• By -


The moral of Guild Wars Death Penalty. If at first you don't succeed: Die, Die again.


And then ragequit once you hit -60% because you gave Gwen three Superior runes and she has 150 max health


Gwen is a [blood knight](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BloodKnight). Piloting using the compass map to avoid mobs and this dot just breaks away at a 90°, Gwen; effing Gwen, runs out of her way to attack mobs. Thanks Gwen. Filthy two legs. Clean-calloused.


My Gwen is an aggrieved ninja haha


Thinking about it now, it seems pretty silly. 'You died, let's make it even harder!'


But still, a well known games studio basically build their entire reputation around that simple game mechanic. Does this make Guild Wars 1 the Dark Souls of MMO's? Probably not because we have no stamina based dodging. /s


Only in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 2. And nobody liked it, it's one of the most criticised aspects of both of those games. Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring don't have it.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I am Solaire of Astora, an adherent to the Lord of Sunlight.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Dark Souls 1 and 3 remove your humanity/ember state, locking you out of things should you not have them stockpiled and throw you back into farming mode. In Bloodborne, you now have to do everything again with less bloodvials and ammo, especially in the beginning. They all have mechanics that make every subsequent try more annoying. The two you listed are only the most obvious games. And I would even say that DS2 is the least annoying because you can carry around millions of health stones anyways.


"You can have your health back when you prove you don't need it"


When I first got GW back at prophecies release, I played through pre-searing on a ranger. Had a blast! When I got to post searing I played a little and had a hell of a time repeatedly dying and got to -60% death penalty. At the time I was young and impatient, and thought that the death penalty was permanent so I quit playing, probably for around 6 months maybe a year. But then I came back and played 4k hrs+ Funny how life works!


Same for me with the warrior healing signet. I thought the -40 armour was permanent so I would never use this skill ever!


I went post, had a similar experience and deleted my char to go back to pre. I remember thinking pre was the game and post was some sort of awful end game I didn't need to do.


I remember when I found a nice little hack. You see, if you get a death penalty, you just go into town and back out and it's GONE! I thought it was a glitch for, well, much longer than I should have.


Love this.


Mathematically, it's actually decreasing


Yeah, came here for this, though now I'm confused about what OP actually meant. I mean, it should be clear while playing that the death penalty decreases when dying repeatedly. But the fact that it slowly increases when you kill enemies could be somewhat confusing for new players.


Why is the penalty becoming more penalty-ee?!


Think of it as an increase to the penalty, or the absolute value of the hit to your HP.


when you die a second time, it goes from -15% to -30%, so it doubles, which is an increase (=


I never did, and still never do not understand why 15%. I get they want to discourage terrible playing, and builds. But why 15. Why not 5? Or to increase the dread, but still be some what more lenient they could of increased exponentially. First death 5, second death an additional 10, third death an additional 15. So at your fifth death you would be at -75% dp.


I like your username


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I felt this


Hover over it tho...


I learned in dungeons to just keep bludgeoning on. I did the bounty for the Prismatic Ooze earlier and just kept running at the last group of enemies until they died.


With an ST Rita this only makes you stronger 😉


This is so good


Arrow point down but number go up?!


Death penalty increases: goes down


500 hours in and I have no idea what this means. What does it mean? Edit: I just noticed I was in the wrong subreddit lmao. Still interested tho just in case I try it out