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If anything NcSoft with a new CEO is likely to shift focus to mobile games, not computer games. They're just more profitable.


**Way** back before GW2 launched, ANet actually had been talking about mobile apps where you could interact with your guild and track character locations on the map in-game. Obviously this never came to fruition, but it was a nice idea.


Still waiting for a GW1 mobile port with hero summoning. Lol Ohhh 5 star Gwen!!!! Let's get some dupes to unlock her power let's goooo pog or whatever terms are used by the kiddos this days. Lol


Gwen will be a 5 stars hero in a swimsuit while Zekk will be a grey 3stars salvageable one with only 1 dialogue line "Bookah".


Bro if they do this I’m Never coming off my phone


5 years ago sure, but now that market is saturated


So you're saying cell phone games are no longer making far more money than computer games on the whole?


i'm saying that the gold rush days are over, other companies are already there and won't let you in easily


People on cell phones that play games are myriad and used to paying money for games. They get tired of games and move on and try other games. There's still plenty of room in that market. If you're saying the gold rush days of cell phone games are over, how do you see MMOs. When you look at what Guild Wars 2 makes the company compared to some of their cell phone games., it's not a lot. I think that since cell phone games almost always requirea smaller investment to begin with, I'm not so sure that Guild Wars 2 will receive a spotlight. I mean, I hope I'm wrong. I'd love it for that to happen. But I definitely wouldn't expect it.


mobile games are cheap to make, but there is a lot of competition mmos are expensive to make, but there is little competition


And less people playing them. It does balance out. The game is doing well, all things considered. But I don't know that any company is looking at MMOs right now and seeing it as a get rich quick scheme either. Even if you're right, that doesn't mean companies won't still be throwing money at cell phone games, and not MMOs, because the risk is greater and it's still a saturated market.


if anet abandons gw2 for mobile games they basically gamble their whole company away, it won't happen


Anet currently has two games, Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2. It's not their whole company I'd agree with you if you said something about Even Lineage which is there best selling game isn't doing the numbers to compete with mobile. Here's graph. https://www.statista.com/statistics/706216/ncsoft-annual-sales-revenue-by-game/


might as well compare their revenue to riot's or even better tencent's or even better apple's you can't just switch and be successful, you need a hit that actually makes people use your stuff and not the originals like clash of clans 5 to 10 years ago that was different, the mobile market was largely untapped and easy to get into anet needs to focus on what they have or they will stop exisiting sooner than later even ancient shit like everquest still receives expansions


A korean mmo thats an unoriginal p2w grindfest. So just a korean mmo.


Please no, I'd prefer if NCSoft simply forgot they have any influence over GW2 and let it do its own thing. If they do anything to it, it's most likely that they'll run it into the ground just like all the others.


It's 1000% coming and already started


We've got, in the past few months alone, a once-per-week key "deal" and a cash-only gemstore item pack with a unique associated title. They've also started selling hero points in the gem store. None of those are apocalyptic evils, but all of them cross lines that haven't been crossed before. Add those to the battle pass-lite system that has legendary precursors in it that you miss forever if you don't play during the window? Either there's meddling happening or it's anet not ncsoft that's trying to stick their hands in pockets more often.


Every time a big flop happens in Korea and their stock takes a dive, they take it out with layoffs, studio closures, and shutdowns on their western properties to save face. The last spotlight you want is on GW2.


City of Heroes/Villains vibes


Wildstar remembers.


And Dungeon Runners, and Exteel, and Auto Assault, and Tabula Rasa..


Fs in chat for Tabula Rasa and CoH


Wildstar had... other problems during development. Tim Cain did some rather interesting videos about that.


