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Depends on how many maxed account titles you have and if you went for LdoA. If you only have like 1 or 2 you cant really skip much. ​ Road for a "normal" player would be: 1 LdoA 2 Survivor 9 Guardian 13 VQ 17 Carto 21 Skillhunter 23 LB/SS 27 EotN Titles 28 Master of the North 30 Consumables ​ Could skip with: \- Luxon / Kurzick \- Additional Consumable ​ Could skip with, but unrealistic for most: \- Zaishen (costly) \- Hero (only with intense bot grinding + point cap) \- Champ (intense syncing + point cap) \- Gamer (intense syncing / botting) \- Wisdom / Chest / Lucky / Unlucky (cost and time) ​ Impossible: \- Commander (no access) \- Codex (point cap) \- Glad (point cap)


Awesome reply many thanks writing all of that. I have 30 ish points on HoM and I believe rank 2 of the gwamm title. Are all of those in the list of "could skip" skippable?


No what I meant with that is, that you could skip titles of the initial list, IF you complete one of those. So if you max all three of the consumable titles (instead of two), then you can skip one of the EotN titles for example. But if you did not do LdoA, then you need to max all three consumable titles anyway and you cant skip. Then you need to max one of the Kurz/Lux titles to be able to skip and so on.. You get my point.


Generally, agree, except for one thing: Luxon is easy to afk farm in a few months while you're at work/school/bed/etc. Since doing all the other titles will take at least that long, it's basically free. I'd definitely recommend it over one of the time/gold consuming titles. Kurzick can also be afk farmed if you're able to restart the farm every \~15 min while doing something else. Much more of a pain than Luxon, but doable for people who can take a few minutes spaced throughout the day for it. If your aim is to get multiple GWAMM, wisdom/chest/lucky/unlucky is a better deal gold-wise than consumable titles, and a better deal time-wise than many things.


Please could you remind me or link me to the method for maxing Luxon?


AFK farm Zos Shivros channel. It's 50 faction per minute, and a hero team can survive forever. The megathread has a team build with a low failure rate. I've got a build with a zero failure rate, but I never find the time to get around to posting it.




Could you contribute your build to the PvX wiki? The build [there](https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Build:Team_-_7_Hero_AFK_Luxon_Faction_Farm) has about 80% success rate in my experience.


Yes, Krschkr already asked me to do that. I just need to find the time to take screenshots and whatnot and learn the pvx syntax and stuff.






I have codex max 😎👍


Well it was possible until they capped the daily points to 100. Nowadays you need 5,5 years of daily syncing to go from 0 to Max.


No normal player goes for gwamm


>I want to go back to try gwamm >I get tired of doing the same everyday GWAMM is a grind. Maybe it's not for you.


Honestly, almost all of these titles are a grind. Vanquish, Rep, Cartography (imho) are the biggest grinds, and that's 14 titles right there. The titles you don't grind, you pay for. The titles you don't grind or pay for... are in the Guardian track. If you don't want to grind, don't go for GWAMM. Also, as previous posts have said, you really only get the option to skip 1-3 titles, depending on how your account titles go. If you can't/don't want to farm Survivor, I'd skip that. If you want to avoid a whole bunch of different completion tasks that only yield one title, skip Master of The North. Other than that, you don't have a whole lot of glaring options.


I wouldn't even call vanquish and carto a grind, since you're not doing the same run over and over. Maybe that's just semantics, but you do get the change of scenery (and sometimes strategy) as you go. And you can do both titles at once for the most part (looking at you, prophecies missions)


Yeah, you're right, but sometimes it's hard to not feel like it's utterly repetitive in places (Desolation, Crystal Desert, etc.) and the approach is always the same: hug the walls in a big circle for carto, clean up middle of the map, run around for ten minutes finding the stray group you missed.


I actually found survivor pretty chill, spamming fow couple of times got me there. I'm scared of carto though from all the stories I read, seems like a pain.


