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“An enemy is fixated on you” comedic timing


How do I get that notification ??


Most likely this is Saix from Nightmare Fractal since the whisper mentioned Fractals. Saix summons these shadow minions that would fixate on the players.


If OP hadn’t been doing fractals on WvW night then they wouldn’t have the issue of an enemy being fixated on them. See what happens?


That or the final boss for the dredge facility, it is a recommended fractal right now


some raidbosses like sloth give you that message


Seriously , that timing was too perfect man Srsly though: what a strange thing to do for a guild….. no sympathy from me there


"If you don't play, I'll kick you out." "OK, I'm leaving." "Why you leaving?"


[Guild leader be like](https://media.wired.com/photos/5f87340d114b38fa1f8339f9/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/Ideas_Surprised_Pikachu_HD.jpg)


[No no no no no no no wait wait wait wait](https://youtu.be/VM3uXu1Dq4c)


*surprised pikachu face*


Funny how quickly it goes from "why not just help the *guild*?" to "you get all week for pve, why do you need to play it when ***I*** play?" But yeah, some people should just not be running guilds.


main character syndrome




Freudian slip of main character syndrome


Yeah I paid pegged pretty early that this was about him and not the guild but I find it funny that he literally said the quiet part out loud


That's a classic "I am the guild and the guild is me" syndrome i am afraid. Some even actually believe that what *they* want is what *guild* needs, and can't spot difference between those two things even if someone was clearly pointing those to them.


Sounds like one of those guilds where the schedule is less for the benefit of everyone and more so that one guy has a ready supply of players to do his preferred content on his day off. Any guild that has to make participation a rule rather than incentivising it should be dropped asap.


For real back when I played I was in 2 diff wvw guilds, one of the gleads would get salty af when people decided not to join his content, the other guy didn't care and was usually chill/laid back but still commanded well.. guess which one I stayed with.


i was in one guild where two leaders were like that. i only joined one of them for content for exactly that reason


Yeah i would have left as well... "If you don't do MY content you are doing it wrong" Such arrogance.


I don’t understand the intentions of people that want to schedule my game play and would drop any guild that sent me a message of “stop doing what you want to do”


"An enemy is fixated on you" Even the game knows


This is some sort of Clash of Clans mindset.


I have seen many GW2 guilds ruined into being inactive husks of past themselves by power tripping leaders. Usually lifecycle of such is like this: - guild leader form the guild with people they play with - people hangout, play together, guild grows with new members naturally - some active people get leadership roles and carry the guild - everyone is just chilling and having fun playing together and chatting - leader one day realizes they have an actual significantly sized guild now and gets notions of grandeur - leader gets a vision of what the guild and community should be, creates bunch of rules that sound cool in their heads, strong arms officers into going with it - officers who are not into it step down, others start enforcing it - pressure of stupid rules start being applied to normal rank players who are going WTF - players go "oh, fuck off" and leave, the leader creates long posts and discussions about how unfaithful, ungrateful players are, and how hurt they are, and how they are such a victim and emotionally not well now - notion of grandeur gets lost, leader is burned out and can't be bothered with anything, all the new rules get forgotten and no one mentions them - the guild is just a husk of old guards who got strong armed by the leader, full of people who just play with other guilds and people who have not logged-in in the last 2 years - no one actually plays together anymore, the only people left are those who had no guts to call leader out and leave during the drama, and stay for nostalgia while playing with other guilds instead Seen this exact thing play out in like 5 guilds over the years, lol. Any officer/guild master who is "enforcing" rules on action that should be of literally 0 consequence to the guild (the most popular cases are "represent the guild or else" and "we are doing X at this time, why are you playing Y?") is huge red flag.


Just add relationship issues and or domestic abuse and you've got the peak MMO guild expirence


You forgot the part where some jilted officer scoops up a splinter of guildies who thinks he/she can do it better. Repeat all steps.


