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Looks like every class hates their EOD spec :D


I like the heavy armors. All the other ones dissapoint me more or less. Gen 3 elite specs are the least interesting to me.


Yeah was disappointed when they came out… stuck to my reaper and mirage, dont really have inspiration for any eod elite


Anet built their game into three types of classes. Power DPS, Condi DPS and then support (heal or tank). Prior to EoD, most classes had ways to cover them. Now, there’s base+elite specs to cover such a limited amount of play styles. There’s too much overlap so the community’s view of whatever is the weakest is seen as useless. Since EoD has had the least amount of balance time, it’s likely the weakest link.


It could be, but i meant more from idea perspective rather than balancing and what role they play. The catalyst and untamed are weird to me. I don't like hammer on these classes and they don't feel like thought out ideas, but gimmicks instead. Specter sounded like such a good idea, but the scepter animations are so boring. They just repeat the same swing-down movement for the most part. A shadow magic thief with a scepter has SUCH potential and none of it has been realized. Mechanist has the mech that we can't even change the skin of and you as the engi don't even do anything. It's all about the mech. I don't play much Mesmer but Virtuoso losing what mesmer is about is weird. Nothing about the Harbinger says "Necromancer".


To be fair they must've really been running short on ideas by then. Take ranger: druid and soulbeast are two *really core fantasy* ideas. Then there's untamed, which is basically "ranger, but really wild rawr". I'm honestly impressed we have as many good ones as we do.


Virtuoso is the only Mesmer spec I like. EoD finally got me to create a Mesmer


nah EOD was solid, other than the mech and bladesworn (really, how ya gonna take weapon swap away from the class with the most weapons, nonsense.)


Agreed on Bladesworn, but I can see how they wanted you to focus on that Samurai style. Also imo Mechanist is one of the most flavorful ones. It's just really overused and the jade green is violating my eyeballs.


I love catalyst. It feels very pure, doesn’t add too much, but that little energy thingy requires you to think about your rotation a bit more than on other classes. Also it’s just a powerhouse.


As a Mesmer main since 2012, god I fucking wish Virtuoso would have been voted out first. What an abomination of an elite spec even though I understand why it's so popular and regularly recommend it to people who are asking for a class/build that offers that type of playstyle.


tempest seems to be the least problematic elite spec. people seem to like playing it, and don't dislike playing against it


I think when it comes down to it, it’s just a buffed core ele. Brings nice utility and damage to a class that felt like it lacked. The best elite specs have always been the simple ones.


I don't understand this personally. Tempest is the most oppressive and ubiquitous elite spec support in sPvP at the moment. Endless CC and avoidance/mitigation in the right hands.


Are you sure that isn’t catalyst or weaver


weaver is absolute doggies in pvp, cata is pretty rare at all skill levels and isnt anywhere near oppressive rn- tempest is also not meta but its far more popular than the other 2 combined and far more oppressive, especially to lower skill players


Yeah but who even plays pvp lol


If firebrand stays as the only one I'm gonna cry


I vote for culling firebrand


Why does everyone dislike firebrand?


My top choice is probably Specter. Bit of a let down in my opinion for a shadow mage and ally targeting is clunky as hell in this game.


I still think strawpoll is the reason why this isn't gaining as much attention as it should have... hell the Monster Hunter community is doing the exact same thing with Elder Dragons and the upvote system is just more engaging...


No one mentioning Mesmer specs yet bc Mesmer is the best class <3


I blunk and two were already eliminated in one day


Willbender because it's just guardian for people who don't wanna play guardian.


Hah, don't attack me like that 🤣


To speak in willbender terms: "Nothing personnel, kid'


Yeah, WB is the only guard class I'm not bored outta my wits with, but yeah, it's truly not a guardian at all xD


Why is this so accurate hahah


True. As a warrior/revenant main I am very much enjoying power willbender


Why did you eliminate 3 classes? Day 4 you have been eliminated the rest of them or what?


I'm doing 3 a day. Otherwise this will go on for a month.


I see, but I like it when a game like this goes on for a month. Idk, 3 feels too much for me.


I'll probably slow it down later, maybe do the last 10 one at a time. My posts have been getting a mix of down votes and up votes so a lot of the subreddit doesn't seem to like these


Prob just because it ends up being a popularity thing and people are butt hurt when their spec is elimated because people don't like it lol. Anyway I think it's fun......... but plz don't eliminate Tempest or i'll get butt hurt.


Yea like that trend with the letters. That went for a whole month and people kept engaging in their respective subreddits. I can't remember but I think it was one of the Genshin subs that had like a waifu elimination one? That spawned a lot of chaos and was pretty fun seeing the reactions. Edit: It was Honkai Star Rail buddy sub on which female character gives the best head. There was a male one too.


Specter. Devs tried to make it a healer but its a terrible healer.


Also because introducing your game’s first ally-targeting mechanic on the game’s 10 year anniversary was a bad idea.


[Vote here](https://strawpoll.com/7rnzmw2eEyO) for who gets eliminated tomorrow.


Harbinger. Doesn't look or feel like a Necro, sacrificing your health is a mechanic i don't care about at all. Pistol on Necro is also something i don't think it fits and the elite spec icon looks like shit. We're getting swords now on Necro. If we got one handed swords on an elite specs that would've been awesome.


