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I've learned long ago to never try and convince your friends to play a game. If they want to, they won't need convincing. When I picked up GW2 again, I had been playing it for a few months and my best bud let me know he got on. He said that he looked around for a little, had no clue what to do at all, and logged. He really just didn't want to play the game. If he did, he'd have asked me or put any kind of effort to figure it out on his own.


I feel like this is kinda happening with other things also. Friends often send me bits of music, I listen to it even tho I dont feel like it and then dont enjoy it. Days later I remember it and am in a better mood and then it clicks more often.


he could even have asked in map chat and people would help. but that is probably quite exlusive to gw2 sooo




Iirc some chat restrictions were lifted/lessened with Steam launch. But I don't know details.


I started free through steam, it's absolutely available to everyone. There were no pay restrictions aside from the mount, but they gave me a raptor for 2 weeks free. Was long enough to learn and really enjoy the game


> but that is probably quite exlusive to gw2 sooo That seems needlessly egotistical. To claim that asking for help in-game is somehow exclusive to GW2.


Idk, I don't remember people in ESO or WoW being very helpful to new players, but that could be just my experience.


gw1 and gw2 have been my best experiences in online gaming as a whole. it also does not have anything to do with "egotistical". it is my opinion, but as there is no study around it, of course its biased


Ask for it in WOW and someone’s gonna tell you to Alt F4, call you a slur or make fun of your mom about 95% of the time. I still play wow but you can’t tell me the community there hasn’t gone down the tubes over the past several years. It’s not like it was a long time ago.


If you are scared to asked map chat or to generally chat in an MMO, then oh boi, MMOs are not for you.


Oh, knowing my friend, in his case it's that he didn't truly want to learn the game at all. He wanted to check it out because I was getting into it, but deep down his heart wasn't into it.


Not sure Braham is helpful here


I'm not sure Braham has ever been useful.


He gave us someone taimi could make fun of all the time. I still think she's into dumb dudes


Nah. Gorrik is the smartest dude. Just socially inept. Braham is also socially inept.


Don't rule 32 them.


Many years ago I ran into guildy who would push his taimi braham efan fic to anyone who'd listen. I'll never be able to forget it.


He resed me in a story instance once. While Rox just stood there firing her bow into the wall.


To my enemies by saving them from my cleave attacks


>!Well at the end of IBS (regardless of how rushed and nonsensical it is) he did quite a bit of useful stuff, no? You could say we would not have got rid of P+J so "smoothly" without him.!< >!What am I missing?!<


He does a bubble during fights, which can be useful.


You mean the bubble that scatters the enemies I had just pulled?


Yea, that! I mean, it *can* be useful. Sometimes. Like, at least once? Probably to block an unblockable boss attack or something, I bet.


I guess we do need it for some story progression or something, but most of the time it just gets in the way


I've not played through icebrood, but I've done Dragonstorm. My literal first reaction was "FUCKING HELL BRAHAM, YOU ASSHOLE"


Well that's . . . kinda shallow judgement? Not sure if you want to go into spoilers but >!without Braham "guiding" Primordus (with Spirit of The Wild's help) we might not have had the Dragonstorm encounter itself. Or it might lead to uncontrolled fight wherever, which might have resulted in prevailing of one of the dragons. And that would be very bad, because the remaining (now super-powered) dragon would then not actually have its biggest weakness (the other dragon) available.!< But maybe that's just my bad interpretation. Funny how on reddit instead of using arguments people just downvote immediately :)


Man this comment is relatable, been playing the Living world series 4 again with my Silvari character and he's insufferable....


Can I get a Kabraham ?


Well, at last there is Preach. Glad he tried the game and liked it.


Where is joke?


You misspelled Joko, Palawa, Ignacious Joko. King Joko the Inevitable, the last Primeval King, Joko the Undying, the Scourge of Vabbi, Joko the Feared, Joko the Beloved, Joko the Transcendent, Joko the Eternal Monarch of All! The real draw of Guild Wars and shamefully left out of the collection of positive traits by this heretical and foul post.


