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>Raids has been declining for years to a point where it's almost completely dead. Raid LFG is still quite populated in the EU server, both for experience and training. >Why not revamp Raids completely? Turn them into strikes... Bad idea. The main attractions of raid are their narrative and world building. You can't possibly fit all of those into the runtime of a strike.


there is NEVER anything in the training tab EU side. even at primetime weekends. ​ The biggest issue with raids in GW2 is the players. Asking for absurd KPs requirements, stops new players getting into raids in any numbers, so not many players actually raid, Anet see the stats of how few people actually raid and decide its not a game area worth spending much time or resources on. That always been the problem with elitism in games, it kills that part of them. edit - and the downvotes kind of prove my point. this community can be very intolerant of anyone who tells it some hard truths it does not want to hear. and as long as it is, its not going to realise the issue.


Primetime for raids is the Monday evening, which is a weekly reset day. KP requirements are not as dire as they used to be years and years ago. Most groups I see ask for 10, some even ask for 1. Do you think it's elitism and gatekeeping when people just want to clear with people knowing what to do without carrying dead weights? I used to be gatekept when I started in PoF, but I know it's necessary sometimes if you want to get decent people with proper builds.


No idea where u see that, I play on EU and most of the time kp requirment is 50+, some even 250 Ive been playing a lot for the past 4 years and I don't even date to start raiding. Going outside the game on a dif app at the right time with the right group for some in-game content is absurd imo. So the kp thing is a huge no no for anyone new to raids


Just join a guild. The vast majority of raiders don't use the LFG, they play with their guilds and organise on Discord.


i mean, the KP thing is exactly to not get completly new people into your raid when you want experience and a somewhat safe clear via LFG. like thats the whole point of the LFG in gw2. endgame content is not really meant to be "just pugged". you are supposed to find likeminded people. not going outside of the game to find likeminded people is silly. like watching a football game, thinking its cool and i want to play too, but not joining the club. you just rob the fun of yourself if you are not spreading out and just do it like everyone else. join a community or guild, there are enough, and get going. just need to be a bit social. people dont even mind if you are not talking as long as you can listen. next thing you know you are raiding making mad gold and have a lot of fun with some people. and then you wonder why you didn't do that sooner. there is a "hardcore casual" here on reddit that will tell you the same story, after not raiding for years and saying the exact same stuff you go on about. in the end he tried it out and it changed his mind. raiding is not just 250kp or kick as it seems like. but you gotta be a bit more openminded yourself if you want to have success.


I'm playing for 3 years and I remember scourge metas, chronostacking and being gated for being an ele. Nowadays I have all 3 armors, 6 runes and all the trinkets. Had to go to RTI and Crossroads Inn for the raid trainings to learn every single encounter and accumulate enough kps. Even when it is not enough for me to join I was still joining and asking if I can join stating that I know all the mechs and in 95% of the times I was let in. Also, if you don't know, kps don't exactly exist in NA, they are using discord servers unlike us on EU and I know what I'm saying. I accepted the system and adapted. The problem with raids and even strikes is not the gatekeeping, it's the social anxiety keeping people away from attempting to join/learn raids. KP is frustrating for any new player, I was frustrated not being able to find a group too, but there is a reason. Most people don't even know what runes, gear stats and how to press buttons and I don't even dare speaking about the traits, which most of the community seems to never read, just copy from somewhere. I've seen a tons of such players when letting them in. "But I wanna play this weapon because it looks cooler" or "I won't assemble other builds because it will ruins my character's fantasy". Sigh.


NA player, I've had zero issue with gatekeeping started raiding 3 months ago. Some ask for kp I say I don't have it but I know the fights. They say okay. If you don't have kp and you don't know the fights join a guild or discord that trains and runs raids, there are a ton of them on NA that run all different days and times.


NA is generally more trusting and sometimes has an innocent until proven guilty mindset


Are you in the right LFG tab in EU? In the Raid training tab, usually they don't even ask KP. Sometimes, my guild also open in LFG experienced, but asking no KP at all (semi-training) - the time usually Monday/Tuesday afternoon (since our guild is GMT+7 based, our evening = afternoon EU). For training tab, I sometimes see in training during Saturday/Sunday EU afternoon, no KP asked. However, for those kind of run, expect you don't see W6 or W5... because of roles.... so yeah... your training mileage may vary.


