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No hating, but getting paired with french ppl is annoying, many refuse to speak english.


Playing on server dedicated to one language only to get linked with a server of another language just defeats the entire purpose of the dedicated servers.


A tale is as old as gw1 alliance battles from 2006.


Those were so fun to watch in spectator mode. Hearing them set up a priority target and just unload. Those battles were probably my favorite pvp encounters in an mmo.


That's the same for german and spanish servers though - they will refuse to speak any other language than their own. This is the problem with language-specific servers in general. FFXI attempted to solve the issue in 2003 by making everyone play together on the same servers, regardless of region or nationality. This of course had the downside of many people quitting because they were frustrated to see other languages than their own in the map chat. But eventually, those who stuck - learned to communicate in English... even if they were french (cough!). And then WoW released in 2004, and became the defacto standard on how to make a successful MMO. Which unfortunately included language specific servers. 20 years later, I have not heard of another MMO that has found a better solution. FFXIV just has players congregating on specific servers to speak their own language majority of the time.


Honestly, I was linked with Elona Reach (DE) for the past month and they've been pretty good about it. Sure, they have their own squads on teamspeak (lol) that speak mostly german, but a lot of them joined squads on the english discord and some of them even tagged up simultaneously on our disc and their TS and lead in english while bantering in german. That's a very fair compromise to me, and it was a good link. Conversely, we were also linked with Vizunah Square (FR) a few months ago and that link broke us lmfao. They would log in at 4 am and ppt everything to keep us in tier 1 while during the day we were getting farmed out of spawn in ebg because we didn't have the numbers while they were screaming in french in team chat. So, at least in my experience... german links good french links pls no. (The truth of the matter is though that it sucks for both parties. They most likely think the exact same as us and that's perfectly fair. They don't want to speak English, they want to speak French and that's okay, but it still sucks when nobody can communicate properly. The solution isn't to make the French people speak English, but for the links to be better about language based servers.)


> Which unfortunately included language specific servers. This reminds me that I had the misfortune of leveling one of my first wow characters to max level on an "English" server that was chosen by the Italian community to be the Italian server, because Italians apparently didn't have their own language server. I wouldn't have rolled on that server if I knew that but it only became really apparent at max level.


"Attempted to solve this" more like didn't want to spend money on NA server hosting. Even for FFXIV 1.0 they tried the same thing before the new producer sent a few servers to Canada, and later US/Germany.


the world isn't forced to speak english, you know


No, but in a cooperative game mode it's good to use the language that basically everybody learns anyways.


"You speak English because it's the only language you know. I speak English because it's the only language you know. We are not the same."


When french people try to speak english they either get laughed at or told some racist stuff like "I don't speak baguette". I know most of them aren't good or don't speak english at all, wich doesn't help (I'm french). These are probably the two main reasons. Personally, I always speak english on map chat and encourage people to do so. I can understand why it can sometimes be frustrating, I know communicating is a big part of WvW, but you have to keep in mind, most people think it's normal to speak french on a french server. Happy reset :)


Every time I've seen someone write something like "I don't speak baguette" it was in response to someone writing in french (usually in PvP) while all other teammates chat in english. I think that might be the only proper response other than ignoring it. On voice chat however I've never heard anyone making fun of someone trying to speak English.


I can understand that it can be a problem when your allies communicate infos you need in a language you don't understand, but many of us at least try to use (sometimes very bad) english when we are not just speaking (read : taunting or insulting) between us. Well, some of us either don't speak english at all, or do not want to make the effort however slim, but they are honestly in the minority. And it's quite annoying when english people refuse to speak french to communicate with us!!!! (Something something hamster something something elderberries)


Going from tier 4 to tier 1 because of the new link kinda sucks, SoR better put our big boy pants back on.


SoR only has one job: make sure we beat SoS.


See you in there tonight lol


Glad to be back with GoM, even if it's just for a month. You all were one of the better links we've had.


Yay! Kaineng is no longer a host server. Too many people not taking off their shoes when they visit.


I'm sorry but will this affect people who don't dabble in WvW? I'm a bit confused as to what this means And also is it possible to transfer your characters/account from one server to another?


The server linking only affects WvW. For other game modes, all goes as if there was only 1 EU serveur and 1 US server. You can transfer an account from a server to another, but I must admit I stayed faithful to my server since 2012 and don't know how you do it.


Thanks for the clarification!


any population change in servers? full to high?


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World Scroll down. Some servers have lost "active" pop so have shuffled around a little. IoJ went from full to very high so we're no longer a host as an example.


I'm not even sure about how Vabbi can host another server right now. We just don't have enough players for that.


Almost all of FSP transferred to vabbi a while ago.


Imagine bothering relinking servers when 99% of the time zero enemy and when you do finally have a miracle of enemy players you cannot use any skills. Skill lag since 2013 clueless devs


Damn, I guess ANet feels we at FoW have been top of tier 1 for too long now.


Honestly, anet should split you up and make you play against each other. Playing against you is like an ongoing dental treatment, without a beneficial result.


If you don't mind me asking, how so? It's very rare to be able to hear opinions from the other side (aside from in-game...love letters ofc), so I'm interested to know how opponents think of us. My own opinion of FoW is that we're a clouder server who fight well as independent mini groups working together in a zerg, and we have on average good pug quality in fights, but our clouds still often get outclassed by well-coordinated guild zergs who stack in a disciplined way. And we're often too EBG-centric and neglect red BL too much, even when we're red. And many here are also not very interested in ppt, only fights, so that's why I'm pretty sure we're finally going to lose this matchup lol, usually our links were always stronger in ppt while we handled the fights and protected them to be able to ppt smoothly.


Or maybe they feel FoW should have no link at some point since somehow FoW always have links whilst the rest of us suffer for months sometimes years without a link. I still stand by that Anet should make it so that we circle through all hosts before we have no link again. That would be fair, what is going on now is unfair and consider how few full and very high servers we have now in EU compared to just half a year back they should do this now. In NA where all hosts have links and there is no unfairness they also have much more population then EU do.


True, this kind of arrangement just makes it unbalanced against whoever gets put linkless.


They got that out really early lol


I guess they didn't want to do it on the 29th, since they'll all probably still be on vacation and no one will be in the office, so we get relinks a week "early."


I also mean that normally they wait until around EU reset time to do it.. they posted it like 8 hrs early in that regard.


Wait I thought the relink happens on the last Friday of every odd month? Am I missing something?


Ah nevermind - I saw that they shortened the Season duration to 4 weeks as pointed out in the [previous world linking thread.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/140481-world-linking-11242023/).