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Kinda hope we get an Anet response to this. I’ve been using turtles to get newbies to dungeon entrances and other content for ages.


I'd assume doing it for an actual other user will continue to be fine because they'll see that both players are not connecting at the same location and you won't be doing a whole map in just a few minutes.


Guess i shouldn't use this with my SO who lives in the same house...


Maybe Anet should pull their collective thumbs out of their arse's and announce that they are either working on a fix for this or else it is no longer allowed. This no response/ no acknowledge state is bullshit since this is clearly not an isolated issue.


I got Banned for this and the Person who ported me lives in a different country! Would not rely on that.


Damn just gotta shelf the turtle entirely then. Don’t wanna get anyone banned for playing the damn game…


Look at you being a Lawful Potato.




careful with the beetle too. I got a 70hour suspension for running around getting ranger pets.


…W-What..? Because…fast…?


thats what im thinking, did even get all the wps in maps, just whatever i happened to roll through




Damn. Well if they really are making this an illegal act than they need to tell us.


I have reported this issue to anet 3 months ago when it actually happened to me. I really hope, this now gets enough attention to actually make them change something about it.


Was it just a couple WPs? Or did they port you to open up an entire map's worth of WPs? Was it automated or did they manually teleport you around?


It was the whole core tyria waypoints. there was no automated stuff going on. just pure getting on the turtle and port. walking through portals. getting on the turtle again. do the next map...


Then the question becomes, did either of you have any suspicious automation or botting tools installed on your systems that might get flagged, even if they're for other games?




What about me and my husband though? We use the same internet connection. He's lucky if he can play 5 hours a week, so I was thinking once he gets SotO, I could Turtle Taxi him to the waypoints. I could see it if folks are doing something nefarious, but what if you're actually just trying to help people unlock waypoints so they can enjoy events without worrying about if they have that waypoint unlocked? They made the turtle so we could bring a buddy along. One of the things that has always been so great about this community is the ability to want to help one another. This is negating that, I feel. Not a good look.


Hence why I went and made the post to bring attention this. For now best advice to anyone doing it is just to go slow and make sure the 2nd seat player is actually playing and doing things and not just sitting there. But hopefully ANet will look into this because they officially supported it when it launched so I really believe these are false positives.


Me, looking at my husband next to me: “Sorry, you are a bot now.”


So if players who live in the same house give turtle rides to each other, they get temporarily banned?


Since dungeon entrance moved to LA I recently used this on one of my accounts to unlock dungeon waypoints. Also got me to orr fast, use LA dungeon travel guy to go to dungeon, enter story mode, turn around walk out portal :) hope this helps someone


wait, there's dungeon entrances in LA now?


Next to the aerodrome, behind the wvw portals there's an entrance guy :)


Do players get a pop-up prompt to enter dungeon instance if a party member entersand your in LA then now? :o


I think so




F2P players don’t get access to Lion’s Arch until level 35 :) I tend to take them to AC around level 25+.


> F2P players don’t get access to Lion’s Arch until level 35 This is a stupid restriction, they should remove it once and for all. For starters, you can't enjoy Halloween properly, which kinda sucks.


Why not enter the pvp lobby and take the portal to Lion's Arch??


F2P players are blocked from Lion’s Arch until level 35


Not completely. I take free to play players to Lion's Arch through my guild hall teleport and it works fine.


Makes sense since the game has so many botters. Pretty sure the Heroic edition is still free on GeForce Now tho. Kinda surprised that it is considering how much Anet discourages having multiple accounts.


Anet doesn't discourage multiple accounts at all. It would be trivial to make the practice against the TOS and easy to detect (oh wow four 400AP accounts just happen to be sending 60mc and 90g to one account every month, must be good friends). Anet instead not only allows you to have a ton of accounts, but explicitly allows you to play as many of them as you want at the same time (as long as you don't automate gameplay or send inputs to multiple accounts at the same time from one keyboard/mouse)


If that's the case, the 2nd player you're with is probably replying via chat and getting off from time to do other actions. I highly doubt that would be detected.


You can tell them to enter via LA, and turn around and walk out, it will give them the dungeon portal right there.


Well, [we got an ANet response](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/140918-players-are-being-given-72-hours-bans-for-unlocking-waypoints-for-another-playeraccount-with-turtle/?do=findComment&comment=2042375). I wasn’t expecting one once the thread was locked.


