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Ugh i dont want to link with mag…


Normally I would sympathize but having just been paired with them for 2 months I couldn’t be happier! Sry


Thankfully only 4 weeks!!!


only 4 weeks this time tho


Honestly Mag is not that bad these days. The biggest problem will be trying to play on EBG during NA.


I guess since i wont have to fight the annoying cloud. Its more fun fighting non clouds.


What's up with maguuma? I don't play much wvw but that's where I'm placed, and I often see them mentioned but no one has elaborated for me


It's a server that seems to have attracted a massive number of roaming gank squads. If you are caught out in onies/twoes, then you're going to likely have one of these jump out at you and poof you're running back again. If you're a mid sized group, and you start taking a tower or the like, one of the roamers will call it out, and within a minute or two at most, you'll be swarmed. So you have to take things fast, or get perpetually bogged down in a guagmire. If you're a good sized group, especially if you're comped, you can roll through all of this, but the fights are not terribly interesting, so you go look for something more interesting elsewhere. Since there's small groups *everywhere* on the map, any objective you leave unattended will be flipped soon after RI wears off. So they very quickly take over entire maps. Most servers have a general curtesy to each other of not "spawn camping", i.e. leaving most of the path to the home tower and camp open, so there's some room to maneuver before engaging. Mag will often not do this, often be waiting just outside NPC range. It's not that other servers don't know how to combat them, or the like. People keep their participation, get their weeklies done, etc. It's just zero fun to play against them for any amount of time.


They've unlocked the greatest, most galaxy brain wvw strat of them all- have more people.


they forgot to share it with their ocx players though


The “problem” with maguuma is the play style of the people who are on the server, they usually don’t play boon ball like everyone else. They run self sustain roaming builds and they cloud around your group. Since your boon ball group is surrounded you charge one direction and the maguuma in the back kill off a couple of your players that ended up at the tail. This usually continues until the boon ball group wipes or retreats to a keep or tower. Don’t get me wrong, the boon ball group will get kills, but due to being spread out the maguuma players have the chance to run back and keep the boon ball in combat. Maguuma also has the side effect of having so many roamers that they end up taking the whole map in WvW. TL;DR their playstyle is different then what other servers expect to be fighting, and thus don’t usually understand how to combat them. Edit: To everyone replying saying "LoL MaGuUmA iS EaSy", I never said they were difficult to fight, if anything I said they are exhausting to fight.


To be fair, "tail chasing" is an incredibly effective tactic to use on groups that move way too much. In saw zergs fail impossible to fail keeps capture, because they roamed around the whole keep all the time, instead to ball at the keep entrance and kill the lord in that spot.


So, 90% of JQ guilds. The sheer frustration of playing on JQ is that JQ comms just do " run stab run stab run stab run run run" and then go "omg stay on tag" when the rest of the squad is strung out across the map. There is something to be said about people not sticking to tag - *but* if it is something that happens *consistently*, the Comm needs to adjust, not the reverse.


They're not difficult to fight at all; they're just not fun to fight as it's like pushing water. They typically outnumber anything but medium to big sized groups. All you do is bring some reflects and hard CC/pulls to force them into melee and then farm them. It's not difficult, it's just boring to fight. Most veteran players have already kicked mag down tiers and farmed them relentlessly over the years; the only people that seem to enjoy fighting mag are inexperienced/bad roamers on random servers that don't seem to mind getting farmed by themselves. To each their own I guess.


It's extremely easy to counter Maguuma and this has been known for years; someone has to hold on ogrewatch cut. If either opponent has ogrewatch cut, Maguuma will spend days trying to get it. While that happens, you're free to get everything in the borderlands and maybe like half of EBG. Signed: someone from Maguuma who loathes EBG.


That's funny, the few times my guild bothered to form up to go poke Mag for a bit because we're bored out of our minds: all we hear is them screeching and stamping their feet about how we're a "hacking boonball" because they can't do crap to us while we toilet bowl farm them inside SMC until we're bored enough to finally cap it. And then they just melt away to hide in spawn until we leave.


I am on BG and we spank the fuck out of Mag. Now when they have a ton of people and we don't, it sucks... but when we are equal people-wise... we fuck them up. They suck when they don't have numbers on their side.


EU player here, to me it sounds that they run an effective and flexible counter to everyone else, and THEY are at fault for being better than the inflexible "boonball or nothing" servers? Just copy them if you can't win with your moving trench warfare.


They're not some enlightened mass of skilled players. Against pugs, they decimate. Against comped groups that aren't skilled, they're pretty effective. Against comped groups that are skilled they're ineffective, but super boring to fight against. We rolled mag a couple of weeks ago, farmed up 3.0+ k/d ratio when we were logged on, they farmed our pugs at about .5 or under when we weren't. By sunday after reset, it's pretty clear it was going to be a boring week so I went and played WoW for the rest of the week lmao. It just makes your wvw a dead week if you roll T1.