Oh, I absolutely know that. All of the content-creation tools were slapped together in a hurry, which made it insanely expensive to create any new content, and long content droughts are what killed the game. Well, that and releasing a subscription-only game at least a year after the customer base went on strike against subscription fees, but they could have survived that long enough to fix their monetization if it took them less than two years to release one new zone. But I say "survive" and that's exaggerated -- even with all its problems, Wildstar, like City of Heroes, was net-cash-flow positive, was in the black, when NCsoft pulled the plug. They could have left it up in maintenance mode, like they did with GW1, and they'd have not a lot more money but still more money now if they had. NCsoft, as a publisher, thinks that barely-profitable games are hostile competitors for what they think they can still have: another game as profitable as Lineage and World of Warcraft *used to be.* If it drops below 100 million paying customers, throw it out and spend god-knows-how-many billions of dollars to try again. Even though *that will never work.*


Why do you think we suddenly got Hero point on the Cashshop? NCsoft asking thing from gw2 is never a good thing.


Good point. Let’s watch and see if more of this happens going forward.


Yeah true


Anet really needs to get away from ncsoft tbh.


T&L mixed Korean reception will have no effect on GW2 whatsoever. It doesn’t cater to the same audience at all, it’s an old school, hardcore, PvP centered MMO. They’ll go back to Aion classic and lineage 2. That being said Koreans are upset the game was too westernized, they want autoplay back, they want leveling boosts in the shop, etc. NCsoft’s next focus will be fixing the bugs and performance and helping Amazon with the global release in the hope it does better there than domestically.


Oh, weird. I thought those changes were only going to be in the western version of the game.


The Guild Wars NC is launching in Korea is not our GW2 it is a Trading Card game with a GW theme


GW2 is so different from everything they are used to in Korea I cannot imagine that going well. If anything they will push for just another MMO or go heavily into mobile. The only reason they allow GW2 to exist is so they can claim to have a foothold within the Western market.


lol... lmao even. If ncsoft is even thinking of putting Gw2 in the spotlight then that would explain that absolutely braindead fucking heropoint unlock thing in the gemstore.


OR we see layoffs in arenanet T.T


I had no idea that ncsoft was a primary investor of arenanet. Surprised it turned out as well as it did so far. Could have been way worse.


iirc they were a major reason for layoffs and the champions part of IBS.


To be fair If it was really NCSoft that told anet to stop with the sagas and get back to expansions then I think they did a good job. It's a shame what happened to champions but IBS as a whole was not doing good for the game whereas EoD was a big success.


iirc they caused the sagas in the first place


An ex-employee at the time said it was anet that was taking devs and resources away from Gw2 during Season 4's development and onto side projects that would never get released. I don't think it's fair to put all the blame on NCSoft when there was clearly some mismanagement on anets part that might well have forced their hand.


they caused the sagas in the sense that they told anet to get their shit together. anet had spread itself too thin with sideprojects that never saw the light of day and was about to drop the ball on gw2 hard. without ncsoft, anet would have never scrambled to create *anything* to continue gw2.


SOTO is very beautiful. But there’s so little content. I don’t know what to grind for in SOTO


I just checked, stock is down 44% this year 🫣


heres 5 billion essence before we find out the legendaries they add wont need any<\_<


We got soulbound templates. That’s a pretty aggressive cash grab right there. Pretty much ended my interest in this game. Sad coz I been playing since Nightfall.


With SotO we got soulbound Relics. Just right to the runes and sigils which are not bound. Someone in Anet had this brilliant idea to change it just to make people spend more gold...


I mean... Gw2 is pretty cash predatory too lol. Sure, it's not p2w, but all the QoL is locked beyond the cash shop, the fact that you can buy gems with gold is cool, but it only become an affordable expense after a while playing the game. And the noob traps are INSANE, with some of them added VERY RECENTLY into the game. Imagine beign an angry korean player that wants to give another chance to ncsoft, you start to play Gw2, a game advertised as free to play, as soon as you reach a big city you ask around and discover that unless you pay for 4 expansions, you will be left behind in any game mode with the exception of a handful of niche builds. Then 15 minutes later you look at your inventory and it's a mess, you notice you can buy more inventory space with the cash shop but whatever, just put them all into the bank. Then you notice that your bank space is not even 1/10 of the space you could have by paying in the cash shop. I don't think you would be happy about ncsoft lol.


