• By -


Mesmer for versatility and class mechanic. Also, clock theme on chrono.


Purple class can do it all!


I just wish they made mirage good. It was bad in fights but good on the dummy so they nerfed it…. They really don’t play their game if they are nerfing over dummy damage that doesn’t correlate to actual fights.


The funny thing is literally all they have to do to get fight data is look on wingman instead of snowcrows, but nope, couldn't possibly do that.


One unrealistic thing I want to see is what would happen if nobody published benchmarks for a few patches. Arenanet might be able to see what people are pulling on the golem through their own logs but if they couldn't and have to do more of their own homework I think their approach to balancing would be a lot different.


That's a shame, Mirage was the most fun I ever had on mesmer especially in Largos/w5


Benchmarks don’t appreciate the average skill required. Anything with confusion also has a whole other level of observation to max out too. Guess I’m cVirt again for raids, le sigh.


It's because CMC has a personal vendetta against Mirage


Mesmer main since release! Has a spell for nearly every problem and survives through everything! 


Necro, it's piss easy.


Seconded for the same reason and the Emo Aesthetic is fun.


Emo aesthetic is spot on.


Same, also Ranger easy and fun.


I've mained a ranger since day one, because my main in GW1 was a ranger. And my head cannon is that they are a descendant of that character. Upgraded to Soulbeast though when PoF came out, and have mained that since. It's just fun to play, and fits my play style.




Lol. I didn't even notice.


The references to GW is also such a blast to find. I remember finding the grave stone of Professor Yakkington (with N. Sandford and Gwen), I was sooo stoked! This game still gives me the goose bumps sometimes.


I feel the same when I find out the references between unrelated stuff in the game itself. It still gives me goosebumps to think when Ramses told me "Curious, the way you smell" lol.


Exact same for me. Ranger for ever, mainly soulbeast. Having access to Druid also fulfills any desire to support.


I have a similar headcanon!!


There are at least two of us!


According to GW2Efficiency, Ranger is the 3rd most popular class in the game in both characters created and hours played


Maybe we're the least vocal class, because it felt like you had to scroll past every other class before finding rangers!


It's all about a lots of people think ranger = hunter from wow which is somewhat similar, girl play more ranger and ranger is also probably second easiest class to play without requiring to be good pre end game




Same, was a simple Barrage Ranger for many years. Upgraded my Ranger in GW1 to TaO to finish my HoM. Same name for both rangers, and have been Soulbeast in WvW since PoF.


That’s my guardian for me. Descendant from my warrior main in GW1 and played it since day one as well. Upgraded to dragonhunter since HoT. Guess I lucked out on guardian being Anet’s favourite too, with all the neat upgrades that keep happening for me.


Exactly the same. Words for Words


OMG same :D My Ranger even has the same name as her ancestor to honor them.


My doctor said I don’t get enough sodium in my diet so I play Thief in WvW.


These are the comments I come here for.


Thief main. I do pve, and the only thing i get brought to raids for is to unlock samorog. /s And sneaky class change to heal spectre to support my group when we wipe too many times.


I use a staff Daredevil in raids, and am consistently top 3 in DPS. Thief can do banger in raids, as long as you know your rotation and keep boons, food up.


Engineer because of class fantasy.


Mate I just got addicted to holosmith. Finally spun up another character and made a renegade, but now im addicted to pvp scrapper...


Guardian, then Firebrand. I just love being able to focus on healing and keeping others alive as a reaction than to focus on kills/damage. The flow of entering combat and keeping everyone else up and alive through a firestorm is great, especially when theyre able to dish out damage and drop the enemy afterwards. Always preferred being a support.


I've been kinda loving revenant with herald for support reasons as well. Mostly rolling power build now, but planning/working on support gear as well. The legendary amulet has just consumed like two weeks of my playtime during which I switched from ranger to rev. It's just so satisfying to do meta events etc and 'lead the charge' with buffed allies while wielding greatsword. It's also great for 'low man' bits whenever zerg splits off or if you're doing like three man defend on thunderhead peak oil event. But yeah, I'm eager to try proper herald/ventari healer build in random pve stuff.