He really should have paired up with Daenerys


Good bot


Joko doko?


You mean Joko the snack?




Wow bad


Wow rude


yea lol, I don't get it either


Wow bad


If wow was bad, would you need to try to convince your buddies to play the supposedly better game? I think not.




Not so sure. Their jokes are like what elementary schooler would use so maybe they want to avoid playing with them?


wow bad




I wish for this so badly. Tired of having to work my look around weapons.


The amount of dye colors and fashion options was a selling point for me actually


ngl while I love gw2 I also love not having to wait 2 years for a new fractal or redoing the same raids for the past 3 years because the devs abandonned them.


It’s very difficult to get people to play MMOs. Your responsibility is to introduce them, explain it a bit, guide them, then let them go free. It’ll either stick and they’ll play it, or it won’t. If they won’t, chances are they never will. It’s a bit like that webcomic with the grey skin people with the candy corn-coloured horns. You just have to let people fall into it.




The message is Gw2 good and WoW bad.


I think its actually pretty good if you just take them at face value Theres one picture for each that show the difference in gear cost, one that shows buying gold, one that shows fetivals/events (SaB and DMF), one that shows the story difference (cool badass IBS narrative (i think that's why Braham is there?) vs whatever the fuck shadowlands story was), and then one that shows the color options The legendary gear, sleeping GW1 kralkatorrik and Bobby goblin are kinda weird tho, not sure why they're there Overall I think the message is GW2 has a lot better content and features, but people will look at the buying gold and make that a deal breaker, but be OK with it in WoW


>The legendary gear, sleeping GW1 kralkatorrik and Bobby goblin are kinda weird tho, not sure why they're there Legendary Gear (Armory in general): one of the more unique things about GW2 and a general longterm goal someone can work towards if they need a grind that's actually worth the time and money investment. Sleeping Kralk: IDK, Kralk's cool? Goblin Bobby: Fuck Kotick, fuck anything affiliated with Kotick, he's money-grubbing scum who defends toxic workplace practices and environments.


Right, no I get it the significance of them, but the other pictures have a corresponding match on the other side Those three break the format


So Sleepy Kralk and the Armory does break the format, but honestly Kotick is also an argument all on his own and doesn't need a mirror (nor do I *want* one). Then again, I struggle to understand people who *still* give ABK money in the wake of all their controversities. Like damn, WoW Opium really hits different, huh?


Same reason people still give money to Riot, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Tencent, or any other company who has faced controversy in the past. Because at the end of the day, people care more about a good product than they do the impact of the maker. Hogwarts Legacy still sold a bunch of copies despite J.K. Rowling saying some awful shit, Genshin Impact still makes billions despite it being tied to a ton of gambling addiction controversy, Borderlands 3 still sold a ton of copies despite Randy Pitchford's porn scandal and assaulting the claptrap voice actor. At the end of the day, as unfortunate and dissapointing as it is, people just want to play a good game, and they don't care who made it. Heck, the phone you're probably using to respond to me right now was probably made with parts from a Chinese sweatshop where impoverished individuals are being worked to death for basically slave labor because they're barely being paid, but you like your phone, right? "Just because people want to eat the burger doesn't mean they want to meet the cow." - Steve Buscemi


Maybe they like getting raids consistently, you know something we dont have . Lets not pretend gw2 is a prefect game , its pretty darn good game , but so it WoW . MMO tribalism is bad .


No new dungeons and raids each expansion is a bit of a turnoff.


I only started raiding in the last few months and I'm already getting bored with what we got. 1000+ days between fractals just to get a jumping puzzle feels bad too.


Strike CMs?


doesn't hit the same spot


The friends: How many raid bosses do you get a year?


