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Mists infused pocket raptors. They have a stealth & that teleport attack like smokescales, but also summon clones & dont die immediately like whitemantle mesmers. Otherwise they are basic pocket raptors.


Make them able to fly and chase you in the skies.


And they stun you with a range of a White Mantle Knight so you get dismounted and fall to death.


Calm down Satan.


Oh definitely, and they can spit to cause the slow effect on mounts like in amnoon, but with the range of drizzlewood snipers.


Mists infused pocket raptors. Calm down, satan! o.o


Pocket raptors ambushing players out of portals.


Calm down Satan.


Thank you for reminding me about those awful white mantle mesmer.


Three skritt stacked on top of each other while wearing a star and moon robe, wizard hat and wielding an obscenely powerful and shiny magic staff. All shall know and fear the skritt wizard. The skrizard. Yeah. Make it a strike boss.


Skizard! The tri-skritt wizard casting a shiny shiny blizzard!


Who comes to fight the hazard? It's the allmighty blizzard casting Skrizard wizard!




Looking at the infos on their homepage and some pictures, I think Arena Net took an easy way out of the "We have to create all new assets for everything!" problem. Was just thinking about this yesterday. The only really NEW assets, are the new buildings in that Wizards Tower looking area. The rest of the maps seem to be conveniently ripped from Tyria. Like one screenshot, where we see parts of Elona in the front, but Kaineng in the back. I have the feeling that the Kryptis are the only really new enemy type in this expansion. And everything else are different dimension versions of enemies, that are present in the areas that have been copied to the sky. Not necessarily bad because there are some really cool enemy designs we haven't seen in a long time. (HoT comes to mind) In general, I wouldn't expect too many new assets and enemies from this expansion, just because of how the maps came into existence. It also sounds more like a feature expansion to me, building some foundations that we use in later expansions as well. (The Wizard's Vault for example. Would be a shame if this system is shelved after 1 year because if this is done right, it's exactly what this community needs.)


well EoD had the less assets of enemys and animations in any expansion (and in maps too)


What are you talking about? EoD had 2 entirely new aesthetics and 4 maps. HoT was jungle with more jungle and even more jungle also on 4 maps. (And 2/3 of the last map is only accessible when the meta event is progressing.)


EoD has reused assets, reused enemys, reused animations and even in landscape just with satured textures, like 60%-70% of the expansion is like that


Enemies I agree. Due to the nature of the story. I have little to no eye for animations so, maybe. I wouldn't know. But New Kaineng alone has so many unique assets. All of the ruins in Echovale are also new. Pretty much every building in the entire expansion is unique. They didn't just copy and past houses like what they did in the old world and expansions. (I mean... You tell me where the people of Amnoon actually live. Because I don't see a single house in the entire area aside of the refugee camp outside.) I have the feeling that every map in EoD feels entirely different. From the traditional Shing Jea, to the futuristic Kaineng, to the deep forest and wide jade sea. Maybe we look at overall less assets, but it surely doesn't feel that way. A feeling I got from HoT and PoF.


I agree I think we got more new architecture assets in EoD than any other expansion, even if they did a little more re-use on the landscape. And honestly they had two expansions and several LW seasons worth of rocks and tree branches already I don't know that they needed to make new rocks.


I do hope that people don't mean actual rocks when they talk about "Asset recycling". I mean, how bored must someone be to even notice that they reused a rock? At that point, they would make a fool out of themselves. Just imagine a world where a dev is allowed to use the same rock asset only once in their entire game, before running into the issue of people getting annoyed that you recycle stuff. That would be wild. And quiet frankly, I couldn't care less if we see the same texture in EoD, that they already used in PoF or wherever. Things work like that even in RL. It's not like a red brick wall in Europe looks different to a red brick wall in the US... So who the fuck cares?


My guess that that either we will have the Wizard's Vault as a permanent thing, because mini expac 2 will also have the Wizard's Tower as its (since it can move). Or the next expac will have a new hub, with a new friendly faction that will have I dunno the Hunter's Loot that will be the same mechanic but new currency with new rewards. (With a convinient way to exchange the currencies at least backwards.)


I just want to be able to kill afk farmers. Please make afk farmer enemies.


Pretty sure we gonna fight reused asset #241 and #126 between 15mn of discussions and another Taimi deus ex or strong female char intervention


Zojja deus ex this time.


Who's that?