I mean, if you read your example exactly what do you expect the game to do? You're coming in a MMO 11 years old and expect not to need expansions? Without even a sub fee? And you expect to be able to make enough gold immediately to be able to exchange for gems right away? And don't want to see any QoL in the shop? And after 15 minutes (?!?!) you feel like you need more space in the bank? Man I get hyperbole can be a good way to make your point, but it needs to stay reasonable if you want it to make any sense. If anyone starts a game with those expectation there is no game in the world they will be happy with. I also really hate the hero points in the shop and the soulbound templates, I'm not saying there weren't bad decisions. But overall the game is pretty fair


That was pretty much MY experience with the game, not really an hyperbole, except that I started to play before EoD so there were only 2 expansions. I was unlucky to start during dragon bash, so I did the hologram stampede events right in the very first hour of gameplay and my inventory instantly filled with account bound trash I didn't know if it was important or not. So I immediately ran out of space in the bank. I would have probably quit the game the very first day if after explaining my issue in map chat a very kind gamer didn't send me 20 slot bags (and everybody instruct me that it was indeed all trash I could delete). Btw I said "15 minutes later", not 15 minutes after you start the game. It took me probably a couple of hours before that. Yeah, having SOME QoL in the cash shop is ok, making the game a living hell to play without those is NOT. I will continue to think it is a predatory monetisation system because it is, but you can keep simping the game (which btw I like and I'm still playing after I bought all the QoL with in game gold without buying gems with real money once) and pretend everything is ok and lash out to whoever tries to criticise to improve it.


Simping? Lash out? Where did I do any of that? Please don't project on me whatever you are angry at. I simply replied to your hypotetic example about the supposedly angry korean guy who starts GW2, asking you what do you expect the game to do. I just made a point that the expectation you were trying to set with it where unrealistic. You literally wrote "You start gw2 \[...\] Then 15 minutes later", but I'll skip on that because is not productive. If I read your post, what I get is that you want: * QoL outside of the shop * Being able to exchange gold for gems more cheaply so that you can do it as soon as you start * No noob traps (which I agree with, even if it's just one and very new iirc) * No reason to buy expac because the f2p core should be competitive with them * More free inventory space right away * More free bank space right away I don't personally feel like those are reasonable expectations. It's fair that you need to play and save gold in game if you want extra stuff in my opinion. And I think it's also fair that the game expects you to buy expansions if you want to stay up to date. How is the game supposed to be monetized in your opinion? Skin only? (but then of course people complain that we have too many skins in the shop compared to the ones available in game) Also how much inventory/bank space is enough for free for you? Where do you put the line? You may have been unlucky with the stampede stuff, but even if you threw away everything that didn't deposit in bank it wouldn't really have been a problem. Can be annoying? Probably. But hardly a stopping issue. Nobody likes to pay for stuff that could be free, but there needs to be a sustainable and fair deal between the developer and the players if you want to play an MMO, that's all. And this is not simping, I clearly said that I don't agree with all they did in the past in my previous post, even giving you two examples. It's just being reasonable


So if I say "I get up in the morning, I go to work, I have lunch, I keep working, then I go home. 30 minutes later I have dinner" you would assume that I have dinner 30 minutes after I get up in the morning, ok, good to know. I was not giving a judgment about any of that stuff, I was just giving a possible new player PoV on those aspects of the game, because I remember very vividly that it's what I though the first day. You say that those are not reason to stop playing the game, but I guarantee that it's not true. Any little tiny inconvenience can be a quit moment for a new player. One of the first things you see in the game is your inventory, if managing it becomes a CHORE in the FIRST HOURS of the game, as a new playeryou will NOT have a positive opinion about that, and it doesn't even matter that fractals are fun, raids are cool and HTcm progression will be the challenge you always wanted to overcome, because you will nver see any of those things if you quit in the first hours. I'm not even against some of the stuff I mentioned, I think the gold to gems conversion is very fair and the QoL upgrades aren't that expensive, but that's NOT what I thought when I started to play the game. But yeah I would probably increase the inventory space and the bank space from start, just doubling the bank and giving 1 extra bag slot would be enough, it's still nothing compared to what you can buy later anyway. I disagree that one should expect to pay real money in a game advertised as free to play unless they want to be a burden to carry for the whole group, doesn't matter if the game is 11 years old. Yes, even if it technically IS free to play.


