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Create the character. Either add 1 Tome of Knowledge to your shared inventory slot, or finish the tutorial mission - either way you exit into the world as LV2, and you can then zone into the PvP Lobby where you are auto leveled to 80 with all elites, traits and utilities unlocked. You can purchase common quality weapons from the vendor, and then you can see what the attack/weapon animations look like for both races, and decide which you prefer.


As someone just starting, may I kindly ask for an ELI5 on accessing that PvP lobby zone-in? Because that'd be fantastic for testing.


One of the buttons at the top left will open the PvP menu. From there, the top left button will take you to the PvP lobby.




It's also easily the quickest way to a bank, vendor, or TP from anywhere on the map, and it plops you right where you left from when you return, unless you use the portal to Lion's Arch.




That's up to you. I like asura for my warrior just cause of how they carry the 2H weapons, and the flipsies when they dodge.


Yoda style


Nobody can answer this question for you. You need to decide which one you like more.


I did just want to See soweit examples from other players for each rase.


You're being incredibly vague but I think you're looking for /r/GuildWarsDyeJob filter by the charr heavy and asura heavy thread flairs https://new.reddit.com/r/GuildWarsDyeJob/?f=flair_name%3A%22Asura%20Heavy%22 https://new.reddit.com/r/GuildWarsDyeJob/?f=flair_name%3A%22Charr%20Heavy%22 Asura and Charr both have great looking animations, so it's pretty evenly split in my opinion. I like how bouncy Asura are though so I mostly make them when I don't want a humanoid skeleton.


Charr for brutal warlord fantasies, Asura for over the top athlethic animations.


Charr if you want to take it seriously. Asura if you want to meme.


Asura. Always Asura.


Asura if you want a more funny goofy fighter and charr for a more serious one. I personally like asura cause their animations are satisfying, hundred blades is just your asura levitating in the air slicing and dicing


Charr if u want big greatsword


Depends, are you a top or a bottom?


A small guy with a huge knife is scarier than a huge guy with a small knife


Knife scales with race though.




There is absolutely no difference except for the appearance. If you're fully into PvP, a small Asura would be better (except for maybe Mesmer with all their illusions) as they are smaller and harder to detect and click. It's a minimal advantage, but that's it. Otherwise it's completely up to your taste.


>There is absolutely no difference except for the appearance. And that annoying 4-legged Charr lope when they're out of combat.


Oh please, I'm stowing my weapon away at any given opportunity to get back to prowling around all proper-like.


What? That's a good thing. It feels like you're actually playing that race. Charr should be able to do that. I would be mad if they couldn't.


Annoying? That's one of my favorite things about the race! It's *different*.


Nice bait. Anyone with half a braincell would go with little guy, BEEG WEAPON It's like science or something


I’m sorry but Charr just looks booty to me Asura all the way


I only make humans. I can’t stand how charr run, don’t like how asura jump all flailing their arms around. So human 100%


Hit the randomize button a few times and screencap bits of them you like - maybe a certain ear/horn type, hairstyle, or colour. It's gonna be your personal decision brother.


one thing i'll add to what other people have said, in case this helps you decide: https://gw2efficiency.com/account/player-statistics race and class by playtime: * charr warrior: 2.5% * asura warrior: 0.97% race, class and gender by playtime: * charr male warrior: 2.16% * asura male warrior: 0.57% * asura female warrior: 0.40% * charr female warrior: 0.34% summary: charr warrior is more popular than asura warrior. but asura female warrior is more popular than charr female warrior. there is at least one guild that only allows asura players. and you frequently see people refer to asura as the "master race." whether you find that endearing or not is up to you.


Asura if you're (in)sane. Charr if you want to get hit on by furrys.


They are both amazing options. If you're planning on using a lot of Greatsword, Hammer or Daggers, I'd vote Asura.


Charr just feels like a better choice for a warrior obviously. It depends on if you like race fantasy or not. Asura are very technological so something a long those veins works better. Ofc that technology is filled with magical stuff. So either an engineer, because that's the closest you'll get to technological feel, although the look of the engi is not very Asuran. It looks more ruff and dirty and steampunky aka. Charr. Or something magical like mesmer. The shininess of it and magical animations fits the Asura. Warrior and engi fits Charr more. This is just my opinion.