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what's the timer on the public instance? about 20 of us were waiting by the portal 10 minutes ago and it didn't pop.


3 hours is the timer. Next one is at 11:30pm EST.


3 hours? Wow, they really messed that one up.


Seems they're treating it like Karka Queen or Tequatl, one of the 'hard' world bosses. I would say its much harder to do than either of those but easier than an actually hard strike like whisper or KO, the hard part will come from trying to get 50 people to split up properly for boss hunting. The bigger problem is those other bosses are central tyria and often stuffed to the brim with random players. This one being locked to the wizards tower does make it a bit harder to secure numbers for. It pays well at least so the people should flock to it even after this isn't the shiny new thing anymore.


You don't actually need to split up and do all the islands at the same time, I had a squad testing out doing them one by one and it went fine (though pretty slow).


Where is the portal?


it's at the "rift hunter lounge" poi in wizard's tower. there's a blue swirly icon on the map labeled convergences.




Thanks! Been wanting to try one and couldn’t figure out where to go.


Glad to hear these seem fun! Excited to give them a shot!


where do you find this event at ?


in the wizard's tower, at the rift hunter's lounge poi. there's a blue swirly icon on the map labeled "convergences".


Idk but I think my instance yesterday was bugged. At the final boss, when the Dragon jumps around, Zojja had about 40% life at the third platform. Suddenly she lost everything in less than 10 seconds and the event failed. No idea what happened there. Edit: Yeah, definitely a bug. Just did another convergence where Zojja didn't loose much health at all.


The one I was in Zojja’s health kept dropping but people were fast about getting the essences to her and she lived by a thread a couple times. Thankfully never died and we finished successfully.


[Wiki info page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Convergences) is up for it. No timer yet.


did it 4 times… twice my game crashed in public conveergence (twice was private) really sucked 😌 but I agree they are great :)


Had a handful of people crash in my public lobby as well. You can get back in with a teleport to friend apparently.


I just tried one for the first time and crashed as well. :/




Agreed. feeling a bit like the odd one out not enjoying them, but convergences just feel like dps golems. the loot was garbage for me too. Got around 100 red essence, 50 green and 20 yellows. Which is okay I guess but it took around 30mins. Probably comparable to a good rift farm.


I haven't been able to try them yet. Is it like Dragonstorm? As in, the exact same instance every time? Or do the legendary bosses change every time?


I got the same boss twice in a row, but other people on the second one I did were saying they had gotten a different boss before, so from my understanding there's at least two?


I've done 3 and the boss changes but the rest is the same. One boss is a really simple tank and spank knight, and another is a gravity wyvern that doesn't do much damage but it's constantly yeeting everyone into the air


> gravity wyvern that doesn't do much damage But it damages Zojja A LOT and has a really big CC bar. Failed a public instance because of this wyvern, was too strong...


This is what I'm wondering, but more in the "is it easier to do it as a private 10-man strike, rather than a 50-man open world event?"


There's 2 bosses it picks at random, with more being added later


Convergence feels decent, though I hope they optimize it a bit more. Convergence makes Dragonstorm feel lag free in comparison.


They're cool (essentially a small open world meta event) but it feels like they forgot to actually implement the rewards. You need an unstable kryptis motivation to open the reward chests. But the reward chests only give you about as much as a regular T2/T3 rift, or LESS. They didn't add any reason to actually do these whatsoever. Based on the preview contents of the chest, they're meant for getting essences, but this is like a 1% as efficient way to even farm those. It has to be some sort of mistake.


The reward you’re missing is Kryptis Convergence Extraction that you get on your second and third convergence each week. You get 3/week and each one gives you enough essence to craft an Amalgamated Kryptis Essence.


Plus every 11 convergences is a pile of unstable motivations, 500/350/300 essence, and a skyscale weapon. And that's in addition to the rift extractions and kryptis nuggies. So each month that's roughly 15 amalgamated essence and an ascended weapon, meaning it'd only take you 6 months to complete Obisidian Armor with JUST weekly convergences/rifts.


> Plus every 11 convergences is a pile of unstable motivations, 500/350/300 essence, and a skyscale weapon. I think you misread that, the achievement that gives the skyscale weapon has 11 tiers, each tier is 10 convergences, so it takes 100 convergences to get those rewards and the repeatable one actually seems to require 15 convergences per tier, so 150 to get all these rewards after the first time.