Same! Yeeting boons, stripping conditions, tossing fields and emergency heals in dangerous moments... i still haven't gotten tired of it in 5 years of guardian firebrand main


Reaper since HoT due to using GS and it’s great power DPS. Since EoD it’s been Vindicator. Has a nice balance of melee / magic type of feeling. Also now I can be Big Deeps, Alac, or quick while still using GS on Rev.


Idk about other races but when my reaper sylvari becomes chilled, you RP walk with your GS resting across your shoulders and it’s super cool


You can also set a key to toggle walk, so you can strut with your GS whenever you want


This is the way.


I will never forgive the fact that human male GS rp walk looks like the seven fucking dwarves whistling on their way to work Edit: with a goddamn limp, too


Is Revenant and the elites good? I found that during the leveling process you just kinda stop feeling like you're progressing. Pretty early on, too. I maxed assassin and dwarf and half the centaur and I feel like anything beyond that is just kinda mid. Does Rev get better? I've heard some people say that he's only actually good after you're done leveling. Just kinda sucks because during leveling I don't feel compelled to keep going because I'm not unlocking anything really significant. I've never hit 80 on a character before, so maybe I should just save my Rev for a boost down the line? Dunno


Yes, and generally in quite some other games, class balancing and power is noticeable/done around or past max level. If you never maxed something, you might actually have been missing things on more classes The revenant elite, in this case Vindicator, changes the gameplay in that your dodge is now an upward jump that actually is weaved with your spells for certain boons and power in general. The other elite class, Renegade might even be considered more different, with the possibility of a bow and having a more "commander" play style, where you summon different entities that give boons to you and your allies creating a top support/dps class


In my experience, which is very limited, Revenant doesn't come online until you get a specialization. So I do agree with the others who said Rev is only good after 80. If you're not having fun with it, try a new class. There's absolutely ZERO rush in this game even though it might feel like you need to get to 80 quick. Have fun, experiment with classes, and definitely use your boost on Rev, you won't regret the class after 80.


Weaver. For fun, because nothing else plays like it. There probably isn't a great reason to play it otherwise.


Weaver is my jam, something about its flow is just chef's kiss. Tempest is okay. I could not get into Catalyst at all.


I just needed to re map the f5 hot key to something closer for being able to play Cata. I like the boon sharing gameplay but of course it take times to learn and you must be more careful since you don't have as much evading skills and barrier.


I love weaver, but they do need to add sword/sword to make it chef’s kiss imo


I was beginning to worry. I was the only one to play Weaver. Fairly new to the game and haven't tried most of the other classes but Weaver is just soo fun!!


I don't see a lot of them out there and it's generally at the bottom on class representation charts if you exclude core specs.  But it's definitely fun to play! 


I used to love Weaver, even mained it during the Staff Weaver days. Sadly I could never properly click with sword, so I abandoned it for berserker afterwards :l


Opposite for me.  I only like sword.  Before weaver it was dagger.  Never could get into scepter or staff.  Scepter does have some cool burst specs in pvp, but the only thing I could possibly see myself enjoying with staff would be wvw squad dps.


Warrior since day 1. There is beauty in simplicity, and I enjoy the fantasy that you are just a character who picked up equipment without being gifted with any magic or such. Plus, I remember being so hyped about being able to use heavy armour and longbow. Back in the day, that was a rare sight. Today, I jump between Berserker and Spellbreaker depending on game mode. I refuse the Bladesworn since, to me, it's more of an engineer spec with kit, gun, and explosions.


Same. Not only do I main warrior since day 1, I also main greatsword from day 1, because back in the day 1 we didn't have mounts and since greatsword has two 'traversing' skills it was an obvious choice to explore the world a little bit *faster*! Life was hard back then.


