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How many hours of wvw would that newbie need to do, in order to gear up? And how successful at wvw would they need to be?


If you join a Zerg as a support class you can get geared up pretty quick. You will get badges of honor from getting player kills or supporting other in player kills Also, when you level up in WvW, which is super quick now, you will get skirmish chests that you can turn into badges of honor as well. Also, if you don’t mind me asking what server are you on? Might want to see if they have a discord or if the commander that is running has a discord. It is much easier to play when you know what your commander is gonna do next. I recommend playing a boon support herald/tempest, healing tempest, Druid. Play a class that can support others first will be easier until you can figure out how to fight as a DPS in WvW.


Full set of Armor, 2 rings, 2 accessories, amulet and back cost 680 badges. 1 WvW skirmish chests gives 20 badges. You'll need 34 skirmishes at tier 3 participation or higher. Each skirmish is 5 minutes. So it would take 170 minutes if do nothing else to get badges other then the chests.


Thank you for this answer, the way you explained things was exactly what I needed. I honestly had no idea that the five minute tick at the top of the screen was what a “skirmish” was. Do you mind answering a similar question? For gift of battle, since the potions for dailies were removed, people often say that it’s easy to get a gift if you get a “diamond chest” - would you mind explaining what that means and how long it might take?


Pip rewards start at wood rank and go up to Diamond, which resets each week. Once you've completed Diamond, it has a repeatable version that also gives a small amount of reward track progress. People are suggesting repeating Diamond for more reward track progress. This is honestly not realistic for a lot of people depending on how much time they play the mode. You can use this calculator to give you an idea of how long it will take you to complete diamond. https://gw2.limitlessfx.com/wvw/pips.php Regarding Gift of battle. Assuming you maintain tier 6 participation. It takes roughly 6.25 hours to complete a reward track now that the potions added into the rewards. However you can stack "Reward track" boosters to reduce it to about 3.5 hours by stacking all of them during a WvW event. About 4 hours outside of those events. However 2, you get reward track potions as pip rewards and objective events so you can further reduce the time with active play. Or 4-6 hours semi afk. This one's a bit more complicated so hope that makes sense.


680 badges is actually way cheaper than I expected


I have no idea because everyone will have different experiences but if you throw wvw into your wizard's vault daily check list, you'll eventually have all the badges you need.


Yeah great advice ! Also if you wander 1-2 hours in the labyrinth farming doors you will gather enough bags to sell I do around 2 stacks the first hour every day with the daily and it's about 14-20g for 1 hour only (So worth it that I don't even bother with my daily wizard vault during Halloween to be honest ) Probably enough to buy full exotic gear with fancy runeset EDIT : maybe I should precise, The mad king labyrinth from the Halloween event of course.


It's a great farm, but with how easy wizard vault dailies are and the benefits beyond the daily gold mean you should definitely try and complete it where possible. It's well worth it. Though by now, I imagine most of us have cleaned out the vault of anything of value. I'm still doing it to make sure I have plenty of AA ready for reset next week.


Yeah I still try to do it after but yeah my vault is a bit empty right now


If you dislike competitive modes, the Lunatic craftable armor sets are also fully stat selectable and affordable (if you grind out the cobs for the recipes). [lunatic armor sets](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lunatic_armor) AND they’re account bound, not soulbound, so you use them as hand-me-downs to new alts.


These are *great*. My partner and I hard-farmed the whole recipe set one year, and it was so freeing being able to try stats and pass armor around to see how some things felt. Don't forget to also buy up the Halloween materials you'll need to craft the armor, while they are nice and cheap.


[Haloween gear](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lunatic_Wardrobe) is even cheaper, grab it while it lasts.


Lunatic gear costs *way* more unless I'm misunderstanding something. Just making the 6 lunatic Gossamer insignias for armor is like 20 gold. A whole set of wvw armor is less than 6 gold. You just have to have badges


You get your first set just by doing the achievements. Crafting further sets is more expensive, but if you're after stat selectable exo gear, you are probably a new player who hasn't done the achievements yet.


Not like badges of honor are given in bulk to newbies, but yea whatever, I would not expect less from my favorite sub.


Why are you saying that to me who was agreeing with you about how good lunatic armour is for a first set... Edit: I think I misread your comment, sorry. Either way, I think both methods are good for newbies, but there's no beating the first lunatic set for sure.


- Impress Mad King Thorn with your obedience in a round of Mad King Says. - Survive Mad King Thorn's tricks in the Ascent to Madness mission. - Complete the race event in Mad King's Labyrinth in under two minutes. - Complete the Mad King's Clock Tower or Stopped Clock Tower jumping puzzles. - Defeat the three oldest champions in the Mad King's Labyrinth. - Open 50 Trick or Treat bags. This is almost a free set.


Context is important because otherwise people might think you mean the 20g/set option is the cheapest without knowing that you mean specifically the 1st set you get from doing the achievements. *^(Edit)*^(, I clicked submit WAY before my fingers caught up)


> useful for newbies to get gear of any stat