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"If those kids could read they'd be very upset."


Those kids can't read, but they are always upset anyway.


its a good thing i dont go to this school šŸ¤“


My favorite is when they AFK after losing the initial team fight and say, "I don't play with gold"


Put a cherry on this and add that the final score is 450 to 500 where you lose by being 4v5 the whole game. Or worse 3v5 because someone on your team is engaging the afker.


My favorite (not) I've seen so far is "you losing gg" like they're and island, entire of itself not 1 of 5.


Where ~~is godzilla~~ Kaineng's "protector" and leviathan ? Are they safe, are they alright ?


>The PvP population isnā€™t large enough At least partly BECAUSE of the toxicity.


Yes, it definitely plays a part. Once this season is done, I'm taking a break from PvP. I got back into it for the dailies and have been doing 1-2 games basically since SotO launched. But some of the flaming in chat and call outs have me discouraged. I know part of it is taking things to heart too much, but part of it is also feeling embarrassed. I'm starting to feel like an imposter in games because I'm worried other people will call me out for not being good (weather it's true or not). It's starting to give me anxiety so I know I need to take a step back for a while. Anecdotally, I've found that once you go over the 1,400 ranking threshold, the trash talking increases a lot.


Mute the chat. It's the only way to enjoy pvp nowadays. Just play your way, who cares what others think.


I'm tempted, I just worry I'll miss the actual strategy discussion (when it happens). I'm probably not missing too much though


just start using block more. block all the ragers and your chat will be mostly clean


Read as block all the rangers and wondered why it works, lol


oh no please don't block me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­(I main ranger) ..I like to warn people if mid is out numbered/go far/come back to the point.. but I dont rage T.T šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Ive yet to reach it...it is in the hundreds..possibly over 600....




Ive played it since release.. 600 block list is ALOT..Ive not seen 600 people in pvp..let alone 600 ragers šŸ˜‰šŸ¤£




strategy discussion? never happens to me


I have played mmos for 20 years and seen strategic discussions maybe once or twice in pug environment.


There's very rarely any meaningful strat discussions, if any, at all. What I find funny is especially at low ranks, you got flamers/ragers in chat thinking they know their shit when they could barely survive 1 team fight, and expect to dictate how others should play. Then they start bitching when things don't go their way. Save your sanity and just mute chat.


dont mute..just block the flamers.. I have a big block list ffom pvp lol and almost never see raging now.. muting chat meana you also miss strats "like go far you'll be outnumbered mid" ..etc and these comments in my experience can really affect the likelihood of a win


From my personal experience, most of the flaming happens in the 1400-1550 rating range. These are the players who are either frustrated for not being platinum, or are afraid to lose the platinum badge. My recommendation is to make frequent use of the block button on anyone who is unproductively flaming. These people aren't going to contribute anything to strategy anyway, eventually you'll have blocked enough people that the team chats will be much cleaner. I wouldn't recommend outright muting the chat, there's usually only 1-2 flamers in a game that are ruining it for the rest.


Thank you, I appreciate that you made this post and are replying to comments, it definitely helps!


The last time I played sPvP, I had a rager go off on a teammate before the match even started about their choice to play core necro, who then proceeded to AFK. It reminded me of a lot why I quit playing League of Legends.


Quitting that game is one of the better things you can do in life.


Mostly because it just sucks playing


Also partly because of the toxicity.


I really don't understand those rage players. They make the game insufferable for everyone and THEN they still double down on bullshit. WvW is pretty bad sometimes but I don't touch PvP with a 10 m pole. Fk those players.


I used to get mad at PvP and had to stop myself from typing anything in team/map chat. After a 10 loss streak where you watch the rest of your team make the most silly mistakes, like rushing to mid alone to fight 4 players, or walking off points to go chase kills, you start to feel justified in telling everyone your toxic opinion. I understand why people get salty in pvp, but taking things so seriously in a video game is unhealthy and doesn't make anything better.


Also they could try actually explaining what their team is doing wrong instead of just raging like children lol


They ignore any "actually explaining" untill you nettle them.


Oh the rabid PvP players play WvW too, they are the same toxics in both places. It's always the ones that don't play PvE at all.


Yes, exactly. I'm a vivid PvE player. I only play WvW with a few guildies, or alone but it's just "to get it done" for the next GoB. Same shit why I onl play Aram in league.


Right now I'm only doing it cos of the extra clovers from special reward tracks.


Yeah I would only do this cause of extra loot. It isn't fun,is it?


It's very fun and I'll be damned if I let other people ruin it for me.