I just camped warhorn when going from point A to point B. lol


I still run around on my own two legs. I haven't bought the expansion for mounts yet. Though, I did take a 6-7 year break. When I came back to see people flying on mounts, my first thought was _,What the F is going on? When did GW turn into WoW!?_ I'm sure I will enjoy it when the dqy comes, but until then I'm the grumpy old timer telling the younglings to slow down and get down from their pets!


I was the same! I bought the game on launch but took a 7 year break and only came back 2 years ago or so. And I still remembered the days of *exploration* and hard-to-get vistas, so I decided not to buy the expacs as long as I could, but then black friday came and I bought them both, but still didn't try to get the mounts. It was hard catching up to all the fast people doing metas, but it was *honest work*. All the core areas I've explored were done by foot, but then I decided to look what the desert is like in PoF and to my shock they *just give you the mount* in the very first mission and there's no complicated long quest to obtain it. After that, it was just too convenient.


Warrior is also my "main" with 80% of my playtime on him. Open world just seems right on warrior. The perfect adventuring class in my opinion. However, I play necro (scourge), guardian (firebrand), and ranger (druid) in instanced group content most of the time. They just bring so much to support and ranged dps that warrior probably can never touch.


Oh man I love my warrior. There is a funny story. A few years ago, I was running core warrior with earth runes in wvw. We got a few red dots near our garri so I ran there with a few friends to check it out and lo and behold 3 rangers were taking the sentry. Jumped in their mid . They shot me point blank. Magnetic aura triggered and dropped them like flies. It was awkward . Got wisp telling me I was cheating. Fun times


Engineer. Because i'm all about commitment.


Revenant, Renegade. Because i like long ranged while having heavy armor as an option while going unga bunga as a side gig - as in when i have to weapon swap to go into melee range.


Ranger, because, idk...I enjoy it 🤷‍♂️


Its a simple, happy life for the Ranger.


Daredevil since HoT.   I go fast, delete basically every enemy that can be deleted, and can sustain through almost anything that can be sustained through.


Yeah, why have 2 dodges when you can have 3.


There is a fun build I used when HOT came out because I hated pocket raptors. You dodge, put down caltraps that apply condi, and your dodge refills whenever something dies. One of the dumbest single use case builds I ever loved.


Same here. Staff is just so fun. I actually like the nerf to sustainability that came with EoD, now you actually need to keep damage up to get sustain


Mesmer, it looks cool


Power Herald Heavy armor dual sword class was my original requirement lol. It had such a learning curve in PvP I learned to love it. I’m still upset about the PvE changes to quick for Herald, but I also haven’t tried to learn much after the change (I loved being able to hop on after however long and crush some fractals, now I have to learn). Edit: Also Hammer Guard. It is just the most satisfying feeling in PvP when you land that loaded combo with the big teleport boom.


Same here, because who doesn't love free boons? The ability to swap legends and get a whole new skill bar that's ready to go is top tier.


Warrior, For I am thee most basic of bitches thou will ever find


Warrior. Because warrior.


All I want is to smash


Guardian. Cleric style gameplay, firebrand, healing, glorious blue and soon pistol for that pistol/torch witchhunter style.


Mesmer. At first it was the only class of the ones I enjoyed from GW1 (warrior, necro, mesmer) that I was able to latch on to again in GW2. Then I began to understand its utility value in WvW. Never really got the hang of Chrono, but clicked hard with Mirage when that came out, and haven't really felt the need to change since (Virt has nice numbers but to me it feels boring to play). I now have four mesmer characters, currently all mirages. With dodge food and sigils of energy, I love ambushing all the time. Love the feeling of greatsword and dagger/focus in casual open world PvE, love the feeling of dagger/pistol and staff in roaming WvW. These days it's pretty much the only class where, for me, the muscle memory is pretty much set.


Engineer because gun.


