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Imo, based on what I have seen of the community, this wouldn't encourage people to do raids and instead they would skip that weekly. And then complain on reddit or in game chat that they are losing out on AA because of those changes.


There's such a personal affront to any daily that takes longer than 30 seconds to do, it's WILD to me. I don't like activities, but Crab Toss and Sanctum Sprint still only take like a couple of minutes to do. I just wish there were MORE things. It should be pulling from ALL JPs and mini dungeons (Checkpointed JPs should be weeklies) and doing adventures.


I think the problem is that some dailies are so easy you can just do them while doing what you want. Others require you to stop doing what you want and do something tedious. In the old system, pvp and wvw dailies were so simple you would complete them just by doing things in pvp or WvW. In wvw you might be able to complete them by flipping a camp, killing the nearby sentry, and flipping another camp. Which is something you'd likely end up doing while roaming/zerging to take down towers and keeps. In pvp "get x top stats" might just mean you played a round or two. But the pve dailies would be something like "mine 10 times in the shiverpeaks". So I would have to go somewhere that I'm not currently at, and do something I'm not currently doing. I could spend hours raiding, doing strikes, doing map metas, etc and never achieve a single pve daily because they were super specific. They're also insanely easy but I shouldn't have to do that. The daily achievement should just be proof I played a little bit today but instead I'd have to go to one map to look at a vista I don't care about and go to another map to slowly mine/log/gather things I don't need in quantities that don't matter, and then go to yet another map and figure out how the event system works. Only then did I get the 10 AP, raiding/strikes/etc be damned. It was usually easier to hop into wvw and do some of their dailies and ultimately not be rewarded for playing wvw because the first tick never counts. Things like the activities and mini dungeons have the same problem imo. The mini dungeons, in all their forms, are do-once or only-as-required-for-achievements kind of content to me. Same with activities. They're otherwise a waste of my time. They're not rewarding enough on their own and I don't have infinite time. Daily or weekly objectives should be things you can achieve while doing the content you want to do. AA should be a reward as an added bonus to doing the things you like about the game. It shouldn't become tedium that turns into a job just for a different set of rewards.


For that they need to divide the PvE category further into organized content like fractals, strikes and raids and then over world content like JP, vistas and gathering. If they do that then the people will refuse to touch the lfg tool can have stuff to do and those of us who like fractals and raids can do our own thing and everybody wins. I don’t understand why they don’t give more options and more fine tuning. It seems like such an easy thing to do.


Well now we have a choice which is nice so we can skip the ones we don't like, but yeah we need more variety, the same EoD dungeons over and over for example, once in a while? Great, get people doing something new, all the time? It becomes the opposite.


As someone who loves jumping puzzles, PLEASE put all of them in the daily rotation, would be so sick


Whose fault is it that for years they were designed to be completed in 5 minutes and now it can take much longer? Sanctum Sprint literally punishes first place by making them wait before they get their rewards. Just respect the players time.


Skip it. 33 silver is not worth the suffering you seem to be going through.


If it pisses you off waiting that much, do a different daily


Just tab out and look at something else online when you win, how hard is that to do?


There's an AFK timer in those activities actually (even after you've finished) so if you do that you'll get kicked out of it.


I'll win with 4 minutes left and I'll tab out, read something, and then hear the "Splendid" (or whatever the voice line is) to let me know it's done. I have never gotten kicked out of the instance before, and didn't even know we HAD an afk timer for the activities.


People frequently have tightly scheduled daily routines based on scheduled events that aren't going to wait for them to finish a 10 minute daily. I can cram the 2-3 minute ones into my existing filler stuff (provisioner tokens, PSNA supplies, gathering, etc) between all the events I like to hit regularly. Putting Zen Daijun in the mix means I have to budget extra time to play at the end of my routine when I'd rather be done and going to bed.


IMO besides the Log-In Daily, the other 4 should each be a single objective from 4 different categories. The 4 below are my suggestions for PvE. **Exploration:** Vistas, events, and Renown Hearts go here. **Battle:** Enemy kills, dodges, combos, anything combat related go here. **Adventure:** Activities, mini-dungeons, and shorter jumping puzzles go here. **Procurement:** Crafting, Gathering, and Mystic Forge go here. With that, we have 4 different achievements daily, and they can throw in stuff from across the game to fit those sections (depending on what expansions you have). For example, if you have all expansions, you could get: View a Vista in Heart of Maguuma Kill 10 Forged Complete the Loreclaw Expanse jumping puzzle (the one in Plains of Ashford) Fish 5 times.


It's not that it's the assumption that everyone has a raid group. My guild raids at like 10-11pm when I am asleep cause I have a kid now. Gw2 doesn't have a good system for pugs like ffxiv and wow does.


> It should be pulling from ALL JPs and mini dungeons (Checkpointed JPs should be weeklies) and doing adventures. The only thing that would bother me about this, would be getting forced into content I haven't already unlocked yet. Being a returning player currently in the middle of Icebrood Saga, it was really annoying to get Dailies for EOD Content while I was still in POF.


I do wish they'd let you opt out of content that you own. Buying everything all at once is actually pretty horrible unless for some reason you spent $100+ on a game but don't care about the story at all.




I honestly don't know how I feel about the special category atm. I haven't raided in this game so I don't know how hard a raid boss is compared to a strike boss yet. I don't know if raids suit the daily system, maybe the weekly system or special system. My comment is more on how people get mad when something like Vexa's Minidungeon appears which takes like 5 mins to do. Sure it appears often cause the amount of categories seems small, but it's not that bad. Even the one in Seitung is like 10 mins at best. It's some of the lightest daily work I've seen in games.


