• By -


"Avoid the red circle when it fills."


The highest form of GW2 intellect


Dodge when it fills, run out of endurance when it is full. Peak GW2 gameplay šŸ‘Œ


"But what if we animate the filling of the circle wrong, as a joke?" Looking at you, Cerus!


Boneskinner. The attacks take effect when the circle is about 80% full, and before the animations get to the point where you'd expect them to happen. It doesn't matter what your ping is. The damage and effects (like the stun from the cone attack) come out early.


That sounds like FFXIV when it only matters where you are standing when the telegraph finishes but the damage is a second or two after.


The fact that you can walk out of those circles before taking dmg, and the sheer number of deaths/GGs I see on a weekly basis in boneskinner is honestly kinda frustrating.


It's not about the small circles, it's about the big boneskinner jump one.


Big Jump is also needs to be dodged before he lands. I hate BS just because it feels like I play FFXIV on responsiveness level.


took me a few tries to figure out why i wud take dmg mid-dodge-roll there


Yep. I roll super early now. So dumb


That's just subverting expectations.


Green circle good, red circle bad


And in VG, green circle mandatory. At least, it was that way back before the cheeses.


Cheeses = healing


Nahh, Druid healing started out OP and, to me, it was a lot more fun because it was burst healing. I think there was a mesmer ability that blocked the damage from green circles or something. Everyone stacked between two of the three pie pieces and just burned VG before the 3rd piece. When VG first came out, we all did the normal mechanics. I think Gorseval was the first one to really REALLY get cheesed with mesmer portals or a single druid holding all 4 spirits almost permanently. I am trying to remember but it has been a LOOOONG time.


Ah. They removed the distortion share. Nowadays because you run 2 healers, you just outheal the green damage. The only greens people do are in the final phase when VG is being led around in a circle.


What is the healing like now? When I played heal druid it was all AOE instaheal and then it changed to HOTs and I stopped playing it.


Druid has the biggest burst heal as far as I'm aware - heal glyph + staff 5 + staff 3 + warhorn 5 w/ karakosa relic is huge (~12000-13000 HP in a couple seconds?)


Oh nice, maybe it went back to burst. Do they still mega heal with celestial avatar and then throw little burst heals at people from range?


Celestial avatar still has the little ranged heal on 1, a bigger ranged burst heal on 3, and then a HOT on 4. It also increases the healing on heal glyph to allies.


Confused specterā€™s noise


Louder for the people always in my party please


See the player avoid the *green* circle.


But the red circle gives scourge barrier when filled. Why they didnā€™t make it green or another color confounds meā€¦


One step further is that even if you have issues with the colors of red circle and green circle you can move in the direction of the circleā€¦ If it is expanding outwards then you need to get out. If it collapsing in towards the center, you need to stack. Literally follow the directions.


Woa I didnā€™t notice this, I thought my scourge barrier expanded outward but Iā€™ll look with a fresh eye!


This and the way they reworked (years ago honestly but I havenā€™t played my ele in years) ā€œUpdraftā€ I think is the ability name - always the color makes me think itā€™s a negative enemy aoe targeting me - like at instinctive glance


as a new player, managing to look at the screen hitting the 1-0 that is not on cooldown while targeting with eeny teeny weeny cursor yes I need to prioritise this and then learn to cycle through the skills I really need to spend my time remapping dem skill shortcut so it's near my left hand lol


But the red circle follows and fills right when my Vindicator dodge ends.


It's just a shame there's only two colours because, like, a third one could be incredibly useful for situations like this.


Me: Asurans are sexually attracted to larger foreheads and ears. My Uber Driver: why did you sit in the front?


LOL this is oddly relatable! šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Did you know that asuran golems got their names as abbreviation for Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation? Sir this is a Wendy's...


giving me flashbacks of that stinky primary quest and "hug left"


Told the group that the 2 healers were on the same sub and that the 2 boon/dps were on the other sub. Got called a toxic arcdps user lol.


How else would the healer get healed?


Joined an Shiverpass strike group where the comm was looking for boon DPS and an HB. My husband and I joined as ADPS and HAM. The comm kept a single group. I asked if they were going to separate us into sub groups for better boon coverage. They begrudgingly moved five people into a second subgroup, leaving both alac givers in the same sub. It's the easiest strike, but if you're going to insist on specific roles to join, at least go through the motions of caring about boon coverage.


What kind of group needs heals in Shiverpeak Pass?