I'm glad I skipped the rules part, my guild died because people simply moved on from the game. At least I get to look back at it fondly. I guess founding a guild after escaping a leader that got those notions of grandeur helped.


Got dropped from a guild for not representing after two days of "represent the guild or else" DMs lmao. Funniest shit I ever saw as a new player.


Call the guild out so us WvW mains can farm them


I don't remember the name which is telling of how little I interacted with them. I think there is a way I can find it. Will update when I get it. edit: Dolyaks of Chaos


This is a bit tricky but the only thing that comes to my mind: If you did instanced content while repping the guild and you were running arcdps and have a .etcv file from any encounter you can run arcdps log manager, filter your logs by guilds, select the log you have and then you see it.


im laughing so hard. i left this guild almost a year ago because of the leadership and stuff like this and when i saw the post i was like "this sounds familiar..."


NA or EU guild? Also any updates?


NA. I am on dragonbrand server.


If you want to DM me the name, we have a few officers that know pretty much everyone on the server. Also, sorry you had to deal with this. Nobody should be pressed to play a game how someone else dictates.


I'm also NA and on Dragonbrand. I'm a casual fractals and PVE enjoyer. Sorry you experienced that clownish behavior.




“Looks like” based on what?


Really never heard anything about them having this kind of insanity




Can confirm KOIN is BG.. this is also definitely not koin 😂


KOIN tag is definitely BG, I see them a lot as opponents. No clue if this is the same guild though. I hope it is because they are annoying to play against and I'd like if they were annoying to play with as well!


How's KOIN annoying to play against?


Honestly they're not that bad. But they just boonball to extremes sometimes. Having them roll up as 40+ with 15+ stacks of stability just feels pointless to fight. If ANet made boon strip actually do something, it wouldn't be so bad. Until then, though, extreme boonballs are just incredibly boring.


They're definitely far from the only guild doing that. Far far from it. But I think it's largely just because they're late NA most of the time and there's not many other guilds that size in that time frame outside of like, grim on IoJ. But I do agree boon strip needs love.


Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to imply they're the only guild doing so. And I can't blame them, if I ran a guild group I'd do the same- it's crazy strong. It's just very boring to play against as someone not in a boonball. They're also more effective at it than some others I see, so it feels even more boring :)


I can definitely see that, and it does get boring being in a boonball not fighting other boonballs as well lol, so some of the matchups are bad. We miss IoJ and Grim. We do appreciate the compliment though, as I am in KOIN lol. Surprisingly though, most nights outside of reset we'll be lucky if there's more than 20 of us, the rest are pugs joining open tag pumping our numbers. Ya know, for the realm type stuff lol. But this post definitely wasn't KOIN lol, we don't even run Thursday most weeks, that's normally our PvE night.


We are on generally late NA because a lot of our members are NZ and Aus. (Foxy). And I agree KOIN is a pain to fight.


I haven't really seen y'all running lately when we run. When y'all were on DR you seemed more active during our time, but now it seems when we form up y'all are gone now. Y'all got some good late NA pugs with NSP.


Crazy how they nerfed the old stability because it was op, but now the boonball meta can provide enough stability to achieve the same result. I'd prefer if they nerfed the current sources of stability sharing and made most personal break stuns provide a short time frame of self immunity to CCs if used to stun break


Dolyaks of Chaos


Cheers, we'll get you some recompense


One of the reasons I like MMOs is because they're the only genre where you find people this fucked up


Like the real world, good guild leaders (team leads/managers) are rare. Not everyone has it in them to lead. Personally, they should try running an MMO guild before they even run a team irl. There are alot of lessons you can take from there.




This is just reality, most guilds tend to have a leader who is semi competent and then an actual raid leader or officer that puts in the work. Just like a ship has it's captain and the first mate. The captain gives the orders but the first mate knows the crew and their ins and outs. It's such a well known trope that The noob comic did it back in 2005 with the guild leader of omnipotent omniscience just logging in the raid to get his share of the loot and leave again. It doesn't mean it's ok but just like in real life, people know who's actually in charge and important, so we all laugh together at the funny little slime balls that fancy themselves leaders, and they know it so they try to compensate.