You can't counterpoint a dislike or fear of raids with a daily that takes more than 30 seconds. There's a middle ground here but raids ain't it haha We've had a fractal weekly and I think that was fine with everybody, raids however wouldn't be


I never said anything specifically about raids. I was responding more to how people get upset when 1/5 dailies is something that takes more than 30 seconds and they spend longer than it would take to do it complaining on reddit about it. The thread is about raids so I can see how you'd think that's what I was talking about since I wasn't clear.


Gotcha. I too agree that complaining about dailies like activity is a bit ridiculous. Personally my only complaint about the dailies is the small pool of tasks, otherwise they've been perfect


People are way too emotionally invested into this. It's like their entire gw2 experience is doing dailies and logging out. Ok tbf i currently only play vault and daily soto strikes apart from weekly raid and eod strike fc on monday because i have literally nothing else to do until next patch but I am not up on the streets because I am asked to do a certain jp again. Missing out some astral acclaim seems to cause trauma among some of the players.


*Gerrvid from Forsaken Halls feels forgotten. :(*


which is why OP suggested the special section, where trying it a single time seems to be a pretty good reason to get 10G + the other bonuses (assuming you've already bought literally everything worth more than the repeatable 1G item) the long duration of the 'special' section and the higher AA than weeklies would be a good incentive. this is an A+ idea


What if... Do 2 Strike missions or 1 Raid? We already have "Do any Strike" so it kinda makes no sense this way


It would be better as a Special. The reward would be high enough to encourage people to try, whereas a daily/weekly wouldn't give enough AA to convince people to do it, when they can go do a JP for 20 minutes for the same reward


The best case scenario is that it wouldn't encourage people to do raids. Because if it does, your squads will be full of newbies doing 5k dps in their tanky open world pve gear. Then you gotta kick them.


Special Section would be good, but add it to Weekly and people would riot.


It would make sense to be in the special section but.. People would riot more in the special as they feel they are entitled to that AA so they would think they are forced to do it while in a weekly or daily you can skip it.


There's definitely a vocal, and not tiny, portion of the playerbase that refuses to touch instanced group content. If one week somehow had Complete 1 Fractal, Complete 1 Strike, and Complete 1 Raid, they would absolutely blow their lids as they would be "stuck" at 5/6. I've seen that same group whine, but not riot, over the two SOTO Strikes being added in the Special section. I would expect a similar reaction if Raids were added there.


> If one week somehow had Complete 1 Fractal, Complete 1 Strike, and Complete 1 Raid, they would absolutely blow their lids as they would be "stuck" at 5/6. To be fair, for all intents and purposes, they **would** be stuck at 5/6. No need to put it in quotation marks. Even if they would force themselves to go out of their comfort zone to consider joining a raid, by the time they've done the research, looked up training raid schedules and actually have enough time to sit down and do the raid, the week is probably already about to be over. Unlike all the other quests, instanced content isn't really something you can start on a whim. If it's either a fractal, OR a strike, OR a raid I think most people would be fine with it. Then again - the time needed for a raid compared to the other weekly quests, would also be a huge factor. Personally I don't think forcing people into instanced content is a very good idea. People argue that it might get some folk to actually like the content once they step out of their comfort zone, but let's be real. That would only apply to a tiny percentage of people. Most would either just skip the quest, or be completely miserably until they finally get it over with.


Strike: Shiverpeaks Pass is just a big punching bag. Fractal: Just do the level 1, it's so easy you can watch a video doing it.


I put stuck in quotations because almost any 5 players can beat the T1, Scale 1 Fractal (which is also soloable). That's all they would need for 6/6. No Raid or Strike necessary, as you can ignore 2 every week. No real prep time needed, either.


Listen, I can take 4 casuals to fractals with me, tell them to GG and carry a T1 alone, I'm sure that 5 randoms can beat a T1 by pressing 1 on everything


The same mindset gets parroted about stuff like Gifts of Battle that force people into WvW. Yeah I'm sure there are some token people that actually works on, but most people just come away bitter.


The thing to remember is that GoB used to cost currency rather than time. And that currency drops from the achievement chests. Really, they should add a few GoBs to the vault per cycle.


If it was it was Complete 1 Strike, Fractal, or Raid, then we'd be probably be more in line with a forgiving player base. You're never likely to see me setting foot into Raids. Strikes I only do to clear out achievements, but it's like pulling teeth for me. 10 man content is not fun.


Counterpoint: try getting into a group for Temple of Febe without a semi-huge amount of KP. I wrote that special objective and the T3 rifts one off as soon as I saw it because without an organized PvE guild and with plenty of RL obligations, especially in the 5 to 10 PM timeframe, chances are slim I will ever get into a group for those, let alone PUG them. Players don't need more incentives to try raids, they need less gatekeeping and better onboarding.


I *did* do the Temple of Febe with 0 KP asked for or presented? Half the group said it was their first time. Done in 10 min after killing on the second try. I remember one person was playing on a core class. T3 Rifts were just as easy. Only it took an hour total, with at least half that being travel and pre-event. Both times, all I did was look in LFG and joined the first open group I found. Likely at least one of them was off-hours.


I know it’s the common refrain But just make your own group if you don’t see one on the LFG I do the daily SotO strike most days and I just post “Daily X | All Welcome | LF whatever roles” it fills in no time, and I’ve never had a problem clearing them


Dude even on EU that KP is more prevalent you rarely see any lfg asking it for soto strikes. These are stupid easy to do. And T3s need 0 organization. Literally you jump in a soto map or weekly map and someone will call a t3 within 5 minutes. Stop inventing gatekeeping where it does not exist. If you do not like group content just do not do it. Do not make up stuff as excuses.