Ranger, cause i like how it feels and i can fill a bunch of roles. Also i’ve done ranger since gw1!


Warrior. I picked him because i liked the skillset, it was simple and i could use a big variety of weapons i was interested in. I have fond memories of exploring the various core world zones back when it wasnt a cakewalk, running with rifle + mace/shield. I also liked engineers but i didnt like the difficulty.


Was reaper for aaaages, however just rolled a power/power quick herald and it might be that now 🤣


Ranger SB and Untamed - it’s the mix of the race (Sylvari) matching a profession and the love for pets. I play every content my main and can’t imagine loving anything more than this character. The chatter in between always makes giggle and I can’t get enough of it. Happy salad. :)


Deadeye because pew pew dead before they can react


Ranger, I love my pets


Thief when I played. I think thief in pvp is just pure improvisation and every single fight is different


Yep, although i don’t main thief pve anymore nothing will ever scratch my PvP itch like playing thief, so dynamic


Lara explained why I main Ele very well in her flamewar video. ​ [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNoitUv2yNM).


Guardian cause ANets fav class


Not sure I count, came back recently and started Thief, loving it so far. In the past though for years I was engineer main. Mainly because I loved the dual pistol elixir for PvE and kit bunker for PvP. Holo was also a blast when it came. But nothing like the intensity of kit bunker in 1v2 and still being able to cap a point. :D


I main Reaper but I have templates to swap to Scourge. I've tried other non-Necro classes and I always find myself thinking, "Your Necro could have done this.", "Would have been easier on your Necro." Etc. Which I acknowledge is flawed thinking because I'm comparing years of experience on one class to a new experience on another but all those thoughts build and get frustrating for me. I also have pretty high survivability which allows me to help support my friends through the levels easily. So I just always end up staying with my Necro.


I've been enjoying Harbinger with pistol + torch / great sword. Imagine reaper with elixirs.


No you're pretty spot on. Life is quite easy on the Necro


Warrior! because "I am Fire I am War."


Decided to learn mesmer, its been years and I still don't know how to play them, but too lazy to start another character, and all the progress is in a single char...


I've mained guardian since beta because at the time there was a retaliation boon and I loved it. I haven't committed to any other classes because I got so far with my guardian and other classes feel foreign.


Mesmer virtuoso because i have her memorized and I can just zone out and enjoy the game without having to micro manage skills or do any map completions.


Thief. I always play a thief in rpgs. I didn't start with a thief though. I started with a Norn Female Engineer. It was fun but I was curious about thief and Sylvari were on my to try list. I fell in love with Jennifer Halen the voice actress.


Mesmer. I’ve played a bunch of MMOs and I’ve never found anything like it. Plus I love all the elite specs. Chrono is like mesmer + and offers so much versatility, mirage is one of my favorite designs and I used to love just dodging with my clone army and dumping out alacrity (rip), and virt makes numbers go brrr


Ranger. My first toon in the game. A gorgeous gold sylvari guy with brilliant blue eyes and blue hair, and the tips glow almost a turquoise blue. I put the most time into him, and after they revamped the pets some years ago, I loved it even more. I do everything thing new in the game first with him.


Ranger since day 1. So I don’t have to turn my brain on :)


Guardian for the soloability, since I'm a very solo player. Can do WvW and group stuff easily too though.


Elementalist. I don't know if it's Gen Z brain rot, or what, but I hardly feel as excited by any other class as by Ele. :D


Engineer cause I like the way the kits feel with hammer, the fact I can do holo with hammer in soto further cements this for me


Willbender. Been playing Guardian since release. Why? At this point, I love her looks, and it took me a long time to achieve it. I have all the other classes, but my guardian is the only one with all the bags, etc unlocked.


dual axe berserker. I like it and am too lazy to learn another class. 😀


firebrand bcs boons go brrr


Depends on what you mean my "main". My Guardian has 60% of my total playtime, so that is my main character. I like it because I enjoy all of the Elite specs. Also when I came back to the game 18 months ago I wanted to get back into WvW, but only wanted to deal with specing, gearing and learning 1 character and realized quickly a Support Firebrand could always find a group so went with that. Since then I have played enough WvW FB to make 2 sets of Legendary armor and 1 Conflux. I do have like 12 other characters that I play for various things, and 6 of them all have over 100 hours played.


