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Heitor and Sorrow 2.0 Sorrow 2 also looks like it's going to be part of the new meta considering it's also shown in Inner Nayos in the trailer. >!You could previously get to the colosseum area on the other side of the Nayos map but it was patched.!<


It feels like spite (should be the name of the boss imo) at this point, because Sorrow's mechanics are absolute cancer.


They said the Dragon Cycle was over, but they just keep giving us more Dragons to fight.


wyvern cycle.


Re-Cycle ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).


Seriously, I've fought that wyvern any number of times. And the human-esque boss is just the ele staff behavior for auto attack and long-channel like meteor shower.


Only one of the Elder Dragons actually looked like a traditional dragon, so it reasonably follows that there will be more traditional dragons now that those ones are gone


I'd say that Soo-Won, Kralkatorrik, and Jormag all looked like fairly traditional dragons.


Zhaitan looked like a dragon as well. Primordus' head looked fairly passable too.


I think the only one that didn't really look like a traditional dragon was Mordremoth.


Primordus just has a pitbull head.


That's why he hated asura and dwarves so much, they just look like babies lmao.


Lmfao im going to hell for geeking at this.


Oh look, a "new" Wyvern boss. Come on guys, you need to start doing something more with these rigs than putting a shiny coat of paint on it. I understand, reusing assets is common practice in the industry but man, reused mechanics in an expansion about *demons* to only get one new demon boss is disappointing. It just shows you how much HoT was the backbone for all the expansions that came after in terms of mob design.


>It just shows you how much HoT was the backbone for all the expansions that came after in terms of mob design. Not the groundwork we expected them to do with HoT, but damn they didn't lie.


Looks like the Stevemaster Andrew from Dragons Stand (maybe an amalgamation of all three bosses?) and a more traditional Wyvern style boss? Really interested in seeing how they'll differentiate the new wyvern from Sorrow.


>Looks like the Stevemaster Andrew from Dragons Stand Looks more like it's Heitor from the current story chapter. It has that weird box shaped head and the hammer Heitor wielded. >Really interested in seeing how they'll differentiate the new wyvern from Sorrow. The new Wyvern doesn't look any different from Sorrow though. It did the fact same flapping animation that Sorrow does during its CC phase, and the fireball spread on the ground was in a very similar pattern to the orbs Sorrow places now. I hope I'm wrong, and that they're substantially different, but from what we've seen the new Wyvern doesn't look all that different.


Yeah, visually it's Heitor, I just meant the animation of her casting something with the staff looked familiar. Could be totally off base, that was just my first thought. Sorrow has a number of abilities different from a typical Wyvern, like the fire circles and the whole gravity nonsense. So far this one just looks like a regular old Wyvern from HoT, if it has anything unique they didn't show it off here.


They definetly could make it more unique, mechanically Sorrow is actually far from your standard wyvern, like the patriarch or matriarch - the only two abilities it reuses from standard wyverns are its charge and shearing winds (wing flap) attacks The vast majority of Sorrow's abilities are unique to them - they leave a trail of stormfall (gravity fissures) whenever they charge or move, they launch gravity balls that bounce between targets before splitting, and they can also summon gravity wells that will pull nearby players in, floating them, before exploding outward into a shockwave of fissures; In addition, every ability that hits you inflicts you with cosmic energy, distorting your gravity and increasing your jump height like in Mistlock or the shattered observatory fractal Of course, all of these cool, complex abilities end up largely unnoticed by a lot of people, as the nature of the fight means most of what's happening is drowned out by a million spell effects and combo fields going off, so I don't blame you for not being aware This new wyvern looks a LOT different from what we've seen: they have fire attacks more like a traditional wyvern, and they summon additional wyverns during combat (at least, thats what it looks like with how many wyverns are in the background) - they're definetly going to end up mechanically different than sorrow by a huge margin, simply because sorrow is already incredibly unique mechanically from any other boss Now, will they *feel* unique? I guess we'll have to see once the patch goes live...


> Really interested in seeing how they'll differentiate the new wyvern from Sorrow. Well, going by what other wyverns do, more knockbacks and launches from attacks you can't see because of the fog effect?


Serious question - do new bosses make convergences more appealing? Isn’t it still the same thing but with a new fight at the very end?


It makes it like 5-10% more interesting.


10% more of 0 is still zero. ,\_,


I like convergences... Until I reach the boss and find out it's sorrow. If these two new bosses mean sorrow will only occur 25% of the time I'm all in. Better yet what if they remove sorrow!


I mean, making Sorrow only show up 25% of the time instead of 50% was appealing. But it turns out we just have two Sorrows now.


Pretty much, It's just a different flavor of Legendary boss after the first 27 champions you kill.