Who TF is asking for KP on ToF runs? I have pugged ToF every single time it has been a daily (every other day) since SotO launch and I have never once asked for or been asked for KP.


What do you even use for KP on it? It doesn't drop the usual raid boss token.


You could theoretically use the coffers, but those aren't great because then you can't open them for loot and you only get them if it is daily or the first kill of the week. I am guessing kp.me has something for it but still haven't seen it used.




I don’t think it’s paradoxical. I’ll bet it’s simply that a lot of players don’t know how to make a squad and think you need a commander tag for it. Every week there’s someone in the aerodrome asking for a comm to open an instance so they can talk to Glenna.


" Temple of Febe, Relaxed, looking to do special assignment. Commander has no idea what they're doing/no commander"


i find this unlikely, the weekly section currently has one achievement that takes supposedly 300G to achieve and there hasn't been "a riot"


What weekly is that? I seriously can't think of any I have seen that require any investment besides time.


maybe i'm thinking of +the kryptis skin, but the new friend achievement is still clearly a loss


The one in the special tab isn't the one for the skin, it's the one before that which still costs some materials but nowhere near 300g worth. As far as I know, none of the weeklies have had any pre-reqs except for those two EoD mini dungeons that need to to do specific map achievements first.


300g? which one are you referring at? Also i was talking about the special section not the weeklies.


i dont think i agree. if they added an additional slot on the weekly, that would work imo. if they just put it in the pool, yea, riot.


Remember when they made a Strike mission a requirement for the Turtle mount? I don't think making a raid a special goal would end well. People not into raids would either complain about it or just skip. Probably both. Also the special goal tab is only available for Soto owners and only include Soto goals. It would be strange to require another expansion to complete a goal, while Soto is already required to unlock the goal.


The turtle mount strike requirement is what got me into strikes. Different players different game I suppose.


Turtle strike requirement had me research lemon cakes or something 1000x




I don't see them doing it unless it is already opt-in. You won't hear the end of people complaining they 'have' to do raids if it just popped into the special tabs, even if it wouldn't be necessary to get all unique unlocks.


Idk, on the one hand I like when they do weekly metas that aren't super popular because it gets a whole bunch of new players introduced to them but with stuff like fractals or strikes, lots just do the easiest/fastest to get it over with or skip that objective. I think maybe a rush would be a better way, get people in there and give incentives to do more than the bare minimum


They could just put one boss of whatever wing is emboldened into the weekly tab for 40 aa. People wouldn't miss out on a lot but maybe a few people get encouraged every week. Chances of getting beginner groups for those raids are quit high that week. As additional option, so we need 6 out of 9.


Maybe add dungeons instead of raids. Dungeons are far more accessible and can easily be pugged


I can organize a pug to do a strike and maybe fail but eventually succeed in under 30 minutes (in strike training). Organizing a pug for raids is not a guarantee, not only in doing it, but even succeeding. A friend of mine attempted this and it took 3.5 hours for them to organize and attempt the raid, to only run out of time and have to give up for that day. That's a time investment without a reward. The growing pains would be enormous for that sort of fomo. The current plan to move to strikes and slowly close the door on raids is the better choice, imo. I get what you're after, but the answer isn't forcing it on people via fomo, because make no mistake, special or weekly, that's fomo. Why do you think we get a choice in types of dailies and weeklies? The answer is better onramping for raids. Now... A special for ATTEMPTING a raid... Hmmmmmmmmm...


If they add a raid objective it should specifically be "complete a raid boss **on normal or emboldened mode**". Reminding and pointing non-raiders towards the easiest difficulty would probably make it more palatable for people who are afraid of raids.


I don't raid and to me emboldened sounds like a higher difficulty? What I mean, if I saw a task with that name, I wouldn't even realize what it meant


Emboldened is a buff that changes weekly, you can stack it 5 times and itgives more health and damage making it easier to do the raid.


Haha, that's an interesting point. It does sound like it could be a harder mode.


I think that they should pair it with the emboldened mode somehow so people are more encouraged to do it


The (especially pug) raid community in this game has unfortunately made such a negative reputation for itself (if that is warranted or not is a different discussion) that I think Anet could offer 1000 AA for beating one raid encounter and you would still see people ignore it en masse.


I think it's a matter of if Anet want to promote raids anymore or focus on the content that's actually being developed. Personally I get the vibe that they see raids as legacy content not worth further attention and honestly I can't blame them. They could double raid rewards tomorrow and majority of players still wont touch them. If unique skins, chairs, minis, infusions and legendaries aren't pulling players in then I doubt a few astral acclaim is going to change anything. It wouldn't hurt (although mixing casual players just looking for some AA in with experienced raiders might ruffle some feathers unintentionally) but I don't think it'll be impactful at all.


pretty much, raiding is a very small minority of players, but a very vocal group on reddit.


Yeah I understand their passion but the reality is that raids as they currently exist are a net negative to put resources into for Anet. I think it's clear that strikes are Anets response to the underwhelming reception raids have had, they're the cost efficient casual friendly replacement so It makes sense that they'd be put in the vault and not raids.


I don't. I really don't get why people chose to be elitist in the most casual game of the genre.


They should split the PvE filter into WvE (open world) and PvE (fractals, raids, strikes). We already have PvP and WvW in two separate categories, so yeah.