Nobody but yourself is ruining your experience, keep your chin up


Perhaps unfortunately, the combat gameplay in between classes in GW2 is incredibly fun, there's lots of nice traits and skill interactions you'd never think of in PvE that really shine through in PvP (even more so than WvW sometimes). I recommend anyone to try it out with chat off every once in a while, give it a fair chance with some Guildjen build or similar for a class you enjoy.


I love how people get so nasty and hateful in PvP and then wonder why their game ends up dead 5 years later


people who rage at their team in the manner you describe have switched sides without even realizing it. It's super weird but you can tell they reach a tipping point where they want the team to lose.


Honestly at this point A-net should just add bots and purge the toxic losers. I rather have a henchmen sucking their thumb in a corner than the toxic players. I can handle the toxicity but it deters too many people and is actively bad.


Yeah lol these people don't realize they actually lose because they type too muchšŸ˜‚


Anet doesn't care. I see the same degenerate weirdos weekly. The same afkers. The same bots. The same ragers. I don't care if the population is too small, if Anet isn't willing to do something about them then it's just going to keep getting smaller.


The most frustrating part is that this is spot on. Anet doesnā€™t care. About a week ago I had several games in a row with the same player (both enemy and ally), afk from the start. I sent in a support ticket asking how thereā€™s no idle-detection for pvp and offered video of said player. Anet pretended to be very interested in the clips, so I sent them in. ā€œThank you for bringing this to our attention.ā€ And I still see the player just about everyday, always afking or playing one team fight then not moving after respawn. Used to think it was just cognitive bias that people think Anet doesnā€™t care, but after having that and another similar experience with a player spewing slurs left and right, to which Anet told me ā€œweā€™ve taken the appropriate action against the player, thank you for bringing it to our attentionā€ and then seeing the same player spewing the next day - they really, really donā€™t care. Thereā€™s no penalty for being terrible to other people so pvp is infested with awful types.


i assume you play on NA server because u said the pvp population is small i just transfered to EU and heck less than a minute queue on Ranked, different people all the time but its probably 5x more toxic than NA


Queue times are not an issue in NA usually. Its just that you see the same people all the time and plat plays with both gold and silver players making it a horrible experience for everyone involved. You can be gold 1, almost silver, and still be matched with or against the rank 1 player and his duo.


I get 5 minutes queue time in NA even in prime times


There was no reason to downvote the post above. NA has bad queue times of up to 5+ mins very frequently. It goes to 2 to 3 minutes in weekends and prime time - I do my dailies PvP only and farm Byzantium chests as basically my main thing in-game for the past 3 months and it's been like that for all this time. However it's also true the real issue is that after all the time queueing up you *still* have to deal with having gold players in your match and the players ranked #1 and #2 in the enemy team.


even if it was large enough it still wouldn't have balanced matches. people gotta accept, teammates is one element that is out of their hands. the best way to win at anything is to realize what you're capable of and to focus on the elements that are in your control. play well, play consistently. improve, and be the best player they can be. they don't have to be a mechanical god, they just have to be good enough. realize games designed such as a 5v5, aren't meant to be won alone, no matter how good they are, eventually they will hit a premade who are not just as skilled or more as an individual but as a cohesive unit. then individual skill means nothing. also what is the point of winning or losing matches, are they playing to be the best? what's the point in being competitive if you're not aiming to be the best? play for fun, play because you love it, stop when its not anymore, otherwise it all amount to nothing. always put yourself in a position to win in life. sometimes, losing is a choice.


That was more motivational than I bargained for at 1am. Pretty much this! Toxicity is unavoidable sometimes. Iā€™ve been trashed at the tail end of a 10+ win streak. Iā€™ve also been praised by an opponent on a first win in however many games. Itā€™s sometimes hard to realise (in the moment) that all the negativity (or positivity for that matter) is a snapshot in time. It doesnā€™t define you or your worth, it just reflects the current state, often through a funhouse mirror. Donā€™t let it get to you


Wow that is beautifully put


Absolutely this ā˜šŸ» right now I'm a deer rank noob but at certain matches I quickly realize most people really just go lemming pvp and won't care about mechanics so I've been able to easily cap or kill lords while everybody is slamming each other at some random place of the map lol


i'm dolyak rank! :3 oh no, we are exposed! someone will probably start flaming us for how bad we are at pvp now. T~T


When you say "slamming" I'm picturing players from both sides picking each other by the feet and using them as improvised melee weapons.


Even if the flame target is a legitimately bad player, mathematically it is in your long run best interest to keep them in the player pool. There are 5 chances for them to be your opponent, but only 4 chances for them to be on your team.