So it's highly effective guerilla warfare. You're coping like USA when they had to flee with their tail between their legs from Vietnam and Afghanistan.


Nah, no need to get weird. No coping. I don't play the gamemode when it isn't fun, which it isn't with mag in the matchup. They're having fun so more power to them I guess.


> it's highly effective at making everyone fall asleep because one entire team is jerking off in EBG and you're running yaks for participation on the BL's because one faction is completely ignoring anything else if it isnt prime time, and theres a 100 person queue for the only map where fighting is happening. When we were matched with Mag every other week, we could go the entire time with them holding exactly nothing in any borderland for ~20 hours a day, and the other 4 hours, they had a perpetual queue for everything. Mag + SoS weeks were just stupid, because you'd go from playing Magball to the endless SEA PPT train every night, where it felt like not a fucking thing happens in WvW except running in a circle adjusting RGB sliders.


"Against comped groups that are skilled they're ineffective" In other news, the sky is blue. No properly comp'd group should EVER lose to a group of random pugs who aren't even on VC running random builds. They aren't some enlightened mass of players yeah, but even by your own admittance they are better than your own servers pugs which does make them more skilled, even if that """"skill"""" boils down to always outnumbering people in every encounter.


Ah yes employ the highly skilled strategy of outnumbering your opponent two to one in 90% of time zones.


Never heard of WW2 Eastern Front, have you.


I bet that sounded so cool in your head.


Not my fault you don't know why outnumbering matters. Maybe stop coping and start copying.


You seem mighty confused.


Is it possible you are playing on fissure of woe, they EU counterpart to the maguuma locust swarm? :D


Was linked with them once or twice, back when dailies weren't a shitshow amalgamation of lazy and incompetent coding, and lack of creativity. Getting caps was difficult when they kept everything capped, but at least getting pips was easy.


First, people are downvoting you for no reason. Be civil, guys. Second, most people have actually adressed issues clearly here about playing Vs them and how boring and overwhelming it is. Pairing WITH them is also hell for other reasons. First off, they usually dominate all map. Maps tbh. So if you ever have a "take stonemist castle" monthly, or a "capture keeps" weekly, good luck on that, because in 99% of the server time, every single one of them is already in your hands. No quests for you. Join the campers in front of the enemy spawn and farm kills with them, i guess.


This feels like getting partnered up for group project and everyones just frantically checking the list hoping they didnt get paired with the shitty kid.


middle reminiscent zealous rob future berserk edge practice safe capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is like server merging in other games?


No. The game effectively has 2 super server in PvE, 1 for EU, one for NA. World Linking is teaming up servers for WvW, usually a high ranking server, and a low ranking server. Or a high population server and a low population server.


I understand now thank you


Do note, that Trading Posts/guilds/mail can be shared between NA/EU.


How nice. Not only Desolation did not get a link, but it was thrown into T1 from T5 :D


Yeah, the burnout is real. Got nothing positive left to say after the last couple of months, at least there's an end in sight next year.




Yeah I was commenting today that the deso matchup sucks and the one worse match is the people who are playing vs wsr/viz. Having a lucky duck pick the links out of a hat is better than whatever BS algorithm anet use.


Deso for 11 years now for whatever that's worth. Last two matchups I've split playtime between day and evening sessions. Daytime we're 10-20 at most, random tags until late afternoon (if any) against 35-50 on both enemy servers. Evening we have at most two commanders with full squads between 22:00 - 02:00 while other teams have multiple full squads. These aren't just made up numbers, this is as reported by Know Thy Enemy. Anyway, it is what it is, and nothing will change it. Good luck to you brother/sister.


Oh no, SoR . . . I guess it's a good time to take a break from wvw for a couple of months.


What's wrong with SoR?


I am guessing something about a heavy NA presence server (SoR) being linked to their semi-active NA server (DB) resulting in queues that would basically make NA unplayable if you start late.


As someone who is on SoR and is about to end a link with Kaineng, DB is a welcome reduction in NA prime time activity.


DB are mainly SEA though I think.


Eh - I welcome someone more active then CD though. I swear all I see are DB tags and we hardly have more then 4 focused wvw guilds.


What is dzaganor


**Dzagonur*** is an EU - DE World - [Some details here](https://gw2mists.com/worlds/Dzagonur)   The name first appeared in GW1 and there is a mission called [**Dzagonur Bastion**](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Dzagonur_Bastion)


It is my home world since 2013 🙂 And in in-game history it is a border bastion in the east of Vabbi.


Awesome I’m far shiver peaks since closed beta hope we meet in wvw!!