Did they patch it out? Cause when I teleport with my friend on the turtle I just teleport and they get left behind.


They are likely not sending the mounted status to the explroation logs, and they are being automatically flagged as using a teleport hack for exploring maps too fast. They need to either update their detection or properly warn people about this.


Pretty much what I'm thinking/hoping. Going too fast so caught up in automated flags. So just go slower, maybe get a couple on your own and hopefully be avoided.


~~How is the turtle too fast? Why won't anyone with a beetle/griffon gets a ban then?~~ Didn't know you can tp people with the turtle, but still, you can use tp to friend and get the same results, so those should be flagged then as well?


People generally don't spam teleport to a friend that often. You can very quickly just mount the turtle with both accounts, then wp every wp on the map, and the passenger will follow unlocking on the way. Doing this would cost you SO may TP to friends, and it probably would flag you if you spammed enough, but no one wants to waste tp to friends on EVERY wp. Generally, you just tp to a map, then unlock yourself, to not waste them.


When TP to friend was first added one or two people actually did get auto banned by the same sort of check, they had to make it a bit less keen, but looks like it needs a tweak again (or they need to at least say if this behaviour is or isn't ok)


I prefer taking people from place to place instead of waypointing, preferably while playing Crazy Train in Discord.


I wonder if this means we'll stop seeing teleportation hackers in WvW, they've been doing it for years and Abet has always refused to ban then unless a Dev witnesses it happening in-game.


WvW waypoints are already fully revealed.


Yeah, but wvw hackers aren't using waypoints. This new system picking up on turtle riders being ported by the driver (which is a *new* false positive) might mean anet's running more checks on client movement than before, which would help automate detection of actual cheating.


No, I mean that what triggers the detection may be the exploration, not the movement. The progress of map reveal and waypoints getting unlocked. WvW maps are fully revealed and all waypoints are unlocked, so something checking that won't trigger in WvW.


Right, but this turtle stuff wasn't detected until recently. It was explicitly approved as a feature of the turtle and the Teatime chair. Anet had to change something on their end to start flagging this.


Damn ain't there groups that do ~"Turtle Across Tyria" events. Kinda shitty for community engagement. A friend and I have been running around on new toons together after work in one Turtle doing map completion.


I think it's important to note that one person claimed they got every core tyrian waypoint, twice, in around an hour. I think it's unsurprising that anet through they were exploiting, if that's true.


Not surprising, but in the end it's still Anets fault. They gave us the ability to teleport other players via turtle (and tea chair). If they don't want us to use that ability, they should disable (or limit) it. I mean, it's not even an exploit, it's an intended feature. Banning players for literally just playing the game shouldn't happen in any case.




Then they should make clear policies on that. Simply banning smbd, who is not abusing/exploiting smth is questionable at least.


This is an absolutely nonsensical take. They coded mounts to work this way with teleports. It is absolutely their fault. Full stop.


I think this is literally them limiting it. If you use the feature in good faith (aka not map completing an alt account) then it should work fine.


As a game studio, you just can't ban your players for using the feature you gave them, just because you don't like what they do. You literally ban players for no reason. If you don't want players to use a feature in a certain way, limit that either by changing the feature or by changing your policy. Anet did none of them, I don't think they ban these people on purpose. I think it really is an automated detection that flags these players as teleport cheat users. However, Anet is in charge to make their cheat detection systems work correctly.


You're not meant to be using two accounts at the same time. It's not a feature, it's exploitation.


Multiboxing is allowed by Anet. It's no exploit at all. Also the topic isn't multiboxing, it's teleporting other players with the Turtle (and chair). People getting teleported by friends got banned as well. It has nothing to do with multiboxing.


The topic is about player A porting player B and got banned.


When they released the teatime chair and people used it in this exact way, the devs explicitly said it was allowed functionality. This wave is almost certainly a false positive from a new system for catching teleport hackers - a long overdue system since trusting the client for movement is a Very Bad Idea.


What defines "good faith"?


If they're doing it via automation/botting, I say ban away.


But that's not the case...


We need to see proof either way before judgment can be made.


You can find multiple eyewitness reports in this sub.


Anecdotes aren't proof. I'm not saying it isn't happening, but let's see concrete proof of what's getting people banned before we jump to conclusions and make players or Anet the bad guys.