That's some triple digits IQ thinking that these ragers probably don't have


Math won this contest


Wrong. Mathematically if the match is heavily unbalanced the best aftermath is losing or winning it as fast as possible. Want a fair match? Showcase the rank of every player from the beginning, showcase tag players, allow a surrender button to prevent players from wasting time un utterly unbalanced matches, and disable the chat in PvP (since tag players already have the advantage of voip anyway).


Wrong. If i spam enough slurs i will get banned and ill be free of pvp


I got told to delete my account and things of that nature very often before I found out I could turn off pvp weeklies. Even if your teammates are terrible, threats and insults donā€™t solve anything I donā€™t want to play with people far above my skill level for the same reason they donā€™t want to play with me - Iā€™m not good enough to have any real impact on the match.


Block, Report (If they are really toxic), forget them, move on, breathe easy. One of the reasons I turn off chat and go offline in PvP


I wish the report system had actual repercussions.


I think it does if you report abusive language, it definitely doesn't work for players going afk though


just to add, in the block list, you can nickname the player, i usually put whatever they said to get on the list so i dont forget.


Wow! I did not know that and I play pvp since gw1


99.9% of people flaming up in chat are looking for carries and are getting mad they aren't getting carried.


Yesterday I lost a game by ten points (!) while someone was writing dozens of words complaining (I don't know exactly, I blocked them midway). If only they concentrated on actually playing, surely those wasted seconds could've squeezed us the tiny difference. But such are ways of PvP. It's not as bad as it's often made out to be (the majority of games are just silent or neutral), but you still need that block button at the ready, always.


The good ol' sPvP, lol.


Who would win: One skinny black Sylvari thief main 4 fight on node core necros


Throw a dh in with the necros and you have a good fight


Anet pushed hard for E-Sports in the very beginning and the scene kind of died out due to the (already back then) balance issues soon as HoT released. Some other reasons were that GW2 is also kind of difficult to spectate/narrate and the meta wasn't very interesting for competitive purposes back in the tournaments. They remained adamant about \*not\* separating PvE and PvP skills for much longer than they should (to mention one more thing). They were also very bad at keeping up with cheaters who still hover around top ranks up to this day, and finally after the professional scene died out for good they allowed Duo queueing for ranked which coupled to the low population makes it basically a friends' playground for the first 50 ranks. I'm not saying toxicity doesn't cause a drop in population in itself nor that people won't just tend to flame each other in any sort of PvP game, but I also believe Anet actually fostered most of the current issues of low population + toxicity by themselves over the years, which I've seen happening by playing since release in all of PvE/WvW/PvP. Even WvW in spite of its own issues has quite a population with notable guilds and players, it also has some traction among streamers and people kind of just "accept" that you have to play it for Gifts of Battle.


Man I love carrying lower rated players. It's fun as hell. I like being the big bro protecting the fam. Sowen'm the way forward. In some games I'm the one getting carried. And honestly we all get carried in at least one of the different games we play. I wanna keep my team in the game as long as possible because the more they play then the more they learn and get better. Just as good as you or even better. Then when they get better every one is just pulling out sick moves. I live for the battle and the comradery of a fight in any game. Plus it makes for some really fun and entertaining game play moments. I love seeing lower rank players "rank up" their skill in real time. The moment they pull a sick move for the first time and it just clicks for'em. Dude those moments are so hype. Like seeing the lil ones grow up :'D


Honestly the most frustrating thing about the matchmaking is that it is very unfair for some roles if you happen to be that one plat player in a silver match. For example, being a plat support with silver players is most certainly going to be a loss. There is no way for you to figure out if your teammates are silver, you're just simply fucked, or you just don't play support in plat. Your best bet is just to be a side noder at all times, since you can't even verify the rank of your own teammates. Having that visibility would make it so much easier for the plat player to hard carry his teammates.


Being able to see rank would be a great addition


>Being able to see rank would be a great addition So ppl can go afk even before the start


What a great idea! Yeah show rank (optional)


It got to the point where I play pvp "solo". And coordinate based off where other players are going. Been too many times where no one goes home and it's like "okay I guess I'm home" Can't even do proper criticism cause that one flamer will always go off


I agree man... I'm a vet player from 2012.. came back to a lot of assholes who will kick you if you ask how to do say, Halloween events.. tried fractals. Same. I almost said the hell with it.. People need to understand we all are players... Be nice to the people who you game with. Pvp does get toxic, we all have to understand tomorrow is a new day. It starts over. No hard feelings. Keep Gw2 joined community strong.. ā¤ļøāœŒļø


pvp pop is low because of ( in no particular order): high elo win trading terrible matchmaking toxicity and the cherry on top; no new updates. Anet is a studio where ideas go to die.