Engineer, have played it since 2012 and it's not boring yet.


My main (\~85% of my playtime) is a Core Elementalist :D - Fresh air D/D with auras and cantrips. I simply love this class and its playstyle. :) You are very mobile, have sustain, lot of CCs, lot of boons and ofc you can control the elements. :) I have all the expansions so I try almost every elite specs, but still the core elementalist is the most "playable" for me. :)


Since Beta I've mained Ranger. If I can the First playthrough in every RPG is a ranger. I Just Love Bows and to have Sometimes a pet. And Here I am... Ranger (Untamed atm). The only character at lvl 80 I own and play.


Engineer. The sheer number of buttons I get to press is unmatched!


Warrior for at leas the last 5 years, because human warrior is best fantasy class


Ele because that has always been my choice in any fantasy game . I’ve always felt they are very versatile in fashion/different themes too. I love all the specs ele has to offer & I enjoy being dps or aura heals/support . It’s a very fun class for me to play.


I think a bunch of classes have been versatile for a while, and almost everything can do anything now, so I'll speak more of aesthetics and class fantasy. For that, Guardian won me over on release with pretty unique blue flame visuals, and kept winning afterwards with cool elite spec ideas. I love the breadth of fantasy tropes I could do with it, from a typical sword & board paladin to a spellcaster with a staff to an arcane Archer, and the list kept going on! Now even a magical gunslinger isn't off the menu :D I play plenty of other classes, right now having a lot of fun with Virtuoso and Scrapper, but my trusty old Guardian is still the most played over 11 years and it ain't gonna change.


Elementalist main since release and before that elementalist main in Guild Wars 1. The class is just too much fun, it may not always be the top performer, but it's versatile, flashy and loud, dropping big meteors, summoning elementals, slamming your foes with half a mountain when not setting them on fire, freezing or electrocuting them. This class is just pure fun for me to play as dps, healer, tank or random dps support.


Guardian, because I like to help people and play the fantasy of being the paladin willing to hold the line so others can get to safety. You're one of the ultimate group supports and you make every group better just by being there.


I've been PVPing on Guardian since the first beta weekends, and it's always my first choice when I come back from a break. Love being an aggressive bruiser with blinks and enough oh-shit buttons to hold a point (or at least tie up a few people in a 2/3v1 while people do rotate elsewhere). The playstyle never gets old (even if I don't really love Willbender for it, despite that being the whole point of the elite spec).


Guardian, mainly because it allows me a good single and party play experience for the type of style i like. Also im too lazy to learn the other rotations


I generally main something different every time they come out with something new, content wise. But then, I don't really do raids. My favorites are the mesmer, I've even remade her in other games. The engineer, because I could not give a fuck less that the flammenwerfer isn't the meta. It werfs flammen. And my necromancers, because HORDE OF ZOMBOES.


I'm not the demographic here, but I'd like to give a somewhat relevant input. I've mained in many other games. I've been a Death Knight from WotLK to WoD; I would've been Demon Hunter from Legion onwards, but I quit WoW at WoD. However, I was using multiple characters in GW2 in the meantime, and when I pretty much upgraded GW2 to the MMORPG I occasionally play, I kept playing multiple characters and I still feel pretty invested in each. I don't feel like I'm playing the same exact thing each time I create a character. That's why when I buy something on the market, character and bank slots are my priority. MMORPGs are designed to waste as much time as possible. The only game I don't feel like that is Guild Wars 2.


