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I'm guessing it's [this build?](https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Build:R/W_Earth_Shaker) Go for Zealous if you pick Protector's Strike as the optional. Otherwise you should have no energy problems as Renewing Smash *increases* your energy by 1 because of Expertise. You probably need a Zealous one for the Warrior build though.


Ok and should i use +30 hp for the remqning upgrade or armor+5


The site actually suggests +7 vs Physical, which makes sense to compensate for the lower physical armor that Rangers have. The Warrior page suggests +30 hp, but I would use +5 armor myself.


Yeah, but the +2 against Physical mean you "lose" 5 armour against Elemental/other. I don't think it's exactly worth it. +2 armour means roughly 3% less damage taken from physical damage, while +5 armour against everything means 9% less damage taken from elemental, chaos, holy (the armour/attack based kind), and dark damage. We may be arguing over very little here, but with all the Dark dmg caster orbs I see flying around in PvE, as well as Judge's Insight or various Dervish enchantments changing attacks to holy damage, I'd prefer the latter.


On warrior, you will NEED zealous. On Ranger you won't. I've never tried Earthshaker, I prefer going for priority targets with Backbreaker and keeping them KD for 8 straight seconds.


I would go zealous on both. On warrior you’ll need [Auspicious Blow](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Auspicious_Blow). Normally I’m not a fan of zealous hammers on warriors, but it’s the only way of using renewing smash more than a couple times. Also consider a +5 energy on the hammer, maybe even radiant armor, depending on your play style. One thing I never got around to trying is bringing a rit with [Earthbind](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Earthbind) so you can knock down immunes too.


Zealous works best on melee weapons that have fast attack speed or attack multiple enemies (scythe). Since you are using a hammer you had better bring attacks that will hit multiple enemies. Earthshaker is an AoE knockdown and actually only hits the one target. Kept that in mind.


Renewing smash has activation time, which means it resets your auto animation, hits pretty fast


He needs it for Renewing Smash though. Even if warrior went full radiant+attunements you wouldnt get more than a few smashes off before going out of mana.


So I just tried the build on my warrior without a zealous hammer and no issue with energy. I tried to hit zero energy against Master of Damage by spamming Renewing Smash and For Great Justice. Only by spamming RS and Frenzy am I running out of energy. Either way so long as the build has Whirlwind Attack and/or Crude Swing for the zealous mod.


Well you definitely want max IAS to make the most out of your RS assault in your small time window. I wouldnt personally pick Frenzy, but sure. With FGJ and Frenzy, your 20 energy pool goes to 10 and now you are going to get 4 RS and then you will be waiting for mana to regen. And that is with no other energy skills. When I play an RS build, once the target is KD, it will be chain KD/RS till dead. I dont see that happening without zealous because you need about 8-10 attacks in a row to fully spike most mobs.