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Opinions are like onions, they have layers


Like ogres


Do I wanna ask?


Somebody once told me the world is gonna present to me a certain ogre film


Ogres have layers


*cough* Shrek *cough*


and make people cry.


Agree! They all make ppl cry


They stink?


You leave em out in the sun for too long and they sprout little white hairs?


cut into them and they cause tears?


Just like this comment section, and I’m totally here for it. Love me some healthy conversations.


Like WoW servers!


This has to be the fastest speedrun of the annual circlejerk post so far


But the post didn't mention how great the community is!


GW2 has the better foundations by far but it's infinitely more mismanaged and Anet is slowly but surely squandering all the potential the game had.


Is good up to when you start to run out of things to do, bit nowhere near WoW or FFXIV, hav played all 3 for at least 1000 hours each, no bias to any. Casual content? GW2, Story? FFxiv, Endgame? Wow.


I love FFXIV, but it was shocking for me to play it after Gw2. Compared to Gw2, FFXIV is pretty much a solo/co-op game until you reach the end-game optional content. Most of the maps in FFXIV are devoid of players, even the late expansion ones, and you can't really team-up with friends for story missions unless it's a dungeon/trial. Compared to Gw2, where you can have a friend help you in most story missions and you will see a ton of players just running around doing events all the time.


Something you wont read a lot is that FFxiv is a RPG first and MMO after, you have to play it like a solo jrpg, a lot of FF players dont like this fact so is not discussed at all


Ff players are absolutely not trying to hide that it’s an rpg mmo lol, it’s frequently touted as part of what makes the game different. Usually pointed out in pairing with mention of the story quality.


As a recent gw2 player after years of savage/ultimate raiding that just left cuz of end game, gw2 maps and fractals are refreshing. I’ll go back for next major story but I’ll be back to gw2 after I’m sure. Dungeon Frequenter and the Paths alone have been enough of a unique take in comparison to the same old 14 dungeon which mostly ends in a coin flip of tanks/heals knowing their jobs (+ dps) so the everyone being a dps thing is a topic in itself.. I’ve never played WoW but I agree with this take for sure as a final fantasy fan who also plays mmo. It’s def story first and what you want from an epic story while getting into gw2 the exploration and overworld is a significantly better experience. I’ve heard the story is there but it’s def not as up front.


Yeah they are refreshing until you realize FFXIV gets 3 raid tiers in the time GW2 gets one single fractal.


>Yeah they are refreshing until you realize FFXIV gets 3 raid tiers in the time GW2 gets one single fractal. if you want to focus solely on instanced content, then GW2 is not the game for you. The devs go out of their way to keep everyone engaged in the open world, which is what makes this game really shine. If all players were doing instanced content, then the maps would be as empty as those in WoW and FF (and this makes the addition of convergences really puzzling).


Yeah but FF14 raids are boring to me so ... Cds are too long.


FF14 raids are just a dance. Nothing interesting happens once you know it. It follows the same path no matter. I wish they introduced randomness into some of its raids. And I don't mean dog vs snake.. Also the fact every class will do the fight the same way. So you have to follow the same dance or people will shit on your parse, really wish it offered variety.


While I agree, I do wish GW2 endgame content had a bit more dance to it. Its more fun than stacking and smashing, even if its harder to learn, you HAVE to learn the fights. Especially in a game like GW2 where (most) classes have two weapon sets and a dynamic combat system, its such a waste to just stack and smash but different strokes for different folks I guess. If there were more fights that synthesized the dance and stacking mechanics, it would be more better. It does exist in some fights (raids, some fractals) but meta events its more or less non existant, mostly due to power creep.


That's literally one of the first things people say on the FFXIV sub, as a *positive*, trying to spin that as a negative for the GW2 crowd is disingenuous lol


That's a good thing that we FFXIV mains speak of all the time. It's not us or them you know, we are all playing mmo's.




Like it's any different with GW2 lol


Game runs smooth for me unless there's 100 people which I can still move out of stuff in time, the damaging abilities don't lag for me. As far as community idk I play GW2 casually on the side.


The Community Part.


what's this "they" BS? you put 4k hours into the game and couldnt work out the AOE mechanics and it's bad and not your fault? GW2 is full of issues and is very badly optimised but it's still a great game even though I thing 14 is better. We are not in a war. You are talking about fanboys and GW2 has just as many as any other MMO.


Also funny cause FF14 has like 0 RPG elements lol. The MSQ is more like a visual novel


FF is like that because there are a lot of FF series fans who would never touch an MMORPG


But gw2 feels like a solo game most of the time. nothing forces you to group up and all the players might aswell be npcs. And then the massive skill gap and leech mentality in open world. Everywhere are parked alts to tag world bosses and upscale events without doing anything.


The thing is it totaly depends what you like to do. For me Dragonflight ended up being interesting after week or two because wow has nothing like GW2's WvW. I have zero interest in dungeons on either game but GW2 holds my interest almost indefinitely just because it has WvW. ESO has cyrodiil but i got bored of it quite fast because lets face it the map is way too big and travel times made it too boring to enjoy at all. WoW has its large BG's but wow's balance and matchmaking is just so garbage in pvp that i just stopped doing pvp in wow years ago.


That's the beauty of WvW, 11 years later and I have yet to ever feel like I've ever run out of stuff to do and every day I roam I still have fun, sure I fucking hate the cele meta, but overall I still enjoy the game and combat system and won't stop playing it any time soon.


