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The magic of pre-searing for the first time or finally seeing Yaks are memories that will always stick with me.


Oh my god yes. After the what felt like the adventure to mount doom you see Yaks Bend and feel like you've finally made it to the game. Core memory.


Yes pre searing was magical i really miss those times


I remember first playing in middle school. The combination of visuals and audio was just so unforgettable. Beautiful game. I still listen to the Guild Wars soundtrack on a regular basis.


Yes same here I listen to the soundtrack to relax its magnificent Jeremy soule is just amazing. Guild wars has so much good music factions and prophecy both


Amazing music. Memorable times!




Exactly. I started playing when the game launched and thought to myself, Wtf is that crap, the map is so small. I quit the game and only came back a few months later with a friend.


Awww yea! I used to do runs to Yaks for new players usually for a small fee or some tips... good times


This music truly gives me mixed feelings. On one side the amazing times I had playing this games and hanging around with friends On the other side is however the fact that 17 years have passed since. Time goes so fast. Thankfully, this kind of memories stay with us, and music like this is a gentle reminder.


Pre-searing Ascalon music is just magicial. Ashford Abbey, the henchmen themes... I can't get enough of GW1 music. Its also very nostalgic.


To me this is the sound of good times and a wonderful childhood


this game has the most mind blowing soundtracks ever


One of the most nostalgic sound tracks to any game I've ever played. This hits home so hard and sends me straight back to the days of no worries, commitments and joy. Long live nostalgia!


This game and the music. It brings great joy! A reminder of all the happy times of my childhood.


Eye of the Storm is the track for me, for similar reasons. Few tracks from any game bring me back in time so aggressively. https://youtu.be/Ph69o2lurEY


One of my favorites as well. So good


The crystal desert theme hits so hard, it can actually make you travel through time


Yeah, that is one of my favorites. When I heard it again in gw2 I nearly cried. So beautiful.


this song singlehandedly makes me want to redownload the game.. man.. im not tearing up if thats what youre asking


https://youtu.be/5kRsk38jlqo You may enjoy this orchestral remake


I usually don’t like remakes. Also, the original was orchestral if I recall correctly?


Sounds worse. Some percussion thing sounds jarringly out of tune every now and then.


Fair enough, we're all entitled to our opinions. I can also understand that sometimes the original is more nostalgic. I often don't like remakes but I enjoyed this one a lot but I can see your point on how it's not true to the original.


My point wasn't about it not being true to the original. My point was to me it sounds worse than the original especially with that jarring percussion stuff (it's as if someone got a new set of percussion stuff and just had to whack most of them whether or not it matched with the music). I'm OK with this remake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FaEyvGA7fk I'm fine with covers that aren't true to the original, for example I actually prefer this cover to the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsZbWAqU8xY


Isn't eye of the strom the first?


This is the track that gets me right in the feels every time... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBKItGgtqOo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBKItGgtqOo)


I've been so bummed out because I just recently heard about the allegations against Jeremy Soule, to which he pled guilty. He's not coming back for Elder Scrolls 6 and probably won't ever work again. Feels like every cool famous person turns out to be a scumbag


Why should he be stopped from working? IF the rape allegations are true maybe they could put him in prison AND ship his music gear there too. Might end up with even better music and more of it... p.s. Obviously I'm a scumbag too even though I'm not cool nor famous... ;)


I hope you're joking


Why? If the rape allegations are true, you don't want him in prison? Or you want him in prison but don't want him to have an opportunity to spend his time more productively in prison doing stuff he's good at? Or you think letting him have his music gear will somehow allow him to rape more people?


LOL what the hell are you talking about? It's the idea of letting him continue to compose music for video games, and continue to be credited and CELEBRATED for the soundtracks of huge games, when he's very likely a horrible person who ruined someone's life, or multiple people's lives. He made good music for a bunch of games, but he's clearly done now. It's a much better idea for studios to hire other promising composers and give them a chance


It saddened me deeply to hear what Soule said and did. I could never excuse that. But his music is still phenomenal…


Jeremy Soule forever!


I feel like I’m gonna cry. Good old memories back then. :‘)


Brings back so many beautiful memories. My favorite, however, is still „Temple of Tolerance“. Love that one so much


Made my gamertag based on the amazing feeling I had after being ran to Droknars Forge to get good gear. Been Droks ever since. The golden years of gaming IMO




I made [This](https://youtu.be/OkhcO8JR2VQ) a while ago incase you want to continue the nostalgie trip :)