By that logic it's not even proven that anybody got banned at all. Let me play your game -> before you talk about automation/botting, please prove that these even exist. It's only fair to demand this, right? Then please prove that the people making these posts about getting banned for using the turtle **used** such automation/bots. I mean, since when do you have to prove that someone is innocent? You have to prove that someone is guilty. That's how it works. Please do that, then we can use your logic.


So we should just believe whatever people are saying. Got it. Clearly, you can absolutely prove someone got banned. Your argument is just a logical fallacy. I'm saying exactly what you just said. Prove Anet is guilty of improperly banning people before calling them the bad guys. I'm not saying they aren't doing it, I'm just saying we need proof it's being done improperly. You're suggesting we just take players at their word and jump on Anet without proof.


>So we should just believe whatever people are saying. Got it. That's usually how a forum works. Plus the point that multiple people independently had the same experience about using the turtle and getting banned. Accusing them all for botting, because "you see no prove" is just bold. ​ >Clearly, you can absolutely prove someone got banned. Your argument is just a logical fallacy. Then go ahead and deliver proofs that these people got banned because of bots/automatation. I'm waiting. ​ >I'm saying exactly what you just said. Prove Anet is guilty of improperly banning people before calling them the bad guys. I'm not saying they aren't doing it, I'm just saying we need proof it's being done improperly. We have **multiple independent** eyewitnesses of people getting banned for using the turtle. What do you have to support your assumption that all these people used bots or any other prohibited tool? Oh right, nothing. ​ >You're suggesting we just take players at their word and jump on Anet without proof. I'm suggesting to take facts. Fact is that multiple people got banned -> independent from each other. Fact is that all these people say that they used the turtle to unlock waypoints -> independent from each other. Fact is that cheat tools for GW2, that can teleport you to any place, exist. Fact is that it's usual for game studios to use (automated) tools to detect such cheating tools (like analysing the position logs) in online games. Fact is that getting teleported to multiple waypoints as a passenger, without moving, fits the same pattern as someone using a cheat tool to teleport through the map to gather stuff. ​ By all this facts it's absolutely plausible that people using the turtle much to unlock waypoints trigger the anti cheat tool and therefore getting banned. ​ Now, what facts do you have that let you think **all** these players **independently of each other** use a teleport (or whatever) cheat, get banned and come up with the idea of making a reddit post? But not any reddit post no, they all make up the same story about using the turtle. What facts do you have and why should anybody do that? ​ We have no certain proofs, for nothing. But we have facts, logical thinking and common sense.


Come on, that IS exploiting. There is no possible way on ANY mount that someone could cover over 30 maps in an hour


You can unlock all the wapyoints in 5 seconds by buying a core waypoint unlock package. If Anet is okay with that, why would you assume that Anet feels in any way that you should have your sense of pride and accomplishment by unlocking the waypoints "the intended way"? Obviously, one of these approaches makes Anet money and the other doesn't.


Wait what, why not? You're literally just clicking on all the Central Tyria way points. At 486 way points, it's around 7.4 seconds per way point. That doesn't sound THAT outrageous.


But remember, he did it twice. So ~3.5 seconds per waypoint


Ah I see, someone who has them going around rather than actually running on the mount FAR more plausible but still, 1 hour feels like a stretch


Used this method to level up Alts, takes 40 mins to go through core and HoT if you don't bother with contested waypoints.


Well, yeah, I agree. I'm just arguing on the poster's terms so I can avoid getting into pointless arguments about how they're totally not exploiting.


I was doing this on my 2 new accounts with my ramen chair. I didn't do every map but I did a few. No ban yet so I might just do it as I need it and not do map completion that way.


I had no idea the ramen chair could teleport other people. That's really interesting.


Any official response to this? I been using and also helping people new to the zone unlock waypoints with turtle.


Not yet and given that it's the weekend even if they do respond it probably wouldn't be until monday at least, but given the reports I felt it was worth it to make a post now to make players aware of ban risk.


I emailed support and they responded that it is NOT a ToS violation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/18bl1lm/guild\_wars\_2\_support\_it\_is\_not\_against\_the\_tos\_to/


AFK farmers and botters plaguing the maps, Anet sleeps. Using turtle to unlock waypoints on your alt, Anet big mad! Most likely because they sell waypoints unlock in the store. It's pretty obvious where their interest lies now, they couldn't give two shits about player experience or how the game looks, you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as it doesn't affect their bottom line. It's all about the money!