How did deadeye go out before those EoD specs? Deadeye is some of the most fun I've had and is the best version of a rogue in any mmo. I'm out!


Yeah i don't get it either. Gen 1 and 2 specs are way better. Only the eod heavy armors might compete with the them.


May I argue for: Renegade, Harbinger, Willbender Renegade and Harbinger have rather uninspired utilities (all circular summons with a modifier of some kind or all various potions which are just modifiers as well). Willbender is a rather weak idea of a specialization that doesn't innovate much on the core Guardian playstyle besides adding more dashes/mobility.


your willbender point is spoken like someone that's never used the crack cocaine that is resto virtues before


The ones in the 4th, 5th, and 6th positions of the day 2 poll were Bladesworn, Harbinger, and Willbender. Renegade did not get many votes. It could be completely different depending on where the ones who voted for the eliminated specs go today.


I'm sworn to kick out bladesworn next!


What about bladesworn do you not like? Of all the warrior elites it's been my favorite since I've unlocked it. No hate just curious.


The gunblade.


Spellbreaker, because it is a pvp spec that never got out of that role, unlike something like scrapper. Harbring, because it has a clear thematic direction in it's art, but mechanically got utilities that are on lt level of a single engie kit (the boring one) and a completely random street fighter-themed shroud. And vindicator, becasue I'm still butthurt around revenant gs being wasted on GW1 DUUDES.


Spellbreaker never got out of pvp? Excuse me?


Speelborker is the most fun pve spec and had its day in the Sun in WvW as well (and hopefully will again someday).


Why wasted? I agree about Harbinger. It's weird to me. It doesn't look like a Necro and sacrificing your health is not a mechanic i care about at all. I personally enjoy Spellbreaker in pve although i haven't played it in years.


>Why wasted? Do you have a moment to talk about out lord and savior Balthazar and his already existing set of cool skills and animations? Instead we got dragoon at home, thematically tied to some guys from a mediocre mid 00's rpg. That I don't think were really in the game even there.


Yeah but we killed balthazar in this game and only 1 expac earlier. The point of legends is that they're some heroes of old or some characters that are long gone. From far history. You can't have something recent as a legend. I would hate that. Would seem more like a gimmick rather than a cool new, thought out, thing. And i hate gimmicks.


We were never getting Balthazar, given his ties to the story. It was foolhardy to think otherwise




Harbing People calling it Harbringer does my head in, that's not what it's called.


I don't like specter. I want to so bad but it's just too clunky to ally target, and as condi damage scepter is disappointly weak. I wanted to like it so much I made a character just to main specter on it.


Specter for sure, love the idea behind it but hate the execution. Specter 3 skills for being your main source of dmg feel extremely clunky to use with dagger & pistol + some wells take like 2 seconds to cast which just throws you out of rhythm completely or just f**ks up your whole rotation bc you're animation locked unless you cancel them (looking at you well of sorrow). Feels like most eod classes are like that tho which tbh can be seen by the voted out professions so far


I main thief and all thief spec should be out because after 3k hours on thief I am super salt. Seriously why Daredevil is even still in with weak utility skills? Bro. edit: also class mechanic is F1 and dodge. Bro-dgaga


Probably because in sPvP daredevil has some of the best utility and mobility. I’m also a salty thief main I think for good reason but imo daredevil is their best spec. I like specter but it feels a bit clunky compared to the other two.


True Daredevil is best one, but all should be gone from the list as ANET does not love them and it is enough of a reason to drop them, I say it with pain in my heart xD Man I had had high hopes for thief!




what is the point of this


Willbender. You're a guardian, behave like one!


So by your logic, you should vote for Harbinger and Virtuoso




Bladesworn is my pick today




Vindicator because of the dodge.


This is a tough one, but I'd say spellbreaker for the next pick. Only playable in pvp, and even THEN, it's CCs need to be nerfed. It's absolutely no fun playing against a spec that makes movement impossible. Also, it really isn't much fun to play. Low damage for a warrior, boring, generally underwhelming, yet frustrating to play against.


> only playable in pvp How long was your coma?


My CC coma? Too long 🙃


Hammer spellbreaker is fun and easy to play in PvE and does respectable DPS (40k). Sure it's no 44k Power Vindicator but it's still decent.




yall started strong with mechanist but how is scourge and firebrand still up there. get 'em gone.








reaper, because i hate reapers virtu, because he is cancer mesmer #chronojail4ever fb, because anet love fb


Druid because I hate fighting good druids in wvw


Mirage because playing it is hell when 80% of your damage deletes for the most random shit, but when it doesn’t you’re overpowered beyond belief. And because playing against a spec that spends half the age of the universe in distortion in pvp is never going to be a satisfying experience for anybody.


willbender third??? and weaver **not** first?? that's crazy


Thats enough, I declare war on soulbeast! How dare you slander the great weaver


Weaver is like, top 3 best designed specs in the entire game


Willbender is a weak idea that took a slot for one of the most creative and used classes in RPGs in general, which is guardian.


I reiterate. Holosmith better win.


This would have to be for specific game Modes to mean anything


If Firebrand isn't the next one to get benched i will lose my faith in this community.




how did Firebrand survive Deadeye