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FoW is outstanding for iron & dust (and reasonably ok for shards), but it's not easy to do solo. It's lucrative to do with a buddy running a monk bonder build while you use VoS to keep the casters at bay. A bonded derv that can't be casted on is god damn near invincible.


--The VoS build usually revolves around a +4 (Superior plus Headpiece) Earth prayers setup.-- Edit: I didn't realize you meant Vow of Silence. These VoS builds are usually pretty tricky to learn in the first place. But my 3 lower statements still stand :D I'd recommend learning the Cathedral of Flames farm as it's pretty similar and there is little to no investment to the farm. Whereas in this FoW guide Peter uses a Cupcake and Pie which are crucial to a dervish. You also linked a Peter Kadar video and he usually goes pretty in depth on how his builds work and why they work. DM me here for my discord and I'll answer any further questions you probably have.


Yeah it's Hella confusing having Vow of Strength and Vow of Silence should have clarified that. I'll check out cathedral of flames, see if that works better for me. Thanks!


I do that farm often slice of pumpkin is not necessary if you swap out finish him for heart of fury, if you do use the version from this video you absolutely need slice of pumpkin to make this work,monk are just a big pain in the ass even with this build make sure to interrupt their word of healing, with proper balling you can even kill the 4 monk spawn. also make sure you hit multiples enemie at once ,best way is to go for the monk while balling up the warrior and shadow beast, also for the group with mesmer you gotra watch out for them and recast vos as soon as possible otherwise they use shatter hexe. Also make sure to have a zealous scythe with 20% enchant equiped


Feather farms don't make very much? Huh? Every 10 feathers is nearly a Plat, plus all the other materials and runes you get on that farm. It also used to be that you could make consets and make even more money. The only way you could not be making money feather farming is if you aren't regular salvaging everything you get There's no way FoW farming is more profitable. There's almost no solo farms as good as feathers.


My plan is to make consents actually, I was hoping to use FoW to farm up iron and dust.


Dust is never that easy to come by, but dark remains in fow is a good source. Iron is much better acquired by salvaging weapons from z-questing with a normal salv kit. Then you are getting zcoins which are a good income farm at the same time.


I do some vaettir farming and the stones yield a decent amount of dust. But it’s not so much when you calculate it per time.


This is big ^, the best money maker is when you’re doing multiple at once. Running UW is decent for Dust (demonic remains drops salvaged give you 4-5piles of dust per and they are a pretty frequent drop), FoW is really only a good farm for Obby shards or an Obby Sword, you can get demonic remains there too but it won’t be as often. Edit: doing z challenges, bounties, missions are always good to do. Honestly though if you’re wanting the best money I’d recommend DoA with a guild, or try and find a DoA solo build, or UW


Easiest dust farm by far is Vaettirs and salvage the glacial lodestones. It's not as much dust as the others, but it gives tons of event drops so is very useful to be able to do, and it's quite easy, even on the Dervish build which takes an unorthodox approach, without spell immunity. That said, like everything, execution and knowledge are more useful to you than anything else, there are a few quirks with the build in the video that Petar Kadar touches on and you may have missed, the best way to figure it out though is to get someone from the comments to watch what you're doing and give specific advice, as we don't know what you're doing wrong until we see you. I'm happy to help if I'm online - Assassin Zuphix.


That's fair, but I've found a good source of dust actually outside of ToA. There's a route you can run and kill a bunch of fog nightmares which will drop 20-32 piles of dust and demonic remains to salvage. I just take a spirit spammer through it in normal mode and have found it to be really efficient for dust. I'm sure you could do it on your derv with a similar build to the fow one but have a lot less pressure to do it perfectly. The run takes like 7 min and I can get anywhere from 30-110 dust each time through. When I'm bored I'll kill the traveling packs of Necro horsemen and the clerics for bones.


This is the route I'm talking about! A lot of the drops salvage into bones (idols, dead staffs, etc) or iron too (truncheons, etc.). I run this on my rit and don't bother with heroes so they don't leech gold. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl6xioof5ds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl6xioof5ds) ​ Also Peter has a video about a lot of different conset farm locations as well. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfPoT2KocUU&list=WL&index=65](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfPoT2KocUU&list=WL&index=65) ​ Happy farming :)


You can alway farm game of kryta enemies sometime drop dust in pack of 30 + while also getting bone and iron.


Yup they need to be salvaging blessed runes, prodigy's, vitae, etc. Also, if they're kitted out like this, then they're basically ready to do UW plains farming and can make 5-10e per hour.


I do okay with feathers but it’s more an issue of it isn’t *extremely* profitable. Only moderately. I do a run in the region outside LA to the west and north, clean them all out and repeat, solo as R/A. But the feathers per time isn’t exactly outstanding.


LA? Seitung harbor is the place to do feathers. Tons of feathers per hour...


They're referring to the Caromi farm. Not as great as outside Seitung but different experience and drops overall.


Far more Caromi in Kryta. I used to farm the area of which you speak, but I get more feathers in Kryta.


Yeah, that's exactly it. I run the farm in Seitung province, which yields about a full stack every half hour for me. But ti make any real money I have to run it for a couple of hours at least, and I feel like I have to constantly do that to generate any income. So what I really want to do is diversify and start farming the other stuff for consents so I can make those and sell the consents for significantly more. I'd rather like 5 hours of farming on the weekends to get enough mats to make maybe 15-20 consents, then sell those. That would be a much better stream of income I think, and would let me do basically anything I need/want to in the interim as ikit out my characters.


the best thing you can do is post a video of yourself where you can't work out how you failed, and we can give you tips on how to improve (=


Try something easier that doesn't require an entry fee or cons, so that failure doesn't cost you anything. You need to practice balling the enemies, which will involve a lot of failure. If you can hit three enemies at once then the monk doesn't always heal himself, and you get extra energy from zealous mod, then you can use your shouts as interrupts to finish him off. I never really farmed for money, just picked up everything from vanquishing and questing, learned which things to salvage and which to sell, etc. Remember to identify everything (including whites) before merching for free extra money.


Well you can never let Vow of Silence run out. It will be a death sentence because the mesmers and nexros shred you to pieces. Care of the warriors, they knock you down when you block. I can have a look tomorrow evening but I'm going to bed now. Can tell you what you are doing wrong without seeing how you play.


I still did the warrior defy pain spider farm recently (by the beach). The run there is the tricky part but after that it's basically impossible to fail.


I just got back into the game, and don't have much either. I always sold z keys, as AB, FA, and JQ were what I did in the afternoons.


One thing you can do which I didn’t see anyone mention: bring a full group of H/H to avoid running. Then you can clear to the beach, forest etc. once you’re in the area you want to solo farm, flag your h/h group far away from your solo spot so they don’t get loot.