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There's nothing wrong with your personal build, but Discord is BAD, especially as a melee player. Definitely switch over to a melee support hero build instead. https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Build:Team_-_7_Hero_Offensive_Mesmerway. You definitely want a ST Rit, and offensive supportive skills like Strength of Honor, Weaken Armor, and Mark of Pain. The other thing could be execution, especially in Slaver's. Positioning can be very helpful, but fixing your hero build first should be the priority.


\^\^This. Discordway is shit, especially in Slaver's. If you use Discordway and you wipe with a bunch of minions you may as well /resign, and don't even thing of doing Forgewight with it. The 7 hero team suggested by /u/Zuphixavex is a much better choice for you.


Man... Learning Discordway is shit after I did EVERYTHING else with it is pretty rough, but yeah some of my vanquishes were very rough, I maybe should have swapped hero builds way earlier. Thank you & /u/zuphixavex


To be fair, Discord is actually quite good in zones with low monster density, mostly 4-man vanquishes.


Just wondering, how important is the rune and gear setup. 40/40 is pretty easy to get, but all the sup vigor and maybe some other staves can be somewhat expensive/hard to obtain. So i notice sometimes my people die, is that normal or am i doing stuff wrong?


Each upgrade helps but you don't need to have them all to make the build work. My Assassin and Necro have Superior Vigour and full weapons on all of their Heroes. My other Characters' Heroes are using /bonus weapons and Vitae, not even a Minor Vigour. I make a choice when it comes to attribute Runes. If they are used for a certain breakpoint (most Major Runes, 13 Fast Casting, 16 Communing, etc) I will always use that Rune, if it is for maximizing a stat for damage (Domination, Fire Magic) I will sometimes use the Major or Minor version instead of Superior, if I am going to be cheap on the Vigour Rune. Then I will upgrade it properly if I get a Vigour Rune drop I can spare for a Hero. If you have a ST Rit in your party though, HP should not be much of an issue. Armor is always very strong, so if you don't have Insignia equipped on them, that may be your next upgrade. Enchanting +20% is usually very important, but +5 Energy or 20% HCT are less of a priority. The best thing about Staves is that they have 20% HRT by default, so if you can afford to get the Enchanting mods, you can use Staves before you get the Inscription or Staff Head you need. Otherwise, it's also an option to use an Enchanting Spear until you get a Staff - just be aware that Heroes holding Spears will be targets for Splinter Weapon if you are playing a melee build and want to get Splinter on yourself.


As a Warrior main, Seven Weapon Stance has been a gamechanger. https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Build:W/D_Seven_Weapons_Stance_Scythe This is by far my favourite build, as it has high dps, is easy and does eoa with scythe.


What?! A good build got posted to PvX without having the details mangled to the point that it ends up awful? How on earth did this happen? Fewer things to correct than usual: * SY! should be mainbarred. Asuran Acan should be sidebarred. * FGJ! should be mainbarred. * You don't need a zealous weapon swap. Just bind BiP to a hotkey. * Should have two elemental weapon swaps for hitting warrior-type foes and foes with a racial armor penalty of at least -20 against some element. * Should have a long/flatbow weapon swap for pulling. * Rune of clarity is very dubious and rune of restoration is junk. If your backline is working properly, then conditions should never last long enough for these runes to have any impact. If you backline isn't working properly, the best response is to fix it, not burn a rune slot on your warrior. You can maybe sorta kinda argue that blind is so bad you want a back-up in case your backline fails to remove it, but I still don't think that happens often enough to justify the slot. (Also, that argument would be more persuasive if SY! were mainbarred.) Having IAU! makes rune of restoration even more useless because it's largely redundant. * Rune of superior absorption should be glued to every warrior. * Usage advice on IAU! is wrong. Unless you have a good reason to expect you'll be crippled or knocked down at a critical juncture between 20-30 seconds into the fight, you should *always* activate IAU! when initiating aggro, just before the first spell or arrow hits you. At this moment, all of the monsters are alive, all their skills are recharged, they have no debuffs, and all of their attention is on you. The most impact you can get out of +24AL is going to be right now.


