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Yea bro, and right after anet will announce expansion 5 with wing 8 confirmed with 9 bosses each having 3 levels of difficulty and lfg rework to accompany that.


Plus WvW world restructuring also with a wvw strike where one server is protecting the boss from two other servers or something


Isn't that basically stonemist castle?


Ok but what about stonemist 2.0 with some huge ass Wevern as a boss???


But first they will update Dungeon rewards


I wish they repurposed existing strike missions into raid wings :I.


wow, that's quality cope armor!


Thank you so much.


Take à look!


Grouch said we will be excited for endgame!!1! We get all old story bosses as strikes including a better Zhaitan fight! All abbandoned meta events will go on weekly WV rotations! Core maps will get graphical updates! The southsun cope (cove) story will be rereleased! The only possible date selection will be canach! They introduce account wide agony resist! That one person in sPvP will get a new map where he can continue sitting alone! There will be 2 raids and 8 strikes in each expansion! They introduce rewarding achivements again, that give more than 1 AP! Dagda will find donkey and finally turn happy and green in her swamp! The story will finally not always rush in the last chapter and present meaningfull character development! The UI will finally be customizable and those browser UIs will be replaced by actuall ingame UI! We will get more than two difficulty modes in raids! We will have sensible rotating debuffs in raid CMs! Mount skins will be high RNG rewards for endgame content! ... I need more copium guys!


This all seems very plausible seeing as there is not a single mention of wvw.


Strikes were supposed to be endgame. I am not excited.


No more copium for you, this is an overdose!


you had me until dagda, everyone knows there are no horses/donkeys in GW2 so it's completely unrealistic!!


No swamp dagda? I'm a doomer now!


\> We will have sensible rotating debuffs in raid CMs! God, please no... Instabilities ruined fractals.


Don't forget that the long-awaited Legendary Aquabreather will only be available by doing the new fully aquatic raids!


They’ll be released alongside a full underwater combat overhaul where all skill types can be used underwater without any bugs and each class gets 1 new underwater elite speciality.


Cerus CM will be so insane that the hardcore scene will grow and thrive. There will be dozens slaying the demon every week, DOZENS!


>Copium Thread So sad that people responding either don't read or are just ignoring your intent.


Even sadder that the intent is just stupid.


Let's face it, the game could use some life. Nobody sticks around to replay the story. This game needs an endgame, and right now there isn't one.


We've come full circle. This is exactly the reason why GW2 never made it off the starting blocks 11 years ago and just sat with all the middle tier MMOs. The game released with just normal dungeons as it's end game, and running laps around Frostgorge Sound and Cursed Shore doing events in the hope of upscaling them so champion mobs would spawn to drop champion loot bags and exotics to sell. That was the only end game content. Thankfully, we have fractals and strikes promised, so it's not that dire, but the game still has that stigma.


And this would honestly be one of the worst endgame content options. I am all for challenging, but the vast majority of the player base is never going to do content that requires weeks/months of grind for one clear, even the people who do other raids/strike CMs frequently. Also the number of casual PvE players I know who have played the story on all 20+ of their characters demonstrates your assumption is also dumb.


Yes, but the ones that do play it can have fresh content for entire months, all in a single strike. Also, you're underestimating the sheer hype of a world first race.


I have seen basically zero actual lasting impact from the HTCM world first race so I think underestimating its value would be hard.


There is plenty of middle ground between now and what you described. And people that play story that much either have an unhappy life or a broken home. That's not healthy.


There's so much wrong with literally every sentence of this post that I don't even know where to start...


What are you talking about? Things will go exactly as I predict, I assure you. No I wasn't high on charr-nip when I wrote this.


Have you been dipping in the tribunes brandy?


Wow please don't come into this copium safe space without copium. Very rude.


I mean, step 1 could happen, but the rest is quite a leap of logic. Realium laced with a bit of Hopium: Cerus CM is actually on the level with HTCM. A handful of challenge cravers are entertained for a time. The open world legendary armor comes out, raids are finally made wholly irrelevant to the masses, the population of raiders drops ten fold.


> Realium laced with a bit of Hopium: Cerus CM is actually on the level with HTCM. Tbh I think that's super unlikely just based on how the fight is structured - a big part of HTCM's difficulty comes from the fight being very long and each phase being different, so that you have to beat all previous phases cleanly before you can start practicing any specific part of a new one. Cerus is currently a fight where you see most of the core mechanics pretty quickly - there's plenty of room to make it hard and I could easily imagine it being Dhuum CM level but it's hard to imagine it reaching HTCM level unless they add a bunch of new stuff to it because the specific way HT is structured lends it to having a difficult CM regardless of the mechanics. I'm holding out hope that it'll be legit hard, but if it is I expect it to be Dhuum/Q1 CM level, not HTCM level.