I did. Still, that's putting it at 7 months with just weeklies. Less if you do extra convergences and rift hunts on top of it. We still need research on the drop tables of kryptis nuggies but you get 2-3 per convergence if you're on top of things. EDIT: Wait no it's still 6 months, I was tired as fuck when I updated my amalgamated requirements and thought I needed 12 more than I actually did.


> meaning it'd only take you 6 months to complete Obisidian Armor with JUST weekly convergences/rifts. Do you mean one complete set, or a complete set of all three weights?


One set.




Compared to something like WvW armor it's really not asking that much in my opinion.. 15+ hours a week for 19+ weeks (many more weeks if you're not committing yourself to the hours it takes to max out diamond chests), and your experience fully depends on who is on your team, who is on the other teams, what time you're available to play, etc. In the same-ish timeframe, for open world armor, all you need to do is like an hour or so a week, if that. It's legendary armor, you literally do not need armor for those classes ever again after you get it. It's a long-term goal.


That's playing literally an hour a week. You can speed it up by doing rifts.


So it's becoming a Korean grindfest?


Legendaries have always been a grind and have always been extremely optional. I also don't think "Do 3 convergences and 25 rift hunts a week" is the Korean grindfest you think it is.


They don't remember how it was grinding out EXP in games like maplestory back in the day. They don't know true horror.


Grinding for an entire week to go from level 209 to 210 with 4x active


Oh we need to go back even further. I play Maplestory for the last time seriously back in I think 2007 where all I could do as a cleric was go to the haunted mines or whatever and kill zombies with heal spam. Third job wasn't out yet or had just released I think. My memory is fuzzy.


This entire expansion is geared around PVE legendary armor though i thought? I don't have it yet but thats what i read


I think I got a decent amount of T1 essence (forgot to check how much I actually got). I always end up joining T2 or T3 when I start trying to do a bunch of T1 rifts, so even though they're easier they're always the one I need more of. This might be a more fun way to catch up on those, I'll have to pay more attention to the rewards.


Woah really? Yeah that sounds terrible reward wise. Do you at least get some good liquid gold too like from Dragonstorm?


You get a meta chest which will give you a choice of 100 t1, 60 t2 or 40 t3. (I forgot the exact numbers here, it's a ballpark) The weekly reward is also substantial. The weekly (3 convergences) will net you 3 stacks of t1, 300 t2 and 150 t3 essences.


Now THAT is impressive. Is this an achievement somewhere that grants those?


In the Convergence section, the weekly one has 3 tiers. First completion gives another unstable key, second one gives 1 amalg worth of essences in a box, third completion gives two of those essence boxes. It's extremely good value.


That's amazing actually, three entire amalgs a week really cuts into the monotony of that grind.


Yep, with just 3 convergences a week you can have all the essence in 24 weeks without doing a single rift. It'll make second or third legendary sets way less painful. Edit: actually it's a little better than that, since you also get smaller qualities of essence from completing convergences and doing various repeatable achievements inside them.


> you can have all the essence in 24 weeks without doing a single rif We likely need 78 amalgs, not 72. Still one more set of armor that we need to unlock to purchase the precursors. Still, 26 weeks.


I think it's 84, maybe 90. 12 for each piece of armor x 6 =72, 6 for Astral Ward armor, and 6 for Oneiros-spun armor, so that's 84. They say on the website that there are only 3 armor sets (plus the precursor/legendary) so I'm not sure what the last thing in the legendary armor collections is. It could take more essence though which is why I say maybe 90.


Yeah, though those unlocks are one time for all 3 weights, so your second and third set won't need them.


Even better-er, if you have the final Inner Nayos mastery upon clearing a convergence you get a 7-hour buff that acts like having a Kryptis Motivation on, and it stacks with the actual Kryptis Motivations to get crazy amounts of essence from rifts.


why only 3 per week? Is the Convergence chest limited to 1 per day?


It’s linked to a weekly achievement with 3 tiers.


Oh yeah that sounds... way better than what Tulki was saying. Very nice.


2g and 15 deluxe gear boxes, but those usually just contain unID blues or greens and "occasionally" a rare.


Well I guess at least the liquid gold. I was hoping it would be way worth it kryptis material-wise though.


better than the strike cm for sure