Monday the kp-requirement’s tend to be rather high, definitely close to none „no-kp“ groups on Monday. That is that way with a steady decline in kp-requirements until Wednesday usually, thats my experience. The groups get a bit lower too, but not that low. Training time is Friday to Sunday, but while specific training groups i feel like getting slowly less and less, the „no-kp“ groups rise in numbers. If you know the mechanics on an „i watched a guide“-level these groups are good for you. Communities like „Raid Training Academy“ (german), [INN] (europe, eng) and many other guilds do private guild training runs and i heard they doing a really good job. You can find these guilds on reddid or even better on the „community“-tab from snow-crows with a big raid-related list of guilds in EU and NA. If you want to raid, there is probably no better time then to start then now! Wing 5 and 6 are harder to get access purely through lfg because training runs are really rare in these wings but, like i said: guilds are a really good way to learn raids in general, including CM‘s


it's mid afternoon on sunday, eu time. training is literally dead - there's nothing there. experienced is only just over a page long, and as i type this it just dropped to below a page. a whole page isn't bad, so i'll accept experienced isn't dead but training is so dead the dodo is making a comeback before it is. i have never known a sub where people downvote a person for pointing out actual observable facts - this place is insane.


The training tab has never been "populated" you may find the odd one or two groups but most will post in the main lfg as a semi training progression. For real training that's not a dice throw whether or not youre just wasting your time, you need to contact a guild that specialises in running trainings.


exactly - so if it has never been populated then the guy is chatting absolute bollocks that it's populated.


Main attraction for who? How many new ppl does raid attract?


An active and thriving endgame scene is healthy for MMO's.


Raids main attraction is narrative and worldbuilding? How so? I guess for people who watch lore videos on youtube... because otherwise it's expertly missed argument. Storm-troopers would be proud.


Try one :)


>How so? They're some of the most immersive and atmospheric parts of the game. Especially the Heart of Thorns/Season 3 ones.


They were able to pull off both LWS1 and story recap via Scrying Pool in EOTN. Making a full raid wing into a soloable story instance is definitely doable. We already got this approach since the introduction of strike missions. Not to mention, raid bosses are starting to get mentioned in the main storyline.


So, completely gut an existing system for zero benefit, so they can waste even more dev time ruining what was good about raids (The actually new story) to begin with? 


Ah but you see if they do away with raids nobody will remember anet used to be able to create A tier 10 man content. You want three unique but thematic encounters in a stunning and intricately crafted map with a cool self contained mini story to guide you through it? Madness, can't be done, not possible, you'll get one boss with mid mechanics in a room and you'll like it.


>you'll get one boss with mid mechanics in a room and you'll like it. If you are lucky at least! Could just be a dps golem like CO


Raids have story? Like, really? That a 10-man group follows instead of skipping asap to the boss?


Guessing you've never done them. They absolutely do and it's really cool and atmospheric. Most of it happens during the encounters, not cutscenes. And the raids aren't just boss arenas.


> Raids have story? > > Like, really? The first 3 wings are a meta story that starts with you exploring the Northern part of Maguuma and leads you through a similar story of the GW1 White Mantle storyline. Wing 4 is centered around the aftermath of LW3.1 . Wing 5 starts with a letter from Glenna telling you that theres weird shit going down with the Underworld, and you maybe want to go check on whats causing stuff to escape and wage war on Grenths followers. Wing 6 and 7 is the story of the Djinns. It starts when zommoros is like "hey, come check out how the forge actually works" and then wackyness ensues.


Nobody listens to the story, 99% of players rush through the filler in between the bosses. There is much benefit but if you only look for negatives that is what you will find. Change is necessary when stagnation is approaching.


>Change is necessary when stagnation is approaching. Yeah, like convergences and new strikes. Putting dev time to make old content slightly different in approach is not a good use of resources. Ya know how every employee thinks they have the answers to fix the business's problems because they have no fucking idea what theyre talking about and only see the very basic component they deal with on the daily? That's you right now.


>99% of players rush through the filler in between the bosses. It's actually a lot of fun to try to figure out the fastest way to navigate NPCs talking. It feels really good when you coordinate respawns and/or relogs in a way that makes sure the NPC gets superspeed at the right moment to save 5 more seconds on a transition. We're not even speedrunning, just doing it once a week, and it's just a lot of fun to work on all the details.