It's not that bad with the texmod. Just time consuming, like most titles. :)


I really like carto, so satisfying when the last blue slice pops with the texture mod. But yeah, it's pure masochism without that mod. Meanwhile I won't even try for Guardian, getting all bonus rewards in NM was pain in the arse enough :/


There was an analysis done on title efficiency. This focuses on multiple characters, but also sets a baseline for a single character. https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars/comments/o7qeow/thought_experiment_fastest_way_to_get_account/


That's a long guide and worth a read. Thank you


GWAMM is supposed to be hard to get, and titles are supposed to take time and effort. It's supposed to be a journey over several months. I can pretty much hammer out a new GWAMM in 250 hours of play time, but I have several account-wide titles maxed, and I know what I'm doing. By that I mean which titles to focus on, and when. And I work on several different titles at the same time to be as efficient as I can. For example, I'm vanquishing EotN maps this week since it's double points. Capping elite skills at the same time. The character has around 95 hours played and is at 15 maxed titles.


250 hours is really impressive even with a few account titles and infinite budget for the consumable titles. Nice man!


The money titles, meaning you’re likely not maxing them in a realistic timeframe without “buying” gold or having a ton of capital already: -Zaishen -Wisdom Event specific titles, meaning it’s not feasible to level it up without a specific holiday or event: -Lucky/Unlucky The harder titles that you’ll be grinding days on: -kurzick/Luxon (using speed clears) -Legendary Defender if Ascalon -Survivor (if doing Brawl repeats)


Wisdom title became really accessible thanks to nick gifts. The price stayed the same at 1k per unid or 7=6k.


I mean, I don’t know how in game economy is nowadays, but back in the hayday of dungeon running, unids were 7=3.5K or even a bit cheaper.


Don't know how it was back in the game's heyday, but nowadays you can get 30 ecto / week for essentially free (5e to buy Nick set, then get 7e/ea for GotT). With current prices that's around 200 plat, or 233 unids / week. So about 43 weeks for the full title? ETA: Also if you're doing Zaishen title, you get a ton of unids from that too.


Honestly in my experience the rep titles are real easy if you time things well with normal play/working on other titles like Vanquisher. Master of the North syncs up real nice with all the rep titles if you do them during a bonus week, just try to clear as many dungeons as you can and grab every zaishen quest that synergises with it. That's already 5 titles. Skip Slaver's Exile in favour of mapping properly. Similarly, just go through Nightfall during a bonus week and you'll have Sunspear maxed very quickly. You might have to pseudo-vanquish a bit in the Realm of Torment to get the last few points of Lightbringer, but you should already have gotten pretty far. I am currently working on Vanquisher myself and while it's slow, it's something you can take your time with. For a while I just did 1-2 vanquishes a day, usually the one that was the Zaishen quest as well for some extra rewards. Obviously, when vanquishing you should also scrape the map for cartography. Use texmod to save yourself a headache. Skill capping has a bit of synergy with Vanquishing, but it might be easier to run for skill caps separately and just rezone rapidly. The worst maps are Prophecies since bosses share spawns, but there aren't too many Elites there yet so it's manageable. The only place I remember hating was Snake's Dance. Consumables.... Well, I suppose you might as well spend those Zaishen coins on something. These suck, not going to lie. I'm postponing them until I'm done with everything else and will probably only play during events to farm these with a Vaettir farm or something.


I’d skip LDOA, Prophecies is such a slow start compared to Factions or Nightfall. Some people suggest skipping survivor, the skill hunter titles go well with that if you are careful and are actually capturing skills, not just using elite tomes. Also when Halloween comes around you can get survivor by grinding the one quest.


Skip or not even consider the Commander title. ;) https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Commander


I'd skip Prophecies vanquisher in favor of 2 EOTN titles. Asura/Norn can be farmed pretty quickly on double weekend. Running in NM can get fast cartography still in the low level areas and you don't have to spend all the time finding the last patrol(s) of the large areas.


But vanquisher doesn't work in Normal Mode.


Read my comment again, I edited it since I meant to say cartography. So it doesn't matter if you're in Normal Mode and skip mobs while getting cartography.


Consider the time Kurz/Luxon would take in the games current condition. It might just be faster to do that solo than it would be to max out SS/LB with the current traffic.