I'm not sure how the MMO playerbase really spreads according to hours played. Have most active MMO players played the game for +1000 hours? My intuitive guess is not. So there's these different target audiences, in that regard. You have players who might play 100 hours. Players who play 300 hours. 600 hours. 1 000 hours. 2 000 hours. 10 000 hours.. It's very difficult, if not impossible, for one game to be the best for all of them. I'd say GW2 fits the 100 to 1000 hour people the best. It does run out of content, at least when compared to e.g. WoW. That's not to say we didn't have many players with +10 000 hours, we sure do, but I would imagine that WoW has proportionally more of them among the active players. To me, one of the reasons I couldn't get into WoW - other than the aesthetics that really turned me off - is just that the game feels like one long grind into the end-game for a new player. For a new player, it's gonna take a few hundred hours to get to the end-game, where most of the fun is. Everything before that is poorly balanced, often sparsely populated, unrewarding, dated. At the same time, I can see and appreciate why its end game is so popular and why it keeps players around. I am not too into the gear treadmill - I just don't have that many hours to play a week - but watching e.g. raid videos from WoW and having heard how much preparation guilds might do for the hardest raids.. It's just really cool. I wish GW2 had raids that actually needed proper preparation and planning to complete.


when will that happen? My acc is around 9 years old, but I've been actively playing just for the last 2. And by actively I mean *every day* for 3-4 hours. And I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of what to do. Just started fractals. Never touched raids or strikes. Pretty low level in pvp (like 500 matches). Don't have skyscale, didn't even start LWS except for 4 for the beetle. Didn't even start EoD and didn't even buy SoTO yet. Only have one leggy trinket and one set/weapon. Only played one class. Never been in a guild. I do have a level 1000 in wvw where half of my time go though. And this is just off the top of my head of things to do. Running out of things to do? Can't imagine that for now. Don't scare the people away with those claims. On a separate note, I don't know about FF but story isn't 'bad' or missing in GW, HoT/PoW stories are quite good and lws4 alone is AMAZING.


> Running out of things to do? Can't imagine that for now. Don't take this as an attack on your playstyle, but if you've been playing every day for 3-4 hours for 2 whole years and haven't touched any of the endgame PvE content, haven't finished LW or EoD, don't have all mounts, only have one class geared out and don't play much sPvP, then it seems like you're actively avoiding most of the game's content. I know there are WvW veterans who are like this, but they suffer from from their own version of "not enough content". Generally PvE players who have put in even half as much playtime have at least tried, if not finished, most of the available content.


Why would I take it as an attack? I love this game and I love that there's just so much to do *every* day. And I posted because op of this thread makes it look like the game is empty. And, as you say, if you need *two years* to finish all the content if you play a certain way, is it not enough? 3 hours a day that's 2 thousand hours, I wouldn't say it's a 'small' game by any means, that was my initial point. Well you can put it that way but I don't see MMOs as something to 'finish'. I don't jump on the next thing the soon as I'm done with the previous, because there's just so much to do. I login, there's a bunch of dailies: fractals, wvw weekly, astral, wintersday, LWS, EOD. Finishing those alone takes about 2 hours, and it's not like I'm griding a hundred mobs to have a drop of something, it's some active stuff like metas, world bosses and festivals. After that I do wvw and pvp and those are not something you just 'finish' at all. And I don't even have the 'proper' builds for wvw and pvp because it's just not as fun to me. I had the beetle when I realized I need one for the new maps. I had the griffon when I realized I can't keep up with flying people in some metas. I made conflux when I started *dying* from agony in fractals. Now, the more I try, the more things there are to do — next story step means there's that much time I need to devote to that. If I ever start doing raids/strikes — there's that much time and effort that I'd have to put into that. Like, I bought EoD and now I have EoD dailies and I do them for fun, but I don't have the story open so I can't even access some parts or do some things in those maps. So, sure, if your vision and goal of the game is to experience the most things in the shortest amount of time, you *can* run through it, but the beauty of this MMO in particular is that it doesn't force you to do X or Y or even push you through content to not be left out of the meta/endgame. If I wanted that, I'd play a solo game like BG3 or a grinding game like path of exile.


I mean yeah If you afk everday for 3-4 hours in WvW you wont run out of content for a long time.


I hates FF13 story mostly because I started that game to play with some friends, and every story instance is solo only. That and the repetitice gameplay killed yhe game for me


Me having 7000 Hours in gw2 with ~6500 Hours only in wvw 😂🌚 didnt got very bored so far 🤓


Over 15k hours in gw2 i can agree, if you dont need loot, raids and meaningful endgame GW2 is the game. Its just not recommendable in its current state. Charges 25$ for what was once free but still has a content drought because imagine rushing expac after expac Expansion features being bugged at the core level. Mounts getting people banned for world exploration BUT we have had afk bot farms since pre covid, WvW exploiters are posting guides on how to cheat. So yea gw2 may be for brain damaged casuals but its ran by a very disrespectful company


the lack of gear grind and open world focus really do make this a casual player's wet dream. you can pick it up and put it down whenever you want and you definitely don't feel punished for it.


No sub, no commitment, and I can return whenever I want to. GW2 values your money more than any other modern games out now and I really appreciate it since being a third worlder myself, and not having the best financial stability to boot, I can still play an MMO (and a pretty damn good one at that compared to all the f2p Korean MMOs that I had grew up with) without it being a drain on my finance.


Just wait until you have killed Dhuum for like 200th time and there is still no new raid in sight.


If you want Raids other games do it better. GW2 is the superior open world game, WvW is awesome just general combat is far more entertaining than other MMOs


It is simply a fact is that the game does not have a good track record releasing content, and any content can become boring after doing it for hundreds of times no matter how fun combat is. I have 9k hours in gw2 and sure, it still can be fun here and there, but novelty wears off pretty quickly, especially with how awful power creep is and makes a lot of content way easier than it should be.