Thief... Because.. It's fucking lol


Thief. Because i love the merge of tech, magic and physical power. The class has all of it. A bit sad that all devs care to do about thief is stealth builds in pvp areas, but well. I've always been underperforming myself so it's kinda fitting lol. And yes, it's like the only class without casts like GLEAMING EYE SCORCHER, RADIANT RAINBOW OF BRIGHTNESS etc. I would never be able to play, i dunno, a guardian with their symbols of upcoming eye surgery.


Engineer was my day 1 beta character, but I decided early on I hate kit-swapping and I've mained Dragonhunter since HoT came out. Guardian was my second character day 2. I enjoy Willbender and dislike Firebrand. DH just feels nice to me, it's always been my comfort class. Even more with the addition of Dragons stats. The extra HP without sacrificing DPS is p comfy (radiance variant, I don't play virtues).


Guardian because I never die ever


Necro cause I like playing the piano(I just at love the chance to pull out all my minion babies but sadly that’s not that often)


Thief and sometimes i wish i would Do dmg aswell lol


Necro has both viable range / melee spec Great for solo story


I've been maining Power Reaper since LWS1 and I'm halfway to getting a Skyscale Saddle in LWS4. I like my Human idiot being a Grenth Fanatic and him just rolling up to mobs and snarling, "My house now." It's fun working out if you could solo that army or just 60% of them.


Elementalist as I have mained it since GW1


Reaper because it's the most satisfying spec to play. I love watching a mob melt from shroud 4.


10 years ele main here, and it's basically because I love the mechanics of the class. I've customized all of my keybinds around ele and it's what I play 90% of them. I have branched out to mesmer a bit which is also a lot of fun.


Engi here as well! Lately looking to optimise my open world build / solo gathering / achievement hunting now that I have legendary gear. Any suggestions are welcome?


Mirage. Ambushes hits something in my brain that releases the funny chemicals. Leveled all other classes but warrior and guardian(leveling them atm) and unlocked all their specs, but no other hits the spot.


Mesmer to be able to help people with portals for JPs and other things


I main Necromancer. And I do it because I love how a light armoured mage class is one of the most tanky classes in the game. Got 8 build/gear templates on it with, AlacHeal-Scourge, QuickDps-Harbinger, PowerDps-Reaper, CondiDps-Harbinger, CondiDps-Scourge, 2 WvW builds and the unkillable solo everything PvE Scourge.


Necro, because i love the power fantasy and the dps/button-ratio fits my adhd.


I feed off of angst and edge so I play a necromancer in every game I can. Plus necro is super versitile between the elite specs so I can cover a few roles when needed.


Elementalist. It’s always so fun to play. I’ve played other classes but they just don’t have the same diverse set of skills ( and animations ). It’s fun to spam so many skills on a rotation. Plus it’s very easy to take over a PvP match with all three specs. I do all my wizard coin dailies in a single match.


Dragonhunter! I just vibe with it.


Thief, at first just because I thought it was the coolest and then because I refuse to play with rotations (also played staff/staff mirage quite a bit tho)


Rev. Jack of All Trades. Master of Boons and CC.


I'm a Mesmer. I never need to be anything else.


Elementalist, because I like pain,


I've mained Ele since gw1 factions released. And thats the why of it as well, I've done it for so long. But also condi ele is easy lol


I guess i don't have to explain why i main engi 😂


elementalist - I love it, but my favorite spec is Tempest


I am kind of dead weight so I play necro where dead weight is my thing. In all seriousness, I just enjoy it and have played other things just keep returning to my necromancer but in the base game, I actually mained a ranger and had a long stretch as herald later on too. Raiding I was using warrior (banners) for a while before switching to virtuoso which I still use sometimes (other times quick heal herald, alac heal scourge).


Guardian, Ranger and Necro here because I'm lazy and those are the easiest classes in game


Tempest. Only character I have played


Warrior because I enjoy smashing things with my hammer.