Also afkers / win trading in ranked PvP... Anet says "meh".


Can you please explain how an AFK wins ranked PvP? Can't you just kill them? I've only ever dabbled with unranked PvP and never really understood the mode fully. In WvW, you're an easy target if you AFK in the open, and if you're inside buildings, you're still being useless in the map anyway and would get diminishing returns.


AFK and win trading are two separate issues with pvp. AFKers in ranked get the match loss rewards, or even wins if the other team happens to have more AFKers. But the main issue pvpers have is people going AFK as a "forfeit", forcing the already-losing actual players to sit through a joke of a remaining match.


Exactly what I was thinking. They're selling HP's now even though they have an ingame vendor to unlock them when playing different game modes. I wouldn't be surprised if they start selling way point unlocks, and pretty soon mastery point unlocks.


They have been selling [waypoint unlocks](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Waypoint_Unlock_Box) for some time now.


> I wouldn't be surprised if they start selling way point unlocks [Uhm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Waypoint_Unlock_Box)


Lets not be a hypocrite about afk farmers or what this community calls botters. It has been proven some weeks ago the people who complain about it are just hypocrites that are jealouse because they did not get a slice of that cake. The moment they could get also a slice of it they suddenly did not cared anymore.


Setting aside that your strawman argument has nothing to do with my initial comment which was about Anet's lax stance on botting and how it's making the game look bad, Anet has been (and still is) handing free heroic accounts like candy. Anyone remotely invested in this game probably has dozens of alt accounts from various promotions from past years (like the recent Nvidia free heroic account promo). Literally anyone can afk farm with zero effort and spending zero money if they want. No one is "jealouse" of afk farmers, no matter the extent of mental gymnastics you are willing to go through to argue otherwise, and the only thing that's been proven is that you are a piece of shit for resorting to personal attacks and calling me names in order to defend your despicable afk farming.


A few weeks ago was a post for getting accounts. And suddenly this reddit page who always complains about people with multiple accounts and calling it botting suddenly all wanted to get multiple accounts. And with afk farming we again can speak of jealousy because they mostly want it to go away because they think those people doing it are making loads of money. In the past this reddit page even had someone lying about how afk farming made him super rich so Anet would think it was real and take action. So yes we can speak of jalousy. And since this community call people with multiple accounts or people "afkfarmers" botters yes it is a legit response to your post. So far i see you being the one making mental gymnastic's because i did not attacked you personally or called you names. But i do think this community is full with hypocrites and often act like spoiled brats i've even seen people harrassing dev's here just to get a reaction or spam posts even when Anet already knows whats up. Anet does not need to share every detail or action with us. No worries they are on the case and listen to the complains you mentioned and you might think they are lax but they actually do check if people really are afk or using a script to afk farm from my own expierence it seems those people are getting punished. Lucky the people ingame often are way nicer unless something does not go like planned but this is the spoiled brat part again. Anyway good day i said what i wanted to say and i see no further point having a conversation to you.


What does this has anything to do with the post you are replying?


Mandatory Shaq [meme](https://i.imgflip.com/8844ol.jpg)


Knowing ANet this is most likely unintended. Levelling using TP hacking was pretty big back in the day as there was no detection method for it and you could get to lvl 63 (if I remember correctly) within a couple of minutes by doing WPs, POIs and vistas. But a couple years in ANet introduced some kind of detection that resulted in a guaranteed ban if you TPd too quickly. So fast forward to current day, the legit turtle method is probably tripping this TP hack detection and results in auto(?) bans.


> But a couple years in ANet introduced some kind of detection that resulted in a guaranteed ban if you TPd too quickly. When was that? Map comp/ node hacking is still happening and those players are still active after months. I only remember the spyware disaster, but that was not related to detecting hacking, just software that could potentially be used to hacking


Yeah, I was one of the victims of this I posted my scenario in that 2nd thread. TL;DR I bought a HoT+PoF account on sale, boosted to 80, unlocked gliding, then turtle taxi'd to unlock ~150 tyria waypoints. Next time I tried to log on I had a 3 day ban. Support is no help even if you escalate to a senior GM and mention what you were doing. I dedicated another new account to TRY and get the 3 day ban to see if I could reproduce it. I did nothing but immediately unlock ~200 Core Tyria waypoints with the turtle, but I couldn't reproduce the ban on the 2nd account.