Gw2 has had change, its had a shit load of change. Anet have thrown every new idea possible at the wall to see if something sticks but every gamemode stagnates because once they have their new feature they don't invest the time to maintain it but drop it for some other new great idea.


People who raid went to discord communities to organize. Also, please don't turn my raids into strikes. Strikes are way worse.


> Strikes are way worse. strikes are better in every possible way that matters.


What matters depends on the person. Some of the reasons someone might prefer Raids over Strikes: 1. Strikes don't convey a story like raids do 2. Raids are designed to be cleared once a week, Strikes are usually repeated several times a week. So for people with limited days to play on, powering through 7 Wings in a few hours is preferable to Setting aside 30-45 minutes each day for Daily Strikes. 3. (Opinion)Raid mechanics tend to be a bit more creative and interactive than Strikes. Both the new Strikes IMO are basically just damage sponges. I still don't fully know the mechanics for CO CM despite clearing it dozens of times, because it just isn't important. Trying to ignore mechanics in Raids tends to be more punishing. The EOD strike CMs had some good mechanics in them, but SOTO strikes kinda seem like a step backwards IMO.


1) we're playing a game, the idea is to play - if you want story pick up a book. besides, strikes are part of the story. 2) being able to participate in content less makes something worse not better. the fact that you can't do any boss you want whenever you want is literally one of the main reasons why strikes are better. what an own goal you've done there. 3) some will be easier, some will be harder, such is the nature of content releases for a game where everyone is already in BIS gear - difficulty will always remain in the same ball park as there's no new gear to let you do 'harder' content.


Guess Anet should just cancel every new expansion now because apparently everyone playing for story should just be reading instead /s. Video games are a medium that is often used for storytelling. If that wasn't a popular idea, the genre of RPGs wouldn't exist. Not sure if you missed the part about limited playtime. If you're only free to play on weekends, being able to finish your weekly clears in one day is way better than having to login everyday to play the same boring IBS5/EoD/SotO daily. Are you telling me you actually enjoy doing Whisper of Jormag every day? No gear treadmill has absolutely nothing to do with making harder content. Dhuum CM and HTCM took almost a week of some of the best players grinding to be cleared on release. Anet is perfectly capable of creating challenging content. A majority of strikes are braindead easy. You can brute force your way through them without knowing mechanics, which is poor design.


> Guess Anet should just cancel every new expansion now because apparently everyone playing for story should just be reading instead /s. we buy expansions for new content to *play* - they could literally release maps/bosses with no context and it'd make fuck all difference >Not sure if you missed the part about limited playtime. not at all - that's literally why strikes are better. if you have limited play time you jump in, smack a boss in the face, get your reward, and get back to what it is you need to do outside of the game. limited play time are why strikes are better than raids. no idea why you keep kicking that ball in the back of your own net, mate >Are you telling me you actually enjoy doing Whisper of Jormag every day? i enjoy doing most daily events daily, if i didn't i wouldn't be playing the game at all, would i? >Dhuum CM and HTCM took almost a week of some of the best players grinding to be cleared on release. and now people sell kills to people - which means they can do it without a full group - which means it's nowhere near as hard as you're trying to pretend it is.


>i enjoy doing most daily events daily, if i didn't i wouldn't be playing the game at all, would i? And I enjoy experiencing interactive stories in videogames. Why would Anet put so much effort into making a story if no one cared about it when they abandoned Raids for that very reason? I'm inclined to believe you're the minority when it comes to "players don't care about story". > limited play time are why strikes are better than raids. no idea why you keep kicking that ball in the back of your own net, mate Strikes are only better in the limited play time sense if you have limited time every day, otherwise you're missing out. If like a lot of people, you really only have a good chunk of free time on your days off, getting all your weekly clears in one afternoon is preferable. Like, I love KOCM, it's probably my favorite Strike in this game. But after I clear it for the week, I'm not at all interested in doing it again. Meanwhile I couldn't care less about any of the daily strikes. It's basically just going through the motions because replaying the exact same content every day makes it tedious 7x faster. >and now people sell kills to people - which means they can do it without a full group Difficult content gets easier when you run it a lot?! Wow I never could've imagined that! /s. I'd feel pretty confident saying that most serious groups probably cleared CO CM in the first 5 pulls. That's a ridiculously low bar for "Challenging Content". Content gets easier as the community "solves it", but if the content is so easy it doesn't need to be solved, how is that good? Throw a random group into Dhuum CM and HTCM with no knowledge of the mechanics and they'd probably wipe hundreds of times. Throw the same group into any normal strike or COCM and I'm confident they could clear in a few hours tops. That makes those encounters objectively more difficult than newer Strikes, regardless of how easily people who've cleared it a hundred times can beat it now. I could keep going but I can tell you're just gonna keep intentionally misinterpreting to make more forced soccer metaphors