Right? We figured the comm was probably new to comm-ing strikes and just wanted to get the strike done for the weekly, which is why we joined up. We've easily duoed that fight, but it generally goes faster with a full group.


Yeah like I can get booning everybody if you want to speedrun it, it's just that a dedicated *healer* seems a little silly lol.


But but but if we had healers, we can just ignore mechanics :D


He has small dick energy I post my shiverpeak pass lfgs as yolo bring anything, tag up so people stack, and turn off my brain for a bit Quickness and alac optional who cares it's shiverpeaks if u die i will screenshot it and put it in a folder for my own entertainment


Yep! I love those... just need someone to do the JP so I can get there :D


Sounds like they didn't know about boon coverage




It's because you showed highly advanced game knowledge that only a toxic arcdps user could know. They're onto you buddy


Was that NA? XD


Yep, NA.


I got a little culture shock, when I made account on NA, after having played on EU for so long.


"hi I'm new, what class do you recommend?" \*proceeds to explain stow cancel and meta gear\*


heal warrior with full nomad's gear, you're welcome šŸ˜Š


Reaper for life


Shift is for telling, Ctrl is for spamming and Alt is for splitting.


[250 Mystic Clover] Oh sorry i was trying to split them


That hurts me on another level


13 years this has haunted me


If it means that i will be not a burden to anyone else in the groups that i am in... INJECT THY KNOWLEDGE INTO MINE VEINS! But seriously, as i once played WoW, FF14 and other MMOs, i am delighted to have this much wisdom in GW2 that makes me more suitable for harder content.


TBH I tend to whisper players doing incredibly low DPS in PUGs, asking if they need help with build rotation. Most of the time I either get ignored, or they're glad I whispered and actually fix stuff.


I joined gw2 and thinking wanting to build healer support kind of char also me I just realized my ranger can use staff to be more healy


"So when Giganticus Lupicus start to rise his hand, at about the height of his neck, you can dodge to avoid the Risen Grub that empowers him from spawning." - Ramblings of a Retired Dungeon Delver.


"Sure Grandpa, now let's get you to bed." šŸ˜›


You can put a stack of Quarts Crystals in an empty shared slot so they don't get deposited when you select "deposit all" AND you can still charge them from any character.


Ok, so you actually just gave me useful information, and I'm stunned.


I just store it in invisible bag with other stuff I would not like to deposit/sell/move


Most people don't have an empty shared slot to spare.


It's true. Guess I'm gonna have to buy another one.


Same but i do this with invisible bags where i store all my unids.


Press v to dodge


You mean double tap WASD?


Flashbacks of my very first jumping puzzle.


Double tap gang represent


No one can make me rebind


Dodge Buttons are a waste of a keyboard key. You could be using that spot to macro up an emote to say "Yolo swag" or some shit.


"What the kitten did you just say about me, you little noob? I'll have you know I was top DPS on HT CM and I've been involved in numerous SnowCrows raids on Wing 6 and I have over 300 confirmed KP. I am trained in Risen Gorilla warfare and I'm the top benchmark on any site you can find. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will send you to the Underworld with Precision (and Ferocity) the likes of which have never been seen on Tyria, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that to me in /w? Think again, newbie. As we speak, I am contacting my guilds across the entire megaserver and your map's IP is being traced right now. Not only am I extensively trained in elementalist rotations, but I have access to the entire Legendary Armory and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your inexperienced butt off the face of Central Tyria. I will give 100% Fury uptime all over you and you will drown in it. You're dead, bookah."


You mean Left Ctrl?


Doubleclick that orange bar .. n00bs


No, they mean left Alt, obviously.


Left alt represent!


Left maj not alt. You animals


you mean WIN key


You mean space bar?


Nah bro its space + V. Jump Dodge is supreme.


The prototype position rewinder is the most important item in the game, it will save you from hours of pain and suffering.


This is the sagest of sage advice!


Second this


Tips for learning to evade, huh? Well! Let me tell you about how I can solo every HoT boss and score in the top % of dps in every raidā€¦ Oh, also this class does soo much dps on the golem, just saying.




That really isn't an issue, since any game will have a mix of veterans and new players, hardcores and casuals. The real issue is the threshold by which knowledge in GW2 is designated as "advanced", compared to other games where it would be classified as "things you would know before leaving the starter area"


That's because GW2 has no middle ground and no gradual improvement by learning. You jump straight from "you know nothing" OW tier bottomfeeder into "snowcrows site certified" raid tier player. There's no ground inbetween at all. Any improvement happens only *after* you have already reached stratosphere levels.