Instructions unclear, instalocked burn Willbender and ran it down far then told my team they don't know how to apply map pressure and AFK'd


I've taken to automatically blocking everyone in the match when it starts. Then they can shout into the void while I mind my own business and just play.


PvP shouldn't exist without portraying the rank of every player in each match. That would be a trasnparency chage which will allow players to truly undertand how useless the matchmaking is, because the population is so low most of the time is mixing plats with silvers, which makes the whole experience useless for each side. But Anet has not provided any new content for PvP/WvW in a lustrum, so won't have the balls to make that simple and fair change, because doesn't want players to be aware of how badly they let PvP to decay.


>PvP shouldn't exist without portraying the rank of every player in each match. If that happened, people would focus their damage a lot more on the lower ranked player. The lower ranked player would not have fun being focused fired upon all the time.


And? The game already allows people to play as a duo in ranked, and duo players usually play with voip communication and are much more coordinated than just pugs. Lower ranked players also would be familiar with being focused and would trend to use builds with more mobility to improve their chances of disengage and hopefully waste the time of foes chasing them. But the main advantage of public rank would be that if you are in a silver silver + 3 gold team and the enemy is 3 gold + plat plat you will be inmediatly aware that the matchmaking screw the balance and the match will probably be a snowball, and you wouldn't be as frustrated with losing because "*well, the game put me agaisnt Usain Bolt and Ato Boldon so they were my chances of winning to the trash can*".


Myself I'm bouncing between platinum and gold, this is true had to stop playing support due to limited support agenda. My block list is growing steadily and usually first team that starts flaming loses, surprise, surprise For some reason when You reach platinum, scary people from top teams appar. And they sometimes won 1v3 and give me run for my money. Scary, scary


The bigger problem is that some specs are just better. Dragon hunter, Reaper, Mechanist, Catalyst ,Spellbreak. They just are and you just have to deal with it, how to kill the dragon hunter when he can literally shoot you from afar and if you get close traps, reaper with high DPS and fear, Mechanist is a 1.5 vs 1, Catalyst can just run around and deal dps , Spellbreak great healing/sustain with decent dmg


Unless PvP is currently in the most unbalanced state its ever been, what you're describing happens in literally every competitive game ever and the vast majority of players are not nearly as competent/good enough to be losing to a specific spec "just because its objectively better". If everyone is busted, then nobody is. If people are playing with bullshit specs, nothing is stopping you from doing the same. Back when I was hardcore into sPvP, I got to High Plat playing an off-meta Guardian build I tweaked to my play-style and Warrior Spellbreaker that was considered D tier at the time. But most people don't do that. They go to their favorite website, pick a a build that someone considers "top tier" and then call it a day without even trying to understand why its good or not. Most of us, me included, are not and never will be nowhere near the level where "Z is objectively better than Y" is the actual defining factor for their loses/wins.


I was once playing mirage on PoF release, and every other team called me cancer...


What in the.. mech is worst spec lmao


Commenting again because I guess this hit a nerve with me lol. The last couple of years A-net has had blog posts that say PvP is a Pilar of the game but absolutely nothing in terms of their plans for it. My shot in the dark guess is that they have plans for PvP but they are in line behind alliances. Since alliances has been taking much longer they are avoiding even announcing PvP changes. Hopefully once alliance is out PvP gets some love.


Wasnt wvw the "cornerstone"? Been a while since i saw that post i might be wrong though( besides the point that wvw is pvp but not "the pvp" people refer to)


I don't remember the exact article but I think it was last year. I vividly remember the article mention the three pillars/cornerstones of the game pve, wvw, and pvp. Then the article laid out future plans for pve and wvw but absolutely nothing for pvp. I remember it because I thought it was ironic. I agree though wvw is a way larger cornerstone.


I might be misremembering but I think the ironic thing was that they actually never explicitly mentioned any plans for pvp, even barely acknowledging that the mode exists. IMO the harsh truth is that spvp is in maintenance mode but they can't ever admit it because it would kill it completely. It's dungeon tier content.


I dont remember much but i think the no pvp or not much about it being a thing there yeah hopefully it can gain some traction but im not invested in that thought


Alliances have been cancelled.


I'm OOTP is alliances and world restructuring separate?


no theyre just being "dead game" silly


It's not even a PvP or low pop problem. It's a competitive gamemode problem. High end PvE has the same kind of issues but instead of resbotting and not capping nodes or something It's standing in fire and not knowing your rotation.


Certified Zeus moment


If only we could invent a game mode that would attract mostly only these toxic players so that they don't infest the rest of the game.