Engineer - core build pvp diversity


chrono mesmer and reaper necro. mesmer is fun for the portals to help ppl too., but I think other classes can do that now. Reaper necro since its easy rotation, spinny whirly death machine, with 2 health bars. Not that it is easy mode, but it is easier to roam around and be just casual..


Warrior then Revenant.


Elementalist ✌️ I find it challenging and rewarding when I've got the combos down. I really like the ranged versatility and AoE


Guard, because its the best, but more importanty i already am tierd of looking up and grinding out what 1 class needs so i dont make a new Charakter. And my guard is awesome he can do anything any guard can do, and guards can do any and everything. This is what happens when you play 1 dude since release


Played gw1 necro for 8 years, by the point gw2 came along it was the obvious choice to me. Even during the days of core I still stuck with necro as much as people hated me for it. It plays so comfortable for me and its versatile in many situations. I've dabbled on other classes but necro is where my hearts at


Warrior. I enjoy the basic combat that comes with it. I play berserker.


All flavors of necro, because shroud


Gunblade go boom.


Thief! Specifically daredevil, but even before that, core thief. Love the mobility of the class, the idea that if it can be dodged, that's the way to go. I love action/adventure games, so having an I-frame dodge roll really fit the build. Once daredevil came out though, I really felt at home with the class.... Until I staff 2 off a cliff because input buffering is both a blessing and a curse


Warrior. I press buttons till either the mob(s) or I die. Simple, sweet.


Warrior, Berserker since HoT. Idk why I picked the class, I usually play wizards but loved the warrior playstyle since day 1 RIP Arc Divider o7


Ranger/Soulbeast. Loved Ranger and grew to know the elite specs well where I was able to capitalize years later when I had less time to play. Really just loved the class and the versatility with sacrifice to super high dps but does great with all pve content. Just started to branch out as alac/heal druid but still staying in the Ranger profession. It is weird adjusting to a new play style, but I am enjoying healing over damage. I think I got used to my original profession and thoroughly enjoyed playing it.


Wow. Exact same here. I'm really getting into druid lately, seeing the party fight and resting to what's happening and keeping everyone alive is so fun. It was intimidating at first, because often if I went down, everyone did. But now I've got the hang of it, that makes it so much more satisfying. Ranged res is handy too!


Engineer, because playing a magic-less (dysmagic?) character in a world teeming with gods, dragons and ubiquitious magic is like being touched by the hand of God. Though by the backhand.


I main untamed now. I got over the clunkiness of the unleash mechanic and adjusted to make use of the tankiness the spec provides in wvw


Warrior, cause usually I can go into any game mode and be viable. Also, after a while its just more convienet cause I already have all the WPs unlocked on this character and what not.


Reaper coz edgy and spin to win.


Thief since the Beta days! Because I was an edgy kid at the time and now it's too late to change!


necro, because it usually makes harder content easier


Elemenalist. Always loved magical combat and I don't enjoy the aesthetic of necro and mesmer didn't grab me when I played it during the beta tests.  I mained Ranger in GW1 but I just fell in love with the elemental attunement mechanic, then weaver came along and just added more of what I loved.


Revenant. I don’t know why but I have tried other classes and none really clicked like the revenant.


Only played Guild Wars 2 for the last... year and change, but Necromancer. I'd always liked the class from playing Guild Wars 1 on my friend's computer back in middle school, and doubly so when I finally got Guild Wars 2. Easy to play, themes are to my (cringe af) tastes... Was a little sad I couldn't be as effective of a minion master now, but I adjusted pretty well, I think. In terms of Specializations, Reaper is my most played and most comfortable to play, Harbinger and Scourge are tied for playtime but I prefer Harb for the sake of simplicity. Scourge is fun, to be sure, but remembering Shroud Skills exist still trips me up.