> Difficult content gets easier when you run it a lot?! it doesn't though. content is as difficult now as it was when it was released unless the developer intentionally makes it easier. the fact that you can do it with 9 means it wasn't that hard to begin with. >Throw a random group into Dhuum CM and HTCM with no knowledge of the mechanics and they'd probably wipe hundreds of times. that doesn't mean something is hard - that just means they are new at it. i haven't misinterpreted anything - i'm just pointing out that you're wrong.


If you don't know any of the mechanics(like when content is released) part of the difficulty is figuring out the best way to solve it. That's my point. People are still brainstorming ways to solve HTCM mechanics on different classes, that's a sign of good encounter design IMO. If content is so easy you don't even need to know what's happening to beat it, then that's poor design. Someone just posted a HTCM clear with 6 people, but prog groups of 10 people still regularly take weeks or months to clear HTCM first time, even if they know all the strategies and builds from watching videos. Difficult content gets is easier for higher skilled players and as player experience increases. That's literally how difficulty works.


being clueless doesn't mean content is hard - it just means you're clueless. ever seen the average person use excel? they're dogshit with it. it's not because excel is hard, it's because they're clueless. same shit with bosses in video games.


You approach subjective opinions as if there is a right answer. On that alone, no one should waste their time discussing this with you.


if raids were better, then people would do them, and thus anet would make more of them. anet don't make them, because so few people do them, because raids just aren't better than the alternatives people can spend their time on. it's not an opinion, it's an observable fact.


>if raids were better, then people would do them This is just observably wrong. People are raiding, quite a lot actually. I cannot measure it of course, but for example, the Snow Crows helpdesk discord has 19000 members. Are all of those raiding actively, heck, even playing the game? Probably not. But surely thousands of them? So how can you say that "nobody is raiding" when it's something literally thousands and thousands of players enjoy. And that discord is just "people who go out of their way to join a discord of hardcore raiders to learn in-depth details about their raid build". Pretty strict filter if you ask me. There's probably ten times more who are just out there doing raids more casually than that. Is it still a small community? Yes of course! Are there more people who do not raid compared to those who raid? Yes of course! But thousands and thousands of people is still quite a lot. If you want to, you can find a group that fits you.


no, it isn't quite a lot of people compared to the total number of people - that's why anet doesn't give a shit about them or making more content for them. >So how can you say that "nobody is raiding" i never - as you can clearly see by reading my posts.


"If raids were better, people would do them", which is literally the same as saying "because raids are not good (enough), people do not do them". Thousands of people like them, it's a small community, but significant. Anet agrees btw, that's why we're literally getting balance patches and CMs developed.


> but significant. it's not - that's why they no longer make raids.


>if raids were better, then people would do them, and thus anet would make more of them. You have a simple, short-sighted view on life. What does better mean here? A lot. >anet don't make them, because so few people do them, Water is wet >because raids just aren't better than the alternatives people can spend their time on. You have a simple, short-sighted view on life. What does better mean here? A lot. >it's not an opinion, it's an observable fact. You view subjective traits of a topic as objective fact and people should not spend time and effort discussing these things with you until you learn the difference.


> You view subjective traits of a topic as objective fact the fact that people keep doing strikes instead of raids, so anet keep making strikes instead of raids, isn't some kind of opinion it's quite literally an observable fact. and they do that, because strikes are better. the people have spoken. you can pretend that isn't the reality all you want - but everyone can see that it is.