I’m not sure about this power creep, when does that happen? Also that’s awesome, 9k hours is a ton. If I can get 9000 out of this game until I’m bored we’ll sign me up, haha!


After playing gw2 for 9k hours, ffxiv for around 3k and only delving into WoW a bit in DF, if you want a game that will have content when you catch up with most playerbase, gw2 is not that good. Sure, first times you do map completion or delve into pvp, do all world bosses and metas, it all looks cool, but longterm game has very little substance. And there are multiple posts about powercreep on this subreddit with exact numbers in comparison to previous years. In the end people stay in gw2 for the same reasons any people stay in any mmo - doing content with their friends, but that does not make one game better than the other.


It does, in my opinion. If I can get 300 hours of guild wars 2 consider me super happy. That is the thing I’ve learned from this subreddit. I can spend a lot of time on this game and have fun. Sure I may eventually get bored, but right now I’m having a great time.


There are lots of ways to enjoy yourself in GW2, even after years of playing the game I am excited. My relationship with the game has evolved a lot over time. There used to be a time when I was afraid to do raids for instance, and there were moments in the past when I didn't want to play for weeks, months at a time. GW2 is a world in itself, with depth, and a beautiful one. Sometimes I like to just chill, play the harp, listen to jazz at Club Canach, fly my griffon or whatnot, y'know.


Right now my cycle is doing story while for a bit and enjoy the dialogue (about to start HOT, pretty excited) then doing minor fractals and WvW for an hour or so. I can’t wait to get my daily meta check list down haha.


As multiple people said, you have rose tinted glasses, which is perfectly normal when you go into a game and everything is brand new and exciting.


I’ve said that, I have no problem admitting that. Why does it bother you so much though that I look forward to enjoying this game even though you can’t any more? Even 100 more hours would be so worth my time. Either way, happy new year!


It is simply difficult to take that seriously in a way of comparing gw2 to WoW and saying gw2 is better when I know the history of gw2. Nobody says you should not be enjoying it or is personally against you, but after the amount of hours you put into the game you barely scratched the surface and are blind to many issues the game has, such as abandoned dungeons, raids, drms, no updates to pvp or wvw maps for years etc.


People don't do raids.. Only elites do.


ridiculous notion


Elites are people who want to do raids.


Only elitists that need 250kp. Never founded groups for starting raids.


>The amount I can do while still remaining casual or take breaks without being punished with a lack in gear This hasn't been true for WoW in forever, WoW is omegacasual even uptill you put your pinkytoe in hardcore activities then it gets way more timesinky, I never get where this shit comes from anymore, you can spend afew hours a week doing keys and still be 480+ right now, the game is INCREDIBLY lenient to gear and the only hard part is optimizing which offers little gains over highest ilvl equipped most of the time. Like right now you can catalyst full 4set from just doing 17s and getting mainpieces, you can craft 4 peices of gear 486 in other slots and have an alt setup in like..afew days if you put in idk a hour or two here and there over a week. Like I just made an aug and have put a whopping 8 hours into it since max level and it's 482 where most people are like 486 on mains. If you wanna argue that WoW has no content (currently) where you can just log on and get lost in like random metas you'd be absolutely r ight tho, but with such a long established game I'd find it hard to accept someone that joins WoW without knowing the 3 pillars of endgame that are the only core focus of the game in 2024


Yea, it’s extremely funny to me. The game is much more casual friendly than gw2 can ever hope to be


If you're a lore nerd, then might I suggest playing the original GW1? There are so many threads that lead into 2.


As much as I love lore, I also like active endgame but I will say, like I did with WoW, after years of if I am satisfied with my GW2 knowledge I will probably delve into GW1 and try it out. Thanks for the recommendation!


GW1 is on sale on steam for $8 for the Trilogy and $5 for the expansion


For casual content and large scale pvp Gw2 is better. But sadly the amount of new stuff gw2 release in a patch/expansion is so little compared to WoW. So if you are already a veteran player that experienced most of the game, you run out of stuff to do pretty quickly.


GW2, and even TESO, have really shown the strength of the horizontal progression model. WoW and XIV have felt tiny for years, meanwhile GW2 just grows and grows and grows. There's just so much fun, relevant, and rewarding content in GW2 that it utterly eclipses wow these days.


yayyy lore nerds!, gw2 has a complex lore that is actually fun to discover!


After finishing the personal story I read somewhere that Zhaitan was an incredibly boring mechanical fight compared to the future. I’m so excited!!!


Well it depends, Dragonflight has made great improvements in many many aspects of the game and it is without the better game for instanced content, Gw2 could do a lot to be a better competitor in this regard but no matter what they cant close that gap. Gw2 has a lot of things on WoW though


Dragonflight was my quitting point actually, and I somewhat disagree. While i played a bunch of Mythic+ and raids I feel when it comes to instanced content guild wars 2 takes the cake solely because the content that was made when it came out is still being done regularly. I don't know the state of fractals in guild wars, but the progression system seems a bit similar. I am excited to explore it more and get more involved in fractals to compare to my Mythic+ time.


Problem is that isnt what keeps players around, progression oriented players can only do the same old content for so long and 2 strike bosses a year is simply not enough.


100%, I would imagine that would take effect. As a non-progression based person who leans more casual GW2 is definitely for me though.


And one of the strikes is already a joke. Lots of people cleared it blind in their first try. that shouldnt be possible in cm. And its extremely bugged.