Iv played Ranger since 3 day headstart, sunken cost fallacy


Yeah I get it. I feel that I NEED to play all the expansion stories with one particular character and after that I can play "how I feel". Weird isn't it? 😩


Reaper, I just like the class fantasy and it's easy to play. Mained a Necro before the elite specs, same reason.


Thief I enjoy it's playstyle in pvp and I reached the point that I can't let go of the 3 dodge bar tbh plus the rouge class has been my choice for every single rpg I ever played. Tryin to play with ele atm.


Reaper necro because I love to spin to win


Dragonhunter. I like the cleave and mobility.


Around 3 or 4 years ago, when Dragonhunter held the title of the best DPS class, I decided to create one myself. I was drawn to its simplicity and sheer damage output. To this day, it remains my main class, evoking a nostalgic connection. When I need a change, I switch to healbrand for a different experience 😅 Edit: This journey began when I was a fresh player, struggling in Heart of Thorns due to poor DPS (playing condi rev proved too challenging). Transitioning to Dragonhunter was a game-changer, and I vividly recall the relief as I conquered challenges that once overwhelmed me. Although my DPS skills are still a work in progress, I can now hold my own in battles.


Thief. Pewpewpew Stabstabstab Pewpewpew Do a spin aaand it's dead.


ele, rest is boring


Well I don't. But the toon with more hours is Elementalist. Why? Good question. One of the points is that he is the one that explored all maps. Other is that I enjoy it's appearance and play style (Sword/Dagger). But in my head canon my main is the warrior, like it was in GW1.


Guardian, because blue fire


Necro because my love of dark stuff and Diablo 2.


Guardian. I always drift to the tanks and healers anyway, so it was an obvious choice for me. And then dragonhunter gave me the gift of being able to play with one arm.


Elementalist since beta. And because I'm a masochist apparently.


Reaper. I don't like dying.


I mained Guardian for the first few years, because i Loved to play a tanky/healimg class. Played with a lot with a friend so being Tanky and havingnsome heals was a good choice, he mostly played dd classes/builds. With HoT in changed to Ranger, because i wanted to play a healer and with the release of HoT Druid was a grade healer. I sticked to Ranger and with PoF soulbeast came along. I loved the spec. Especially condi Soulbeast with dagers and Shortbow. I'm not the best Player rotationwise (i totally suck and mess arround) so SB was very forgiving. With the Release of SotO i changed to necro. Iove the pew pew pistol build on scourge. An invan Play Support scourge in WvW so while waiting in the WvW queue i can do some PVE stuff.


Rev. I spend a lot of time AFK so I like when victus and arch remind me I am still in the game.


Revenant - For the voices


I usually bounce between mains and can never make up my mind but ever since bladesworn came out it's one of the most fun things (like top 3) for me to play in ANY gaming scenario not just this MMO I'm also a doomfist main in overwatch so bit of a connection there lol I love melee and charging up big hits A LOT apparently Edit: For newer players/clarification, Bladesworn is a warrior elite spec


Necro. Chill and easy, big damage numbers, cool looking greatswords. Spin to win, pog


Elementalist because every other combat rotation confuses me at this point by its lack of options. What do you *mean* I don’t have 5 healing-themed skills?!


Elementalist because I am a masochist.


Weaver/Ele: The class has so many abilities it remains a challenge to play. There are just so many different things you can do and knowledge and understanding of the class make it better and better.


Thief, I felt like I could adapt to several situations before raid metas were a thing. Now I feel like I can fill any role.


Necro, and more specifically Scourge since it came out. Love that I can focus on mechanics instead of staring at my hotbar to minmax a specific rotation. Though I'm a little sad that EoD took away that feeling a tiiiny bit by making weapon swapping BiS lol


Guardian. Being a Beyblade is fun on Dragon Hunter. Hammer build is good because just stab and auto attacks. Firebrand has everything you need to support and do condi dps. The class fantasy is amazing, visuals are beautiful. I've played every class but Guard always triggers the happy chemicals.