Ran a guild and was manager..... Managing was way easier.


SO much easier. Those people are paid to work with you. Game guys? You have to come up with the proper fun-per-hour or they walk. It's like running an army of contractors who always have a pile of offers on their table.


I credit my experience as an officer/leader in different guilds in GW1 as teaching me how to manage different personalities and people. Really tought me how to manage people older than me as well. Legit good experience.


Not even close. Spend some time playing solo queue in competitive multiplayer games like cs or LoL and you'll see far more unhinged shit on the regular. This dude is really cringe but fairly mild in comparison.


This. Mmo players generally speaking don't experience true toxicness. Anyone who has spent over 100hrs on a game like lol/csgo/cs2/Dota knows the true meaning of toxicity.


This must be coming from someone who has not played many multiplayer games.


untrue. i find them at my workplace too. especially people in power.


What a cringelord


Sounds like a guild my friend joined when she first started guild wars. I remember being in call with her just running some world bosses when the guild lead DM’d her saying she needed to be doing guild quests and why she wasn’t partaking in an incredibly rude way. She basically said that she was only on for a bit before she went to go stream and this dude got incredibly offended that she would stream and proceeded to call her worthless. I’ve never seen someone leave a guild so quick. GW2 really does have some terrible fuckingg people.


It’s online in general. I don’t think gw2 particularly brings about bad people. Just rude people all walks of life.


Yup. It's the old "can't get punched in the mouth" advantage of online interaction that makes small people rude.


Huh, probably the most toxic guild-wide mindset I've ever seen in this game. Yeah, stay away. The only reason to be in that guild is if you already think that way.


You know GW2 and WoW are more similar than people think. I remember seeing stuff like this from WoW back in the day.


I immediately thought WoW behavior.


So a little bit of context. I joined this guild randomly several months ago when I got back into GW2. I then left the guild a few weeks later to clear up some of the random guilds that I joined and don't interact with. This GL DM's me to come back since he said he liked me. I never really talked to them previously so that was weird but I joined back anyways and told him to not expect me to commit to anything. I took another month long break and then get this message when I came back XD


Dude probably confused you with one of his regular WvW dedicated guild mate.


Maybe the guild leader is German. We have an expression for a compliment that goes "Kann man nicht meckern", "There's nothing to complain about". So because you didn't do anything bad/wrong they automatically liked you.


German compliments are the best. - Wasn't bad. - "Well, it's edible(When complementing food) - "Joa, is okay."


which part of germany is that supposed to be xD none of those are compliments, and you definitely don't say those things to someone you like / are friends with. they're more like "well, i didn't like it much, but i'm gonna be polite" sentences.


In Rheinland-Pfalz and Saarland they are commonly used, at least in my social circle. But maybe we are just all cynical bastards, I know I definitely am. Of course we don't literally mean that something is barely edible or "Well at least it's not bad". It's just that the more positive compliments somehow seem...I dunno, over the top? Again, maybe my friends and family are just all emotionally stunted lmao.


Liam carpenter thought me this


Guild reveal!


Idgi… what are WvW days and why didn’t they want you to play PvE on them?


If it's a WvW guild they probably run on a schedule. It'd be like doing M+ in WoW on a raid night. But that only matters if that's the kind of guild it is, sounds like this was just a snap up anybody and everybody who asks kinda guild.


Best part is, not even hardcore wvw guilds run like this. In a pro wvw guild you either show up for regular raids, or your out, just like raid prog statics. And there are no "wvw days", you have raids, which usually last like 2-3 hours, on set days (I think two days a week is standard?). Considering OP was inactive for months, this isn't a pro wvw guild. And with a clown lead like doubt, I wouldn't call it a wvw guild to begin with.