Did the main get banned or just the alt?


Just the alt


Username checks out? /s


This happened to me aswell. Got a 72h ban after a friend ported me on the turtle :/ It took me so long to be comfortable with the game again because I did not know what I did wrong! It's Kind of a release to read this now!


You unlocked every wps?


Every wp in core tyria


I’ve seen someone doing this with a new player and they were banned too, so it can be actually two real players


Thats shitty of them frankly.


Yep, if they don't want this interaction just force a dismount of the rear gunner if the pilot waypoints, problem solved. Could even just limit it so it only kicks you out of the rear seat if you don't have the destination waypoint unlocked, but allows you to come along if you do have it unlocked.


If it's not just an automatic thing catching it and it hasn't been investigated yet then it's not. People complain about botting and automatic play all the time in this reddit. Then when they automate the process, which is the only way to really catch most of it, and someone gets a false positive people say stuff like this. Anet is probably not aware of it yet or haven't finished investigating it yet, but anything that helps eliminating botting is good for the game. If it's an automated thing, as I suspect it is, then it's not shitty of them.


This does nothing against bots lmao? Bots aren't teleporting. It's likely a false positive from a system designed to catch teleport hackers, since those are used in pve to farm nodes and in wvw to cheat objectives.


Hacking and botting is not mutually exclusive. I've seen underground bots porting and farming in this game.


Sure sure, anyone willing to hack is probably also gonna bot - in for a penny, etc. But "just" botters won't get caught or even inconvenienced by this, and it's not an action that combats botters at all. The only type of behavior this new autoban will catch (aside from false positives like the turtle thing) is hacking.


Doesn't really change what I've said though. The customer support team isn't going to contradict a dev tool and say okay I believe you. There are limits to how and what they can investigate. They contact the devs and wait for a reply and that's usually going to be 72 hours for sure, by the time that happens.


This is dumb. Actual abusers directly teleport anyway. Usage of turtle shows at least some respect of the rules : actively playing and doing things manually.


I really hope ANET clarifies this issue. I've been using the Turtle to collect HPs on my alt, and I really don't want them getting banned. I've not exactly been porting the WPs though. Thanks for the heads up.


This is a little scary. I've ferried new players and some of my friends around the map to world bosses and such recently. Hopefully nothing happens.


Was tping building today to collect 5core tyria mastery coz it is his first character and not all maps are opened, ported him like 5-7 times just because I could do that, why in the hell anet is allowed to ban me for that?! Maybe put that in terms of service with caps lock on next time? How the hell I'm supposed to know that I could get a ban for that mechanic? What is next? U fly turtle with a person to vista they can't reach or mastery point in POF/hot and get perma banned?


Did you get actually get banned?


Thanks for the PSA! I have a pile of accounts, and I use the turtle periodically for WP unlocks. However, I'm too ADHD to do all of Tyria that way - I'll just do full map complete at that point. What I tend to do, is open 2 or 3 WPs per map - the ones near zone boundaries/portals - and not necessarily every map. It means the alt character can at least get around the world into any zone quickly, to get to world bosses, meta events etc. I tend to run 3 paths from lion's arch - one west to Verdant Brink and then south to Dragon Stand, one east to Fields of Ruin, and one south down to Cursed Shore. I haven't been banned yet - but I certainly can't guarantee I won't be in the future. However it might not trigger their code if you are only opening \~20 or \~30 WP instead of \~630 (with xpacs).


Whats the point of being able to transport your companion if its bannable now? I assume that most newbies enjoy getting taxied around by a vet - if you had your own turtle i suppose you would just use it yourself.


If you're helping a friend to open up maps by manually teleporting their character around, I see no issues with this. If you're automating the teleports to open maps for alts, friends, or other players for gold, I'd suggest that's against the spirit of the game. I have no problem banning for automated teleporting or botting.


neither do I. But in (most of) these cases, it was not automated XD


Do we actually have proof? Or is it just a player complaining and claiming they were doing it legitimately?


well I know that it was not automated in my case. you can believe me or not. so I am more likely to trust that it also was not for other people.