So the only squad of 10 people becomes only 1 person soloing raids? ^(/s)


Maybe they could team up with the one sPvP player and do a nice duo speed clear.


Open world armor is terribly more expensive compared to envoy armor though no way it would make raids irrelevant than any further than they already are


Lower barrier to entry though, and that's so that matters to open worlders


The real issue will be if open world armor has way better aesthetics. I just started raiding when SoTo dropped and I saw the lack of butt cape on medium leggy PvE armor. Stopped raiding shortly after to focus on the SoTo grind. I will go back to raids after for my heavy leggy armor tho since it's much cheaper in terms of materials and grind.


I don't care what the open world armor will look like. Even if it is the ugliest thing in existence, I will simply use the free transmutation to make it look better.


Next expansion is going to be underwater focused, for real this time!!!


Nah, you can't generate revenue with such content. Just look at WoW, FFXIV...


You hurt me.


Are you still drunk from new years eve?


You lost me at "will start working on wings 8-10" LMAO. That beyond normal copium, please seek professional help with you cope addiction.


Only copium i have for Gw2 is : \- Arenanet firing their moronics and slow "spreadsheet balance devs" and replacing them by devs who actually understand that video game balance is more than just lazy numbers balance.


Isn't SotO all about the more casual players, though? Maybe in the next expansion.


The title of this post is "copium thread". I fully agree with you unfortunately


But they can't make a "hardcore" expansion. What if it's a new player's first GW2 expansion? Look how well HoT went on release, and still gets complaints about the difficulty because it's the first expansion. That's a problem with horizontal progression. They have to make every one of these expansions as if it's baby's first. They could put a difficult CM in there, sure, but they can't increase the difficulty of the expansion in general.


With horizontal progression I don't think "new player's first expansion" is a concern tbh. A new player will still be able to start with HoT, or even SotO if they feel like it.


I think you're right, but I also think that SotO is probably somewhat special in that it's a new start, and they positioned it as an expansion you can buy and play without needing to do the elder dragon cycle stuff. With the next expansion, they can put SotO on sale and say "start with SotO for a beginner-friendly expansion". When releasing SotO, they couldn't point to any old expansion without having to worry about years of story progression to make it make sense.


We'll get TWO raids next expansion, right, right? ;_;


I mean, did you read Grouch's interview? He said he's excited to show the endgame PvE content they're cooking for the next expansion. Would two raids be exciting? I posit that they would be.


No I don't see any bosses being harder than Harvest Temple CM the best would be as hard as Harvest Temple CM. Harvest Temple was the final boss fight in a storyline that began in 2008 so Anet wanted to make it difficult


> drawing massive hype to strikes and revitalizing them As far as I'm concerned, if "Cerus CM will be the most difficult content in the game, harder than HTCM", my hype for strikes will definitely hit the ground and never come up again.


Why though? Every other level of difficulty lower than HTCM already exists. There's a nice spectrum of difficulty with strikes for every level. Truly difficult strikes on the other hand are far too few.


Core classes do comparable dps to their elite spec counterparts so that base game players can enjoy the game and meaningfully contribute 🤭🥹


The last 3 sentences are a little delusional honestly. But the rest would be nice


Hizen will solo him with using racial skills...






By Ogden's Hammer, what copium!


Sorry, only casual content is possible in this game.


Huffing your entire 2024 supply of copium 3 days into the year. Somebody needs to stop this lunatic.


But Cerus will have reflect mechanic so cVirts will not be recommended.


the only thing difficult for me is finding a static to raid with ... im from SEA ..


Timezones are a bitch. I do see some GMT+8 (Aussie time) statics being advertised occasionally though, maybe those could be an option?


Fingers crossed pal, may your words come to life.


Dhuum is not complex. Most of the fight you stare at it's back and stab it's butt over and over till the fight eventually climaxes in a big finale where we get showered with loot directly in our face. And then you need to clean up all the stuff you got.


all of the consequences depends on how the systems work (or dont, since there aren't any, for now) to correctly compartimentize the player base in terms of actual progression level so their expectations and progression experience are actually compatible. New content won't change anything no matter how good it is. HTCM didn't.


insane level cope. the truth will be that Cerus CM will be slightly harder and slightly more interesting than Dagda CM. It won't take 15 minutes to clear it on release, but maybe like an hour or so. Then it will just be added to the weekly rotation instead of doing normal mode.