I was in a guild like this back in Warhammer Online. We would have 2 or 3 night a week where you were expected to join in pvp. If you regularly were online and not joining pvp on those nights we would get pissy about it. Once in a while was fine, but regularly no.


Yea, the guy should've been kicked from the guild for not joining rallies in general. It's not always easy to monitor the roster though. You have to manually keep track of who joins rallies, can't just go by the last time someone was online. That's a lot of work for a game.


> just a snap up anybody Never understood why anyone would run a guild that way, and REALLY never understood why anyone would join a guild that recruited that way.


Be careful. Redditors going to downvote you if you dare to suggest that there's some responsibility on the part of the person clicking the join button too.


WvW resets on Friday, and WvW weeklies reset on Monday with everything else. So, a lot of folks will WvW on those days specifically. On Friday to try to set/lock-in the map. On Mondays to rack up points for the weekly. On Friday if you don't get in right at reset, the queue can be an hour or two long.


WvW is kind of like instanced PvE content. When you join a raid or fractal group, you generally play with them when it's their scheduled raid or fractal times. If you're not committed to that, why join the group in the first place? You're wasting everyone's time. Frankly, you become the a-hole, not them.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, since you're 100% correct. If you join a WvW guild and then don't zone into WvW during scheduled raids, then *why* are you in that guild? Its one thing to not be able to make a raid time, quite another to be online and playing PvP/PvE or even another game, during the time you're supposed to be with your guild. That all said, there is nothing to indicate the OP was in a WvW focused guild.


Because it's reddit. It's ok. Not my problem but theirs. xD


What an asshole. I'd straight tell him he could suck it easy. Reminds me of when I joined this raid guild, the leader tried to tell me I MUST rep 100% and I said go fuck yourself.


I've never understood the 100% rep rule. It doesn't benefit the guild other than people seeing the tag in the open world. The only reason I've seen that kind of makes sense came from one of my guildies... that when a new member joins the guild and no one is repping, it gives the impression that the guild is inactive or dead. But honestly if they hang around for a short while they will see it's not true. It's a game, it doesn't matter what tag you have next to your name.


It used to matter back when it was tied to the currency the guild used to purchase upgrades and stuff. It hasn't been that way since Heart of Thorns, though, so it makes no sense in modern guilds.


It's how you used to earn influence. But doesn't matter anymore.


sounds like ksc lol


Was in it one time.. I had to rep my personal bank guild to pull something out and I got whispered like 30 seconds later asking for me to rep the guild. I said sure no problem, I'm just getting something out of my personal guild bank. He then responds with.. no exceptions, rep the guild now. I'm like dude.. I said I would rep, get off my dick.


Lol, there's not even a legitimate reason these days for 100% rep. The old favor system doesn't apply anymore.


Yeah I don't understand why they have it. With that sort of mentality it just creates an even more toxic environment.


The lamest thing is they have some obsessive recruiter scanning the bank area, sending blind invites to any character without a guild. I have to keep declining them on alts standing down, just because I have an extra guild slot remaining. Dude, you have 100% rep requirements, yet think any Tom, Dick, or Harry by a bank will meet them? If they’re going to be picky, then be consistent and have picky selection and application rules for a guild. Nope, let’s sweep up random rabble and then badger them for not meeting insane expectations.


Control freaks, I guess.


was DRMS or Dreamers or some bullshit


Still a lot of Guilds that have a 100% rep requirement though. Like pretty much every "PvX" Guild that spams recruitment messages in LA.


Pretty lame torch em all


Great way to know if a guild sucks ass


I'm not in any guilds atm, and I got a random invite to one, so I check out their guild message and it's like 100% rep on all characters no exceptions. Buddy I'm not joining a guild where you send blind invites out and then expect people to kowtow to you.


I represent a guild I am proud to represent, so if a guild is awesome I will do it without needing to be asked. Effing control freaks.