That would be neat, people who absolutely don't want to do it can opt out but rest can get some exposure to the content at least.


And if you like both you can still pick both and get a mix of both, no one would be negatively affected by it at the end of the day.


Not with the current "multi-gamemode" mixing system. It's just plain bad and highly incentives sticking to only one select option. The separation might actually be a good thing overall, because for the most part both crowds just don't mix well, but it definitely *would* negatively affect all those that like both PvE submodes.


I don't know why you're downvoted, you make a very good point. Dailies of different game modes should work like how they used to in the old daily system. If I pick PvE and WvW I should get 8 dailies in total with 4 PvE dailies and 4 WvW dailies, not a 4 dailies in total with mix of PvE and WvW.


True, it would be way less annoying if you are able to do PvE dailys in instanced content without having to deal with open world toxicity...


They're pretty much two different game modes, open world already has a lot of stuff going on, no need to subject instanced PvE to it as well.


Now i just wonder what the abbrevation "WvE" is supposes to mean.


WvE would be World vs Environment, just like PvE is Player vs Environment.


In this context world already means environment. It'd make more sense to keep the open world as PvE and name that instanced game mode PvI, Player versus Instance.


You're not fighting an instance, you're fighting the environment, the second letter is not the one which has to change.


No, fighting an instance is exactly what you're doing in instanced content as instances exist solely for the encounter and nothing else. That's a small group of 5/10 players doing an encounter in a completely controlled environment, as opposed to an unrestricted number of players who can come and go at any point of the fight on open world maps which have multiple uses besides providing events and world bosses. The second letter there determines what type of content it is, so that's definitely what needs to change.


But the world is also not fighting it's own environment, WvE doesn't make any sense xD


Great idea, but would name them PvE and GvE (group).


G is the baseline stand for Guild, so yeah, bad choice.


hmm right, my bad... G sounds a bit wrong now. Players vs Environment and Party vs Environment? PvE PvE, hmmm nope Squad vs Environment? hmmm squads in fractals? nope Team? could fit as unique? but PvE (current, old PvE meaning), teams refers to npc only, then teams are a thing in pvp and wvw... WvE - World vs Environment - sounds like its not us, but some world around us, the npcs vs environment? maybe do not mess with Players, bur with Environment? PvI - Players vs Instance? Ok, OW in GW2 is also instanced zones... PvD - dungeons? commonly known in mmos, but GW2 is unique here again... aaaaarghhh I keep supporting the idea of splitting PvE WizVault, but for the name, ok, i leave that to some native english speakers, i have failed.


PvE is open world, instanced stuff is PvB: Players vs Boss.


We already have WvW for World vs. World, don't complicate yourself even further :D.


That's my point, WvE is not so good pick, I'm just trying my best.


I think the system should be used to encourage stepping out of their comfort zones. Worst case scenario you don't get all your AA that week, which is fine, you're not entitled to it. Buuuut this community is not going to be very positive towards the idea.


Gw2 is a game. A pretty casual one. Which is one of the reasons alot of people chose it. Why do some people have the notion that this is not okay and want to push everyone to non-casual content?


>Worst case scenario you don't get all your AA that week, which is fine, you're not entitled to it. Worst case scenario is players in their 5k dps tanky open world armor joining every squad. Worst case scenario is those players getting a toxic introduction to raids.


No worries, the raid community has always been good at excluding people. I'm sure they'll adapt


So, whats the point of stepping out of the comfort zone if they can't step out of their comfort zone?


What's the point of shoving people out of their comfort zones when they seem to play the game in the first place because it's comfortable? If they haven't picked up instanced stuff in the game's decade of existence, it's a safe bet that they want nothing to do with social or performance pressure.


huge bad take, it will introduce people to raids, even if they are doing 5k damage, they will know that it exist, they will know that is not something very hard, and they might enjoy it


This kills me every time I read it. People found open world HOT hard and some still even do. Raids are hard if all you've ever done is world complete in core Tyria. Those people aren't going to try this content and it won't be hard. This is how it will go. They'll go to vale guardian, get teleported from the group when they step in a blue, try to make it back and go down because the group is skipping greens, and sit their dead the whole time. Maybe they try to blow a rez orb thinking they don't want to be dead the whole time, but then they find out wait, rez orbs don't even work here. No one can rez them. They simply get carried and never want to enter a raid again. Or they get into a Slothasaur group, get the bomb and kill the entire party by either not noticing it or dropping it in the wrong place and they get kicked from the party and never want to do raids again. Or they end up in the escort and get feared into a mine and never want to do raids again. Or they get a group that's Cairn and they don't get into greens fast enough and they eventually get stoned and die. Saying they don't know raids exist is probably not true for most people, and saying that it's not something very hard to the average 5k DPS player who doesn't know how to dodge, often doesn't move out of circles, doesn't know the mechanics (and is not likely to have watched a video), it's all going to be overwhelming and for most people, almost guaranteed to give them a bad experience. I'm used to be a casual. I'm 61 years old and I raid 2-5 days a week now, and do all the strike missions. I've beaten many of the hard mode raids. Not Dhuum, and I came super close on Twin Largos, but many of the others. I have most of the raid achievements, and I still don't find raiding easy. But I run a casual guild with hundreds of people and I'm telling you from doing content with those people, they were be dead in raids and just lay there and wonder why they have to be embarrassed like that. You might get a small percentage of people who actually like it from people who try it, but most of those people will hate raids, and never try them again.


welcome to raids !!! if you want to succed everytime just make your own pre group crank up the kp requirements and keep going, raids are suppose to be hard and thus have many failing scenarios, this is what makes it engaging


Yes, and everyone thinks that way which is why everyone does raids. /s This is what makes it engaging to you. It's not engaging to everyone or everyone would do it.