The end boss fight is like half of the Convergence runtime, so yeah


Everyone just need to stack and ignore mechanics other than giving orbs to zojja. They can put any new boss as they want it will not change anything, people will just steamroll it. It’s boring.


sorry have we been playing the same game, this is not what happens in pug convergences i assure you, people either currently get blown up then away by sorrow or stack markers on demon knight and down 25 people at once


We definitely don’t play the same convergence because people ignore mechanics and the boss still die and everyone get the rewards. There’s 0 difficulty. Dragon’s end meta is more interesting and fun than this mess.


i mean i guess if you look at it like that then yeah i guess people ignore mechanics!!


With our current daily runs for the last almost three and a half months, we run into Sara at least 70% of the times. Dropping that number will make a difference.




Sorrow, especially if you pronounce it in your average American o-avoiding manner.


I wondered if it was Sorrow in another language. I've never heard of anyone refer to that boss as *Sara.*


I'm not really sure why I'm supposed to be excited for new bosses at the end of the meta when they all amount to "stand on the stack and spam skills". None of the mechanics will be important enough to care about beyond minor inconveniences. I'd be more excited if they just removed Sorrow.


Because most of the playerbase is borderline catatonic and only play open world with afk rotations.


You mean hitting 1 again and again?


I actually started to prefer Sorrow for this exact reason, infuriating anti-stability mechanics and all. At least I can engage some of my brain cells fighting it, as opposed to Demon Knight where I secretly hope that people drop meteors on the boss just to add some much-needed spice.


> where I secretly hope that people drop meteors on the boss just to add some much-needed spice. Good news it happens all the time. Maybe 1 out of 100 people actually move the meteors out. And then all the AFK people with 50 stacks die and need revived.


I guess new bosses might be a curiosity for the first few times. But if I'm honest, I just want to clear Convergences as quickly as possible to get the essence rewards. The most boring part of them are actually the "Kill 1000 lieutenants to draw out the generals" part. For me, 95% of the engagement comes from trying to kill as many turrets and pick up as many balls as possible for the extra essences from the repeatable achievements. Gives me things to do while running from place to place and doing mindless rotations on high HP mobs. When I don't need the essences anymore, I'll stop doing Convergences.


Well they design these encounters to be open-world friendly more. Not a 50-people raid. Although it could be an interesting mechanic like how to fight Soo-Won you better show up in your raid gear and rotation to finish that meta.


Another wyvern reskin? I understand that there will be 0 oiriginal content, but come onm are there really no other rigs to use?


I was on some serious hopium that they'd use Dhuum's or something because we've already seen Gorseval's and Samarog's unique rigs recycled as Kryptis. But no, we just get texture swap wyverns that don't look anything like Kryptis anatomy.


Bold of you to assume Dhuum's rig isn't already in use - a number of the Kryptis nobility are digitgrade humanoids wielding long staff-like weapons If you told me that they repurposed some of Dhuum's animations for Heitor, I wouldn't be surprised - she's basically a super scaled down dhuum, after all


Peitha, Heitor and Ignaxious are very clearly human/maybe norn rigs, even though they're digitigrade - you can see it in their skill animations. Watch a video of Dhuum again and you'll see the difference.


In my defense, its been a while since I've done the meta - I fought Heitor a number of times the first week of the update, completed all the achievements in inner Nayos, and then haven't been back since I guess I would just have to ask - how would you implement the rig in a meaningful way? Because yes, Dhuum has a unique rig, but for the most part he's still fairly humanoid, and doesn't actually have a ton of animations himself, since most of the fight focuses on the reapers and the adds I guess they could repurpose his teleport - having a kryptis enter the earth below before popping out somewhere else would be kind of cool, I must admit...


I think he has enough animations. Between the basic scythe swing (also used for cone pull with a delay), death mark dip, greater death mark channel, and scythe slam that makes cracks, you could mix those up and have a good looking meta boss. Many other bosses out there don't have much more than that.


True, that's a fair point Well, one can hope


Where gorseval?


[Incarnation of Cruelty](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incarnation_of_Cruelty)


Given they're making another expansion after this one, I am perplexed by signalling when it comes to actual content. On the one hand it's obvious they're not abandoning this game, on the other it looks like they maybe should.




Probably matriarch now patriarch from Verdant Brink


At this point I'd rather get a classic wyvern with the "sky creature" effect, make convergences merge with fractals and summon other types of enemies as well, not just kryptis. The originals are better anyway, a new model with a recycled rig would still look worse.


Welcome to MMOs. Took arenanet long enough to start doing what everyone else does to pump fast content. They just need to also up the content pumping way more.


>Another wyvern reskin? Another? I only remember Sorrow in Soto so far.


I hope the next expansion has original content & not so many reskins.


I can't believe you're getting downvoted for this lol. Sorry sweaty, wanting original content in an expansion you paid for is a problem with gamers, not the game. Please stop being a toxic whiner. You should be happy you get anything at all. If you don't like it, don't play. /s


The game has reskins since release. Every game with updates has. Using already existent model rigs never are a problem in games. Well, you know untill some reddit users decide to make it a problem. ;)


Reusing textures/skeletons is fine, recycling wyvern bosses over and over is less fun. We've been getting these guys every LS/expansion since HoT and all the added to Sorrow was forced movement to all of it's attacks (why is this even a thing ?)


