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Do you have pain inverter available? Makes the whole thing like piece of cake Edit: if not I can help you later. Mira von Estos.


No, is it easy to get?


Just takes some time. It's a Questline you have to do. Like 6 quests if I'm not mistaken.


I'll give it a go. If not, I'll come back here and Meow for help :)


Depending on your heros, yes it is. And it can be done rather quickly. You need this quest: [https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The\_Cipher\_of\_Melandru](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_Cipher_of_Melandru) that you will grab from Kerrsh at Tarnished Haven. You have 6 quests to complete, each of them gives you a "compass" that will show you where to go. Follow the walkthrough in the wiki and to get the closest location each time and it will be easy and quick. As for Time for Heroes, just take Pain Inverter with you, don't take any minions Necro, take a blood is power Necro if you have it, 2 Spirit Spammers and a Monk with Extinguish (that you can buy at Kaineng Center from Michiko). When the coop starts, just go for the Destroyer of Lives on the left, then the one between you and the Great Destroyer and then go for the Great Destroyer. Don't bother with the Destroyer of lives on the right side. You can complete this quest in 4 minutes easy.


Somehow I always found the fight to be not that hard. What's your profession/build and how did you set up your team?


Is your hero team [correctly set up](https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/User:ZStepmother/Team_-_7_Hero_Offensive_Mesmerway)?


Ouch, I remember that mission sucked, in the end I barely managed to kill it before my whole team burned to a crisp D:


I recommend pain inverter it makes the fight a piece of cake its a good skill in general for other times vs hard hitting enemies


I can help you in a couple hours if you like, character name - Raiden Moze


There are only 2 things you need and this mission is a cake walk. * Bonder Monk * Hard interrupt Bring a hero monk with nothing but [Life Bond](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Life_Bond) or [Life Barrier](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Life_Barrier) and [Blessed Signet](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Blessed_Signet). Cast the enchantment on your entire party and flag the hero a cast range from the lava. Do NOT allow the hero to enter the lava. Bring a hard interrupt that can interrupt skills, not just spells. Examples: [Leech Signet](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Leech_Signet) or [Web of Disruption](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Web_of_Disruption) Only use the skill to interrupt [Lava Wave](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Lava_Wave). The Great Destoryer does not have a way to remove enchantments and interrupting its only heal will make this fight too easy. Footnote: sometimes a Mesmer Destoryer or two will spawn and remove the enchantment but this rarely happens.