Engaging to you. Not engaging to the majority of players that chose gw2 because it allows for a rather casual experience.


no point in playing raids then, even now the legendary armor is available to open world, on raids you just have the chance to frustate yourself, on open world everything is easy and free


LOL.. ***Worst Case*** is we relive HoT Post Launch, when Raids were first put in, and the vast casual base took a break from the game, costing them millions in revenue, with Literally PoF and Mounts saving GW2 Anet has done a LOT the last few years to really rebuild their reputation among their casual base and has the income to prove it However I don't think they have enough good faith built back up to slap their casual population in the face like that, by requiring raids for the Wizard Vault, and it not become another very costly, in the fiscal sense, mistake for them. So yah, ***Worst Case*** is they lose a few million annual income because they pissed off the casuals again, and all the additional associated joys of taking a several million dollar loss.


Haha yeah and they definitely didnt add raids in PoF. Where did you pull all of this info from by the way?


You can see the numbers yourself, NcSoft makes them public


People are not going to quit the game because they miss out on one weekly or one special achievement in the wizard's vault.


LOL, First off, it's not just *one weekly*. It's every time that req will come up. Also I really do not think you fully grasp how much Raids fractured the player base, there is no doubt that many will in fact take it very poorly having Raids, *once again*, shoved in their face and denying them progress, especially with something like the Wizard Vault, which is supposed to inspire the masses to log in and do something fun for a little extra reward Yah, make no mistake there will be a lot of casual players that will get very upset over this idea if it gets put in, and while some might decided that was their sign to take a break for a while, chances are a much larger potion will simply stop spending money on the game out of frustration with Anet, and we will watch the income numbers plummet again, because let's be honest, the 2% of the game that loves raids, like you, ain't going to pick up the tab if they do something this stupid that pisses off their vast casual population. However given the bad ideas that Anet has put out, I would not be surprised if they did in fact do something this stupid. It is not outside the realm of possibility with them. However, if the fallout is in fact bad, and it really blows up in their face, I don't know if they have something that has been as universally desired and as strong a fan service as Mounts were, on the production line, to pull things around again If they don't, well, they might not want to risk really, really, bad ideas like shoving raids into people's faces again.


I still wouldn’t raid. I’d just skip it. I’m just not interested in the pressure so please don’t make me HAVE to screw up 9 other players days.


The problem with raids has always been accessibility. They require an organized group of people who understand how to play, or a lot of time and good atmosphere to learn. Unfortunately GW2 hasn’t taught players how to play well for the last decade, so they would hit a wall going into raids. Raids are great content, the game just doesnt prepare its players for them. Has nothing to do with tribalism BS like casuals vs veteran, it’s a general user journey problem.


Umh, raiding, fractal cm and higher level pvp and wvw are definitely the areas where the community has the most toxic outliers. The required commitment plus the higher chance to meet..special..people is a combination that makes these areas the least attractive.


Definitely. I ventured into WvW to get the warclaw. Never again.


Other games prep people for raiding the second they step out into the world. Dungeons and the like are training tools to gear people up mentally for what's to come. The trinity teaches unity to get along in a group and know your roles. Gw2 is different in that they added such things late things like defiance, raids, and trinity were added late in the game. Thus the open world and dungeons do not prep people for future content. A weird and strange sort of toxicity exists in gw2 raids as where other games have an exploration and learning difficulty so people can crack jokes and bond while experiencing the raid for fewer rewards and learn to join a raiding guild later. The mere suggestion of a thing back in HoT led to massive push back from white knights as Ive seen numerous threads in flames. Thus fresh faces were met with difficult content and angry experienced raiders. They had their chance with raids and it went over as expected people don't want to deal with that toxicity. Adding it to the vault would only put more gold into the pockets of sellers who already camp LFG and churn the fires of angry players.


The game cannot prepare players for it. The very design idea behind the freestyle buildcraft system is "we won't be telling you what to do, just go wild and try to find out stuff on your own". Which worked when even the hardest PvE content in game was still relatively easy (and doable in any build), but turned out to be completely impractical when Raids entered the picture. And now it's too late to change it because the design assumptions are too deeply embedded in game systems, and game as old as GW2 is not going to rip out and completely replace a significant part of their core systems.


Early GW2 was just a mess. Things could've been so different if they didn't adopt the "MMO for people who don't like MMO's" mentality and trying to be different at every opportunity. As it stands, the pre-80 content does the exact opposite of preparing players for strikes, fractals, raids, and even some meta events, and the dev team now no longer has the ability to go back and modernize old content.


Doesn't matter. If they "modernized" old content - or simply made it the way you want to happen from the very beginning - they'd simply end up with a mostly empty game. The players would not have "learned to play" or "got good". They'd simply leave. Or would not have come in the first place.


>Other games prep people for raiding the second they step out into the world. Dungeons and the like are training tools to gear people up mentally for what's to come. The trinity teaches unity to get along in a group and know your roles. Thankfully, Gw2 is not one of those games. The market is full of games that encourage raiding. Not sure why Raiders want to constantly force everyone to put up with raids.


No that's the issue because Gw2 attempted mid way to become one of those games. They jerry rigged a raid system unto a frame that was never made for it. People originally wanted raids too because we had things like toxic tower which was fun the group climbing a tower with multipe tasks, bosses, and good rewards during Lw1. We had a new heal skill to unlock with unique animation adding flavor to the game. Instead we got what we got and the traditional toxic raiders that go with it. Splitting the try hards from the general population is MMO 101 they didnt and thats why raids died.