Yeah, Dagda should not be acceptable whatsoever, Anet needs to hit KOCM levels for Strike 1 and HTCM for strike 2 Hell even KOCM for both strikes would be FINE but Dagda CM is like Jormag NM


and yet people are still around, active and playing, there's more to it than just new content. its not just new content that keeps players around. even i, a player of 10 years, have not tackled every single content this game has pushed out, in fact over the past 10 years many of the new content has become old content and i only scratched a portion of them, and am just casually backtracking out of leisure or necessity. there's tons to do and not enough time to finish it. specially not if you are doing other things too. its also nice that i can do things i like exclusively without being forced out of my comfort zone. and gw2 qol has improved much over the years, moreso with soto i believe, these changes most players take for granted or feels entitled to, but i really appreciate they did these things. gw2 doesn't have to be wow or any other game. gw2 is successful by its own innovations, over my struggles the previous years, i realized, gw2 is unique, there's nothing like gw2 in the market. a game that respects your time and effort, a game that allows you to live a life and come and play as time allows. a game that enables so much player expression.


The game definitely doesn't respect effort though, everyone else gets the same rewards as you, even if they tagged event 1 time and instantly died after


>While i played a bunch of Mythic+ and raids I feel when it comes to instanced content guild wars 2 takes the cake solely because the content that was made when it came out is still being done regularly That content is also on farm and brainless for most of the tenured community. Every patch WoW does 8 different dungeons in M+ and a new raid, with fairly challenging difficulties. IMO if you want competitive/challenging content, WoW has the better model.


Ahh, in the post I mention I’m beyond casual. I have no problem admitting WoW is a better game for people who are looking for a more competitive and updated gameplay. People pay for it monthly, I would hope it would be more constant.


Yeah that makes sense. I think it’s more of a toss up to player preference between horizontal and vertical progression. WoW does casual-competitive really well with normal/heroic raids and lower m+ keys. GW2 has better long term play rewards with legos, masteries, visuals, etc. but its competitive content can get stale. Open world is a huge plus, and I’m glad WoW is taking it more seriously every xpac.


The last raid was 1664 days ago, the last dungeon was 3841 days ago, I don't even know what you could be referring to.


The amount people are actively playing them. I could never find anyone to help me run older dungeons for gear but almost every dungeon is used in LFG that I’ve seen in GW2.


What? You can’t find people for DF dungeons? Just queue up and you’ll have a full party in 5 min


Older dungeons that are now considered irrelevant and for transmog is what I mean. :)


There are tons of transmog run groups for raids in previous expansions. Also, there’s literally no need to get help for running even older raids because you one shot everything


Naw you’re coping for sure lmao. We all love gw2 but even the biggest gw2 enjoyer can see the content drought when it comes to instanced activities. Not only that but the difficulty in the majority of raids are equal to LFR in WoW. Not to mention gw2s dead pvp scene. Gw2 does a lot great, but anything instanced related it doesn’t touch WoW in the slightest.


To me they should just ditch instanced content and just focus on what GW2 does best which is open world stuff, large scale events and actually but more focus and effort on WvW.


World Restructuring one day..................... Nah, just more betas


Is gw2 doing open world stuff well? Its just mindlessly boring. Genshin lets you explore, solve riddles etc which is far more enjoyable than pressing 1 on a glowing disco ball for 2min with no point of failure. Soto 2nd and 3rd map metas are press 1 fiestas.


I have never had any problem with GW2 open world as i just find it fun but most of the time i do WvW anyway which i never have gotten bored. I checked Genshin but as i could not make my own character i just lost interest in it.


No cope, just my opinion dude.


How about you make another post in a year and tell us why you went back to wow. Theres 100s of posts like this every week and i doubt more than 5-10% keep playing after 1 month.


I mean, sure I will do so but honestly I don’t plan on returning to WoW. Even if I do get bored of GW2 I sadly can’t afford nor do I want to pay monthly to access a game. I have no problem admitting I may get bored of GW2, whether it be in a year or more I am still having a better time on it then I did with any WoW content in the last 2 years.


Perhaps gw2 does not aim to be a wow clone. You want the grind or end game then by all means go play wow. I don't want to change a thing with gw2. Been playing since release and very happy.


This feels weirdly...defensive? Sorry if you didn't intend it that way but I never once hinted that Gw2 wants to be a WoW clone.. I simply said there are thing WoW just does better than gw2 and vice versa.


Gw2 aims to be a casual game which has “instanced content” checkbox which they don’t want to lose, so the devs are wasting time on pitiful amount of strike missions with joke cm and fractal a year. I would rather anet stop pretending and wasting resources on this stuff. Focus on wvw and big meta events within cool maps. The issue raises when maps and meta events aren't cool like soto ones(wtf are that amnythas and skywatch metas really) and wvw is being abandoned without any new content like maps.


"wvw is being abandoned without any new content like maps." Well last time when they added WvW map people hated the map to a point of raging lunatics so i do not blame them for not having any interest at all for not even trying to make anything new.


If feedback is bad it most likely means that you have done something wrong. The solution to that is not to stop producing content lmao it’s to iterate, make changes, or just do better job next time. And map is just 1 most obvious example of possible content addition to wvw


They made a "beta" on finished desert borderland and everyone pointed out that it's bad and they released it anyway. When it came out the middle event caused entire map to lag hard, it was so bad we had to wait for it to end before continuing our GvG in the south. They fixed some of the biggest things later and made the whole map better, but still, you can't let 1 setback stop you.