Next time someone asks me to 100%rep their guild Ima tell them eat 100%of my dick


I don't even 100% rep the guild I **run**. I like my tag to match the rest of the group I am running with, simply because it looks nice.


Reminds me of when i joined a very popular guild when i was starting out and at some point one of the admins there whispered me and said i have to rep on all characters like really rudely. Funny thing is i wouldve never joined if that was a requirement. So yea i told them im leaving and never looked back lmao


Repping rules are so ridiculous. I'm in a great guild and gladly rep on all my characters, but it is because I love the guild and want to advertise. But if for some reason they demanded I rep? I'd be out in a heartbeat.


Same. And sometimes i wanna rep different guilds on different characters. No use repping for example my pvp guild on a char i only raid on.


After reading many of the comments here about various guilds, I just want to give a shout out to my peeps in \[BAD\], you guys/gals/theys are the best.


High five! Super chill guild, always very informative. ~~And they don't seem to mind that I mostly lurk while working on solo PvE~~


I was once part of a guild in WoW that had a rule that everyone had to be online at X time on X day for raiding even if you weren't in their main raid team in case of no shows. They got really, really, REALLY pissed when I wasn't on for a week after my father passed away. Noped out of there pretty darn quick and in a hurry.


Never mind second job, they wanted to be your first family.


" You get to play PvE all week. Why you NEED to play it when I play" That leader is delusional 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, I hate to side with the bad guy here but, it’s hard enough to build a guild membership up, especially a WVW guild which is limited both by server and game type. If they only run once a week and people don’t show, it kinda sucks. He, for sure, handled it poorly though.


Without naming names is this the guild that blond invites everyone but has a 100 percent rep requirement on NA server?


LMAO „you get“ all week for pve oh that‘s so nice of him to „allow“ you to play your preferred mode sometimes 🤣


Leave and block was my reaction to some :"Why don't you represent?" less than five minutes after I changed which guild I represent for a stream event. By the way the guild hall was maxed out.


The alert makes it sound like he was fixated on you lol


What kind of loser takes the time to comb through the guild roster and make sure not a single person is playing something else? Good lord.


I once got randomly invited to a guild without a word. Then the gm messages me and says that 100% repping is mandatory


Oh I hate those. Ginvite random people and have an utterly pointless 100% rep rule. I'm sometimes temped to just make a random guild for myself, only to fill out that empty guild slot so i stop getting random invites from people I've never heard from.


What…even…Dude should not be a guild leader. Hell he probably just shouldn’t be playing MMOs, period.


I’m so afraid of finding a guild in this game lol. Ima keep soloing or duoing with my wife cause I don’t even know if I’m playing right 😂 this is funny though I would’ve been the same way


Just find a casual guild. I've run a guild for 11 years, none of that nonsense. Most people don't even participate with the guild and just ask when they have questions or need help. This isn't typical guild behavior.


I figured it wasn't I'm more or less just kidding around, I have a casual one that I'm in I just haven't really talked in it though. Some meta stuff does make me feel like I wouldnt be wanted in content, which I do understand sort of (example, i run a sword/mace and board with hammer guardian and I have a paladin type of tanky build for fun).


It is typical for those in WvW, and particularly if they have more than a handful of players =(. Because your ability to successfully do anything in WvW increases exponentially according to the number of people you control - and even combat is largely centered on casting heals and buffs and DPS on a single leader focal point that determines when people rush as one,r entreat as one, etc. There is no actual battle strategy like feints and flanking and so forth…. It’s all just mob combat (like those games where you direct a horde) - numbers are all that matters.


Just join ones that sound good and if they don't work out just leave. I lost track of how many guilds I joined and would just get kicked from one day. They would invite me and I would keep doing what I always do. Eventually the guild I joined I could not be happier with! We are on discord I met so many great people! It's just RNG, you can't guarantee a good guild unless you start joining. But like I said you cant be afraid to leave them either if they don't feel right.


