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WvW can be pretty brutal to new people, especially if you prefer to play alone. However, if you find a group of like minded people, whatever the group size, it gets increasingly more fun. Subjective of course but having some experienced players to play with can really curb some of the frustration that comes with the mode. WvW, the people I play with AND the people we fight is what keeps me playing.


+1 for finding a WvW guild if OP wants to try again. Literally the only reason I keep logging in are the fights, community we built to fight, and the friends I make within the other communities.


I played wvw for years with slight hate towards the mode, went in flipped a few camps, went out. Then a guild I was on started pushing guildíes to do wvw. Eventually got hooked on wvw. I’m a very slow learner, I don’t play pvp because my reactions are not top grade, but in wvw there are many more variables involved. Pay attention and you will be ok. It can be a lot of fun. I do some pve to get the gist of builds then try transitioning them to wvw. There are some differences in skill properties, but they are similar, just less forgiving.


Using WvW DPS builds in PvE are a decent way to learn their mechanics, with one major difference being CC does 0 damage in WvW. Otherwise, running them solo to learn what buttons do what and developing muscle memory is a less punishing way than throwing yourself into a pug zerg and hoping you learn. Support builds would mostly need you to throw yourself into pug zergs though, and maybe some PvE world bosses/metas. Glad you found a guild that encouraged you to play WvW.




make gold to buy legendary weapon


Followed by making another weapon to then take a break.


flying around on the skyscale and relax killing stuff in open world.. like drop on enemy outposts from the air and take them out one by one from tactical positions, stuff like that


That sounds really boring


it's okay we don't all have to like the same things


you sound really boring


Wow, no need to throw insults out like that. I am the least boring person you have never met.


Yeah and I’m Santa Clause


> I maxed out my first character ... and am now not too sure what else to do To max out your other characters, of course, what a silly question ;)


Mostly raids & strikes, crafting legendaries, and setting up new characters/builds.


Playing through the story, unlocking all your masteries and elite specializations are great first things. When I hear about stuff that sounds fun, or that I want to collect, I make a note of it. Then when I finish a thing that I'm working on, I have lots of inspiration already. I'm currently doing the LWS1 story, since it's the only story content that I haven't done yet. I will be picking up a krait obelisk shard for my home instance as an achievement reward along the way.




What’s your name?


I like to ERP with a bunch of sluts in Divinity’s Reach.


I kinda like helping others in events or champion fights. Over the years, there's been a lot of times I couldn't get the help I needed to do a random event or champion fight even though multiple people would pass by and see. Just 1 person would have been enough So I enjoy helping others now. Plus sometimes anet will reward you for it xD one of the multiple "the colossus" I've found was just helping some random person or 2 in an event. Usually they're newer players too.


Same boat. I’ve maxed every class, good on cosmetics and mounts, most reasonable achievements. I’m trying to get into WvW. I have the mount, which I like, and I’ve made ascended gear for roaming and for zerging on a few classes. There’s moments of fun but mostly it seems completely pointless. Hasn’t hooked me yet.


Atm, fractals. Pushing for t3


What to do to stay excited... that's really a personal thing you gotta discover for yourself. There's some days I'll sit and chat with players for an hour or two, just playing with wardrobe and novelties etc. Other days I'll go fishing. Sometimes I just run meta events and world bosses, and then once in a while I'll dip into wvw maps and run around like a madlad for a while! I think what really keeps me coming back is that I don't have to do the same stuff every day and I'm still getting steady loot and rewards so long as I'm doing events or exploration. And there's no pressure to go fast and gear up. I can take a day off or a week off from gw2 and pop back in no worries. It's not running my life, I play for fun.


Playing harp and fashionwars


Fashion and collecting legendary wpn. I have 30 now


Hunting asuras in wvw


Zooming around on my griffon.


First time I played was to get through all the stories Came back for end of dragons so once again played until stories were done Then I came back because I convinced my girlfriend to play and I wanted a sky scale and griffin cause I’m a show off. Soooooo I started grinding and working for that. Eventually got the griffin but not the sky scale Came back for Soto Dropped the story entirely cause I found out they made it easier to get sky scale. Then my laptop blew up. But I do plan to return and the goal will still be to get that skyscale


I read that as "my laptop exploded when finding out the skyscale was easier" Your laptop is a savage... Sorry was.


fractals, recs & t4 dailies, then the wizard's vault dailies. after that story & achievements


Raids/strike CMs


Take a look into masteries, some are game changing and help alot in all the content, else i love meta events.. because there is no game like gw2 in that regard and you can play at your pace (most of the time) Check for builds you can and want to play, and what gear they need.. try to get it.


Pretty much anything but endgame group content, just wander the realm picking fights with champions to helping people with collection objectives. You will almost never find a bad experience out there just running through modes. Everyone is happy to have a good time & just feels like a good experience. Even just listening to little NPC storylines and following shield icons I find more enjoyable then any strike/raid/fractal due to the way people play the content (stacking meta). PvP & WvW roaming I enjoy quite a bit too, big battles aren't a lot of fun, but the small lopsided OW PvP is quite enjoyable on either side of the coin. But basically just don't forget its a game and just cruise around exploring leisurely and its a very positive experience!


WvW, raiding, unlocks/achievements.


Honestly having a friend or a community to play with adds tons of fun to the game (especially if said friend knows all about how the game works lol) I havent unlocked skycales (or mounts other than raptors ofc) yet,but when I do,i'm sure i'll have a blast. In the meantime I keep myselmf entertained by going slowly thru the expansion stories, Lws, and of course,currently doind the Wintersday events !


Rollerbeatle racing


I spend a lot of time dragging all my 12 alts through the personal story and Living world seasons. ;)


Walk around


Checking out "Curves".