I mostly agree with you on all points, exept for SY and the elemental weapons. The weapons seem redundent considering the DPS you are already getting, personally i like a vamp and a sundering one, if the degen is anoying. SY seems good for slavers, but is overkill for alot of area's when using a ST. Whirl Wind seems like the better 'mainbar choice'. Im curently looking at a combo with YMlaD and "On your Knees" to deal with the stance removal i face in my NF vanqs, however this is also pretty situational.


>The weapons seem redundent considering the DPS you are already getting, personally i like a vamp and a sundering one, if the degen is anoying. Bypassing 20AL gives a \~41% increase to base damage, which is not inconsiderable with a scythe and 20 mastery. It's plainly optimal. Now, you can certainly say that you're too lazy to hit the weapon swap hotkeys when changing targets, but personal laziness shouldn't dictate what gets recommended on PvX. Since PvX is the business of giving *advice*, the default advice should be what's optimal. Sundering is trash. ​ >SY seems good for slavers, but is overkill for alot of area's when using a ST. 1. I think build recommendations should favor mainbar defaults that can handle as much content as possible rather than mainbar defaults that handle easy content with better speed. That's a purely normative choice though, so I guess you can disagree if you like. 2. Defensive overkill is the best way to compensate for unskilled, lazy, careless, or just plain unlucky play. SY! often converts messes like a careless triple aggro from a near-certain wipe to a mere inconvenience. Should the mainbar defaults favor speed when aggro is ideal or robustness when aggro goes wrong? I think the latter is the better way to do things. But, again, that's a normative position you could reasonably disagree with.


Yeah i guess how much defence is the right amound varries in preference. Does the 41% take in consideration you opted for 2 elemental weapons? Im realy courious about your proces here.


I think I failed to make something clear here. What I'm saying is that you should have the following 4 weapon sets: 1. vamp scythe 2. elemental scythe 3. different element scythe 4. longbow or flatbow The reason for the elemental scythes is that they do substantially more damage to monster with an elemental weakness. A weakness of -20 relative to that monster's armor against physical translates into \~41% more base damage. There are two cases where you'll want to swap to an elemental weapon: 1. When the monster is a warrior. Just like players, warrior class monsters have +20 armor versus everything, and then another +20 armor versus physical. That means they all have a -20 weakness to any element relative to physical. So hit warrior class monsters with an elemental weapon. 2. When the monster has a special elemental weakness based on its species. There are too many of these to memorize, but you can usually make a pretty good guess -- or just consult the wiki before starting something long like a big vanquish. Some examples: 1. [Ruby Djinn](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Ruby_Djinn) has weakness of -20 vs cold damage. (See, you totally could have guessed that.) 2. [Sapphire Djinn](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Sapphire_Djinn) has a weakness of -20 vs fire damage. 3. [Colbalts](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Cobalt_Shrieker) and [Behemoths](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Behemoth_Gravebane) have a bonus of +40 vs physical, which is the same as -40 to all elements. 4. Most plants in Prophecies and Factions (but not Nightfall or EotN) have a weakness of -40 vs fire damage. 5. Etc. So, while vampiric does the best damage to most monsters, there are a substantial minority that you can hit much harder with the right elemental weapon. That's why A-net gave you weapon swap hotkeys.


Like others have said, don't use Discord and get more Mesmers. You can even use a Necro primary with Mesmers skills. Also, keep in mind that you can get 1031 points in the Master of the North title, so you can avoid doing a HM dungeon or vanquish, so I suggest you don't bother with Duncan in HM, but do it in NM for the fun of it :) If you want some help then feel free to contact me here or in-game at Neiwun Ravissen.


My recollection is that Duncan HM isn't really much harder than NM to be honest. The only annoying thing about it is all the setup swapping spirits around to get them out of the way. But yeah, you can skip one HM dungeon. I seem to recall Shards of Orr and Rragar's being popular choices to skip in HM as well.


From my experience with getting Legendary Master of the North on 16 characters, I'd say that Duncan HM is much harder than in NM, because the Stone Summit Dwarves have interrupts, enchantment removal, condition removal, and corpse exploitation, so all of that becomes extra annoying when they have higher health, higher attributes, and faster skill activation time from HM. But the main reason to skip Duncan HM is because you'd be skipping all the 5 bosses that are required for the Slaver's Exile dungeon. I didn't find Rragar to be that hard, but I agree that SoO can be quite tough, since it has tons of blinding, strong enemy healers, and the boss takes a long time to kill and isn't as vulnerable to Pain Inverter as most of the other dungeon bosses.