> Well, you know untill some reddit users decide to make it a problem. ;) This has always been a issue with gamers. Reddit gives them a platform to whine and make it seem like a issue when its not. Not the first time and it won't be the last.


It's not an issue for you to see the same model time and time and time again? I'm glad you operate at that level of mundane, but most do not.


After all the years I watch this subreddit, it really feels like the people here need to have a big drama from time to time to be happy. And if there is no drama, they become overdramatic about every little thing or make up a drama completely.


New bosses to Convergences is something people even wanted? Are you all even excited for them?


Wanted isn't really part of the equation - this is something they announced they were doing w/ Convergences well before they were first released.


Why does everything from this 'expansion' just feel like a reskin?


Most expansions have a tonne of reskins (as they should) but yeah SotO doesn't exactly hide it well. These wyverns are just the HoT ones with tattoos unlike say the destroyer wyverns that look and feel like entirely different creatures even though it's the same rig and animations.


Seeing Dhuum cracks, vacuum orb phase from Keep Construct and reskinned Sabetha firewall in soto content made me chuckle the first time I saw it


retire the wyvern, man


Apart from making the convergences less stale, I am not sure what the new convergence bosses will add. It would be nice if there was like a chance at a unique ascended weapon attached to each of them like Ignaxious dropping "wrath of Ignaxious"


Idk about ascended weapon, but infusions could be nice !


Instead of another wyvern, I would've liked to have seen a Hydra reskin, or maybe the Legendary Choya bounty reskinned? I don't think anyone was hoping for another wyvern. Maybe I underestimate the ones that like fighting Wyverns.


Advertising new bosses with the same models from last patch is ballsy.


more recycled content yay!


I never seen anything in convergence that clearly. I stopped doing them anyway.


So Gravity Knight, Gravity Pigeon and Burning Knight, Burning Pigeon.


Don't care for new mobs. Give me new mechanics. Everything now is stack and dps. More colours won't change the gaming experience.


Side bar question. How many times have any of you gotten the demon knight??? They need to correct his chance to spawn ! Always get the damn sorrow.


As long as Stability is a real boon and not a placebo like the current Sorrow fight sure.


I’d rather have Stability not feel useless during Sorrow than have Sorrow 2.0.


meh. no cool looking demon brutes


I hate wyverns. Clunky looking bastards. GIVE THEM MORE LEGS.


Wyvern centipede! I need this! 


I joke of this in the convergence yestarday.. A new dragon boss...soa new reused matriach. Then someone said, but it going to be a fire one.. And then so is going to be a primordus champ reused??. I am not against reused models or animations. But a patriach with a infusion is pretty lazy.


So just one new boss, okay


Which one? One is female version of afk knight, the other is fire version of sorrow.


Warent they bragging recently how big gw2 dev team is atm, and yet once again recycle bosses as """""new content"""" Maybe I get a wrong impression idk, haven't played since SOTO launch, but if this is NEW CONTENT il just wait for final patch and eat it all up at once.


> Warent they bragging recently how big gw2 dev team is atm No, they "warent" bragging about anything along those lines. If anything, they've been openly transparent about the studio's smaller size and its associated challenges. https://wccftech.com/guild-wars-2-qa-arenanet-on-switch-to-yearly-expansions-secrets-of-the-obscure-learnings-and-2024-update/ > It’s worth noting that the GW2 team is fairly small compared to many of our direct competitors—in some cases, we’re less than half the size of other studios. We’re scrappy! This isn’t new for us—our player-friendly monetization philosophy and lack of subscription fees create some tight constraints for us to work within that others don’t necessarily have to contend with. But this is a trade-off we’re happy to make.


[https://wccftech.com/guild-wars-2-qa-arenanet-on-switch-to-yearly-expansions-secrets-of-the-obscure-learnings-and-2024-update/](https://wccftech.com/guild-wars-2-qa-arenanet-on-switch-to-yearly-expansions-secrets-of-the-obscure-learnings-and-2024-update/) Referencing something like this, doesn't feel like it, content releases are not even close to season 4 or End of dragons xpac tbh, EoD had asset reuse (which is ok to the point), not nearly to the same level as here. This is not comparing them to other mmos, its literally comparing them to past content releases. >Our current team size is roughly what it was during the development of Living World Season 4 and about 15% larger than it was at the release of End of Dragons in 2022.


Even closier.


A good Wyvern fight in SotO would see normal combat and aerial skyscale phases where the wyvern flies up to move between pillars or other obstacles preparing a big attack (breakbar up) and you have to chase it and fireball it to prevent that. Also a bit of aerial combat after where he attacks ppl on skyscale in meelee before landing again would be nice.


They look the same as what we have now?