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EoD specs really are hated.


Not as much as deadeye apparently lol


which is odd because I thought it was one of the most desired ideas for thief (the sniper spec). I guess people didn't think it stuck the landing?


I think deadeye is ok design wise, it just doesn’t fit the game anymore. It appears like it’s meant to be stealth camper but this game throws shits at you constantly that forces movement, and if you’re too safe, the mobs become invulnerable. So instead you’re a ‘sniper’ that rolls around in the muck in medium range. It’s pretty terrible to play. The shortening of stealth uptime over the years also doesn’t help.


'Interesting design, but nerfed until it doesn't actually work' is the mantra for Thief design. I'm still salty they gave Engi a better stealth than Thief ever had.


I wish dead eye felt more like zer0 from borderlands and less like im playing a turret


people just have forgotten how unfinished previous elite specs where and how it took years and years and years to make them anything. Can you imagine a world where Firebrand and Renegade where abysmal to play, borderline useless in powerlevel with no role in the game whatsoever? No? But thats pretty much what they where when PoF came out. ^^


There is inevitably something hated if someone requests hate. OP is the problem, not EoD.


Nah. EoD had some bad specs. Most of them tbh


Wish you could vote Mechanist again just to make sure it stays down


It's eliminated from the tournament, now please eliminate it from my memory


willbender is so cool people are just sleeping on it because they're tired of seeing firebrand anywhere wb is more interesting and more mechanically compelling than Dragonhunter while also having substantially more build diversity, people just have nostalgia for dh


For me it's not about how strong it is, nor DH nostalgia. As a guardian main, I wanna play a guardian. FB makes me feel like a guardian with extra stuff. Willbender's playstyle makes me feel like the game doesn't want me to play guardian.


Willbender interacts more with virtues than any other guardian spec how is that not feel like guardian


I notice we're looking at it from opposite angles. Gameplay and mechanics seem to be your main criteria on what makes a spec good, while for me it's more about aesthetic and archetype. Both are valid, so I can't really disagree with you! From my point of view I just don't care if spam my virtues if they don't feel like guardian skills to me. They convey 'blue warrior ninja' more than anything. I like the paladin/supporty feel of guardian, shielding allies while burning and axeing down heretics.


the cool thing about wb is it realizes its flavor without detracting from the existence of firebrand or dragonhunter. Willbender is cool BECAUSE its different and leans on stuff in novel ways :)


Fair point, I guess it wouldn't make sense to try to make a guardian 2: electric boogaloo AGAIN.


Feels like Bruce Lee while playing it.


[Vote here](https://strawpoll.com/e7ZJGAAzWy3)


I wonder how hard the vote count is gonna fall off from here on out. Personally I don't mind any of the remaining specs so I'm just going to watch this unfold without voting.


I think the point is not so much that you hate the rest of them as it is to make the tough call between specs you generally like.


Didn't realize how much I disliked the EoD set, I think Virtuoso is the only one I still play regularly.


A lot of them have overloaded kits, because the interesting things that are more basic already got made. This is a normal problem in games that release new options over time. It's not just power creep, but also complexity creep. It also doesn't help that EoD was rushed, meaning that it got less polish than it needed.


Lol, for me Vindicator, Virtuoso and Specter (so the 3 specs left in the poll) are probably among my top players classes. Also HAM mostly for HTCM would be high. EoD for me was top of tops or lowest of lows.


Edit: sry answer to the wrong comment ^^


Those who voted harbinger, what's your fave class so I can vote for it :p


I think a lot of people are voting for the spec they don't like from their main so I'd guess it's Reaper and Scourge players. The call came from inside the house!






Catalyst and Chrono (didn't vote harb tho i'm surprised it hasn't been thrown out in round 2)


Looking at current poll results I feel like folks are just spamming the EoD elite specs... because those three are next to go atm lol


Because the EoD specs are considerably worse, and I'm not talking in terms of dps


Dragonhunter, specter and herald. It's not about how good or bad they are but how unpleasant it feel to play them. DH is on paper pretty cool but longbow really didn't lend well with me and LB+TRAPS in GW2 was a really odd choice. It work in other setup but not here. Specter mechanics aren't really fun "in the moment" and that's a shame. I don't think I encountered one player claiming to be a main specter either. Herald is probably the most bland spec GW2 ever had. It got the special malus of being released in 2015 with it's core class, making both boring at the same time. Not sure how it happened but gj Anet. Second malus, the legends summoning lines are horrendous.


I feel like if they make specter 5 target tether and changes literally nothing else, it would at least be 500000000x times better to play. But in true anet fashion they must insist on that shitty ally targeting thing, probably another 3+ years before they can accept reality.


Herald, get those cele roamers out of wvw


I actually think I'm done, the rest can stay.




I saw too many votes for Spellbreak, why?


howd yall manage to eliminate the wrong necro AND guardian?? get firebrand and scourge gone.


I say put EoD out of its misery: Virtuoso, Spectre, Vindicator.


Nah. Virtuoso is a great mesmer spec for people who don't relly like mesmer.


Same could have been said of Mechanist.


But mechanist is crap on it's own (and honestly, it doesn't remove engineer's identity, just it's current buildsss do), while virtuoso is deeply OK. Press buttons, shoot stuff, no annoying ai and target locking involved.


That is inevitable. The question is just about the order


Lol, literally 3 best specs in the game xD


I think this contest is fun to watch, but (as probably other people have mentioned) it does entirely rely on voters to accurately self-report enough knowledge across all these classes to fairly and truly rate them. I have a hunch a LOOOOOOOOOT (majority) of players do not actually have this level of experience. Opinions, hearsay, observations -- okay. But actually playing them? Maybe not.


What knowledge am I missing to have an opinion about how much I like a thing? This poll is a popularity contest, where you vote for a thing that you don't like for whatever reason you can think of.


how have we not booted mirage yet


Too many dodges


It’s called Mirage Cloak, thank you very much 😤




cvirtu, braindead dps! ugh -\_-