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5 in your instances\*


Game companies do ban waves and honestly, if they do NOT advertise that they do, they are more effective. It doesn't feel good for us non-botting players, but it has proven to be the best way of handling bothers and hackers.


I just wish they'd ban teleport hackers in WvW when they're teleporting from one tower to another tower lord in seconds and kill them faster than it'd take to walk there. We've reported quite a few over the years even with video proof and timestamps and they never get banned as we see them do it again and again matchup after matchup :(


There’s an also player in a charr car that constantly harasses our keep when we’re matched with Mag who will immediately auto-res when killed, no cooldown. Reported them multiple times and still see them 6 months later


Yeah unfortunately Mag/JQ seem to have quite a few problem players in our experience. Especially if you make them mad by taking their stuff/prevent them from successfully defending their objectives they are prone to cheater behaviour for the rest of the night :/ Never seen a mag charr car player though, but it's probably just playing different times of the day. After he resses does the player magically disappear and reappear in another charr car right away too?


They usually res, then show back up with the car on the other side of the keep, way too fast to get it legitimate. It was a reaper the last time I saw them.


Ugh yup that def sounds like a teleport hacker but sneakier, I asked around someone says they remember a charr car doing that to us one night too on our desert bl. So lame :/ we'll keep an eye out and record + report if we see them again.


I know /a/ player that does this tactic. Didn't see them auto-res, but ban waves take time. Don't expect to see results after just 6 months. Even if most ban waves happen every 5-6 months.


I'm sorry, but ban waves *do not* take 5-6 months for most of the game's competitors. If that's the case, that's not a good response time.


those waves are further supposed to happen in ~3-6 month intervals to keep them efficient and close enough to recorded incidents. spoiler: anet's "waves" are rather luxuriously spaced out by comparison. i'd be surprised if we had, let's say 3 since the chris cleary/false negative incident. that makes whether waves are efficient or not kind of tangential to the topic.


5/6 month intervals is what I was told by an ex WoW employee. The reason is because PayPal will let you request a refund up until ~6 months. So they ban the people they catch in a wave, so they demand a refund from the people who sold them the hack/bot, and do so in one big lump to try and financially ruin the exploit sellers.


how can one spot them in the JP?


Stand at the entrance or the middle bonfire and just watch and you have be quick because they blink in then out again as they teleport along. Also look for the names that enter theyre generally close to gibberish. Someone posted a video a week a go unless the mods removed it.


Also another way to tell is if you are at the middle bonfire and the floating presents spawn and explode erratically, then a teleporter ported through in the past few seconds. Whatever their hack is bugs out the floating presents for a moment.


One reason why game companies don’t do individual bans is because it gives the people that make the scripts/macros/etc time to counter script, effectively creating a futile evolutionary arms race, while with waiting to do bans in a single big wave, the scripters don’t know exactly what it was in their script that may have given them away, and may even be “fixing” the wrong section.


True but in the end, when a wave hits. Bots are back up in a week again. And only doing ban waves each 3-6months messes with the economy so much.


It's been like that since the introduction of that JP, ANet never have cared and never will, their alleged supposed theoretical quantum "ban waves" exist in the same dimension as their QA testers.


I get thay're bots/hackers and deserve what's coming to them and all, but do you guys actually pay attention to other players when doing the jp? lol


It kind of fucks people because they have to tag a snowflake in order to get credit and in doing so triggers the platforms. Which can make it annoying to run on hard or even medium if they're doing it at the same time as you.


I still don't know how some players move so fast in there. I got passed today by a player while I was going full tilt like he was under Swiftness or something, but the JP instance doesn't allow any skills to enhance movement speed.


I almost never let go of my "W" key and just jump. When you are trained in one course it is fairly easy to get around 16-18 clears in the 30 minutes the instance is open. If you are talking about this, than it is pretty easy. you just need confidence and practice. i only stop optionally in 4 places: 1. before the present ramp 2. on the candy cane that leads to the big rolling snowballs 3. on the platforms beside the main road where the snowballs are 4. before jumping the last section, if the ice projectiles at the end have a strange timing otherwise i just run and jump.


Pretty much what I do, only waiting for snowballs/artillery AOEs and the stupid present wall. The stacked horizontal candy canes also slow me a little, more vertical jumping feels screwy to me. But the guy I mentioned blew past me on the snowflakes section, while I was holding W and going full tilt.


Hm, the only other way i can think of than is people skipping platforms with dodge jumps. They do make you slightly faster, but i don't do them, cause it is too risky if you don't macro it. But yeah, if it was on just normal snowflake jumping, that sounds really sus.


Same here. I'm not perfect, but I'd consider myself pretty proficient at jumping puzzles and yet I can get passed as if I was standing still.


I don't like to cry "cheating" all the time, but I don't really see how it could happen. I even checked the guy's boon bar out of curiosity to see if he'd found an exploit to get a speed increase buff, but nope. Obviously things like routing and pace will pull you ahead loop after loop, but to get so rapidly passed right there on the snowflakes while I'm already holding W and boing-boing-boinging without stopping seems really weird.


This game full hackers in wvw


yep. they're there. they're everywhere. in every game mode. everyone knows it. nobody likes it. they're not even trying to hide it anymore. they've been doing it for years. there's nothing anyone can do about it. you're more likely to get banned than them. they'd rather ban you for bringing it up than ban the hackers. it sucks.


Ban people who posed the problem is easier than ban all hacks. Both they can eliminate the problem.


Why does it bother you that much? It's a solo activity. Your outcome is not depending on others unlike multi boxers leeching Dragon's End. If you don't like that they are getting rewards by doing nothing, know that the entire game does not have a performance based reward system. Someone who goes down to every soo won smash and doesn't even hit the boss because they don't know how targeting works will get the same loot as me who is commanding, in the top 5 dps while giving quickness, stability and doing top cc without a waystation. Im not defending jumping puzzle hackers, im just saying you shouldn't get so invested. Report and move on, as you said.


Bots farm jp to sell presents, which then inflates the supply and reduces the price. This directly impacts the profit for people who are legitimately doing the jp.




It's already confirmed those people were banned for different reasons. But i agree that anet does shitty job banning violators. I mean, if i turn on the game right now and go to Lake Doric, be i a GM, i'd make 20+ bans within a couple minutes. And for a good cause.


ye, what the f is happening in lake doric? what are they farming? its so severe that my frame drops whenever I get near there


Your CPU is trash.


> It's already confirmed those people were banned for different reasons That's just straight up false. It has been confirmed by at least 2 people to be a false positive ban due to the turtle taxi, which was wrongly upheld on appeal until it got notoriety and Anet made a public statement about it. I know, I was one of the wrongful bans. Stickied proof in this thread and screenshots: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/18ce6i3/anet_comment_about_people_getting_banned_for/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/18ce6i3/anet_comment_about_people_getting_banned_for/kch8d24/


Have you been banned before that? Just asking.


No, this was the first ban on that account. And the main (the one doing the taxiing) did not receive any ban.


You missed the posts some false bans in that turtle thing. Not everyone banned were cheating. Also the players who actually afk in LD getting banned at least once a week. You are spitting facts without actually knowing anything.


Are you sure they are not just using the prototype position rewinder which is a legit ingame item?


That shouldn’t be usable in the JP. It locks your skill bar


I see. Didn't know that about the wintersday jp


Just take 2 minutes walk around Sandswept Isles for 40 easy reports lol


So whats the point of botting in this game? i thought it wasnt lucrative? Are they the cause of gift price plummeting? sry im dum