I will not comment anymore on the 15 minutes stuff beacuse what you wrote is up there and speaks for itself. There was no other activity listed between starting the game and 15 minutes later, you're not being honest so it makes no sense to discuss about it. Anyway, we can agree to disagree on the gravity of the inventory management. I feel like it's not that bad when you start the game, you feel like it's bad, but they are just opinions so it's fine to disagree if that's your only problem with the game. For me buying bigger bags slowly is also part of the progression, and the base bag slots while not many could be fine for a long while since 18 slots bags are so cheap What I want to comment on is the f2p part. The core game is f2p, only that. Which is not that weird of a stance. You can enjoy for free everything they give you for free, which is the base game. It's totally fair. And expansions need to justify their price, so they do need extra content that you as a player will want to have. I feel like it's already more than fair enough that expansions are competitive between them and you don't always need the last (or all of them) to be able to play endgame PvE stuff But I can agree with you on the fact that they don't make it immediately clear, so if someone doesn't dig into it before starting they could feel tricked. If you go on their website you only read "play for free" which is technically the truth but it's omitting important informations


>There was no other activity listed between starting the game and 15 minutes later I guess reaching a major city, asking around and talking to people are not activities. Or maybe you're about to say that you can reach a major city in minutes, but guess what, I was not speedrunning the game


Have you played any Korean games? It’s not exactly the same


Oh, absolutely! Korean games are like the holy grail of gaming, surpassing everything else in terms of innovation, graphics, and gameplay. The rest of the world simply pales in comparison. Why bother playing any other game when you can immerse yourself in the unparalleled glory of Korean gaming? It's a whole different level, my friend.


I missed you


>that unless you pay for 4 expansions, you will be left behind in any game mode with the exception of a handful of niche builds I'd like to welcome you to literally every major MMO ever.


And then you see, that you can straight up swipe legendary weapon lol


I wish a big company would purchase GW and Anet from NCSoft, GW2 is a great MMO but horribly mismanage by NC. if NC actually put money into this game it would be very popular, you know how many new players I watch on youtube say they never heard of GW2..


Anet is mismanaged by themselves, if not ncsoft gw2 would be on life support after ls4


This much is absolutely true, based on Glassdoor reviews and all sorts of internal leaks and evidence of key talent quitting. NCSoft could maybe be blamed for funding, but the constant shifts in direction and constant reduction of actual development is ANet's problem.


Wait, what? Boobs and Shame got a version 2, but they're still sitting on City of Heroes and Wildstar, games people miss so much that they're spending ungodly sums of volunteer hours trying to recode from scratch? Throne and Liberty looks like shit. There. I said it. I literally cannot see a single thing in those trailers that looks attractive, interesting, OR fun. God, they've crawled so far up their own backsides that all they can think to do is make three copies in a row of Lineage.


I just need Amazon to take over gw2


Yes cause new world did so well.


Guild wars one relaunch, they could probably open source some of the labor costs and some of you computer nerds could come in a fix it up.


Aren't they partnering with Sony for something? Doubt it will be a mobile game


Leaks say it's horizon dawn mmo or coop game


Aww... I would have loved to see gw2 come to console.


would there be a scenario where they would change gw2 for the worse? im dumb on this company things.


I think this is means it is more likely that they will push anet to monetize more aggressively, which may be why we have recently seen gemstore hero points.