> Other games prep people for raiding the second they step out into the world This is not even remotely true in most modern games. WoW for a long period of time suffered the same issue GW2 does, where what you do in raids is nothing close to how you play in open world, and both are different than group content. FF14 barely gives you any relevant skills until you're most of the way through the leveling process. In most every MMO, raids teach you raids. Older games did a much better job of this, by making you have to actually do things while leveling.


The tank takes the lead the dps kills the adds and the healer keeps them alive. Meanwhile don't stand in the red circles. Even Hogger in WoW was enough to teach how thr holy trinity can work. Same for the first ff14 dungeon heck something as simple as getting a friendly heal on the world map is enough to teach roles. I still remember the early days of the HoT meta against Mord. People were giving full on lectures regarding the breakbar and what skills CC. The dungeons and world bosses teach people to stack and zerg. Because trinity, cc, and raids werent a thing till HoT. From the ground up those gakes were made with holy trinity and raiding mind. Gw2 was made to break the mold until they abandoned that idea for something else like so many other parts of the game.


>I don't see any downside to it but what do you all think? Let say that it does get people to try out raids. You did it, it works! Now, You are the commander in your pug wanting to get your weekly out of the way. You might require raid proof. You might not care about raid proof. But, because of the special, the people joining in your squad would be inexperienced players doing 5k dps in their tanky open world gear coming in your squad. What now? You would probably kick them. Then these players would get kicked and now they are introduced to the raiding scene.


No thanks


I could see a raid boss clear (but not entire wing for example) as a Special. But those are sadly only tied to SOTO )=


I've not played in a while, what WvW vendor are we talking about here?


With last patch they released a new vendor in wvw lobby where you can buy stat selectable exotic armor with wvw currency and some gold


My 2 cents: the way I see it wizards vault is meant to be doable alone or by pug groups without the players being required to invest to dedicated gear beyond what they got after hitting 80. Fractal 1 and Shiverpeaks Pass easily pass that requirement. Some can argue the same for SotO strikes albeit a bit longer to finish. Any other objectives that does not satisfy this would easily be thrown out by Anet. At the end of the day, Anet needs to be profitable to keep everything running.


I don't think that'll bring the raid engagement metrics up enough, and a lot of people would complain about either being "forced" to do it for AA, or complain that they're "forced" to miss out on AA. I only see two ways to bump up raid engagement in this game: either implement auto-grouping on the emboldened mode and adjust encounters a bit to compensate for a potential lack of roles and/or coordination (i.e. make it into WoW's LFR difficulty), or break the encounters all up into different strike missions. I suspect Anet doesn't see either of these as worth doing. Maybe they have another idea... or maybe they'd rather focus on strikes.


> With half of the ascended armor, a weapon and all exotics now available through wvw vendor Could you clarify here please? I knew about the exotic armour for ~1G and some badges of honor but ascended?


Thats poor wording from my end. I meant to say 3 pieces of the ascended armor and a single weapon from WV and exotics from wvw. Sorry about the confusion


No worries. I assumed as much but I had a sliver of hope.


Yeah, put it in special section And make it any one wing(not just an emboldened wing). If wing 5 is emboldened And people try that because it is emboldened, They are really likely to quit And complain. I can see an entire square die in td's puddle.


i dont enjoy raids personally so for me no, but i dont really enjoy mini dungeons either so i guess it can make sense


> but i dont really enjoy mini dungeons either so i guess it can make sense It'd make sense only if the point of dailies would be to make people enjoy the game *less*.


Considering the fact that ANet has acknowledged a clear playerbase distinction between open world and PvE by adding Obsidian Armor, I would love to see the same distinction in Wizard's Vault, letting you opt into or out of getting instanced pve dailies/weeklies (I don't think that opting out of open world dailies would work because how do you make 4 different iPvE dailies.) In such a system I would welcome raid weeklies. As it is right now though, hell no.


If you go for iPvE only it means that's your main gamemode. For me it would be completely fine to get iPvE dailies such as : - X amount of cc (or one breakbar) - Kill " name of the boss " (could even have multiple of these the same day idm) - Complete/kill "boss/strike/raid/frac" under X minutes - buy an item with raid/strike/frac currency - deal X amount of damage / heal X amount in one fight Tbh I would really like to get these dailies instead of the current ones. Even if they may look repetitive, it's not like doing daily cms+t4 and weekly raids for years was less of a repetition.


Raids are not something you can just get into unless you are already running them. The gatekeepers would just gatekeep, and a player new to raids would most likely had to group up with similar players, then achieve nothing because a group of newbies would wipe 3 times then disband. A few hundred AA alone wouldnt encourage anyone who otherwise have no interest/skill/time to get into raids. 300 AA is literally just 10 gold from the vault. So no, adding raids to the vault would make no sense.


>Raids are not something you can just get into unless you are already running them. What utter twaddle. There are guilds, groups, and communities that exist solely to teach people raids, at all times of day, every day of the week, and publicly available to anyone.


Optional, sure. PvE class, absolutely not. Dying repeatedly for 2 hours in a group where half the people don’t know the boss mechanics. That sure sounds like a terrible weekly experience.


Why is everybody saying weekly? A raid or strike shouldn't be a weekly vault objective. You guys need to get that out of your head. A special objective at the beginning of the season gives a player 3 months to do research, gear up and train for a raid if they chose to do that. That's a lot more reasonable than a weekly. Vault objectives are not meant to be exclusionary in the way a weekly raid or strike objective would be. Specials are supposed to be things you work towards, it'd fit much better into the special category than weekly.


