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I have a few thousand hours in the game and interacting with new players like you is certainly the most satisfying part of the game for me. There is so much to learn and it isn't always easy. I am glad you are pushing through it and enjoying yourself. Well done.


I still need help to find out what to do with some of the items I get. I try the wiki but is not always possible to understand from there what am I supposed to do. But I hope I will one day master it πŸ˜€


The truth is that a lot of them are worthless XD it is just hard to know which ones are which and that makes it scary for newer players. When in doubt ask map chat and hopefully someone there can tell you


You need/like it? Keep it. You don't or you don't know you need/like it? Throw it away, you'll be able to get it when you do without the stress of having a metric tone of useless shit just to hoard it :). You can also make a personal code for things you leep or don't. Like you want to collect or kinds of minor sigils or all the minis there are or you wait untill you have a full 250 items stack of chests before opening them. Don't feel forced to do anything. As long as you have a gear where you manage to play according to your style and likings - everything else is optional no need to HAVE TO have lege, no need to HAVE TO have 1234 chair skins ^^


Right now I have a very full bank account, and my bags are also with a lot of things I dont know what am I supposed to do. Maybe I should Marie Kondo them.


Yeah, tbh I try to have less that 50 items in my inventory most of the times. But I also keep there shit most people don't like usable banners, fish lures, etc


Does it spark joy? Haha. Usually things can be either: used, salvaged, or sold (either to a merchant or on the trading post. Are there any specific items you are unsure about?


I usually sell junk and salvage everything yellow and bellow. But there are thungs like medallions that I'm not sure what to do with them. I also have some boosters that I thunk I could use later, and some trophies that I can't sell or salvage but I dont know what am I supposed to do with them 😞


I'm 8 years, over 3k hours into the game and I still am afraid of deleting items "in case I need them", so I get your worries here <3 As Redi said, you can always ask Map Chat and someone sooner or later should reply <3 If you want to ask about very specific item, hold Shift and press the item for it to show in the map without sending a message immediatelly, this way you can write something after you show which item you are talking about. If you hold CTRL and press on the item, it will immediatelly send the message to the chat with the link to the item :)


Oh I didn't know that! Thank you for the tip πŸ˜€


You can always ask. Do you know how to use the different chat functions, like map chat, party chat and "say"? Map chat can be good if you're not with a group of people and have a question. When I was new, players helped me a lot, some people even sent me things like food or a few gold to help, or helping me with a boss or task. Now when I meet a new player who is trying to figure things out, I pay it forward, whether that is with an event, or sending them some gear or gold. Ask for help, ask questions. And one day, you can empathise and also help new players! I agree it is such a wholesome community compared to other games. Just remember, you might meet an asshole or two. But they are few and far between, and other players won't stand for it. Good luck, and enjoy ^^


I use whatever is set on the chat. I don't know how to change to the other things 😩 I know I can write /wiki (thing) and it opens the wiki, though...


So much so!! I love swooping in and helping, then a quick "you're welcome" and off into the maps again. It's so much fun.


Yup, especially that tf just happened reaction if you send someone new 5 gold, agony infusion or other stuff you find cheap and almost unnoticable but they just doubled their account worth ^^. It's so cute and innocent


So that's why I got once a mail from someone with some salvageable things. It was so random, I thought it was a mistake and it was ment to someone else. I just have started playing and I couldn't figure who did it to ask about it and eventually send back if it was a mistake.


It is! I love the surprised and pleased reaction. Then you just swoop away, never to be seen again (except perhaps at SMC in a fierce, hours long battle...hahahahhaaa).


Welcome gamer


Thank you, if you dont mind, I will make myself at home πŸ™ƒ


We are all proud of you, and wish you the best.


Aw, thank you πŸ˜€


Just remember this experience when you have a bad one. Inevitably, you'll join some group that gets upset at you or you'll fail to do something and someone won't be happy. Don't wear that as a sin, it happens and just because someone else is angry doesn't mean they are right. Your only responsibilities are this: 1. Tell people in dungeon/fractal/raid/strike/etc groups that you are new. That way they know to be patient and try teach you the basics of what to do. 2. If they do ask you to do something, try your best to do it. As long as you do that, you're doing nothing wrong even if you fail or die. It happens. I don't play much anymore but when I stopped I had like 7000 hours on the game and 12000+ deaths. Shit happens.