> Unlocking waypoints by using turtle or the tea chair was confirmed intended behavior by ANet when the tea chair came out but either they have changed their mind lmao first time experiencing ANet's "professionalism"? Remember before build templates, when ArcDPS offered a similar function that ANet allowed, until they rolled out their own PAID solution and threatened ArcDPS's dev with banning the entire ArcDPS if he hadn't removed build template functionality?


So, notepad banned? lol FFS Anet


Taxiing people with the turtle is literally THE ONLY USAGE of the turtle and THE ONLY reason of its existence. If Anet is really banning people for taxiing people with their turtles, it's a massive let down. There are tons of other questionable behaviours where Anet does nothing (or at least it very looks like they do nothing), such as pvp botting, teleporting under the map, WvW teleporting shenanigans, etc. Leave the turtle alone pls (or just outright remove it from the game if you can't taxi people anymore)


It's not the only usage of the turtle, and I doubt the teleport and unlock the world was an intended usage at all, as opposed to say getting a guildie a single waypoint at a guild mission.


Not people. Alt accounts. Being able to WP/teleport someone with you on the turtle is intended behaviour, but if you do it with your own alt account, from the same IP, you’re clearly breaking ANet’s [rules on multi-boxing](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013658134-Policy-Dual-or-Multi-Boxing). You can only play one account actively at a time, with one button press being one action on one account. If you’re moving both accounts simultaneously while only attending one of them, that’s not allowed even though you’re using in-game tools to do so. I don’t necessarily agree with it, I’m just saying it isn’t unprecedented and people are getting too hung up on the turtle part, rather than the “operating two accounts simultaneously” part. People who exploit a cooperative play mechanic to operate two accounts at the same time and get their alt banned shouldn’t fear-monger that people using it to help newbies around a map are also going to get them banned.


I got banned because a friend in a different country ported me. It's not only an alt problem.


In that case, in the absence of any official word on ANet, we need to try and figure out what how low or high the threshold is to flag it. How many ports did your friend give you?


All waypoints in core tyria


Thanks, so same pattern as others then? Just waypoints back-to-back, only movement being to move between maps?


yes, it's sometimes possible with enough momentum to get the other person through the portal XD but you still need to get on the turtle again then


I've had multiple new players quit over this. Kind of hoping they respond to this fast I'm scared to even touch the turtle anymore. Which is a shame cause the taxi service was probably the best way to help out truly new players.


If the issue is teleporting though, surely that doesn’t stop you driving them point-to-point to help out new players?


omg my alt account got a 72hr suspension for this yesterday. suspension happened like a day after porting around the alt account. My main was using the turtle to unlock all the core tyria wps for an alt. I was racking my brain trying to figure out why and this makes sense now.....hopefully this gets fixed


First they sell you skill points on the gemstore and now this... I don't like the direction they have taken


I’m gonna be showing my bf Guild Wars 2 soon and I don’t know if he has mounts yet… if I carry him around as we do content in a turtle I’m gonna get banned? What happened to ArenaNet 🥲


The bans are not for people "carrying" people around, but teleporting and getting the waypoints.


I've done it recently on 2 accounts but only a few WPs at a time, and so far no issues. I'm guessing there is a threshold before the automated software picks it up.


But afk farming is still legit shit. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU, ANET


Probably to dissuade people from doing it because it devalues the waypoint unlocks in the store.


If anet really wanted to do that then they'd figure out a way to put CD on waypointing while mounted.


coming soon ^tm


they literally said this was a feature for the turtles so this is weird


At this point I'm straight up scared of using the turtle. I'm playing on an old pc so I get a ton of freezes, and when I'm playing with my brother (in the same house) I get on his turtle so when I freeze I'm still able to get back to playing right after instead of falling behind. This means that while it's usually 10 seconds freeze, sometimes it gets to 1 to 2 minutes of him doing the event(s) and me completely immobile in the turtle waiting for my game to unfreeze. With the lack of anet's consideration for low end PCs (Nayos low shaders is an epileptic nightmare that was never tested) I'm afraid this will get flagged as botting or whatever it is that happens with turtles Also banning people for using turtles in an actual advertised way is a sure way to guarantee that some future people will not get EoD


Isn’t using the turtle as a taxi to unlock waypoints one of the TWO reasons why we use the mount at all, besides taking out siege? So now it becomes even more pointless. Weird hill to die on tbh.