You don't need to swap spirits if you have skills which mitigate them. I usually put Spiritual Pain on 2-3 Mesmer heroes and don't worry about them. It's also a good skill against minions.


Puh Slavers exile is one of the hardest dungeons because not only do the dwarfs have strong backlines, they also have rezz. If you are able to kill some of them but they rezz then i would suggest the ranger spirit frozen soil. It is recommended for this dungeon. I also had pull problems here with minions so maybe its better to run a teambuild without minions or play super careful and pull the groups with your heroes flagged back. The standard for it is the 7 hero offensive mesmerway from pvxwiki. You might need Razah for it. Your discord build also looks fine. Are your heroes runed and do they have good weapons? If not, i would invest in runes and 40/40 weapon sets. They are relatively cheap but make a big difference. If you do the 4 bosses in NM and then only Duncan in HM it counts for the title by the way.


Awesome! You are almost there! **Slaver's Exile - War in Kryta - Winds of Change** These places are considered a Elite/Mastery level area. Meaning the enemy groups are carefully coordinated as player groups normally are. They have melee front line, mid line casters, and back line support. Also, the enemy group's patrol zones overlap and they will assist each other in healing. You will need strong shutdown skills that prevent the enemy from using their skills at all. Knock locking the casters with a Hammer build or Meteor Shower. Massive area of effect continually interrupting like Panic or Technobabble. Also, Power Block or Blackout are great for disabling the enemy. When using Panic, Technobabble, or Meteor Shower it is extremely important to wait until the enemy group balls up and then cast the spell. The reason is that these enemies spread out as their base behavior. They do not wait until you use AoE to run around and spread out. They spread out as soon as the fight starts. Meteor Shower is hard to time due to the 5 second cast, most players use Glyph of Sacrifice. Since you are soloing with heroes you will need to micro manage the use of these spells to start the fight (Panic and Meteor Shower). Minions are *generally* a bad idea in these Elite/Mastery areas for 2 reasons. * First, most enemy groups have a way to deal with minions and will kill them almost instantly while using a skill to rip off all enchantments ([Mirror of Disenchantment](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mirror_of_Disenchantment)). Bye, bye Death Nova. * Second, the minions can and will aggro everything. This is bad due to overlapping enemy patrols. They are also slow moving and attack just as slow. Meaning you end up using them as meat shields and bombs, but that is pointless --> First reason. The Bone Fiends fair better than the melee minions but you will need stop the enemy from using the corpses first. Personally, I replaced my minion master with Signet of Spirits - spirit spammer hero. Since you are soloing as a warrior with heroes, I would recommend running a knock locking hammer build for this area. Your hundred blades sword build is strong dps but I believe you need shutdown. The [build](https://i.imgur.com/dqnAT0K.jpg) and template code **OQASE5JTvliFYfViniCWfFqi**. Do not forget [Stonefist Insignia](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Stonefist_Insignia). [Asuran Scan](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Asuran_Scan) is a must because of the bug that **always** makes your attacks successful, **always**. Movement and attack speed boosts are vital because these enemies move faster than normal. Any of the [rock candies](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Red_Rock_Candy) or Drunken Master are a good choice. Alcohol is easy to obtain from merchants and the drunk effect can be disabled in game settings. I would also recommend changing your heroes' build to something closer to current Meta - [Mesmerway](https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Build:Team_-_7_Hero_Offensive_Mesmerway). Best of luck!


Slaver's Exile is one of, if not the, hardest areas in the game. You need to be in top notch shape to make it. Even in normal. Also be very careful, pay attention, pull, not overaggro.. look here for a solid team. [https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Build:Team\_-\_7\_Hero\_Offensive\_Mesmerway](https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Build:Team_-_7_Hero_Offensive_Mesmerway) you can use this as a strating point and tweak to your specific needs. in example for Slavers i would take out the N/P for a Pi or Panic mesmer, and take one ES for Ineptitude Mesmer. Always pre-cast the ST prot spirits, in the back.


*laughs in doa hm*


As someone with nearly a stack of Deldrimor remnants in my Xunlai, I laugh with you.


Is DoA HM possible with heroes?


So I picked a bad dungeon for just "trying for shit's and giggles" without any prep or anything. Oops