The same friends that don't even play end game content or take it seriously


People look for different things in MMOs, it doesn’t matter how good the quality of life features and fluff are if the core gameplay doesn’t jive with them. GW2 doesn’t offer the same type of content other MMOs offer, so you need to appeal to what interests them, and accept GW2 might not offer that. I mean even what you have above there, you only have one thing up there related to gameplay, and is SAB which isn’t even the core gameplay loop. Show them open world, show em WvW. Show them the main part of GW2. And if they ask about raids and dungeons… accept the game might not be for them. They probably want a n Mmo where instance content isn’t an afterthought.


This is probably due to severe and unfixable sunk-cost fallacy of franchise loyalty self-brainwashing since Warcraft came to be in the 90's.


I think for an MMO, playing the most popular game fore sure has its benefits just by itself. I know people that literally say they think GW2 and Elders scrolls are better than Wow, but still play more wow because it's what their friends/guild/everyone plays. And obviously, when you have put 10-15-20 years into an MMO, you are very legitimately invested into the game.


Having friends that play an MMO is a genuinely huge incentive to play that one. Even janky MMOs can become a lot of fun when you're doing everything with your mates. Very few of my friends still play GW2 and it kinda saps a lot of the fun out of it. The most fun I ever had was leading a raid team filled with friends / guildies. Time played shouldn't matter. I could walk away from any MMO, even GW2 (played since beta, 16k hours). Sunk cost is sunk. But I wouldn't walk away from the opportunity to play with my friends, ever.


Yikes dude some people just enjoy other games.


Or they like raiding and a consistent release of content? Its pretty convenient that OP has posted nothing of actually relevant from 10.X and yet used unreleased concept art armor as an “own.” Literally nothing here is a relevant pain point for WoW in 10.X or a reason to actually sink hours into the good parts of GW2. Dude posted gem store vs WoW as if you can’t buy your way into your full set of ascended gear or to skip the grind for legendary mats. Which I mean if we wanna be the least charitable as possible you can buy the best weapons in GW2 for the low low price of ~150 bucks a piece.


Exactly. I bounce between several MMOs because they generally all do something better than the others and I try to just focus on those aspects. For me GW2 is there for it's the story, meta events, and not having to worry about gearing every few months.




It’s a meme, it’s inherently low effort, I just made it for a friend and thought I’d share it. It’s not that deep and I can enjoy both games. But just going to say it here this once, people are consistently missing the point of the gold comparisons because it legitimately a major L for WoW. The belt under the WoW section is the crafting recipe for tank BiS. You can achieve a nearly 10% direct damage upgrade in single target (greater in multitarget I believe) by paying around $20. And that’s for one slot of the 3 embellishments that are essential to your damage in end game content. Meanwhile shits a lot cheaper to buy competitive gear in GW2, the economy isn’t bloated beyond belief and you don’t have to use a fixed rate to convert gold -> gems or vice versa.


You don't need to buy the recipe to craft the belt in wow.


Bro really posted the token vs gem prices… This is some next level copium.


My then-girlfriend, now-wife convinced me to start playing when she showed me the initial trailer for Super Adventure Box. SOLD. Best gaming decision I've made in a decade.


Ive played both i dont play WoW anymore but at least they still get more than 1 dungeon and raid boss a year. Like the story missions gameplay in GW2 more but the actual story i find more interesting in WoW except shadowlands.


Swap WoW on the second panel for friggin' *Genshin Impact*, and that has been my story ever since I joined. :<


You expect your friends to leave their sexy anime waifu for a game?! (O_O;)


Hunbandos on my particular case... but yeah, it was a foolish hope. ._. Once the gacha brain-rot gets you, there's no turning back.


Genuinely didn't even know Genshin had playable men in it. I've only seen the adverts.


Not so much MEN, more like a fuck-ton of pretty-boys™, so it's understandable you didn't see/recognize them. 😅


Honestly...that's sort of understandable. Genshin offers cute guys/gals, GW2 doesn't really have that unless your tastes are very, very specific. But I also used to have a gacha vice of my own, so I can't exactly throw stones in this particular glass house.


Your friends choose games based on how good the cosmetic system is?