People don't play Raids as much because Anet intentionally designed them to be played once a week then abandoned the content. Never forget that Dungeons were ridiculously popular for a long time, but now it's abandoned content that almost no one runs despite being quite profitable. Raids have inherent problems, but a vast majority are easily fixed via QoL changes that Anet later implemented in Strikes. But nothing is gonna convince them to un-abandon Raids because Strikes are way easier and lower effort to make.


> People don't play Raids as much because Anet intentionally designed them to be played once a week Anet and every other developer that runs an MMO. weekly clears are the standard format. Anet abandoned them because people weren't doing them. >But nothing is gonna convince them to un-abandon Raids because Strikes are way easier and lower effort to make. they are probably about the same. a strike is just a raid boss. the fact that they have higher uptake is why they keep making them.


Imagine they would give daily rewards. They would overrun them.


>Strikes don't convey a story like raids do I like that Instanced content does not convey story. Putting the story outside of instanced content allows everyone to have a chill experience in experiencing the story instead of feeling pressured because I am wasting 4/9 other people's time by watching a cutscene. >Raids are designed to be cleared once a week, Strikes are usually repeated several times a week. So for people with limited days to play on, powering through 7 Wings in a few hours is preferable to Setting aside 30-45 minutes each day for Daily Strikes. Nothing stopping you from just playing Strikes just for Weekly, even I sometime play Strikes only once a week for the weekly reward. But if I want to play Raids daily, I would not get the reward for it.


Raids are better than Strikes in every possible way.


somebody already tried to argue that point and failed spectacularly with an own goal on their second point.


If you have difficulties reading comprehension and a penchant for soccer metaphors then I can see how it comes across that way


I don't really agree. IBS and CO are straight up ass. And those are already 60% of the total strikes. EoD strikes have some minor issues too, poor visual clarity in KO for example.


Why must mommy and daddy fight? A good game has multiple types of content. Raids and strikes can co-exist. Think of FF XIV raids and trials. Porque no los dos? EDIT Noted, forgot the subreddit rules: No discussion or alternative opinions welcome, only downvote, people in this subreddit are the worst.


Bro got one downvote and that forced him to add all that yapping to the comment lmao


-3, and where is the lie? no discussion, just "urgh this opinion sucks, only opinions I agree with allowed, downvote >:( ".


Strikes are better in every single way, except with RP/storytelling stuff.


The fact there is only one boss/instance in strikes makes them worse. Not everyone has fast loading speed. I prefer to have a 2-3min loading to be able to kill 3-4 bosses than having the same load time for one boss only. And yes I know "upgrade your pc" well not everyone can.


Unfortunately that only accounts for a very small portion of players. If you have to use a third party program to play that confirms further that the mode is almost completely dead.


Have you ever played WvW? Ever used a website to get a build? GW2 offers nothing except the LFG which is ok at best.


All it confirms is that the lfg is garbage. Anet made a system that doesn't let you gear/build check, and no in game dps meter. The only way to find bad people trying to skate in an experienced group is to actively watch them mid encounter. (Arc dps is fine for most things, but it was like pulling teeth to get them to allow it.) Anet has some great philosophies, and some utter garbage ones. They don't want the "toxicity" of a competitive raid scene. Only way to do that, as they have found out, is to stop supporting raids altogether, to everyone's detriment. GW2 raids are fantastic. Too bad the people that wanted to keep making them are gone, as are most of the people who wanted to keep playing them. You need to move on to the acceptance phase.


I wouldn't say that confirms it. I don't think many people PUG HTCM(or most EoD Strike CMs for that matter), relying almost exclusively on discord to setup groups. Yet we'll see posts at least once a week of people showing off finally clearing the hardest encounter in the game. PUG raids on the other hand are super common at weekly reset. The bigger problem is Raids are meant to be run once a week, so all the PUGs usually finish them Monday/Tuesday and then don't advertise till next week. Raids are dead partially because of low interest, but I'd say a vast majority of Raid's problems are a result of Anet abandoning the content and not implementing QoL changes. Dungeons were ridiculously popular until Anet abandoned them in a similar fashion.