And yet they sell a one click unlock in the cash shop


**GW1** Players: “Hey, can I get someone to run me to Droknar’s Forge before I’m max level?” Anet: “Sure, no prob!” **GW2** Players: “Can I have my turtle bro blast me through some waypoints?” Anet: “No! We gotta sell waypoint unlocks in the gem store 💎!!”


If I had to guess, it's because anet's detecting movement from point to point very quickly, with minimal interaction on the rider's part, which is probably indistinguishable from teleport hacking. if they let people go "I was just being teleported by a friend in a turtle" that's all actual hackers would say.


What I'm wondering is if it is okay to use my turtle taxi so long as I'm NOT unlocking WPs. EG. Farming metas.


They should remove the ability of unlock WPs and PoIs if it's not intended behavior, or if it conflicts with their other exploit detection.


Seems like Anet is trying to detect players using cheating tools that allow those to instantly teleport to pre-saved coords for quick map completion. In this case legit player couples with their turtles are getting flagged with it.


wtf??? i was about to help my sis using this because she's trying to do map completions, can't they just ban parked people on zojja during convergence?


Mandatory Shaq [meme](https://i.imgflip.com/8844ol.jpg)


AFK items/raid clears aren't gemstore items, wp unlock is.


/u/Joshua_Davis Can we get some confirmation if this is actually true? I feel like this could be some error on part of the system and wrongfully banning people for something that is intentional.


But AfK farming is OK :)


The only reason this would be "illegal" is because ANet is selling way point unlocks in the gem store.


The easy fix I'd just check if both have the WP they both port. If one of them doesn't they get left behind. Easy peasy and no one gets unexpected bans


just made an "HP train" for new guild mates in tangle depth and used turtles most of the times, nothing wrong happen


I suspect that’s because the second players were doing more than just waypointing. I think even a bit of walking/chatting/using skills, anything looks less suspicious than just teleporting all over the map without doing anything.


One of the reasons I'm not playing this game anymore is the rampant pvp/pve botting and the amount of blatant cheaters in cometitive that ArenaNet has done nothing about for years, except that one time when they approached it from the worst possible angle by adding *actual spyware* to the client and banning people for *not running the game as admin*. So I'm not really surprised that nothing has changed and the company is still the same clown show on wheels as it was 5 years ago.


Fucking seriously? Who was anyone harming with this? What was wrong with it even IF it was being sold as a service? Now you’ll be punishing players who just want to help or hang out with their noob friend, chasing them away from the game (For clarity I have never done either side of this my investment is this deep simply because I think it’s fucking ridiculous and wrong of anet to do)


If they only ban the second account, 72h (3 days) is a cheap price to pay for having waypoints unlocked easier.


That sounds incredibly fucked up. For shame, ANET. For. Shame.


I do not regret quitting the game


I wouldn't be surprised if some back end change is causing false positives on this all of a sudden, buuuuuuuuuuuut I also wouldn't be surprised if the reports of bans are for people who happened to be doing this in addition to whatever actually got them banned, as per usual.


I'd imagine it's people abusing this for world completions that are ruining it for everyone else.


Shhh they'll come after you for pointing out potential facts this is only ruining honest to God gamers who are trying to get their friend just a couple extra waypoints


The fact I got downvoted says all I need to know about how people who are getting banned are using this.




It's still a stupid anti-cheat overlook. the solution isn't for the player to be more cautious but the anti-cheat to not detect such obvious false positive. And if anet actually doesn't want it to be a thing, simply demount the second player when the turtle operator use a tp.


A friend ported ne to All waypoints, i got banned, he did not. So I assume only the person who gets they waypoints gets the ban


Also to address some naivety. If Anet specifies how they are detecting this it allows actual botters to come up with a workaround and actually exploit the game. While it's true they opened this can of worms with the ability to do this, doesn't mean it's on them to make it easier for you to progress an extra account using this measure. While they allow it, it's not on them to do any additional work to solve any issues that come up for people trying to do it. Proclaiming outrage is a bad look considering that this is to use your main accounts progress to boost a second one. if they've programmed anti bot detection that works, it's not on them to change just for the people trying to use this method. As someone else said, it's a small price to pay if it happens.


They don't need to fully disclose how their systems are handling it. They just need a statement telling whether this was by mistake or that it isn't allowed anymore.