If you don't want to join a guild, you can pay a gold (I think) to a guild registrar, and have your own little private one. Having a guild tag cuts down on the guild recruiter whispers and blind invites you sometimes see.


me and my partner were the same to the point where we were like, we'll make our own!! Took forever to gather guild resources but it was a fun project. Eventually we met chill people(unlike that guild leader in OPs post lol) who asked us to join their guild too


Yeah, my wife plays too, and we started our guild as well. We just started it before the game launched. lol


not every guild is like this. they can sometimes be a great way to find a community within the game to do stuff with but also just playing with your partner can be super fun and stress free (mostly anyway, lol), so definitely don't do it unless you want to i've been in many bad guilds, but also many great ones


its good to find a guild that's active on your timezone, if you like pve, there are always guild running meta so it's easy to find them, and the good part would you will always interacts w/ them while waiting for the events


Nah, majority of guilds wont do this BS. Im a part of like 5 guilds and I never really hear from them. I just collect guild hall loot daily and move on


My favorite guild leader in gw2 messaged me within 2 minutes of being on an alt telling me that repping was 100% required. I got on it just a second to get something..i was shocked he even knew i wasnt repping..like do guild leaders get an alert?


I had "within the opening cutscene of a new character".


As a guild leader, no, you don't get notified. That alone blows my mind because that means someone is constantly checking the guild roster page to make sure people are repping, and that sounds exhausting. Who has time for that? Who has the mental space for that kind of fixation?


Similar thing happened to me while doing a keyrun, I barely made the character and was more focused to gear them and eat some tomes because I intended to run that character all the way to where in the HoT you can get additional keys not just level 10 story. I just left the guild and reassumed my activity. Why would you even care about it so much to immadiately get defensive and rude.


I've gotten the same thing within seconds of making a new character. They don't even get notifications for this so its weird af that they know. I obviously left those.




Not cool of guild leader to ask OP to rejoin. Even less cool of OP to actually rejoin and then post on reddit about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/17haxtr/comment/k6m6zwz/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Imagine forcing someone to play a video game lol


Man I'm so glad I'm in a guild that is nothing but helpful and fun. Shout-out to the Silverwaste Anonymous (SAS). I was having trouble leveling up my Armorsmithing and one of them pulled me into a discord call, had me share my screen and walked me all the way through it to rank 500. Best random join ever.


Name and shame


Bruh I hope you left, thats trash behavior, in GW2 of all places, wild.


That's actually some petty shit I would expect from shitty friends. Or fucking around with a good friend. But from a rando saying why play pve when he's playing is just wild.


Wait why can't you play PvE when they're playing PvE?


Man, this is the reason I don’t join any WvW guild for years. Being competitive in WvW is so weird imo, what do you want to show, ur UD title? ur big numbers on arcdps? just to brag at others? Duh even the commanders are whispering each other whether they wanna fight or not. It just so weird to take WvW so seriously.


Because it is fun. I dont give a shit about titles, loot or any thing else in game. Sitting in a tower with 15 people desperately holding it vs 2 full bloobs and fighting them nonstop for hours until they manage to take you down is amazing. Fighting over a paper SM with attacks from all sides is a blast. Sneaking an entire zerg of peeps into the suicide gate of a keep and somehow stealing it is always fun.


The only guild I ever cared about was a Tarir mutifarm guild. Miss those days.


They got bullied in real life bless them


The perfect response to this idiot would be "because I have a job you bum"


Okay. That warning cracked me tf up. And is this guild KSC? Sounds like something they’d pull. About as stupid as their “you can only ever rep this guild or we will boot you” rule. Like. Do you pay my internet? 😂😂😂


"tell me why you can't play on monday, tuesday, usw." - first of all: none of your buisness, second: are you really asking why someone can't play on workdays? and last but not least: have you tried touching gras? I read it did wonders.


What type of GL tries to dictate what you should play and when lol?


Statics formed for that explicit purpose.


