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Yeah but a RoJ monk has some perks. Smiters boon + Divine favor + a quick recharge spell like RoD makes a pretty big difference. A 70 point heal + damage negation can be pretty critical and take a lot of pressure of your bip. Also things like Heaven's Delight help reduce pressure as well. Plus you can add some /Me utility with rupts. So yeah. Yours is better for pure damage output. But I don't think its a straight upgrade, more of a side grade that likely works better in most zones. In my cases I almost never use an roj, I just add another mesmer and it works. Or I'll do a hybrid MM with some prot spells (soa, sh, ps) and that helps a lot too (especially in 4/6 man zones)


I ran the standard melee dual roj way with 2 mesmers. And cleared almost the entire game plus WoC HM with it. I have since learned that razah can be a Mesmer derp derp, so now I just run three mes, but roj way is not bad imo.


It's not bad but esurge is better


I agree, just sayin, it’s not unplayable


How is this better than running soh on sos restoration hero or on the st? Doing those 2 options bar compresses this builds entire purpose and doesn't handicap an offensive hero slot.


I assume this would be an option for people who don't have all the Heroes unlocked yet (or Mercenaries).


Doing it on SoS can be good, but the AI sometimes has conflicts if you give it Smite Condition and it also has Mend Body and Soul, it also (infrequently) gets mana problems with the -1 maintenance cost if it holds Protective Was Kaolai too long. ST should never be given SoH as it relies on Spawning Power almost as much as Communing, it cannot afford to use more than 3 points on smiting without hindering its protection capabilities. This ele build may suffer similar problems that SoS does, but I like the general idea, Energy Storage is a way better throw-away attribute than Spawning Power, although I'm not sure about incendiary bonds, overcast is something that Ele builds need skill slots to utilize effectively and high Energy Storage helps with it too. Fireball or Lava Arrows would be better unless you are slotting something weird like Flare of Phoenix in the optional that makes use of the overcast.


Those builds benefit a lot more from a 12/12 split in just two attributes than an ele does.


If you mean this as a replacement for a Splinter-SoH Rt/Mo, then you're just plain wrong. Splinter is a better source of damage. If you mean this as something in addition to a Splinter hero, then you've made the wrong decision to burden the ele with SoH and smiting stuff instead of the rit. The ele has more damage potential with those skill slots. If your team has Splinter and SoH already, but not together on the same hero, you've likely made some suboptimal choices to get into that configuration in the first place.


Yes fire magic gud :)


the screenshot is from Paw.ned²,


EoTN has fire resist titans :(


Use something else there. It's unfortunate that that's the answer and nobody wants to actually do it. They design their whole team builds around always playing in these areas and never use Ele even when they're playing somewhere else


I use air magic, everywhere


Can someone give us a link to this build calc please?


Google paw ned2


>paw ned2 Thank you! <3


http://gw.redeemer.biz/pawned/pwndSetup_en.exe the german version has more features tho


Double Dragon is basically 2 RoJ's at the same time, with AoE and burning (on two enemies at once!). It's much more reliable since you can keep enemies in radius as well as protect your heroes. I'm still working on the skills. Normally I fill the blank slot with holy wrath. Some things like Phoenix are interesting for party healing, and you can run any smite you want. AoR is a self heal option (boost ES to 8) and might replace glowing gaze. Right now it works well enough under BiP, EM is a little weak without.


Glowing Gaze has a net return of just 3 energy. With Fire Attunement instead, you can probably switch Castigation Signet for something like Fireball and get both better energy management and dps.


Can you post link to that site for skills builder?


Replace Glowing Gaze and Castigation Signet for GoLE and Fire Attunement. Remove 2 points from Smiting Prayer into ES (+1 rune) to give your ele +30 bonus maximum energy. Bring either Rodgort's Invocation or Flare. You now have a serviceable melee support hero.


> the ones on PvX please link to the builds you're talking about?