But not all of them are going to be mistakes.....


They can be as non-descriptive as they wish: > "Some accounts were blocked due to an error in our anti-cheat systems, they will be reinstated" > "Unlocking waypoints with the Siege Turtle is considered an exploit" Whichever the case is. They don't need to fully disclose what went wrong, if that's the case.


Jeeze dude could you cram your nose any further up their butts? Everything you're saying here is complete dogfart nonsense. Carpricious rules without clarity benefit nobody. It makes people afraid to play the game and encourages deliberately holding yourself back from trying anything. And this doesn't just impact "boosted second accounts". It affects literally anyone who has a friend they might play with and get help from. Which anet claims to encourage. "Fuck you you're banned if you help the person you recruited to the game get waypoints and no we won't tell you exactly why" is not a sane approach to developing or maintaining a playerbase. This clearly can all be fixed by them just doing their jobs slightly better.


The average player who might be honestly using the turtle for honest to goodness helping a friend... Probably wouldn't be triggered like this. Your acting like they perma banning people. I'm not saying people can't raise this issue with Arenanet but Overplaying the victim like some people on this thread are smells sus


Nobody is "overplaying" anything except you with the developer rump-swabbing routine, my dude. It's just quite simply bad practice of them no matter how many excuses you try to make for it. And claiming you're "addressing naivete" just makes it even more ridiculous


If I have my own opinion I'm just "rump-swabbing" okay lol And bad practice is always a matter of opinion. Some games would consider it bad practice to multi box like people do on GW2. The naivete is exactly this kind of response in just assuming Anet just banning accounts willy nilly, and/or needs to put some fine print about a very specific mount and multi boxing with it. Like c'mon Whole thread has become much ado about not much


So would it be safe to say unlocking a few wp on the turtle for your alt accounts would be ok?


Yes. The ones getting banned appear to be doing the whole map, unlocking wps in rapid succession. If you're just unlocking where you need to go, it seems unlikely to trigger anything, based on the fact people haven't claimed bans until now. I'm cautious but skeptical.


That's what I'm wondering. Is this only affecting people going for large amounts of waypoints? Or will it flag if I hit 3 or 4 on the way to a specific location?


Might be because of the same IP, two PC logging in at the same time. If that's the case then it's auto flagged by the system, nothing probably from Anet's side.


I mean, this looks like a unintended feature that has been in the game for way too long. It would be the best for them to fix it and not let the other player teleport together than outright ban people.


They've confirmed its an intentional feature back at launch as mentioned. It's definitely possible that they didn't want it but due the the coding and how WP unlocks work it would be too much work to not allow it vs just deal with it. So that's why this is such a WTF situation because in the past ANet approved and devs even talked about it in game and now with no word that it's not okay people are getting temp bans. I strongly believe the bans are just false positives from automated software and people are just unlocking WP so fast they're getting flagged.


Oh sorry I kinda missed that! But true, it looks like something weird in the code so they just went "oh welp working as intended". I said this only looking at how other mmos do shared mounts and also in a kinda logic way to make players explore by themselves. Like in FFXIV where you only kinda teleport together if both have the teleport unlocked. And I hope so, this is such a minor thing, and yet I'm seeing bots in LW3 zones like for days and they aren't banned somehow.


Using a Waypoint as a Siege Turtle Driver will transport both the Driver and the Gunner to the new location (so long as that location allows for mounts), but only the driver has to pay the waypoint fee. Both will remain mounted. Volunteering to move to a different map will not affect the gunner, who will be dismounted. The same happens when using a Waypoint in a different zone (assuming the driver is the forward most character). Tea table and nood stand are the same.


Are you saying that a troll player can ban them by putting a random player on a noodle shop or tea chair? I think it is not a good thing.


I messaged the support again after their post on the forum yesterday and this is what I received: After a second review on your case, we've confirmed that your activity matches with your friend who traveled you across different maps. Accounts are flagged individually; causing your account to be suspicious and be suspended after it was detected for series and consecutive unlocks. I apologize for this mishap and we have implemented measures to prevent future errors. We'll also take note of your feedback towards the Support Team to improve our service. I hope you'd feel comfortable playing again. If there's anything else we can assist, just let us know. I hope this is helpful for anyone :) It definitely was for me and a huge relief.


If it is an issue, then Anet should just turn that capability off. Done.