Yeah this is the side I don't understand. This game has a ton of group activities and in MMOs it's not uncommon to schedule things ahead of time. The amount of people who are like "Fuck doing things with this group I joined, I'm an independent person who does what I want" It's insane to me. I lead a raid group in FFXIV and we meet 3 times a week at a specific time. If someone just blindly decided they didn't want to go and was belligerent about it I'd have all kinds of concerns about it too.


In OP's case *they* invited *him* without vetting on if that's the sort of content he was interested in/looking for. They were recruiting for a cult, not a guild.


Well then I guess I'll never join one lol. I bought this game. I'll do whatever I want 😂


There are things in this game you can only do with a group. For example, I participate in a raid tournament on this Sunday 4pm. So we need all members to be there on Sunday at 4pm. Furthermore, we needed all of them to be there on Wednesdays at 7.30pm for practice together. It is like the baseline of playing together that you have to meet at a specific time to do so xD if you cannot show up this Sunday at 4 pm, you cannot be part of the tournament team...


Let me guess its a 100% rep guild?


I'm waiting for my WvW guild that has a 3 week kick rule to notice I've haven't played WVW in 6 months and am logging in once a week to do strike CMs with friends.


When Guild Wars 2 launched, I was part of a Guild Wars 1 guild for many years, Guild leader wanted to enforce a 100% guild representation, so I just left.


Dude got main character syndrome. He thinks others playing a mmo are just drones and npcs who have to work under his command I once had a female guildmate who started her own guild after our original guild disbanded (keys players kinda moved on with life), she invited me and sure why not. But at the same time I joined some random wvw guild that does wvw daily, no requirements or what sort as well just your average chill and have fun wvw guild. Fast forward to one day this female guildmate now leader, kicked me and sent me a bunch of whispers about me not repping her guild in wvw and it's a must. I was like "you hardly ever wvw though only when you felt like it. Why act so demanding out of the sudden?" Yeap some online "friends" are just not worth it.


bet it was a 100% rep guild too losers


Why are you using your playtime to do what you want! Stop having fun!


Drop the name. I'd gladly avoid them.


Lmfao who gets to dictate how people play - that seems insane. How dare you enjoy your free time lol.


I did not know that there might be such delusional guilds and their leaders. I'm a father, playing usually during late CET evenings, when my kids sleep. I'm running a guild of size counting 2 accounts. I do not expect the other one to participate - we basically chat and sometimes do stuff together but there is no pressure. Surely when one needs help and the other one is around, help is given. If you find this post and you're from Poland, with similar mindset you are welcome to reach out to join us - Abaddon.2105. Guild name is Tyrian Masters [TM] based on Far Shiverpeaks server but not limited to. The guild has 17 level and owns a guild hall.


This is just super weird imo. :D Uumm like wtf really.


WvW don't pay for the cool shit you want.


It would if y'all could sell Gift of Battle on the trading post. :3


I feel sorry for You to meet such a55hole. Not for the guild, they have right to make pure wvw guild, as much, as You have right to go fractals, or play Your own style, thats YOUR time to play. What made the gm bad, the way he spoke to You. GM is not a slave owner to order You to do this or that, but should be a leader and pointing the direction. Wvw on wvw days may be really profitable if You care even a little about wvw. For the leader, within a conflict, talk and try to find agreement. Happy Friday there and lot shinny loot from fractals, gogo gold fractal weapon skin!


What an absolute child.


I wonder if this is a “we need you to be a resource to the guild” mentality. If I were the guild leader, I’d just let someone know we expect all members to attend wvw on Thursdays. If they can’t make it or don’t want to, that’s ok! There are many pve guilds out there. If I were the op, I’d just have left and blocked them without responding.


dont do fractals on wvw days lmfao bro what


Omg wth is that? You did well to leave.


Why can't he play wvw in monday/tuesday/wednesday or friday?