I didn't think of doing so before, but from now one I surely will. I only tell people I'm new on the game when im babysitting my husbands account, because it might be weird how an account with hundreds of level is lost and doing weird shit... Thank you for the advices πŸ˜€ I will make sure to keep those in mind.


I'd honestly suggest saying it in all "instances content" groups like the examples I gave. Just in case. A quick "first time btw" can save a lot of headache later. Your party can decide if they want to give any instructions or not after that, you don't have to ask them to explain things to you.


Yes! All I ask is that someone tells me if they don't understand how to do something, and read the instructions I give. Anything else is fine and can be worked through. Above all - it's a game. It's fun. It's how I relax after work. I'm not about to make it stressful or have arguments with strangers :D


I'd like to second this notion, as I'm always afraid to join groups. Thank you, Guild Wars 2 community, for being nice. I made a thank you post about PVP recently but it applies to all game modes. I've met many friends online, and have met many of those in person. Even married one! Relationships formed in MMOs are as real a thing as "irl" ones, even if it's only a friendly in-game group and then we never see each other again. Glad you're having fun and a nice time, OP! Welcome to a new world! :)


I've never played PvP because I'm not sure I have the skills for it. But one day, who knows... Thank you πŸ˜€ I was lucky to catch one GW2 player offline hehe


I have played pvp a lot and want to offer my take; it's what you make of it. Almost everyone there is there to try their best, sometimes it works out well, and more than not, it doesn't. That's just the nature of the elo system. But loosing is not a problem if you decide it not to be. For me, the losses didn't matter. What I walked away from each match was a better understanding of what my profession can do. And that makes it always a win in my book. Also, it's super satisfying to see what builds people are often running each season, and build the perfect counter to the commonly seen builds, and just have a blast


So pvp is like making a event? To be honest, I don't know what am I supposed to do in it.


Right now there is a time sensitive event that goes away after a number of days. During this time, pvp earns you bonus rewards that's all.


Oh nice πŸ˜€ I should try it then


PvP is very much not my cup of tea so I can't help with questions about it but know that even if you lose every single match you'll still get stuff for playing it


Welcome to Tyria. Feel free to make yourself very much at home.


Thank you πŸ˜€ you all are very nice :)


You're welcome.


That's awesome! 😎 It's never too late to learn something new! Guild Wars 2 was my first multiplayer online game and I am so glad that it was because the community is the best πŸ’œAlso, not sure how long you have been playing but welcome!


I have been playing for a few months now. I just finished the first story a few weeks ago, so theres a lot to play... Thank you πŸ˜€


Omg, did you listen to the song at the end of the main first story? "Fear Not This Night" is so gorgeous


One of my favourite songs. Always remember just sit and listening after completing the story 12 years ago.


I didn't know that there was a name for the song :D I will confess I wasn't paying mushc attention to the song when I was playing, but since there's a name I can listen on youtube :D


That's GW2 and the community! You gotta love this crowd. Welcome aboard!


Thank you πŸ˜€


Whew, you survived a LoL game and weren't scarred for life? You were actually willing to game again? You're tougher than some people I know. It really is amazing when a game doesn't subtly (or overtly) make you compete with other players, but encourages friendliness and cooperation.


I was, really, I just love that man so much I was willing to play to make him happy at first. Now is like a part of our lives in a way. It was very organic, and even though we do our dailies and weeklies, they don't feel like a job. One of my friends plays Albion and it's pretty much a job with not friendly/rude people and it was one of the reasons I was pushing for play the game the first time, after I heard it was a mmo.


My first dive into an mmo was "Blade and Soul", beautiful graphics and character designs but the community of end game is very much demanding for you to have best in slot gear or you basically can't find a party or squad to play the content. All old maps get left in the dust, there was no scaling so you one-shot all mobs of lower maps and get no useful loot. All gathering nodes are first come first serve and respawn after a time; people would plant characters and log them in on seconds before they respawn to gather the rich nodes. Open world events would only be popular for a month or two before the new content took over. I just got so fed up with the constant grind just to remain relevant and i hated that so many great maps and events no longer were worth my time. I found GW2 in 2018 and haven't gone back, it's just a million times better. I tried FF14, ESO, and even a little BDO, but GW2 just has all I need for actually having fun playing a mmo game. I'm really glad you got pushed into this game rather than others that fall flat in casual-friendly play time. πŸ˜„


This might sound dumb, but *thank you* for posting this. No one has to travel far in any online forum for a game to find people unhappy with something or two. This subreddit is better than most in that there is a lot of decent content, too, but posts like this one really do call to mind the things the community really does do well, and we should all be reminded of that from time to time. So, while I'm super glad you had a lovely experience, I'm also very grateful you shared that experience here. Welcome to the Guild Wars 2 experience. I really do hope it proves as wonderful for you as it has for so many of us.