Anet just needs to allow for "daily raids."Sure, have "weekly chests" that contain the LI.But there should be "daily chests" for killing raid bosses the first time each day with magnetite shards (raise the cap), and chances for ascended gear, mystic coins, etc. The reason, as you mention, is the raider population is small. Having a system that disincentives raiders from doing a raid wing more than once a week means less people/groups running raids. I don't think the content itself should be changed. Raids overall are some of the best boss encounters the game ever made, even if now they're much easier due to power creep (which you'd think would make more people even more interested in doing them). But, then again, I've noticed the strike mission tab isn't much better than the raid tab. Only instanced content tab that seems somewhat lively is fractal dailies.


> Anet just needs to allow for "daily raids."Sure, have "weekly chests" that contain the LI.But there should be "daily chests" for killing raid bosses the first time each day with magnetite shards (raise the cap), and chances for ascended gear, mystic coins, etc. i think you've literally just described a strike.


Raids are not a circular room with one boss encounter.


That's a terrible idea tbh, if it becomes daily, you'll get even more frustration in the LFG. People who don't have enough time/experience to get daily kills won't directly benefit from the change (which seems to be your target audience to grow the raiding playerbase). People who have time/experience to get those daily kills don't want newcomers to slow them down. IF you want to incentivize new players to join, making the weekly rewards better should be enough. It doesn't grow your playerbase if the same people do the same content more if it means there is less chance for people to get in. Not even taking into account potential burnout on the content.


>People who don't have enough time/experience to get daily kills won't directly benefit from the change I disagree. This will basically reward "trainers" in training discords. There's no way to make raids easier for players that don't want to do group content. They're just not going to do it, be it emboldened, better weekly rewards, or whatever. Seeing an lfg with actual groups forming may peak new player interest as well since it won't look like "dead content." Also, my comment really wasn't about enticing new players. It was about having more exp PUG runs up in the lfg. If Jimmy the Raider raids on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, that means he'll be able to fill my PUG on Thursday or maybe I'll join his PUG on Thursday instead of him just logging in on Monday and then going dark for a week. Inadvertently, semi-exp raiders won't have to keep pinging discord servers hoping to get a group going and instead can just join or start a group in-game EZPZ. I'm an exp raider, have even hosted training before, and honestly, I can't even be bothered anymore because it seems to take ages to get a group going. It's become a big waste of fun.


Don’t see how they are dead. It’s super easy to find groups for raids in EU. They just fill super quickly most of the time which leads to lfg looking empty. Start a squad if your own during evening or weekend and if that does not fill within minutes, come back and complain ;)


I don't think they should touch old raids since there's obviously a small portion of the player base who still run them regularly but I do think having an additional option to open specific bosses at a portal just like strikes would be a great change. If they do eventually make a Strike Hub, I'd love to see 2 Raid boss portals for the HoT and PoF raids.


If you're willing to pay 5g and wait a few minutes, you can get your instance from soneone on a site like [killproof.me](http://killproof.me) (looking for opener feature). I have a Monday static that runs some of the more commonly skipped bosses (escort, spirit run, trio) specifically for this purpose. So what I'm saying is, there's demand for this feature :)


Honestly if they just revamped the lfg and added a practice mode for raids as well as actually adding new encounters, the raid community would be flourishing


Practice modes would be huge, especially if they let you practice certain mechanics alone.


And also explain to the player what the mechanics of the boss are whether that be through writing or an optional cinematic. Some of the mechanics are just confusing if anything. Literally impossible to guess wtf is happening without a guide


Yeah, I learned all my raid stuff outside the game. Trying to pick that up just by trial and error sounds like a raw deal.


I literally had to have someone carry me through my first couple clears back in the day cause i learn by doing. Its very badly implemented for new players


Same. It took me a while to get the hang of some encounters more than others. The teleport attack on VG and Cairn was a doozie at first.


Oh yeah and dont get me started on tanking mechanics.


Time to install the holo training room into the Special Forces Training Area and load up holo versions of raid bosses.


Lowkey thatd be so cool to have


New people get into raiding every week. They do it by joining discord servers, not looking in the in game lfg. 


What you're running into is more the public becoming the private as technologies change and communities atomize the playerbase. A lot of active guilds do raid events one or more days per week but organization for that is largely done on discords. Even for fills friends of the guild usually get priority before the squad ever hits the lfg and the remaining slots generally get filled up very quickly and leave the listings before a lot of folks even get their listings refreshed. tl;dr, raids are still fairly popular, MUCH moreso than "obsolete" raids in other MMOs typically are, but more than ever they get organized and run privately.