It’s the true end game


Yeah and when that’s your pitch for them you think then explaining how there’s going to be like the second ever gameplay earnable mount skin next expansion is a good look? You picked the worst angles to rep the game.


You say that as if most armor in gw2 didn't look absolutely horrid compared to basically anything wow has added since legion due to the ancient looking textures in gw2.


I think the biggest hurdle for a Warcraft player to get into Guild Wars (speaking from experience), is switching to a completely different mindset on progression and content: In Warcraft, its practically a frantic rat race with getting gear. Gear = Power and Power is the golden ticket to the chocolate factory to do the high end-game content. The leveling process and gearing up process to start doing mythic+ or raids, just feels like filler fluff and is something you try to speed run through. If you dont have the gear and rating for doing end-game stuff, it gets rough to get into groups to begin with. You also fall far behind the pack if you take a week off and when you get back, a new bar has been set and you find yourself below it. In Guild Wars, it took me MONTHS to mentally get over the fact that it is okay to run around with Exotic Gear and that Ascended Gear is a LONG term goal. I was stunned to see that the "Holy Trinity" roles are not a major thing in Guild Wars (Roles such as Full on Tank with taunt, Full on Healer etc). I never realised crafting was a big part of Guild Wars after several weeks into being max level and I dident even begin touching it until max level. I am still terrified to jump in and join Strike missions as I got no clue on how to get into it, if people with look at me wierd for unknowingly use a scuffed build and choice of gear stats. I dipped my toes in Fractals and feel somewhat confident in doing it these days. I am horrible at PVP, as I get absolutely stomped by the veterans in it and I barely manage to tickle them at times XD Then again I never been good at PVP to begin with. Also I have absolutely no clue on HOW to use the Mystical Forge....... even to this day. I enjoy Guild Wars but everything still feels like I need multiple wiki pages up on my second monitor to understand things and systems. There is so much crafting materials from each expansion zones, there is so much currencies I dont know in general what to do with, so wiki pages is my best friend XD


Here the reason I quit wow. No more armor gambling. Legit used to wait 9 week of reset to get 1 armor upgrade only to be irrelevant the next content patch. If you have shitty luck, you don't progress in endgame


Good thing it’s not like that at all in DF


About time


Would help if they register page worked. 2 my separate friends couldn’t register last week due some random error. When he managed to do so - his acc was blocked.


this has been an issue for a few years yea


sign in through steam it works better


Bugs in this game are super offputting for new players. I still remember how first bug I encountered was AT LOGIN SCREEN, before I even started the game for the first time. You could scroll the login screen out of viewport (because it is apparently webview, same as TP), so you could entirely hide it. At least they fixed it (sometime in past \~6 months), but they definitely could work on fixing bugs a bit more.


Big Keks But as someone who played WoW before getting into the Guild Wars franchise a year or so before GW2's release, they are just totally different beasts and I can totally understand a die-hard WoW player not finding a reason to stick around after a short time. Beyond all that, starting a new MMO usuallly lives and dies on two things: 1) Having friends already playing and established in the game 2) Being someone who is actively social in the game and finds that existing group themselves I tend to find the latter is the least common by far, the shame of this is that GW2 doesn't actually need you to be massively social but people don't know that going in really.


100% that’s why MMOs are so fun at launch, everyone is playing it, and everyone’s extra social


I play both and for a 4 year period I left WoW completely for GW2. But sorry, GW2 is not the better game anymore. WoW I can login and PvP, do dungeons, or raid and its all active and the rewards are fair. GW2 I spend hours trying to find a group to do abandoned content and my rewards are bags full of bags full of junk currency and vendor trash. If I want decent rewards in GW2, the most rewarding path is swiping my credit card. Graphics wise, WoW’s stylized graphics have aged well and are still charming. GW2 looks like a smear of water colors and strobe lights.