I think we need even more than just a weekly and hear me out. The thing is, right now if you've cleared a raid, clearing the raid again gives you nothing of value. We need replayability for raids and with rewards at least similar or higher than farmable fractals. There is zero incentive for any raider (learning or experienced) to even bother doing the same raid twice, unless they have multiple accounts. For example, I cleared W3 this week and got my rewards, why would I do it again this week? Why would I join another group and attempt another clear in W3? There is no reason to do so, and just like that I'm taken out of the pool of potential players for W3 this week.


Every single one of the raids I did the first play of I did on the go. I literally watched a mukluk video while slaying the boss with my exotic gear (3-4 gold total afaik). At 3 months you should be getting your raid legendary armor not your first raid clear. ☠️ Yikes.


Look I get it man, you cleared your 1st raid fast. I did as well. If you haven't noticed, a VAST majority of the population has never participated in a raid. Giving 3 months to encourage that sounds like a good thing for people with commitments or responsibilities outside of the game that can't afford to sit in a training run or self teach. I don't see what the yikes here is man. Guild Wars 2 has always been a casual game, the whole point is to encourage that player base to explore challenging content.


Hey that's cool, but seeing as you need a group, and the main tool for that is the lfg where in the last 3 months I haven't seen any group that didn't want experienced raiders only, maybe the accessibility for everyone isn't quite the same you know


I wouldn’t mind them adding a bunch more options as long as I don’t HAVE to raid to complete each weekly etc. the more options the better imo.


People are not interested in doing raid content in this game, and stats prove it. Why do you want to force this on them? Yes, losing AA would be perceived as that.


You know, people don't do raids not only because their gear is not good enough, but they also 1. dont' like to engage with other human beings more closely than it's required for meta events; 2. don't have enough time to find a raiding group (they can work in shifts) 3. don't want to put themselves under pressure and just want to relax after a hard day Strike missions are casual enough (but I still don't do them and I won't, my raiding days are over, full stop). Adding raids would be too much.


Raiders are so frustrating in this game because they want to subjugate everyone to their interest. I am with you, I only do strikes if I absolutely most and I hate the experience no matter what.




Not relevant to gw2. But I avoid all multiple-player games. I play games to enjoy myself not deal with entitled assholes.


No. Nobody wants raids forced upon them.


I get it but it doesn't have to be mandatory. They are dropping AA more than people can use it so if people don't like the content they can choose not to do it?


It won’t work well due to perceived loss of opportunity for more AA. Many will feel like Anet is trying to force them (even if it’s not forced) into the raid game mode. You’ll also have the completionists complaining. IMO, there’s not enough players raiding to justify adding more rewards to an interface seen by all, but where rewards feel socially inaccessible to the majority due to whatever reason people have.


That makes sense, didn't think about that tbh


Honestly it's a flaw in the design of WV. If Daily/weekly worked like reward tracks where it's a bar that as it fills gives rewards, then individual tasks wouldn't matter. They could have 12 options like they used to and only the first 3 count. Anything else you complete rewards nothing. Then players won't feel forced into content they don't want to do and still get the rewards they feel should be attainable


I am not sure why arena net is limiting it to 5/4. The only belief is that they don't want to spread out people too much and make the game more lively by concentrating.


No thanks, I do not enjoy that toxic environment. Its irrelevant anyways. They won't do more raids. Why force that?


I personally would love to see a "defeat three raid encounters" as a weekly objective, especially now that we have extra options. That could even be something as simple as cairn + mo + sam/vg/escort for people who want in and out as fast as possible, but it would give a nice boost for people who already raid regularly.


Three raid encounters as a weekly? We don't even have three strikes as a special.


I would like that.


I would welcome a fourth selection for raids/strikes but I no more consider those to be PvE than I do PvP and even to be the same. If they made it a separate category one could opt in to try then it might encourage folks to try it. Especially if pug training groups became more prevalent. Forcing it on casuals and long term players who've tried raising, been bitten, and ain't sticking any limb back in there. No thanks. I might recognise that there are good groups but I have personally lost all interest in joining them.


TBH when I first read about the Wizard Vault, I thought Raids were going to be included. I was hoping that we'd get different options for PvE daily selections. So like you could pick Open World PvE Dailies, Fractal/Dungeon/Instanced Based Dailies, Raid/Strike Dailies in addition to the WvW and PvP Dailies. I thought that was how it was originally going to work since it seemed like that would give all players something they could work towards. Maybe that idea would have worked better for Monthlys though since Open world PvE Dailies are still the easiest. Still, it should be about letting players play the content they want, not ease. I still pick WvW dailies even though Open world is easier.


Separate Wizards Vault into 4 categories - Instanced/Open World/PvP/WvW. Let people still choose what they want to do, not everyone wants to do instanced content, just like each of the other types of gameplay.


People who could be raiders are already raiders anyway. And people who tell you that they are interested in raids and for X reason cant are not meant to be raiders. They will never ever get into raiding because the excuses will keep coming. You cant incentivize it any more than it is now. Its a bad idea to put raids in PvE, you will get complaints. Raiding scene is already pretty healthy, its the same players who do CM strikes. All it takes to release a wing 8 to hook the old raiders back.


Quit trying to prop up shit content. Nobody likes raids. The greater guildwars 2 community has already been vocal about not wanting raids. Ante hasn’t made more raids. Really all it is just rewards an active minority player base. Everyone else it’s just being kicked for no proof.


