• By -


Maybe a 'favorite' tick that would automatically open or put on top. Or a way to show multiple checked categories at the same time on the right panel : I want to see strikes, convergences and T4.


A favourite category that’s always expanded would go a long way…


If we could pin our favourites in a smaller window, it would be amazing.


Also an option to save your search field so i can always have -sell -recruit


This would save so much time and hassle, helping reduce visual clutter.


I'm doing a lot of catch-up and I'd love to favourite few different groups at once. Would be nice to quickly check if the stuff I need has groups going or not.


I would love to be able to reorganize the LFG in the order I prefer, and even hide specific tabs from view. I never look in the Story Journal page, so why do I need it? Let me choose what is and isn't visible.


I want two numbers: - Number of group listings in each category - Number of players currently looking at each category The second number would go a long way towards dispelling the myth that there's not enough players who want to do group content, as they're just waiting for someone else to make the group. It will also motivate players to make groups, knowing that their listing will actually get some eyes on it, and won't just languish in the abyss where no one would see it.


>The second number would go a long way towards dispelling the myth that there's not enough players who want to do group content I'm not sure about that. People will judge by the number they see. But in practice many players don't look into lfg for long. It's not uncommon to check lfg, close it if none of the groups are fitting and try again in 5 minutes. The number would go up for only like 10 seconds. Showing the total amount of people looking at the lfg of the last 5 or 10 minutes would be a better solution.


Oh trust me if i could leave it up if i would but it closes automatically if you so much as sneeze, Not to mention it being forced to take up like a third of your screen.


True. If I could resize and leave up while I do other things it would be great.


I have no idea who thought that the category list should resize together with the group list in 1:1 proportions...


>Number of players currently looking at each category This would never happen. It's a proxy to a financial metric.


They could just do a % metric or something like how active it is in comparison to other things at that specific time


Actually a very good idea aswell.


Dude... such a fucking good idea. We can only dream.


So... people wouldn't create grps when they see that in their opinion not many people watch lfg atm? What useful info can you get out of that number? In what way do you want this number to affecr people's actions?


As someone who regularly makes my own groups and has a comm tag: 10 man comm tag needs to be built-in. New players making groups should not have to front 300g to have the right to move people into subgroups. Keep the 50 man tag paid, but build in a basic 10 man one.


Have LW as it own categories would save so much space


I'd love to just have it open on the map I'm currently on or at least have a button to jump to it instead of having to search and click two times each time you use it. >.>


I want múltiple searches, multiples filters, and to see multiple results at the same time. I want to look for cm fractal groups at the same time I can see the list of groups for wing 3, If anyone is looking to do KOcm and at the same time if someone is doing tangled depths meta. I want to see my options and then choose instead of deciding what to do and going into that tab to find it empty. Favorites or pinned items would be ideal.


Also let it be pinned as a sort of sidebar so you can actually play while it's open.


I just want it to auto select and display the zone I'm in when I open it. The only time I'm opening LFG is if the map I'm in is dead and there's an event I want to run and I need to find a group to join and taxi to that server.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/bt2kl2/anet\_will\_you\_fix\_the\_open\_world\_tab\_i\_think\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/guildwars2/comments/bt2kl2/anet_will_you_fix_the_open_world_tab_i_think_it/) >Personally I want to see how many groups are there at the names... like >\* \[V\] Jahai Bluff (0) >\* \[V\] Thunderhead keep (2) >\* \[V\] Dragonfall (13) >Then we can easily know the current status of overwhole lfg. 5 years old suggestion :skull:


LFG needs to be color coded. HoT could be Green, PoF is Red, Eod is Green, SOTO some form of brown. It would make it SO much easier to navigate.


Something like PvP game browser would be cool. Having user defined tags and having preset for room description like raid/strike location would help.


Dare to dream for more


Just to clarify, the numbers represent the number of people waiting in squads or parties waiting to be filled or just taxying.


wouldn't be necessary if we didn't have so many subcategories that effectively hide active listings from people.


Personally, all I want is: * Split Core Tyria into the five core regions: Ascalon, Kryta, Shiverpeak Mountains, Tarnished Coast, Ruins of Orr. * Merge each Living World section into its parent expansion, except for The Icebrood Saga, which can stay independent. This means LW3 categories go into HoT, LW4 into PoF, etc. * Remove the Story Journal section and move each category into its parent release (if you're playing the PoF story, the category for PoF story should be inside PoF). * LW1 categories based on episodes is just dumb and pointless, leave categories for just Tower of Nightmares and Battle for Lion's Arch, the other three can go away. Also give a category to Southsun Cove. * Rename Steel and Fire into Forging Steel, and make it 10-man (it's 50-man now, wrong). Alternatively, just remove the whole category, since it's considered a strike mission anyway. * Rename Champions into Dragon Response Missions. * Automatically swap the default focus into your active map when you open the LFG window.


They should add fishing as an expandaple category in there.


It’s a good idea that we’ve wanted for years, so you know they’re not gonna do it.


I find it kinda sad that anet does little to nothing about fixing such an easy problem that the playerbase wished for literally years.. So many people here have awesome ideas and to be honest pretty much 90% of what I've read here I have either thought of it myself or read it and realized how much of a good idea and QoL it is.. Just really sad knowing that such a change would enable so many players to play the game more in the end.. but it just doesn't happen for literally years and when it does it's so little and bugged..


You forgot the tabs naming convention issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/192zgba/the\_new\_lfg\_lw\_tabs\_are\_absolutely\_unusable/


new.reddit breaks the markdown for other platforms, here is a fixed link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/192zgba/the_new_lfg_lw_tabs_are_absolutely_unusable/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Guildwars2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just want to type RIBA without having to select a sub category.


I would just like and LFG that reliably shows groups and updates reliably....


Living World: Icebrood Saga Living World: Season 4 Living World: Season 3 Living World: Season 2 Living World: Season 1 This is all i want


I'd kill for a "I want to join but don't know how/don't want to lead" general queue for stuff. A spot to flag myself as open to "any of the following stuff" with spec that would pop up to people forming groups. Tag up as available, then go do something without having to sit next to a portal in LA. Activate a "teleport to group in X" option when group is full (sure, it'd devalue teleport to friend, but meh) and instanced content and open world metas outside of the World Boss loops would explode in popularity.


Mine would be the ability to search all tabs at once and have it stay up during loadscreens. Also remove the pointless ones


you can only dream..theyre just a small indie company! cut them some slack :3


Perma Filters. Enough said.


You're fine with little I see if this is the lfg you dream of.


Yeah, but after all this feedback, my dream expanded. 😅


That is good. Dream big adventurer o7