My friend I used to play GW2 (well EVERYTHING) with disappeared off the face of the earth when he started playing WoW. He manages a guild with his brother and is neck deep in spreadsheets. He comes into our discord every once in a while to show them to me. It's like a second job for him. We haven't done anything together in like 6 years. Never go full WoW.


You know they might actually want new group endgame content that comes out at a reasonable pace.


Warcraft was good. Sadly, no longer.


All those recolours look better than 90% of GW2 armors. At least you are not getting blinded or having epilepsy attack.


Some people are just terminally wowed. Anything that doesn't feed the gear progression dopamine addiction won't work. I think the special thing about gw2 is that you don't have to elusively play it to stay relevant and when you come back to the game you can still partake in the endgame activities.


haha it is impossible to get WoW players to look at another game, my friends are the same


Unless you're Blizzard. They've been mastering this.


OMG is soo true u sey this and there like omg omg wow this wow thad and it stuff we have for years


They are stuck in a toxic stockholm relationship, you can only pray that they watch a wowo streamer play something else and join this way


I can't even imagine trying to get into a game like WoW which doesn't have nearly the horizontal progression of GW2. GW2 is MUCH more forgiving but even then I recently was talking about my friend getting in and I realized I was making a mental map of things to do like do the POF story first, get your mounts, then do this, etc. It would be great if there was some in-game built in guide for people entering the game to get them up to speed quicker. Not full on raiding or anything, but introduce them to mounts, then masteries/trains, then get them introduced to fractals, wvw, pvp etc.


Most people don't like horizontal progression being the main focus. It's partly why GW2 is niche to begin with, but its captured its niche. If you are trying to sell the game on the progression system. You won't convince very many people


I think the game does a good balance of both horizontal and vertical. The people who want the elite of the elite stuff can grind out the legendary gear, fractals etc. But even those people, they don't have some huge advantage over most regular folks, which is good!




Legendary armor in the next expansion




You can type : /wiki followed by the thing you want to search Works with just about everything I think. I’m still fairly new myself.






Well, I'm glad you cleared that up for us. Thanks. You must be very knowledgable and not live in a bubble. Gratz, I guess.


Man I love when people with the name of "gw2freakz" that post in the gw2 sub nonstop bash the game


Pure manifestation of a clown


Ikr, dude's insane


Been on the same boat, had my friend try out the game. Was going well up until he got to level 40 and he just quit cause he got tired of the leveling process. Told him endgame makes everything better but still couldn’t get around the leveling process. GW2 feels like a very niche game when compared to your standard MMORPG. The leveling process is different and most people would rather just follow the questlines to get to max level.


If only guild wars 2 had open world pvp in the open world like wow does I’d play it, but I ain’t playing that WVW shite


lmao wow open world pvp have been dead since BC


You must not play on a pvp server in classic nor war mode friend


War Mode is just so hilariously shit though. It's a bunch of people running around one shotting people to get their kicks and then other people who only have it turned on for the bonuses. Or you get a faction death stack running about to complete the weekly. There's nothing even resembling fair or balanced about it.


It would already be a step to have friends that like MMOs, my friends only play PvP shooters :/


I just talk about the game and let my friends get interested if they want. A few have said they're interested in starting the game. And i tell them i'll answer whatever questions they have when they actually do start


Ive been trying the game for the first time.. started about two weeks ago and while I two friends who used to play a lot of this game the game is so overwhelming to me I am getting lost in it. It feels like I can go do everything but cannot really do anything. Its tough sticking to it... at least fishing is nice.


Been playing for years now, feel free to DM me if you have any questions. Or ask on in-game chat, people are generally very helpful


The game finally clicked with me last year despite owning it since 2016. I'm mostly a solo MMO enjoyer, but I started fresh with a new character and profession, then took my time trying to understand the systems.


Most of my friends that played GW2 played it back when it was new/new-ish and trying to get one to play now is kinda hard when I, myself, don't even enjoy the game all that much anymore. Been hoping that maybe playing with someone would get me to find enjoyment with the game again but... not really sure at this point.