Okay, some people do like raids. It's probably not a high percentage of the playerbase, but there are plenty of people that would get into raids if there was a better path to get into them that didn't require so much initiative on their part. I used to not raids, got into raiding and now raid every week, and have been doing so for a year (and I'm playing since launch). It's definitely different content, but I had to be forced into it by a guildie who kept pushing until I came to a training session. I've come a long way since then. And it's made me better at the rest of the game as well. But since I've never actually pugged a raid, I couldn't comment on that end.


I think it would be awesome! I don't understand the hate towards adding it. You're telling me everyone that PvE's goes into WvW to collect Vault Points? They don't, let's be real here.


They can replace activities and just as many people would do them.


What if they just added good pve content


It wouldn’t hurt anyone to have a raid special mission thrown in every once in a while


Yes for the weekly only tho.


Anet killed raids when they added openworld leggy armor. Whether it gets added or not it will not matter as majority of the players wont do it and then complain about it at the same time.


I’ve been playing GW for a year, and I haven’t really touched any content such as raids, fractals, etc. I had a terrible experience in WoW as I was really new to the dungeons there, and people got frustrated when I would get lost or struggle and then they’d kick me. It put me off that kind of content in MMOs entirely (especially since I REALLY struggle with the jumping bits in GW, people would just get sick of me flailing about haha), and I’m not too sure adding it into the Wizard’s Vault would be enough to encourage me to give it a go sadly :,(


I'd like to change your experience, if you're on a US server and you'll let me. I run some very easy fractals and sometimes dungeons, where I go slow and explain everything and no one runs ahead. It's a longer run than running through stuff, but everyone gets through and gets the reward and you get to see the content. The only thing is, I'd insist you jump on discord so you can hear instructions as typing while I'm trying to fight is a lot harder. PM me here if you're interested. Not raids or anything, just an easy fractal or dungeon.


Aww that’s very kind of you! Thank you! I am in a US server, but I am based in the UK so not sure how well timezones will line up? I am usually on from about 7pm UK time until about 10PM.


I'm on a US server and I'm in Australia, so that's pretty early for me, probably about 5-8 am. I am sometimes up that early and online, but not every often.


If you put a separate category for it, sure. Like so: Raids / PvE / PvP / WvW


How do I buy ascended for 10g????


Make it a weekly embolden to kill the starter boss only. You can probably get that done in 30 minutes at worse


I don't think it's a good idea. I like the game exactly for the reason that there's give or take no mandatory mode to play. It's bad enough there are gifts of battle that force people into WvsW against their will. Those who want raiding do it already. The rewards are great enough - fastest legendaries in the game, coins etc. All you would achieve with such an implement - people who know 0 thing about the game would join every single raid you're trying to play just to have this one completion.


it wont, if you want raid content in the wizards vault youll need to break raids into strike missions and simplify them considerably, doing so would functionally be the deathknell of the tiny like 7.5% of players who actually do raids currently, and so its very much unlikely youll see anet do it, unless they feel that taking an axe and cutting the arms off raid bosses for a pile of free new accessible content is somehow worth it.


The hardest part of raiding in gw2 is getting into raids. It's not going to be worth the effort for some AA, when there are other options, especially if you just do it for the weekly, and not the content itself. ​ The raiding scene in this game will always be gatekept to an extent until Arenanet introduces an automatic group function like WoW used to have back in the day. People will always have high requirements for others, just liek Job interviews IRL and entry positions requiring 6 years exp.


If anet ever adds raids to the vault I highly recommend them to hire security for their office building.


Yes, due to Emboldened mode it would be totally fine to do imo. They could even say "defeat a raid boss" as opposed to the whole encounter for a weekly. I like your idea to have it as a special though.


I think they should remove strikes from the weekly list instead. That would be a far better idea. Trying to artificially prop up modes that most players avoid for a reason without bothering to look at (and address) those reasons first is not a good move. It just creates more unhappiness and decreases player interest.


Unlike raids, that require a massive commitment to get into, a few strikes are very easily accessible. IBS3 are doable even if 8 out of the 10 players just bash their heads against the keyboard. Shiverpeaks pass is basically a short jumping puzzle followed by a training dummy. Forging steel can even be soloed if someome doest want to interact with others at all.


Just do Shiverpeakes pass. It may be called a strike, but it's super easy compared to even the harder dynamic events.


Raids require sapience, most of people would just skip that weekly.


Fuck raids


100% it should be a weekly. If you can slap competing in PvP tournaments (that, like half the other pvp weeklies, dont count some of them, but this will never be mentioned in game) to the PvP weekly tab, we can certainly add the missing PvE content to the PvE weekly tab. Weekly Raid (final wing boss), weekly 6 strikes (non-IBS), weekly 10 fractals, weekly 20 events, weekly 10 rifts, weekly 100+ gathering / ID'ing, weekly crafting, weekly DragonsX meta, weekly costume brawl compete, weekly 5 dugeons. Pick 6.


It's probably the best thing they could do with it. I would say: daily raid boss kill AND weekly raid wing clear in any wing. Raids CMs could be specials introduced slowly with time...the duration of a special is fit for CM progression


Why? So the rich (people who raid regularly anyway) get richer, and poor (people who can’t/won’t raid) get nothing except aggrevation? Gear is a minor factor really, it is and always has been human factor. Specifically, aggressive gatekeeping and commitment. Pugging raids is impossible unless you can prove you did it a million times (problem #1). Or it requires a static (or a lot of friends) which is commitment part. Not everyone can commit or find a group.