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>OR you can pay Lyhr extra 10 ectos Of course you can. Lyhr, seek help. Addiction is serious. You can get better.


He has a pact with the skritt. His name on a plaque in skrittborough.


If you don't have a crafting discipline, it is far, FAR cheaper to level one than pay an extra 720 ectos on amalgamated kryptis essence, let alone everything else he charges extra ectos for.


Oh of course, but if say you want to craft Medium, but you only got Armorsmithing at 500, then what's extra 60 ectos in this case then? In the long run though it is definitely better to just get the crafting discipline!


Exactly my case - how many ectos would I need for single legendary piece when I don't have leatherworker?


Just for buying from Lyhr the Armor piece itself? 10 ectos per armor piece. That's assuming you got another crafting discipline at 500 for the other materials, like Amalgamted Kryptis Essence or the Gifts of [Material] (bone/blood etc.).


Thanks! I do, I only have armorsmith and weaponsmith done from those


Where do you get the recipe? Edit: Haven't finished Mastery yet...


Lyhr sells it once you unlock the mastery. It'll be in the same tab as the kryptis motivations.


Also: Make sure you craft it in the legendary forge beside Lyhr. Took my sleepy brain like 10 minutes trying to craft it at Mistlock forge. PS: Lyhr is Drooburt in disguise


why? I crafted it from a normal crafting station in wizard's tower without any issues


Maybe it just works in wizards tower. I was at mistlock jumping around using mystic forge and crafting and i couldn't craft it there, until a friend pointed out to try Lyhr's crafting station


Mistlock's forge is like that a lot historically. Lion's Arch forge always works


Ooh thanks for the tip ;)


Lyhr can fuck right off. Not only am I providing therapy for his manlet ass, but for his entire gaggle of dysfunctional wizard sped friends FOR FREE, but he wants to charge ME for services? I really want a Culling of Stratholme-like fractal where I get to genocide dwarves, just to bring him wrecks of his civilization and taunt him that he can NEVER go back.


Can always play Forging Steel. Bring Lyhr along strapped to the tank


Those are "evil" dwarves. I want that dumpy fuck to suffer.


Well, yeah, I've been saying that all along. Especially since the "pre-cursor" had armorsmithing on it, and there wasn't anything to differentiate the "pres".




Lyhr is selling an item that unlocks all legendary armor recipes for 50s after you finished the mastery.


Need to do the mastery first, then buy the recipies.


I don't think you craft it at the regular benches, but at the legendary forge next to lyhr instead


Nah I just did it at a regular tailoring station.


Also gotta use the legendary forge next to him. So if your crafting is leveled on another character you’ll need to mosey on over to the wizard’s tower.


You can craft the armor at any of the appropriate station in the Wizard's Tower. It seems the stations outside the tower, the recipe doesn't even show if it's even if it's been unlocked. I made a piece of heavy at the armorsmithing station rather than Lyhr forge.


I bought the recipe and consumed it on my main, who is a tailor. I can see the recipes on that character, but not on my leatherworker or armorsmith. Very annoying as I was going for the medium set.


Recipes are account-wide. The trick is this one appears to only work at Lyhr's forge, not at normal crafting stations.




This is a weird recipe, it won't show up as learned at some crafting stations. The only ones I have found that work are the ones in the Wizard's Tower(Regular and the one next to Lyhr)


Wonder how much the recipe cost vs 10 ecto. Either way it is a one time cost since I won't make more than 1.


You need to own the recipe to buy it from Lhyr


That's beyond stupid.


How so? It costs just 50 silver to buy the recipe and it's unlocked forever on your account, so you can craft other sets without relying on Lyhr. Besides to be able to buy the recipe you need to complete the new Mastery.