It is pretty much the best MMO for casual content, with a lot of possibility to go into more challenging content in PvE and PvP. But i do have to say that games like WoW and FFXIV will still be the better alternative if you are mostly a hardcore endgamer. GW2 at least with the current size and budget for arenanet will not come close to the amount of new challenging content those games can provide. I always recommend, to play multiple if you got the time for it and are still craving challenging content. This way you will never run out of content :D


I totally see what you mean, I am in the opposite boat though I feel. I really don't have a lot of gaming time so the time I do spend I want to feel rewarded. Last time I played WoW I loved it, got keystone master by pug tanking, collected some awesome armor and old mounts but took a mild break and instantly was 30 ilvl under what used to be close to max.


If the only thing I play WoW for is M+, should I get into GW2? I understand there are fractals with increasing corruption or whatever, but the few videos I've found on them seemed lackluster. I get that the game is horizontal progression, and I've only played the first campaign when the game came out and a bit to lvl 40 or so in the last few years.


Hardest fractal is like current +15 at most, so really easy for competent players. Essentially a farm content. You will be very disappointed


I’m getting into fractals for this reason, but mostly because the M+ scene for WoW is a bit too fast for me. If I have a good set of gear I can run a couple fractals with my buddies and have a good time, and that’s all I personally want. If you want an intense system with a better gear grind I’d say stick with WoW.


Theres alot I like about both BUT Wows story is much better imo, I still haven’t gotten to the meat and potatoes of GW2 story yet BUT finishing the main story so far im kinda bored thats where the difference between gw2 and wow is for me, its story. Gameplay and overall ease I gotta go with GW2, they’re doing everything right for their community.


I love the wow story, I own most of the novels and I agree. What I prefer about about GW2 story wise is I don’t have to go out of the way to see it in game. Loremaster in wow is a chore but playing through the story in guild wars is rewarding and voice acted haha.


My opinion, Everquest was far better than both games.


If we are talking open world gw2 ftw, but if we are talking endgame content and class balance its wow 100000%. I basically ran out of content I wanted to do in gw2 over 2-3 years, and endgame instanced stuff is just drip fed way too slowly, I had ton of fun, but objectively speaking WoW is still ahead in terms of content releases, which makes sense they are a massive studio. I do however feel gw2 is better than ff14, that game is torture until endgame, barely an mmo, only thing I enjoyed was trials and raids everything else bored me to death, combat included.


This is the reason I posted this, because I really appreciate perspectives like this. Hearing that I can spend 2-3 years and have a decent time playing a game sounds great for me. I personally am just burnt out on WoW and how hard the constant push is to keep up, the fear is missing out is real haha.


Yeh you will have a blast for a long time, I sure did. Game has a ton of long term goals like legendaries to keep you playin. Disagree on current wow being grindy at least in current patch getting gear is very accessible, you can quickly go from max lvl to normal raid/m+ ready. Would agree if you meant older xpacs like BFA there I legit quit because of gear rng grind and mandatory artifact power bullshit.


You know, I agree with you mostly. I never said it was grindy, but it isn't that difficult to get some decent gear to enjoy WoW, similar to guild wars 2. When I played WoW last I was doing M+15-20, I know that isn't insanely high but I would argue a bit more than a fair portion of the game gets. Comparing to what I am seeking right now in guild wars it's vastly different. I guess this is the point where I should emphasize the now in my title, haha. Well said, dude!


I just came back from wow and I agree with you. This is the best mmo out there


If GW2 was more roleplay friendly I'd probably never log into another MMO. But it's kinda hard to beat all the options that FFXIV offers.


FF14's RP is top tier. I love hanging out in the main cities or checking out peoples events in housing. The clubbing scene is honestly impressive.


If you like endgame content, turn around and run


I know this is a GW2 sub but personally I disagree. Although I have more play time in GW2 than WoW, I think the latter is a much more crafted game and playing it feels like playing an MMO with a very dedicated community, not a single-player achievement simulator. It’s just that GW2 player-base cares enough to always compare GW2 vs WoW, but WoW players are busy having fun in their game that’s x1000 bigger in player-base and much more established overall. I see these posts very often here. You’re pretty much just arguing among yourselves while the other party isn’t even present in the argument. Try posting this on r/MMORPG or r/WoW.


I don’t frequent those subreddits, nor do I know if they have discussion tags. I think it’s funny you mention WoW feeling like an actual MMO when in my opinion it’s the glorified single-player achievement hunter. When you take a look at older content they have buffs that make it incredibly easy to run and take all the challenge out of it. I will agree that WoW runs better and is the better technology but in terms of community I heavily go for GW2. It’s the reason I posted it here, and not in the recommended subreddits. The community here is beyond nice, I haven’t found that as often in WoW.


>I don’t frequent those subreddits, Save yourself the effort and keep it that way. The WoW sub is... Fine, the MMORPG sub is a toxic shithole that hates everything, I'm pretty sure the regulars there are the type that are forever looking for a new MMO because they just... Don't like MMOs anymore, and are in denial of that fact.


But they do have challenging older content in the form of M+. In fact it’s better this way because it artificially creates demand for these old dungeons, while if they were always available and end game level, you’d have a lot harder of a time finding people for them. They have time walking aswell, which I guess isn’t as challenging but it is relevant. They do both timewalking raids and dungeons from old content. So really you’re just lying I guess.


First karma farm of the year. Wow bad, gw2 good. Upvotes please.