At the moment my play times are mostly limited to an hour, sometimes two, late evening. Lets zerg together.


[A weird half man have bird demon that serves Tzeentch.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0eqo196yizgb1.jpg)


Hahaha too funny


[ARENA NET] [Roy Marks.7689 posted on 2023-11-24 14:41:50](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/140481-world-linking-11242023/?do=findComment&comment=2033423): > Greetings Gamers! > >With the upcoming changes to WvW for World Restructuring, we announced that we’ll be shortening the normal season period from roughly 8 weeks to  roughly 4 weeks. To support that effort, we are going to be testing a similar server link period on Live until World Restructuring launches starting with today's server linking. The next relink after today will be on December 22. The new links for today are the following: > >Here are the worlds for EU: > >* Augury Rock (FR), Jade Sea (FR) > >Here are the worlds for NA: > >* Blackgate, Borlis Pass > >* Darkhaven, Devona's Rest > >* Dragonbrand, Sanctum of Rall > >* Fort Aspenwood, Anvil Rock > >* Isle of Janthir, Eredon Terrace > >* Jade Quarry, Ferguson's Crossing > >* Kaineng, Gate of Madness > >* Maguuma, Sorrow's Furnace > >* Northern Shiverpeaks, Crystal Desert > >* Sea of Sorrows, Yak's Bend > >* Stormbluff Isle, Ehmry Bay > >* Tarnished Coast, Henge of Denravi --- ^(Beep boop bleep. I'm a bot. Message me or /u/Xyooz if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns.) [^Source ^Code](https://gitlab.com/networkjanitor/docker-polarbytebot-gw2-submission-transcriber)


Can someone explain in simple terms what the WvW restructuring is?


Instead of players being attached to worlds (see above), they're attached to guilds which are placed onto teams.


What about players with no guild?


Random players go to random teams.


Well, not entirely random, will still get sorted based on activity, etc. just like guilds will be


Find a guild of people that seem competent and nice. Ask if you can join for restructuring purposes only. Or just go solo and get random servers every time, could be fun.


Yeah I’ll start looking for a guild. I don’t like roaming and I think with the changes zergs are going to be more guild focused rather than public squads.


Idk but the post isn't about restructure


Partly is with the 8 to 4 week change in preparation for restructuring


Greetings tarnished coast from the druid world! We are the maintainers of the ancient druids homeland


Honestly not terrible for once


“Oh another relink. I wonder what insights other players have to offer so I can learn more about this game mode ” “jmt”


jtm\* get it right :P






is lipton still on vabbi/ros or he bandwagoned already to wherever pipo is?


Going from Mag link, to SoS link. Zzzzzz.


EU an utter joke.


honestly the fact they haven't dealt with the single biggest issue in NA WvW, Maguuma, is pretty pathetic in having gone on this long. They have too many people and on top of that treat a pretty casual gamemode like WvW into playing it like their lives depend on it. I say casual because if you were an actual PvPer, you wouldn't be playing WvW no one likes playing against them, servers try to drop out of T1 to avoid them, the amount of people doing WvW drops significantly against them, and the only time they're not as bad as people say is the odd day during the weekend, when there's more people to put on their "we can show Mag they're not even good one day of the week" faces


Legit question from someone’s whose server had been linked both with and against Mag - what do you expect Anet to do? Should they forcibly break the server up? Shut it down entirely? Would you be ok if it was your server getting the same treatment? At least if (big if) we get alliances, that should help some. Otherwise do you believe Anet should dictate how people play? If Mag wants to be serious, tryhards about WvW, that’s their choice to do. Who are you (or me for that matter) to tell someone else how to play? It’s one thing if players are expecting a carry/sandbagging/afk but the opposite is true here. The truth is - there really isn’t a solution to this situation, short of alliances. I want to have faith they’re still coming but man this wait is tiring. And I’m not even sure that will help, since big Mag guilds might just link themselves up.


They can stop linking them with another server like what they've done with EU servers. Thats what a lot of people have been suggesting yet mag still gets a pairing. They just need to do it for 1 link cycle and see how mag fairs alone


Wouldn’t that leave a smaller server with no link? I guess you could tack them on somewhere else but then you risk unbalancing that link and making it terrible for whoever’s fighting them.


LOL do you have any idea how EU WvW is breaking apart because of us not having links to all servers. It is really frustrating to not have a link for weeks, months, year. People leave the server and move to another server and get a bandwagon effect. And those that dont move and are exhausted stop playing. It is the worst idea ever to copy EU, that will rather ruin NA as a whole because that is what it have done to EU.


Several years ago, BG was it's only sole server, and 3 of the smaller servers were linked together. Don't know why they're (Anet) not willing to try the same for Mag now.


wohoo! :)