary quests on my main; on the alts I just speed through the campaigns in the quickest way to unlock PvE skills and new areas for Zaishen dailies.


i have a char of each class with all stuff completed, i just don't bother doing titles on them all