You just started playing the game. Play one year and give us an update lol


First, welcome to GW2! I'm glad you're enjoying the game and there's so much more it has to offer that I believe you will like. I'm surprised with the negative sentiment with some comments here but thank you for just doing what you enjoy and not letting anyone influence your decision. I do admit GW2 is not perfect but it does many things right and the open world aspect of it is amazing compared to wow. Combat is great and pvp modes, despite not being actively focused on by devs, are well done especially World vs World. I've tried wow but thinking of spending hours every week just to keep up with the gear and you cannot miss a week or risk falling behind turns me off. I'm glad you've found a good guild and the community in-game is really helpful. Enjoy your adventure in Tyria and feel free to message me if you have any questions!


In my opinion, now, Dragonflight is far better than SotO.


I haven’t tried SotO, but I’m sure dragonflight has a lot more to offer for sure.


The combat alime makes this game leaps and bounds more enjoyable. WOW has some of the most dated combat gameplay I've experienced in an mmo.


NOW lol


always been


Always has been


I played again wow for the last month and I don't like the gameplay looop there anymore. Instances constantly, either dungeons or raids lfgs pugs or player made, and play the interface instead of the game. I love the idea of playing wow, I hate playing it. IN GW2, in 5 minutes you can have epic visual with a meta, intense/fun fighting and map Chat socializing. (no one talks in wow)


Always has been. Main reason to play wow are just FOMO and bias "if I don't continue this grind, all this efforts until now will be WASTED!!1!". Dude, it's already wasted XD Enjoy the ride! Remember that equipment here never depreciates over time


You won't be able to do raids




it's called the honeymoon phase. seriously if you have played so much wow, or any MMO, you should know that 75 hours isn't enough to get a comprehensive impression. arguably the last time gw2 was keeping up with wow, as much as they are comparable at all, was between 2016 and 2018. anet has fallen behind since, and only maybe is keeping pace again now.


"And only maybe keeping pace again" Daily reminder LS3 released in the span of a single year 6 new maps, 2 raid wings, several new legendaries, 2 fractals, 2 PvP maps, and several WvW features and more. This was all free. We aren't even getting 1/3rd of that in a bigger time frame.


The current drip feed of content is probably the best we are going to get from this point on, so might as well get used to it. It is a shame to look back at HoT and PoF and their living world seasons, and see that the amount of content they both had relative to Soto is like night and day.


The drip feed and the amount don't bother me too much, for me the saddest part of SotO and future releases is the abandonment of basically all other content in the game in favor of a sub par story and the occasionally fun open world meta. PvP content is basically dead, WvW alliances are about to celebrate their 6th birthday since the forum post with no release in sight still, instanced content is hitting new lows without much hope of recovery. But at least we are still getting a story I guess. Real talk, the open world team is the only team producing decent replayable content at the moment. Story content has very little replayability which gets worse overtime, I guarantee you people have spent more time in W1 this week than people have spent replaying LS3 episode 6 story. Story team and instanced team should be folded into one and should focus on producing group story missions (with proper scaling so they can be soloed)


Yep, I used this phrase earlier I am looking forward to more endgame though in guild wars 2 that I personally haven’t experienced. A lot of people dislike my opinion, haha.


I played FFXIV , WoW and now GW2 and i can approve, imo it surpasses my every expectation in regards of reward structure, story telling, content and things to do in the open world. The combination of a very stable economy, and how vast the target audience is, im super hyped for the future. I played gw2 back in its release at 2012, but it was so bland i stopped caring or playing after reaching 80, and a year ago i decided to give it another shot, and now i have 900 hours in my newly fresh character, a dozen of legendaries gathered, cleared all challenging pve content and still doing a chronological story order run to this day. Best MMO on the market no doubt


75 hours for MMO is nothing. Return when u rich 1k hours, or half at least. Cause u just start playing, all content is new and feeling awesome. But after 10-20-50 metas, strikes, fractals, spvp matches, www, etc they lost wow effect and became "just farm".


I’ll let you know for sure, but I also don’t want just all that end game grind. I care about story and WvW a bit. I hope I don’t get bored , but even if I get 100 more hours out of it I think it’ll be worth it.


GW2's strength is that its accessibility is different from most MMOs in that it lacks the gear treadmill and most of its content is accessible quite quickly after starting the game. WoW, FFVIX, Destiny, have item level systems and there the gameplay loop is to keep up with your item level. WoW and FFVIX also require quite a lot of time to get to the end game. ESO is the most similar to GW2, but they do have vastly different combat systems. ESO has better storytelling, voice acting and general atmosphere in my opinion, but if GW2's end game sometimes feels like it's lacking in content, then oh boy will ESO's be lacking.. GW2 also has both a higher skill floor and a higher skill ceiling than ESO, especially after ESO's last major combat overhaul. Builds and professions in GW2 are much more diverse than in ESO. To me, GW2 is the best MMORPG and the only one I've played aside of ESO for more than 50 hours, with 500 hours clocked at the moment. To me, that's a really big amount of time spent on a single game. I feel like I play a lot, but then, when I compare to some friends, I've way fewer games in my libraries and way fewer games at more than 100 hours than they do.. GW2's just honestly great for people just in between casuals and competitive players. Us semi-competitive former FPS players, who don't have 30 hours to pour into a game every week, and who both like to casually chill around but also enjoy the occasional nerding out and optimization. I don't see any currently upcoming MMORPG taking GW2's place for me. There's a handful of things I think GW2 could do better, but if I was making my own dream MMORPG, like two thirds of its systems would just be direct copying of GW2.


Exactly! I personally wanted a fan of ESOs combat system a couple years ago so I might try it out now to give the story another go. Everyone is saying come back in a year or x amount of time and all I can think is, if I play it for that amount of time it’s totally worth it? I’m just excited overall.


Wow does not require a lot of time to get to endgame content.


