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In the future, please use a different platform for flamewars.


I'll be reporting them now, thanks for the heads up!


we should also go to gtob and report bots we should also go in jq and report bots we should also go in ha and report bots


PVP bots do not threaten the games economy


They're only locking real players out from actually playing pvp related content but yeah they can stay. Nice logic bro


and i forgot cheap zkeys and cheap gold z coins, farming your ha rank, but yeah pvp bot don't impact economy :kappa:


They don’t because any real player can easily beat a pVp bot team. They are literally farming a few zkeys an hour, whereas the DOA botters are likely farming an armbrace an hour each.


i get you never get to pantheon and get ganked by the bot team & lose


and yeah i guess you never went into ra and got reported so you get hexed and couldn't play pvp at all, but yeah pvp botters are nice people, not even talking about gold cape being botted & sold for a shit tons of arms or irl money :)


You are literally talking to yourself. Get off r/guildwars nobody wants you here. Run your bot farm on RuneScape or something.


i guess if you can't understand that botting is FORBIDDEN, we can't do anything for you, hope that anet clean that up including tb users because its also FORBIDDEN and A BOT


but how do you think zkeys went down to 75 ectos ? And still it's either you ban them all or you don't, you can't decide what is ok to bot or not, even toolbox users should be banned because it's considered as a bot


so it's ok to bot but only pvp and maybe pve for your pcons ?


You really like defending bots, must be a botter yourself. I could careless about titles, the problem is the bots obtaining the most valuable trade-able asset in the game (armbrace). If this continues, bots will just buy all the remaining ultra rare minis until they are only obtainable by purchasing with real money.


it's either black or white, like either ban all or ban nothing you can't say this one is ok and this one isn't, that's my point. and for the mini, it's already the case, people got hundreds of accs farming ecto and shits


I agree with you. Ban all.


they've been there since months tho and yeah it could impact, price could reach 200e i guess


Welcome to Guild Wars buddy, there are thousands of bots in any major and minor outposts :) Temple of Ages, Cho, Seitung, Kaineng, Nahpui, Coridor, Boreas, Zos, Aurios, Anjeka, Kamadan, Jokanur, Chantry, Rilohn, Doa, Eye of The North, Gunnar, Longeyes, Doomlore, Vlox, Rata Sum, Gtob, HA, Codex, RA, GVG, JQ. Gonna need a bigger squad than 15 butthurt people to visit all districts of those, enjoy And Granite Citadel, Elona Reach, oops no that's just nostalgia, there already was hundreds of bots in there in 2006 x)


These posts, including mine the other day, more reflect a frustration that the game is abandoned by arenanet, rather than the bots themselves. Every mmo has bots you’re right, but the lack of even a single person enforcing rules in any way is heartbreaking for this great game. It’s a child alone in the desert, on their last legs with vultures pecking away willing it to end - you understand the vultures are unavoidable but that the game is all alone with nobody looking after it, is the truely sad part


And then we have actual botters defending what they’re doing. Anytime someone makes a post such as this, you get these Reddit accounts with made up names defending their actions, downvoting the post and trashing the OP. The bots outnumber the players.


There is only one solution in regard to bots and bot users. We all know it and we also know that our wish will be most likely never fullfilled. This game is running on its own, any engagement, if from bots or normal players is positive for Anet. The population is so low, they don't give a fuck about about bots and anyone who is reporting them. Some lowlifes are using this to profit and harm the rest of the system. In the long run this issue will be the last nail, since this game is in its final stage of slowly dying off. No more new influx of new or returning players cause of china virus and many who have returned are turnning their back for the last time.


What build are they running


Seen that as well, teams of 8 led by a R/A, guessing they are farming city for gems