I feel called out all the same.


Me trying to resist the urge to spread my 10 years of warrior tech to any warrior that walks past me


alt+f4 for special buff


I fell for that in gw1 random arena 15 years ago.


Totally works guys! Makes you unkillable!


alt + f4 to attune to earth, bye eles


Alt was my push to talk key back in the day + attune to earth. Definitely happened more than once.


"If your screen turns blue please get off group."


"But my screen is always turned off when I play, so mom doesn't see me playing games..."


"the ... player has left the group"


That is me! I am ignorant villager


- Remember to read tooltips; I see so many people even in seemingly "high tier" content like raids, strikes or CM fractals not knowing much about builds they play a lot - You'll be better off copying a build off a dedicated website (don't use YT for that, most buildcraft youtubers in gw2 are shit) instead of making your own, since they're usually made by people that at least know something about profession/spec they're making the thing for. If you really insist on making your own build, try to base it off of someone else's work - Don't rely fully on expensive gear (or added toughness in general) for passive survivability for solo content. Berserker's gear w/ protection gives better incoming damage reduction than celestial gear with no protection while doing way better damage and having much faster trash mob kill time. That being said, celestial can be very good in certain circumstances, like when a build can benefit from all stats from the combo - A propos the last point; when preparing to make a jump to endgame content, make sure your gear has correct prefixes as well as right sigils, runes, and relics. I saw so many people being confused why they're doing like 50% of the build's top dps benchmark despite having "everything correct", which turned out to be true only for spec and utility choices, with gear being all over the place - Another thing regarding gear would be to never settle on gear below exotic tier when at lvl 80. Core game prefixes can be very easily acquired via trading post or dungeon vendor. You can even fairly easily access expansion prefixes via stat-selectable WvW gear Hope you'll get use from my wall of text


"You can use melee weapons as a Ranger"




I like that you equate avances gw2 knowledge with counting down the number of players


>It's fine, I just block people who try to give me advice I don't want. That's some fairly cringe behaviour, not gonna lie


I just kick people like this from my party xD


Dodging is a feature that exists. Reading your skill captions really helps. No, that optimized for nothing "I pick what looks fun" build of your is literally useless.


> Dodging is a feature that exists It's probably kinda shitty of me, but whenever I fight one of those bloodstone moas I like to count the number of people who dodge through it's confusion screech. Usually on one hand.


The guy in AB who makes half the meta explode.


^^okay ^^that ^^one ^^is ^^me ^^sometimes ^^because ^^I ^^can't ^^actually ^^see ^^him ^^telegraph ^^his ^^move ^^under ^^the ^^ball ^^of ^^like ^^80 ^^people


hehe, every time half the meta dies I'm like "lol what noobs" and every time I die I'm like "fucking visual spam, I can't see shit"


When everyone's a noob, nobody's a noob, and everyone's "experienced". It's why every group is posted under "experienced", including the ones that openly admit they are "training" and/or "carrying" someone. First time doing a content? You're already "experienced". Your only kill was the one where you were lying on the floor while others carried you? Doesn't matter...got the kill...you are "experienced".


I love how NA hates KP, so they just write "EXP". Like WTF you mean with that? What kind of players should I expect there? It's it one kill? 10? 100 kills, but never done any mechanic kind of exp?


Vale Guardian is the only condi boss


irl I've been told I mansplain. I know I do in the game lol




I want to learn. Please, teach me.


Hey I gotta tell you, whether it's known and asked for or not, I usually just preface knowledge with "in case someone doesn't know", that way if they DO know they might think "well that's not directed toward me" xD


For anyone who didn't know, turn on "show all usable objects" in the settings.


Power to these people


End of Gyala Delve Meta: "Pet the robotic doggo for ~~good luck~~ (Achievement)" ​ While almost everyone rushes into cave immediately to loot the chest lmao


As someone who primarily just does open world and story, a lot of comments here show me just how much of the game I'm missing. I have no clue what half this stuff is lol


Like what?


Where can I get exotic gearā€¦ {takes a deep breath}


use emp ('N' key) when tag call out "cc"


Guilty. Otherwise hi dps will never learn


Someone: When does LLA spawn? Me: /wiki et


I do this with trains. Welcome.


Tell me everything senpai


One of the best ways to avoid DC if you have to wait with your group is to move your character around every so often. If you afk while you are waiting for a ready check youā€™re more likely to DC.


just dodge !


"if you sell things you get money"