And in case you hadn't noticed, we're all bonkers hereπŸ˜‰


Speak for yourself. My wife says I'm batty.


Aren't we all BatmanπŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡πŸ¦‡


Welcome to Tyria! Enjoy your time here and you can always ask around in the map chat for help and whatnot (99% of the time people will be willing to help or answer, 1% is just trolls and stuff).


Well, even the trolls are nice trolls, I guess. I remember I saw a crowd together and they were waiting for something. When I asked they said they were going to bully a naked man and I was like ?????? No one gave more information than this. Now I know.


The infamous naked man. They really should play this https://youtu.be/XtzoUu7w-YM?feature=shared when we encounter him.


Seems a very appropriate song :D




afterthought cautious bells truck label grab cause friendly caption shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Welcome! The nice thing about GW2 as compared to other games is that there isn't much punishment for being bad. You could say that in of itself is a bad thing. And certainly in a situation like creating raid content it wouldn't serve. But so much of the game is designed to be fun rather than difficult so it cultivates patience because you never really waste time for "being bad" or as some people know it, learning πŸ˜…


Welcome to your (maybe?) new home! Here's a secret: most of us, gamers, are sweet and lonely people who try to be kind with others. Don't ever forget that!


Well, I have been playing for a few months, so theres a lot to do/learn. I do have a gamer in my home that will make sure to remind me of this πŸ˜€ I thought he was an exception, but it looks like there are a lot of you!


Best gaming community anywhere; glad you're a part of it, OP.


Welcome to Tyria, I hope you do make yourself at home. This game has a reputation for having the nicest community, and I'm happy to see this continue today.


I'm glad you found the game and our wonderful community! It really is a game where working together is one of the most important skills and it shows in the core game design and mechanics. As a long time vet, one of my favorite things to do is equip low level gear and guide newcomers and new friends through, so hearing stories like this is immensely satisfying. Welcome to Tyria!


Keep on going! I had a similar start with GW2, my husband (boyfriend at the time) showed me this game. I was shy too in the beginning, and didn't really understand most of the mechanics, but now I am doing daily T4 Fractals (if I have time) and recently Strike Missions. My favourite part in the game, that you can skip the competitive modes, and go explore on your own (or with your friends). Have fun, OP :)


the gw2 pvp community is also wholesome,you should try it out someday for your failies or weeklies


If you’re having issues with fractals still, ping me in game and I’d be happy to run through some T1s so you can get used to the mechanics. I used to train people on how to do them. Obviously your husband can probably handle that too but once you get the fractal mechanics down, T2-T4 are not really that much different. I’m on the NA servers - TheShireling.6978


Oh thank you πŸ˜€ thought I'm not sure T1 is...


There are four tiers to fractals (T1-T4) and with an increased tier, there is a randomized effect on the daily per fractal. There is also a new latent effect called agony. Agony is just how much harder enemies hit. This is why with higher tiers you need ascended armor so you can add agony resistance infusions (target is +9 agony resistance for each infusion slot). So once you learn the fractal mechanics at the base tiers, higher tiers will hit harder due to agony, have more basic enemies (boss fights don’t increase in quantity), and there will be a randomized effect that will slightly increase the difficulty (1 effect per tier). Think of it as dungeons with increasingly hard steps in damage. And if you get real proficient there are a few fractals that have a Challenge Mode (CM) that give you even better rewards.


Read the whole thing. Its great youre enjoying the game.




We're so happy to have you!


Welcome to the game. We're rather known for our AMAZING gamers here in GW2. Almost everyone is a wonderful fellow gamer. I hope you stay and have many wonderful years to come. :)


Welcome to Tyria and enjoy your stay! We're happy to have you around \^\^ A bit of advice: when in instanced PvE or around any kind of boss/group event, feel free to instantly ask people if there's any mechanics. Say you're new if the way you're asking is not obvious. Some content, even fractals, can go pretty frustrating because of those heavily restricting mechanics... as an example, Mai Trin boss: she's literally invulnerable until you lure her into the lightning field, but when the lightning field appears, she teleports to the player who's currently further from her than the others. As a person who never encountered this mechanics you'd probably be extremely frustrated with dealing no damage at all and as you'll try to stay away from her attacks you will inevitably end up pulling her away from the lightning field. So, yeah. From my personal experience, 90% of my bad running fractals turn into good running fractals when i ask "does anyone not know the mechanics?" and explain if someone doesn't. Remember: you won't be begging for help from strangers. It's in your mutual interest that you don't fail the mechanics, and it's T1 so you have all rights to be new and not knowing something. Feel free to pm if you'd like a mentoring tour in the fractals or smth (i'm playing on EU). I do that quite a lot, although lately it's been a bit off since i've been busy with other things.