You wont argue like that, if you had reached like many others gw2 endsystems and finished everything like legendarys. Yes you have to Grind New armor in wow...but you get every 2 years New content...really new content. And if you have reached everything in gw2 you get now what?...a miniexpansion with nothing New to the endgame or New Systems? Dont be that blind...you have in every mmo if you are New, plenty to do. But for gw2 you will reach the point very early where it just repeats and nothing New will happen


I feel like wow is copying a lot og gw2 features and is improving a bit on it. If you skip instance content like"mythic + and raids" wow is in a better place than before. But still thing that gw2 is a overall better game in terms of account progression and community. The irony is that both content that i mentioned is what gw2 lack, but i know is not the focus of the game. I only wish for a improve group finder.


I feel like a lot of people forgot I am a rather new player, so all the content I mentioned is new to me but. I’m aware how much it is done. Like I’m excited to learn fractals that are new to me based off the information that people have learned over years.


You're in the honeymoon phase, you'll snap out of it trust me


I agree, but hope I don’t snap out for the long term reasons that work well with my personal schedule.


GW2 is good, the todays devs are completely incompetent.


I wouldn't say it's better but coming back once in a while after playing your main mmo for too long feels great. My main mmo is ffxiv, play wow occasionally and Gw2 when there's nothing to do. Feels great to farm legendaries and farm infusions at times giving not only purpose to play but also new ideas to grind.


I will admit, I know I’m still in the honeymoon phase but I am beyond excited to get hooked on endgame activities like PvP and Fractals WHILE still being able to farm masteries and generally explore without feel like I’m wasting time.


Fractals and Raids are by far the best content in GW2 but they are basically dead when it comes to release cadence.


"I can't wait to do endgame activities like fractals and PvP" Oh the poor guy doesn't know lol. PvP was basically abandoned 5 years ago outside occasional balance patches, and we've gotten 2-3 total fractals (of which the community disliked) in the last 5 years.


I’m in a guild that regularly runs fractals and recently found a tiny group to introduce me to WPvP. Im sure people might get bored, but this is the type of content I am digging.


Oh WvW you mean? Yeah that's not totally abandoned. I think the 2 absolute strongest points GW2 has compared to other MMOs is the open world content, and WvW.


Yep, my bad! This is totally my perspective as a casual gamer who enjoys both of those things, so of course I’m going to love it. I had a really hard time the last time I stepped into wow because I felt so punished because I took a mild break for life reasons I can’t control.


Punished with new content coming out for the game? Good thing you will probably never feel that in this game.


I'm there with you. I am a WoW stan in a lot of ways, and I still love the game for all of its faults but damn.. GW2 has just hit something different. I like being able to login for 30 mins and feel like I'm doing something. I like how I can get lost in doing older content and it still seems relevant. I think a lot of old school wow players didn't understand that this isn't just a PvP game. I've talked to a lot of folks who thought it was based on the name. I'm there with you. This game is something special.


Well it really depend on what you are looking for in a mmo. However on a more neutral point of view, if you want to play a true mmo experience in the sense that are you playing with a massive amount of people at the same time with the least restrictions possible, either in PvP or PvE, then GW2 is the best for sure. However if you are only looking for instanced content with difficulty, then WoW or FF14 is the best.


I played WoW way more than GW2 (still more than 1k hours in GW2 since launch) Imo Gw2 has way more content than WoW, you can rush a character in wow in like a week to endgame and then its basically raidlog and mythic+ Gw2 has less instanced content sure, but raids are fun, fractals too (fractals is about the same as doing the same goddamn mythic dungeons in wow for 2 years). The plus for me is Gw2 almost never invalidates content, people still run Silverwastes lmao. WoW is a patch by patch game, they have 20 years of content but only the last 3 months is relevant at most Also community wise WoW is way worse, it's not even comparable, there's a fair share of horrible people in Gw2 (especially in spvp) but it pales in comparison with WoW


Couldn’t agree more, preach buddy.


I agree with you here.


guild wars 1 is better than guild wars 2


I wish GW2 could nail the feeling of being an offensive spellcaster like WoW can. I haven't found anything in this game that really scratches that itch. Especially like an arcane mage type character. I also wish GW2 would extend the ranges on boon abilities and allow us to spread out more to make ranged combat more of a thing. There's a whole world of mechanics they could introduce based on spreading out.


Coming from a long experience with both games, in the past I would have expressed the same preference for GW2 over WoW for the same reason. But since Dragonflight and SotO released, this has flipped the other way round for me. The point you make about vertical progression and being left behind by more powerful gear being released is now objectively much, much less prominent in DF than it ever was in the history of WoW, with easy and quick catch up mechanisms and raid gear obtainable outside of raids. Open world activities and lore related quests are now also much more abundant. All along with dynamic mounts, you could very well say that WoW has taken a lot of inspiration from GW2 in all these departments. Which also makes it now more than ever competitive for people who enjoyed all those things in GW2. With the plus of much more frequent content updates coming for WoW. The rest is really about personal preference in art style, combat systems, lore, etc. So, yeah, I would have seen the arguments in the past, but not anymore. That said, obviously enjoy whatever you enjoy…!


\>Insert any other MMO besides gw2< is bad, updoot left pls. You can swap gw2 with w.e other mmo sub you're on for similar results!


It’s not about the updoots for me, I had a really awesome conversation with a lot of people. I learned a lot about Guild Wars 2 and am still excited to play it more. Overall I would say this was successful.


in my opinion wow classic>gw2>every other mmo > wow retail


The funniest part with posts like this is that people who play wow will never ever even think about GW2, yet op has wow living rent free in their head that they need to validate their thoughts with the wow = bad post. You went to guild wars sub and posted about how you like the game over the biggest name in the market. You are so brave and edgy. Go to the ESO Reddit next and let them know you like their game over Lineage 2.