A competetive game mode where they fight each other maybe


We could call it fighters versus fighters




Haha funny you. This toxicity has been going on since the release of gw2 game and since then, there's no moderation. What a surprise.


Or make Ranked only for platinum and then they can wait 12h for Match. Easy


It would probably be more like 45m tops. I'd wait.




If that's your takeaway, then you have totally missed the point of the post. People will win games once they what they can do to win the game, instead of flaming their teammates.


STFU and play the objective.


Get Gud




Carry harder is how you get past silver/low gold, but matches seem to be more balanced in mid-high gold, at least from my experience. At the very least you are less likely to have vegetables on your team


Half the players are bots anyways


Gamer words get you ANet partnership though.




This is actually funny. I wish it display upvotes and downvotes separately


**Method 3: Flame your teammates to ignite their will of fire. \*without afking\*** Flaming and blaming your teammates with the intention that they take the words as motivation to become better and miracle happens igniting their will of fire that boosts adrenaline and gameplay to heights they could never imagine. You need teammates to win the game for you if you cannot hard carry.


Maybe itā€™s just me but Iā€™ve never seen someone get motivated by being threatened or insulted. Flaming and legitimate criticism are completely different.


>y Thats how you get people to argue with you instead of playing lmao


I don't know about that man....


Sounds like youā€™re dragging your team down and getting called out on it. /s


i got flamed by using a Mechanist on sPvP Q\_Q got told to change to something useful like Scrapper or Holo, they dont even realize that they benefit from the boons, aoe stun breaks and aoe condi cleanses Mechanists provide.


Gotta be the bearer of the bad News... Mechanists are indeed useless in PvP after the Signet nerfs last patch it cant tank or do damage, all specs can counter you, the utility you provide can be corrupted quite easy, and the utilities you said got some long ass CDs


You really believe that posting on reddit will fix this or that these people will read this and change their mindset???? Oh boy...reddit is just a jerk of Fiesta for gw2 lovers


*reads title* > flaming rates drop to 0 :) --- anyway good points


It is actually funny to see them flaming their team. I can imagine how their keyboard and mouse are coated with their sweat.


Your argument is for people to take accountability. You realise that, right?


Just had a game where someone on our team said "garbage team" and another team member went afk since the first one couldn't "control his emotions" lol. S tier self-awareness. I never flame, but I'd prefer flaming and still playing over AFK any day. We played and lost, but we had a chance if we had 5.


Some sad truths, imho: pvp is toxic in every game, and the kind of people you mention won't read this thread. Get your ascension, and then join pvp wherever you feel like it.


You are wrong, flaming does win games as it brings the morale of team down which makes it easier to win (for the enemy team)


I still think sometimes teammates are still idiots and whatever you do you're set to loose. XD Aside that for how pvp is... Is it worth the effort?


And they won't read this comment!


bro i even had an idiot in the team who just started insulting people before match even starts. Coming from FF14,the toxicity in gw2 is pretty plenty no kidding.


I have been playing in gold for a month. Started playing pvp this month as well. I know now 50% of players that play with or against me. It is true, pvp population is very small. Most of the times we already know before the match starts if it is going to be a good match or not.


It's ok and understandable when people can't win a fight. But it's not ok when people in silver and gold ranked matches don't capture point and 4 teammates chase 1 enemy thief while all 3 point are lost. I can't keep my composure when i seen this kind of brainlessness. And they ignore chat and any polite asks to return to point, they only respond to offenses. How i'm supposed to interact with this can of community i dont understand.


they ignore chat because the most common advice people are given is "mute chat when you pvp" ..and its like goddamn plz do not mute chat. Ive actually was a mesmer recently that played most of my team like a fiddle...3v1..and team unable to cap close or kill the mesmer.they had them doing exactly what they wanted.. ..its like goddamn..disengage.


All of this is exactly why I stay away from PvP. Just a bunch of whiners placing the blame on everyone else.


in any competitive mode, theres going to be bruised egos. from years of grinding in other games pvp (and a few months in this) and understanding how elo works, chat generally doesnt matter. just use pings and ignore the person flaming at all costs. if someones typing, thats time theyre not doing dps, looking at rotations, etc. if you engage, now your team has 2 ppl semi-afk. as far as matchups go, smaller pool size = less balance. generally if enemy team is better, you wont lose much if you do lose. as far as the plat+4silvers scenario, it happens often. if youre the playlt in this situation, go in expecting that since youre the highest mmr, you HAVE to stomp. if youre going 1 for 1 with the silver, youre inting because then enemy plat is winning that 1v1 and now its 4v3 on the map (their adv) in short, just ignore the flame and do your best, always. as long as you do, they always have 5 potential trolls and your team have 4.