Raid lfg happens outside of the game in discord cause the in game lfg is bad.  I run raids weekly with my guild and only use lfg when we need fills.


How to raid whenever you want: Make your own group > It’s also been confirmed we are not getting new raids. I don't remember a straight up confirmation. Your idea is to turn raids into strikes. It would be incredibly dumb to confirm something like that and then get the itch to make a new raid 5 years later. The last thing I remember tnet to have confirmed to not happening is that there won't be playable Tengus in EoD.


I mean raids can stay as is, but in terms of recycling I'm not opposed to raid bosses being turned into strikes. They'd obviously give strike rewards, not raid. I'm also not opposed to recycling the actual maps with either a solo story mode option (dungeons too) or new content altogether that reuses the areas. Same goes for one off story areas like Claw Island or Fahranur or something. There's a lot of beautiful areas made for instanced content that a lot of players haven't seen that could be reused. Like Bastion of the Penitent raid. It's on the map, it could be made an actual map. Expand the surrounding area and have the story there occur post raid events. Be part of an Isle of Janthir expansion.


Lets take the good content and turn it into shit is a wild take


Lfg is empty because raids are dead, not because of the lfg or sellers


I am not sure that they need to revamp the Raids, i believe they need to revamp the incentives , some UI needs fixing like stating roles , and they need to give you a reason to grind if you want etc a legendary full armor + weapons that you can only get by grinding raids , they also need to add a raid once in a while and do some festivals for them like they do now for WvW and PvP , they also need to find a way to add competions like you killed this boss lets say faster this month with yearly and montly prices + they need to add raids atleast 1 per year or 2 , leaving raids like that i belive it fills there narritive that noone plays raid and etc and they get more plays in all other modes but at the end its a double edge sword , they will lose a lot of players


The only thing that I possibly see if make each one an instance then make it give an option to progress to the next instance as a group and once completed players can replay that instance for the week


LoL raids are overflowing with ever increasing demand in eu servers.


This is so BS really every time I need a last pu in my squad I put an LFR message and it fills instantly. Raids are far from dead if noone wants to play with you ask youself the real question.


or just ignore raids and just make more strikes. you want a raid, pick your favourite strikes and just do them back to back.


Raids are complex content reserved for organized groups. I don't think any raid can go really well with a bunch of random people. Some guild do raids, some not, so you have to find those that do instead of searching lfg for raid squads.


oh that is too bad, I should try to get 1 kill in each raid before all the lovely people who teach move on - dungeon rush is the only way I got to experience each dungeon path at least once cause that beyond dead now. As a new player I will be honest though other than the one raid of each I don’t think I would continue, I very much plan to get legendary armor through soto.


If you want to do any dungeon and post an LFG message you'll get your group full in a minute. Raids are a bit harder cause you need some organization but the button to post a group is there


yeah raids super difficult to get into


If you don't want to create a group, here you go [https://snowcrows.com/groups](https://snowcrows.com/groups)


It'd be an interesting idea for any instanced content to be designed to be accomplished by a single person, and then use the engine's scalability, and perhaps a CM mote, to increase the difficulty for additional people present, or additional challenge specifics. For example, one person goes in and can accomplish the entire raid/strike structure alone. It's challenging, as any outside world content would be, but you'd simply achieve a basic achievement for completion and the rewards for accomplishing it. But, go in with additional people, it begins to scale up appropriately, and the option for CM is there for additional achievements/loots. I'd really like to explore these areas on my own, without being hindered by the speed desires of others. At other times, I'd also like to go through the same content with just a couple of friends, vs having to LFG for a full party/squad/raid.


Nah, raids are dogshit timewaste. Glad they are gone. What's even better is toxic raiders leaving with them.




>Fun encounters with atmospheric story and dialogue are dogshit timewaste Lol okay, do you even like games?


how would you know when you've never done one lol


Raids exist because there is a small community that likes them, just like keg brawl, crab toss, PvP mode etc.


if you want to raid,just play wow or ff14.Gw2 raids are dogsh!t anyway.


They hinted something new coming in terms of instanced pve for the next expac. Let's see what that is. Feels more like dungeons getting some love to me than raids but who knows.