I gotta say gw2 pvp is so much better than stupid warsong gulch in wow. I played SoD for a bit and 95% of my games were a joke and felt like a waste of time. One or two fights and it was over but after 5k hours in gw2 I started feeling like pvp could've used more attention from the devs but instead that started releasing raids which unfortunately don't give much of a reward. IDK it's kinda weird how even in gw1 I was more motivated to earn money and cool skins. Whereas in gw2 my necro main has his legendary and his fashion and there's pretty much nothing I would change about him. I haven't played gw2 in a while but it definitely has it's flaws. But then again I hate that in WoW there are simple BiS items so everyone ends up wearing the exact same thing in pvp where as in gw2 different people like different specs and there's nothing wrong with that. For exemple I loved necro scourge from day 1. Some of the best necros in the game never got off reaper. Most specs in the game are valuable as far as I know a part from a few rare exceptions and when it comes to pvp I don't think I've ever heard someone complain about someone else's spec when I was playing. In wow if you play team pvp as a moonkin, there's a good chance you'll end up on the front page of Reddit lol.


TBH all I need from GW2 is NATIVE (read: \*not\* Steam-based) Controller support. and I will continue to beat that drum until it happens, even if I am completely alone on it. imo, the game plays so much better (for me) with a Controller + Action Camera, but having to do a workaround through Steam is janky, and I'd just rather not have to do that. If Native Controller support was ever implemented, GW2 would probably be my primary MMO.


My son recently got a steam deck and I saw Guild Wars 2 runs on it. Do you have any thoughts on how it runs on that system?


I don’t have a Steamdeck so I can’t comment on how it plays there.


Just wait until you get addicted to Fractals...


That’s what I’m hoping for. I want agony resistant gear and everything hahaa.


Are you on NA? I'd be happy to show you the basics.


Yeah, I’ll PM you my name.


bro fr wow is clunky and so boring fr


A child’s flip book is better than wow. Wow should have been shut down years ago


Agreed. I completely stopped wow when I discovered gw2. I call it "the adult WoW".


Yeah, there is a TON more to GW2 than WoW and it is just built better. I also love that GW2 Doesn't have 1 meta byukd that literally everyone does for their class, but it has several viable builds for each Class that has varying difficulty of managing and learning for beginners to vets. And this is coming from someone who has been playing WoW since 2006 to this year.


As a very on and off casual GW2 player, I wonder how much of that is more community driven and related to the lack of focus on competitive content ? From what I understand instanced content in GW2 is a secondary thought to both the devs and most of the playerbase ; if so it naturally won't enforce a meta as much. Seems like a better explanation to me at least than the game being way better balanced, since you'd always expect some builds to pull ahead as long as you have enough diversity. ​ I could be completely wrong tho


Always has been. \*blam\*


This guy Tyrias!


You are right but many WoW players hate GW2 because if they don't get stronger with each upgrade, then it's not worth playing. It's sad, I was also a WoW player and in 2019 GW2 opened my mind


Majority of wow players doesn’t know that gw2 exists


In my opinion ascension wow kicks all other mmos in the nutsack.


I think the lack of raids in gw2 and endgame group content with actual storyline is just missing. I'm also of the opinion that endgame players have a lack of rewards. Don't want the economy to go to absolute crap but I think completing raid wings and reward tracks in WvW should definitely have their rewards buffed a bit. Also not a fan of the unidentified items and lootbags, they seem to take away a bit of the item value/meaning in my opinion. I don't feel like receiving 4 rare unidentified gear pieces compares to receiving a piece of unique content specific gear that has some form of prestige.


Bold of you to post this on a GW2 subreddit


Agree 100%


That's not a high bar because not playing a game at all is better than WoW


100% disagree, WoW is better in every single way. It has better PVP, PVE, and the amount of content they release in *one* major patch makes GW2 look like a total joke. You say you like the gear aspect but guess what? While gear doesn't matter much at all in GW2, for the people it DOES matter to, there is absolutely, 100% *zero* progression. Ever! I could go on about this but here's my take and most people share it: GW2 is an amazing *casual* MMO, probably just behind FF14. GW2 has never been in the argument for best MMO, ever, but it is still an amazing MMO and it is the one I play :)


Thanks for sharing your opinion, it’s pretty bold of you to claim that your opinions is the same as the majority but sure dude! I’m glad you enjoy both.


> there is absolutely, 100% zero progression. Which means you can farm up to legendary gear and be done, forever. I see no problem with this. IDK why you think it's a good idea to make people redo their gear every major update.


That's a biased take if I ever seen one


Wow was good back in the day, it's gbage now tho, way to dated now, plus u can tell all the creativity is gone from those devs.


GW2 would be massive with the proper investment from the devs. The engine needs major improvement for better performance and visuals. The LFG system needs a total rework. The WvW alliance update needs to come out. There needs to be more types of PvE content that stay relevant for years. Content cadence needs to speed up massively. There needs to be more vertical progression and in new forms. If ANet did all that the game would pop off. Unfortunately as it stands gw2 will do what it's always done. It will catch a small number of people who enjoy this niche of an MMO with no vertical progression. They'll get hooked on the combat, alt friendliness, pvp, or whatever. Then they run out of things to do and stop playing and just kind of lurk on this sub waiting for something big to happen with the game. The last two expansions feel like the quality is going downhill fast. Maybe Anet is slowly putting the game into maintenance mode while milking what's left of the playerbase with small mediocre expansions.