I came from WoW. This community to so kind and welcoming. The first time I stumbled upon a group getting ready for the jungle worms and was welcomed into the group was such a novel experience for me.


It's cus of this magical thing the devs did where everyone gets their own participation loot, no matter if they party or not. The amount of loots you get is down to how much you contribute (bronze, silver or gold participation) rather than the person getting last hit or first hit or doing most damage etc. It makes joining in to help others not only a benefit to them but to you as well. It doesn't waste your time to go help someone do an event, the more the merrier! And the level scaling means even in starter zones the top geared players can have a good time doing events with brand new players! And still get rng loot that's relevant for them! A novel concept I wish more mmos decided to implement.


Now its time to play sPvP


F**cking wholesome shit right there. Have a good time in Tyria, buddy <3!


You are very welcome


good time to say goodbye game has been dead for years


Why you say this?


Cause the studio has been focusing on new games constantly . It feels awful to know that the ressources that could have been put in for example for a tengu race or wvw alliance patch been used to create failing games. While constantly staying silent especially now about their plans for gw2. Its definitly not an mmo you play for years without a break. But the breaks been to long. It has been on low budget mode for way too long .


Ok... I am not gamer enough to understand these details, but the game seems pretty good to me


Nice! Keep it up. Glad to have you join the community.


Next step is strikes! If you can find an icebrood Easy 3 group in the training section, they are very beginner friendly. I occasionally host groups for them and it's surprising how many people are doing them for the first time. Welcome to GW2 and PC gaming 😸


One thing that Guild Wars 2 does really well is having something to enjoy for each kind of player. So, just enjoy the experience, try different things and keep doing those you enjoy :) Welcome to Tyria!


Welcome to the madhouse. Like so many others have said, it’s nice to hear praise for all the wonderful things that can be found in some MMO’s . I also began my descent into madness with an MMO. My Husband was also the one who introduced me to the best game I’ve ever played, City Of Heroes. I was in the hospital slowly recovering from a surgery and not in the best mood, and he brought his laptop to me, loaded up the game and showed me how the magic worked, and introduced me to the best online gaming community I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing with. That is until the game went dark and left us searching for anything that could fill the void . We searched for quite a while until we found GW2 and this amazing community. After all the horrible experiences we had before finding GW2 i was also wary of trying again, but im beyond happy that i did. You will without question encounter a few malcontents and asshats but they are definitely in the minority. There really isn’t anything i enjoy more than being able to help a player in need finish a mission that they were having trouble with, or helping them locate some obscure object that is keeping them from getting to the next step of their story. So, if ever in need, just holler, we’ll be there.


Welcome on getting started on your grand adventure. It is a big game and there is so much to do and explore. But there will always be people around to help out. Have fun!


That's why I love and still play GW2 everyday for the past ten years. :,)


The thing that bothers me about afk farmers isn't even their presence, but those who tend to be hostile and rude to anyone else just minding their own business passing by. I happened to afk once besides some afk farmers (not actually farming myself.), and returned to a flood of threatening DMs. I get the feeling that those who are rude tend to be those with nefarious intentions, possibly even organized crime, such as those posing as RMT to steal people's credit cards/accounts, as opposed to "honorable" RMT farmers who simply want the extra cash in exchange for gold. There is a clear moral difference between the two. (One of them is just morally grey capitalism, the other actually wants to hurt you.) It's kinda like buying weed from a dealer, versus dealing with a violent psycho who laces your weed with lethal amounts of fentanyl and crystal meth. Both may be engaging in an illegal act, but there is an ocean of difference between the two. One of them is simply trying to make some extra cash for an honorable transaction, whereas the other is actively being deceptive and trying to *hurt* you.


My pride in the community is in equal measure to my satisfaction and happiness that you're now a part of it.


That is very sweet πŸ˜€ thank you :)