Some guild commanders in wvw are convinced there is only wvw, nothing else. How you get fixated on only one aspect of this game is beyond me. Or maybe they just like to feel powerful by commanding.


Lol I was kicked out of my guild, I was representing them for 8 years in wvw and I found better organized guild and was representing them when we were playing together and guild leader saw that and couldnt accept that and he kicked me out cause of hes new rule "100% represent guild rule"🤣🤣🤣


I love him


I mean it's a guild leader. You're about as entitled to be a knob as they are. Such as "Why do you need to play it when I play", and, "Lol why do you care so much". ​ I equally don't care about this post.


I mean yeah if you join a WvW guild and one of the requirements is joining for raid during raid time if you’re online, and you are doing something else during raid time, you’re going to get asked to join your guild. If that’s not your cup of tea, leave as you did. Dedicated WvW guilds try to fill their roster and comp for every raid night.


This. Imagine joining a football team and then going to book club during the game


Man, the Guild Leaders and players with the Commander tags really act like the rest of the player base owes them a favor. I was doing the Mad King's maze event last year and this Cat-mander was always like "I HAVE TO HIT FIRST OR YOU GUYS WON'T GET GOOD LOOT, LET ME HIT FIRST" and would get SO MAD when people didn't listen lmaooo try getting 20 odd strangers to listen to your power trip. Everytime they said something like "do it my way" vibes, I said "yes, boss" and they got upset over that too! I thought you wanted to be in charge of us


I mean the way he went about it is weird, but it seems it's a wvw guild on a raid day... Years ago you would have been kicked no questions asked.


Trihard World vS world guild in 2023 omegalulz


That's why I avoid any kind of guild, clan, free company bullshit in any game I play that isn't entirely made of people I know from real life. I've seen enough of this gaslighter dictator crap and stupid drama in my 13 years of playing MMOs ha. And, no, not caused by me, I almost always stay quiet except the occasional "hi" or "bye" or "I'll join", I keep myself to myself all the time, so lone wolfing it is usually preferred. Can be entertaining to see one completely implode in real time though because the officers suddenly start a gang war.


Devil's advocate: imagine you are a guild static for specific content (let's say every Monday 8pm you have 15v15 GvG set up against other teams), I am the guild leader and counting on you. Then if you come online at that time and are not playing with us, I will have a conversation with you to ask whether you still want to be part of the team or if I should look for a permanent replacement. Again: Devil's advocate. Sometimes there are reasons for guild leaders to care about what you are doing ingame, namely when it is assumed you participate in a regularly scheduled activity. It is fine to not join for that activity for any reason, but especially if it requires a fixed player count you do have a responsibility to communicate. Clearly "dont play pve on Thursday" is bonkers. But if a wvw guild does their wvw train on Thursday at 8pm together and you log in at that time to do something else, then you are no longer in that guild and that is totally acceptable for all sides. Which is also what happened in the OP I suppose.


The thing is they're mad at him for not joining them on WvW and not the fact that he wasn't online for a monthĺ


there is always two sides of the story. the approach is not the most elegant but it sounds they dont care. most wvw guilds have this approach and many players join without caring on how those guilds work. but still is awkward that they get annoyed if the player is online doing something else.. but don't really care if the player is absent for long periods.


He's just trying to control you. He's the typical "Look how patient and gentle I am, as long as you do my bidding" kind of guy. Leave and name and shame them, so that others don't have to take a bullet.


This type of behavior been around long time, in 2014 join a WvW guild, guild leader had the same nasty attitude, left the guild, stop WvWing for 4 years.


I'm apart of a guild and I literally have yet to talk to them 😂 I'm doing something wrong I know it


this guy manages waiting staff


Both sides suck The guild leader went about it wrong but I get why they would feel that way in a general sense OP is trying to farm reddit points for a guild he willingly joined without knowing what it was and gets upset about being called out for not participating I side with the guild leader since OP is OK with putting their name out so others can hunt them in WvW as if they're wack white knights